My Best Friend’s Baby Cousin Ch2 [Plot] [Teasing] [Age Gap] [

Part One: [](

I grimace thinking of how fast this can go sideways.

“Come on. It will be fun. We can tell each other secrets and in a couple weeks or so I’ll be in another state with no one to tell. You can air all your dirty laundry and get it off your chest. Therapeutic and fun.”

That smile beats my reason. “Okay. It does sound fun.”

“Let’s start.” He hands me a shot glass, takes the bottle, pours and toasts. “First drink is free.”

We knock back at the same time and he pours himself another. “Your first question, what is my website… Okay, warning, it’s sexual. If you want to hear, I’ll spill, but if you don’t, I’ll drink.”

*Hmm, sexy talk right out the gate or not knowing what this website is that makes him money?* “Can we circle back?”


“No? That’s not fun.”

He chuckles. “It is for me. Now or never.”

“Fine. What is it?”

“It’s called and it is not about cats.”

My mouth drops. “What the fuck! No fucking way. You run a porn site?”

“Hey, hey, hey! It’s my turn.” He fills my glass. “What’s your cup size?”


He bellows a deep rumbling laugh. “You can drink if you don’t want to say.”

I take my shot. There’s no way I’m going to get into that with him.

“That’s one drink. Four more and you can dare me.”

“Is the site fucking porn?”

He smiles wide and waves his hand, beckoning me to follow him into the living room, so I do. He sits on the couch and I take my seat next to him but I sit on my legs with my knees facing him.”

“It is technically a porn site but it’s not. It’s a dating service. It helps cougars find guys and vise-versa. But because people can upload pics and gifs and even short one-minute clips, it falls in the jurisdiction of a porn site.”

“How much—”

Jack holds his hand up. “God damn, girl. Learn what a turn is.”

I grunt in frustration. “Fine. Go!”

“Do you like the way I smell?”

“Oh my god, Jack! You’re a fucking shit. You said the game wouldn’t be sexy.”

“No. I said the dares couldn’t be sexy. Never said the truths wouldn’t be.”

I knock back another shot, not about to tell him he smells like a fucking spicy treat.

He nods and chuckles. “That’s two.”

“How much money do you make?”

“Are you asking how much I personally make, or how much the site makes?”

I frown at his attempt to fuck up my question, but damn it, I want both. “Both.”

“I think that’s two questions.”

“It’s not! Just tell me.” I whine and smack his shoulder.

“The site has a two subscription functions, the cougars and the young.”

“The young? You mean the guys?”

“Cougars mainly go after guys, but we allow women on the site, too. It’s for anyone who wants to meet up with older women. The cougars pay five dollars a month, and the young pay fifteen. The thing is, the site is *super* interactive. A lot of the young aren’t even trying to meet up, they just want the fantasy, the role play. They’re basically paying to have the fantasy confirmed, since the cougars are all age verified.”

“How do you verify?”

“That’s another question. Not giving you that one for free. And if you don’t learn to wait your turn, you’re going to have to take another shot.”

“If I take a shot, you’ll answer?”

Jack’s eyes drift to the side and he smiles. “I’ll allow it.”

I take another shot. The warm liquid sloshes through me and my insides grow warm.

“Okay.” Jack smiles, his eyes sparkling in the dim light. “We get their drivers license on sign up, for age verification. Then we have them send pictures of themselves holding a code that we sent them. That way we know they’re legit and not someone else faking it. *Anyway*, to answer your original questions. The company is making between thirty to thirty-two million a month.”

*Holy fuck!*

“I have a small team of developers to make updates and fix bugs, but I have a larger team of moderators to keep the conversations on track. I outsource some of my other departments, like HR, to companies that help with small businesses. After all that, I go home with about…” He glances at me sideways and his lips pull up at their edges. He takes a drink.

“No! No, Jack.” I grip his arm and shake him. Well, not really. I shake the part of his arm that my tiny hands grip. “Fuck. You little fucking bastard.”

“What part of me is little?” He raises a brow to add to that sexy smirk.

I hold my pinky up and let it curve.

He laughs. “You got me. That’s why I’m a single multi-millionaire, small dick. Alright my turn. Shit, should I give you another drink, or should I make it a question you might actually answer?”

“Maybe I’ll drink no matter what,” I say, even though I’m feeling loose and floaty.


God, that fucking grin. If he was anyone else, I’d fucking tackle him and kiss those perfect lips.

“If you could have any mythological creature be real, what would it be?”

“What? That’s a fucking dumb question.” I laugh.

“If you answer, it will tell me everything I need to know about you.”

Something in the way his eyes harden makes me believe it will tell him what he needs to know. Fuck… Should I answer, or take another shot? “Umm… I don’t know. A fairy?”

“Is that the fun, pretty fairy, or the Grimm Fairy Tales fairy that tricks and kills people?”

“That’s another question.”

He takes another shot.

“Fuck. The cute kind, like in Zelda.”

“Right on. Yeah, like a little guide.” He leans over and whispers, “Like a good little angel on your shoulder. Says a lot about you.”

I sneer. “Bull shit. I just said the first thing that came to mind.”

“Which is your truest answer. Your turn.”

“Do you message the cougars, too?”

“Nah, I’m into older women, but not that much older. Cougars have to be thirty-five plus. I wouldn’t go any higher than thirty.”

I raise my brow. *Of course.*

“My turn. Would you like a foot massage, right now?”

I want to frown and huff and berate him, but damn, a foot rub, from a hulking muscle-bound tank like Jack? “When we watch the movie.”

He nods, his eyes traveling up and down, undressing me.

I should admonish him but who cares. He’s not trying to fuck, and it’s nice to be so clearly wanted by someone who’s actually desirable himself. “So, you have a porn site, but you’re not even into it. How does that happen?”

“I owned the name. I bought a bunch of names when I was young, like, we’re talking ’92 when they all went on sale. I got a ton of animal names. I sold a few off for a good amount of money which helped me make the game site. But I like big cats, so, I kept a lot of those. None did me any good except cougar.” He stares at me for a moment and then smirks. “Good job.”

My brow furrows in confusion. “Good job on what?”

“You finally learned what a turn is.”

“Oh my god,” I exclaim, throwing my head back in frustration. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Why’d you break up with your last boyfriend?”

My breath catches at the sternness in his voice more than the question itself. “Jack. That…” It is part of the game. And he’s right, he’ll be gone in a couple weeks, what would it matter if he knows? But the reason is so embarrassing! I sigh and shake my head. “It— We just didn’t match.” I can’t say it. Even if Jack goes away, just saying why I dumped Kevin out loud will be too much. If saying I’d make fairies real told him everything about me, this would tell him even more!

He takes a drink. “Then why’d you get together?”

I roll my eyes and fall forward, letting my head bump into his big shoulder. “God damn it, Jack. We got together because we were a good fit, we broke up because he couldn’t cut it in bed. He has a tiny dick like you.”

Jack barks a laugh. “Ah, yes. TDS. Tiny Dick Syndrome. I know the pain and suffering all too well. You know, he was probably really trying his best for you. I find it funny that women say so often that it’s the thought that counts, but when they don’t orgasm, suddenly the thought is booted out the door with us poor little lads.”

I tilt my head back and roar with laughter. When I settle, I gaze into Jack’s dancing eyes and I recognize the fun in them, because I’m having fun, too.

“Your turn,” he says.

“How many drinks are we at?”

“We’re both at three. Once we start the movie, you’ll be slamming drinks, so you can dare me then.”

“Fine. Are you really not trying to sleep with me?”

Jack’s eyes hold mine, his face stern and his enticing lips straight. He lifts his drink and knocks it back. “Four. One more and I get the option of dare. Don’t think I won’t use it.” He smiles and refills his glass. “How bad do you want to see me with my shirt off.”

There’s no chance in hell I’m going to be honest about that. I take a shot.

He nods. “I figured.”

The warmth of the drinks has me on a sunny beach with the softest sand holding me. My cheeks are burning and my brain floats in the spicy concoction. “If I let you fuck me, how would you do it?”

Jack shakes his head and lifts his drink.

*No! That’s no fun!*

He stops, right as the amber liquid touches his lips, then he puts it down. “I’d start off by getting you warmed up. Back massage, foot rub. Maybe we watch a movie or have a stimulating conversation while my hands glide over you.”

I can only imagine what those big, strong hands might do to me.

“Really pull you in with each grip and squeeze, making you relax, building that trust that we already have. Then I’d incorporate kissing, along your neck and spine, or the tops of your feet and toes.”

“You’re into feet?”


I giggle and bite my lip before taking a drink.

He turns to me and leans in, running a finger over my cheek and chin. “I love the shape of women.” Down my neck. “Every part is so perfect and beautiful.” Along my shoulder. “Every curve and line so tantalizing.” Down my arm and then to my stomach, slipping dangerously close to the bottom of my breasts. “So inviting.” His finger jumps to my thigh and slides down to my knee, lighting my skin on fire in the process. “I’m not *into* feet, but I love women’s bodies, including their feet.”

I swallow the large amount of saliva pooling in my mouth. “Then what would you do?”
