Bank Heist

Setting the scene. You’re a bank manager in a small town. Normally a little bank like yours wouldn’t have enough cash to be worth robbing, but this small town is almost completely made up of the elite 1%. At any given time the vault has about 3-5 million in cash. Even with that much it’s still peanuts compared the the billions the residents are worth. All the cash in the vault could barely even buy a house in the neighborhood.

It’s not uncommon for one of the locals to call the bank ahead of time to request a larger cash amount be made available for special purchases. In fact you processed a cash order last week for $200 million for Mr. Fox. The wonderful part about having all these filthy rich clients is they provide their own security and transportation. So this is just a typical Friday for you. You almost completely forget that there’s over 200 million sitting in the vault; why would you even need to worry? You’re the only one with the vault combination and credentials to open one of the world’s most secured vaults.

The day flies right by and at about 4:30 you start to wonder where Mr. Fox is. He’s usually there early enough to not keep you passed 5pm when the bank closes. Maybe he got tied up at work. You order your two tellers to start wrapping up for the day.

It’s 4:55 and at this point you decide that Mr. Fox probably isnt—

*He bursts through the doors*
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to keep yo—

** 3 loud bangs ring out **

The sound is so loud you grip your ears and in the split second it takes to realize what happened. You’re ripped by your hair and dropped straight to the floor.

Your screams are incoherent as your eyes focus in on your coworker dead on the floor with a hole in her head. You don’t need to look the other way. You know they shot both coworkers and Mr. Fox. In the split second it takes to process you’re being pulled up by your hair, handcuffed behind your back. You scramble to get your feet under you as your sense of hearing slowly fades back in.

*Masked man slams you against the wall next to the vault*

You can hear him screaming but can’t make out the words. Another man steps in grabbing your mouth completely silencing you as tears run down your face.

“You’re going ….. in…… vault.”

You’re not stupid, despite your hearing loss you know what they want. Your mind races *maybe if I let them in they won’t kill me* but how can you open the vault with your hands cuff—

It’s like they are reading your mind. One hand is freed from the cuff and you eagerly put it on the dial. Like the many times you’ve opened the vault before you quickly turn the dial opening the first layer of the vault. Two masked men enter. You must not have realized they took your credentials, all they would need to open the vault. The last man stays with you. Cuffing your hands again and pushing your back against the wall. 200 million in the vault but his eyes are looking you up and down like you’re the score.

His hands begin to wander, down your shoulders, groping your tits. One hand reaches up your skirt. You try to knee him in the balls but he blocks it, grabs his pistol and fires a shot in the air. With one hand he grabs your neck and brings the pistol up your skirt. You can feel the smoking hot barrel and start to whimper, begging for it not to touch your skin. Your tears do nothing but turn him on as his hand, back up your skirt, shoves two fingers into your pussy. You can see nothing but his menacing eyes and a smug grin as he chokes and fingers you. You don’t want to like it, but it starts to feel good, your pussy gets wet and one little flicker of your eyes and he knows you’re enjoying it.

He starts to kiss you, sticking his tongue in your mouth, fingering your wet pussy even harder. The combination of fear and impending orgasm has you frozen. You feel light headed and your legs wobble, you can’t believe you’re forcefully made to cum completely against your will. The man removes his fingers, sucking them dry one by one. He turns you around, you hear him grab his gun before everything goes black.

You come to wrists chained above your head to the ceiling. You’re completely naked. Looking around it’s just an abandoned warehouse. The chains above you rattle around and quickly you realize you’re not alone.

“Please you got the money just let me go!” You scream.

“It’s not always about money” says the man as he steps out of the shadows.

“What do you want!?!? I can’t give you anything else. Let me go please!!” You shriek.

“I think there’s something you can give me. Remember what I did to you in the bank?” The man’s grin back on his face.

You stumble on your words. You know you came in the bank even if it was against your will. You can’t respond before his hand is once again exploring your body. Teasing your nipples, grabbing your hips, a light press against your clit. This time you’re determined you won’t enjoy it. His hands become more firm on your breasts and his fingers explore your pussy.

“You don’t have to hide it. I know you like it. I know you’re going to cum again.. and this time you’re going to make me cum.”

Just as he’s finishing his sentence you can feel his hard cock brush up against you. Despite all your efforts the man once again has your pussy wet.

The man laughs in your face, using your own wet pussy to lube his cock before stepping behind you. You scream as his huge dick is forced inside you. He holds nothing back as he fucks you hard from behind. You try to move your body away but he grips your hips and thrusts even harder. You want nothing to do with him and you definitely don’t want to enjoys this, but your body begins to go limp, your mind starts to drift and against your will you start to enjoy his cock stretching your tight pussy. Nothing the man does even registers in your brain anymore. He beats your ass red, pinches your nipples, bites your neck and shoulders. But you feel none of it. All you feel is the building orgasm. The more you fight it the closer it gets. Your muscles spasm, your pussy grips hard, until your in a full blown convulsion. You cum so hard you feel it running down your leg creating a puddle on the floor.

The man groans as if the only thing holding back his orgasm was yours. His pace slows dramatically. He pushes hard and deep, each thrust pumping your pussy full of hot cum.

He pulls away with one last groan before stepping in front of you pulling his pants. He takes a few steps back before pulling a ring of keys from his pocket and dropping them to the floor, just out of reach.

As he’s walking away,

“Whether you realize it or not. That was just as worth it as that vault. If you can do what you have to causing pain to yourself maybe you’ll find your freedom.”
