GF Tried and Failed to Cuck Me [mdom] [fsub] [dick enlargement] [cuckold]

So this is a little different to stories I see on here. I see a lot of guys getting cucked and a few where it’s from the bull’s POV, but I’ve yet to see a story of a situation where a woman tried and failed to cuck. My (M34) GF (F26) tried to cuck me but failed and it’s fucking hilarious.

So my gf is Morgan, she’s my ideal body type. Big curly red hair (think the movie Brave) with a great body, 36DD-28-38. She keeps in shape with dancing and yoga. Amazingly flexible.

I’m not as stellar as she is in the body department. I’m rich. I’m in shape but really only my arms and kind of my chest. I’m six foot even and I weigh 160 so I’m fairly thin. I used to be 180 when I was in my early twenties, we’ll come back around to that later. The other thing is I have a fairly good dick. It’s seven inches, it’s got an okay thickness, though, nothing to go crazy over. 5.5 inches around.

As some of you might know, there is a penis enlargement surgery where you can get your dick fatter. Technically there’s an elongation surgery too, but I felt like that one had more risk involved and seven inches is an inch more than enough. More on this later.

So Morgan and I (Michael) have been together for about a year. We have good sex but it has been getting less and less stellar over that period of time. I gave Morgan the best orgasm of her life the first time we hooked up and she’s been chasing that high ever since, but we just never got it to happen since it was a three month build where I kept holding off while I vetted her. (Guys vet your ladies.) So we had this crazy period of just teasing and sexting and getting so close but then stopping right before we’d have sex. A year later, we had sex almost every day but because she kept wanting more, she started adding toys and they got bigger and bigger.

This is when I started looking into the surgery on my own. I wanted to surprise her, but I wasn’t sure how since there’s like a month-long period to heal up. So, the idea came to me that I could take a ‘business trip,’ get the surgery, and tell Morgan that we could get that high again if we just held off fucking.

She was surprisingly open to the idea at first, but when I told her that meant she couldn’t use her toys, she went against the idea but came around the next day. I set up the surgery before this so when the surgery was coming up, I brought up the idea. So I go on the trip, get the surgery and come back.

Unknown to me, while I’m away, Morgan met up with her friend Gloria (and some others) for a girls’ night. Morgan is very loyal person, but it depends on who came first. Gloria came before me. So, when Gloria heard the idea of no sex only making out, she laughed at the idea and plants the seed that Morgan should get a bigger man.

“It’s only because he had a bigger dick than Zach. That’s why your first time was so good. Now that you’re used to it, you need a bigger dick, hun.”

Gloria is a great best friend, but she’s ruthless to the rest of the world. I just wish that her love of Morgan would extend to me since I’m with Morgan.

Anyway, she plants the seed that week and when I get home, I hide all my medicine and dick wrap in the basement bathroom that Morgan never uses.

Over the next week, Morgan falls into the trap completely and she schemes with Gloria to get a big dick guy. I know nothing about this of course, so I’m spending my time going on dates and dinners and all the things you do when you’re trying to get in a woman’s pants. This creates a mix of emotion, so Morgan keeps calling it off with Gloria but then turning around and moving forward. Back and forth, back and forth.

It’s about a week before I can use my enhanced dick and Morgan is so cock teased and crazy for it that she moves forward with Gloria finally and gets a bull.

They set things up for the exact same day I’m finally going to fuck her. I’d told Morgan that we’d be able to fuck two days later so that I could surprise her with sex, make it more spontaneous.

We go on a date where I’m bandage free, ready to fucking go, so I’m groping like a fiend the whole day. This way I can say that I couldn’t hold back any longer and that I failed the challenge. Again, just to make her feel better.

When we get home, she’s revved up and grinning like a cat with a bird in its belly. I’m assuming it’s because she’s so horny and that I’ve laid down a few challenges that will end in fucking, like, “If you so much as show me this ass when we’re at home, I’m going to run my cock straight through you.” Or “I’m so turned on by your fucking heels. I can’t say what I’d do if you put it on my shoulder.” She can literally throw her leg up on my shoulder whenever she wants because of her flexibility, and I have a foot fetish, which is part of the reason she thought she could cuck me.

But that was not why she was grinning.

She opened the door, and there’s a man sitting in my living room chair, drinking my scotch. Gloria, who has a key to the house, because I fucking love Morgan enough to give her best friend a key to my house, let him in while we were gone.

Morgan bit her lip and told me she wants a big dick and that Gloria found one for her. “You’re not big enough for me, hun. I need a stud. But you’re okay with that? Aren’t you? You’d do anything for me, right? Even cut yourself off from fucking the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen.” She pulled me in for a kiss and then whispered. “You’re a cuck, now.”

Now, I’ve read some surprise cuck stories and the guys are always in such a mix of emotions where they don’t want it but they really do, they hate seeing another guy with their woman but they actually love it, or they feel so ashamed but they’re turned on like crazy. And honestly, I’ve never understood. I’ve tried. I’ve read quite a few cuck stories on here. But I just can’t wrap my mind around it. I always thought, ‘No, I’d be pissed as fuck.’

But I was wrong. I was a mix of emotions.

Just not the same as the guys who let themselves become cucks.

I *was* turned on, but only by Morgan’s ambition. She saw me as a cuck and went out and got a bull and brought him home. That was hot. But as I thought I would be, I was pissed. Morgan saw me as a cuck and went out and got a bull and brought him home. I’m going to kill one of them.

I’ve shared a lot with Morgan about myself and my past, but remember, we’ve been together for like about a year – year and a half, you can’t catch someone up on everything in that time frame. One thing I never told Morgan was that I’m extremely peaceful.

There’s a difference between someone who is peaceful and someone who is harmless. The harmless person is what it sounds like, they are harmless, they can not defend themselves or attack others in any meaningful way. The peaceful person looks harmless by choice, but they are capable of great violence if they need or choose to be. And Morgan was not aware that I am capable of great violence.

“You want to fuck my woman?” I asked the guy. “Come on. I’ll fight you for her.”

They both laughed, the guy more of a chuckle, while Morgan more nervous than glee. She later told me she was scared that he’d beat my ass and that would ruin the night because she’d have to take me to the hospital.

“I’m not laughing. It’s simple. You have three options. One, you can fight me. If you win, you can fuck her. If you lose, you get the fuck out. Two, you can skip the beating and get the fuck out now. Or three, you can decline options one and two, and I’ll get my gun and shoot you for trespassing. I’m the soul owner of the property, no one but me can say you’re allowed to be here. So as of right now, you’re trespassing and I will shoot you.”

I positioned myself between him and the closet where I kept my shotgun. It was loaded with bird shot so he would’ve likely lived, but I was dead fucking serious about shooting him.

“Man, fuck you, crazy fucks!” The guy threw my scotch on the floor as he stood. He’s a little taller than me, maybe six-two or three. He’s got a good build, but it looks gym acquired, so I figured he probably doesn’t know what to do with it. “I didn’t sign up for this shit. I’d beat your ass if the cunt was worth it.”

“Big talk, fuck-boy.” I nodded at Morgan standing off to the side of the living room, moving toward the kitchen island. In her black dress with the deep neckline and the slit up the side of the leg all the way to her hip, she was to die for, or to kill for. “We both know she’s fucking worth it, but we also know you wouldn’t win.”

The guy scoffed. “You serious? If I win, you’re not going to turn around and fucking shoot me?”

“As long as you don’t steal anything. If you win, I won’t consider you trespassing anymore.”

“Fine. I’ll knock the fuck out of you, then fuck your girl on top of you.”

Remember when I said I used to be 180lbs? That was back when I was into martial arts and while my body may have let a lot of the muscle go, what muscle I have left remembers every bit of it.

He came in with a haymaker like fucking idiot. I ducked under and hit him with an overhand right. His knees buckled but he caught himself mid fall. I came in with a left hook and loosened his jaw. He collapsed back, out cold.

Morgan’s emerald eyes glazed with tears as her hands covered her mouth. “Oh my god! Baby. You won!”

I stepped over the guy and pointed to the floor at my feet. “Come over here and suck my cock.”

She hurried over, slipping her arms out of her dress to show off her gorgeous tits the way I like. She unbuckled me and pulled my pants down. “What?” She gasped. “What the fuck, Michael?” She pulled down my boxer briefs to reveal my new and improved cock.

The doctor only does an extra three-quarter inch at a time, max, and I went for the max. My dick narrows a little at the base, but most of the shaft is now six and one-third inch around (yes, I measured several times so I could brag to Morgan about it).

“It’s for you, baby. You’re so lucky I love you, otherwise I’d toss you out on your ass with your lame ass boy-toy.”

“No! He’s not!” Her eyes pleaded and she shook her head. “He’s never touched me. We met online and this was going to be the first time. Please, babe. I swear.”

“What’s my cock doing out of your mouth?”

Hope surged in her eyes and they sparkled. She smiled and put her red painted lips over my cock. It’s a fat monster now and she had a hard time getting all the way in her mouth.

I shoved it in and went to the back of her throat. She gagged but I held it. She coughed but I held it. When her hand tapped my thigh, I pulled her off but didn’t let go of her hair.

Mr. Bull stirred, so I pulled my dick from her mouth and tucked it back in, buckling myself. It would’ve be hot to have it hanging out so he could see what he was up against but I wasn’t going to risk my new dick if he wanted to go for round two.

He stands and turned to us. I simply stayed where I was, holding Morgan by her hair, her on her knees, waiting patiently.

I gestured to the door. “You can leave.”

“Fuck you,” he muttered. He walked to the door and left.

“I’m sorry, baby.”

I peered down at her big doe eyes. I believed her. Morgan wasn’t a very good liar. She could keep a secret as long as it wasn’t brought up, sure, but she couldn’t say things that were false. I forgave her in that moment, but she didn’t need to know that.

I wrenched her head back, turning her face up to mine and pressed my lips over hers. I walked off, her hair in hand and she stumbled to her feet to follow me into the bedroom. I tossed her forward to the bed and pulled her dress to the side, revealing her marvelous ass.

She wasn’t wearing any panties so her sopping wet pussy staired back at me.

Normally, I’d get on my knees behind her and eat that pussy, instead, I unbuckled my pants and yanked her back around. “Since you apologized, I’ll let you wet it before I rip you apart with it.”

She nodded and smiled up at me. “Thank you.”

I thrust my fat cock into her mouth a couple times and pulled out. “That’s all you get.”

I turned her back around and shoved straight into her.

I nearly came.

It was like she’d tightened her pussy. The way her insides gripped and massaged my cock was incredible. I was sure I wouldn’t last past a couple thrusts, but her screamed moans brought me out of the sensation.

“Fuck! Holy fuck, Michael! Yes, fuck me!”

I yank her head back as I hilt in her. “You tried to fucking cuck me!” I pulled back and hilted again. “You wanted to fuck another guy?”

“No! I’m so fucking sorry, Michael!”

“I don’t know if you deserve this.” I pulled my cock back slowly to give her the chance to try to stop me.

“No, no, no! Please, no! I need your cock, Michael! Please! I need you!”

I rammed back into her and leaned over her shoulder, pulling her hair to turn her ear up to me. “If you ever so much as think of something like this again, I’m done with you.”

“I swear, baby. Never again. I’ll be good.” Her hand reached back to my hip and pulled. “I’ll do whatever you want.” She whined and moaned. “God, I’m so fucking hot for you. You’re so fucking amazing.”

I built a steady rhythm with her moans encouraging every thrust. My hand moved from her hip to one of her tits as I humped her from behind. Her legs tensed and she gushed on my cock. I’ve made her come from cervical orgasms in the past, but I’ve never gotten her to squirt with just my dick.

I pulled out and flip her to her back. I still didn’t let go of that amazing red hair, and pulled her up so she could watch my cock slide into her.

She spread her legs wide. With her heels and dress still on, she looked like a fucking pipping hot whore.

I pushed in and she moaned her satisfaction. “*Ohhh*, Michael. I’m fucking melting. I’m… I’m so sorry.” Tears fell from her eyes. “You’re so good to me. You’re too good.”

I kept thrusting before I found an angle that had her shaking repeatedly, shouting my name and obscenities. Before I finally came, she climaxes six times in a row. I shoot my hot, sticky load into her, emptying my month long build up.

“Fuck!” Her body collapses as I finally release her hair. “God, I wish I was fucking ovulating.”

“You want a baby that bad, huh?”

She smiled up me. “*Your* baby.”

Since that night, we’ve been having amazing sex just about every day, usually both in the morning and at night. Morgan’s pregnant, and we’re engaged.

Am I glad she tried to cuck me? In a way, yes, because if she hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t have turned so dominant and taken the reigns of our relationship. Morgan likes being in control sometimes, but she’s admitted that she feels so much hotter, so much more comfortable, as the submissive in the relationship. To a certain degree I’m thankful for it, but I’m more thankful for the dick surgery, and so is Morgan. We’re thinking about getting it bigger, but we’re going to ride out this size first before we decide.

For anyone dealing with size issues, I highly recommend researching the enlargement surgery. I’ve never been this happy.



  1. Thank God, a real story where a guy just doesn’t succumb to being a cuck. I’d be pissed if my gf tried this shit on me and drop her ass. No way am I going to be belittled like that.

  2. Perfect!!!! Finally, I have always hated these cuck stories until this one.

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