How About a Threesome? by Ginger Segreti

I found this. Hope you guys like it :)


“GINGER—you are kidding, right? Have you heard about how dangerous Craigslist is?” My friend Adele meant well but tended on the side of dramatic.

“I’ve heard the stories. The chances of anything like that happening are statistically insignificant.” I rolled my eyes. She sounded like my gram. “I’m not worried. We’re meeting in a public place. If he’s creepy we can just leave. It’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”

“Just be careful… OMG, are you really doing this?” She grabbed my hand. With her worry expressed, excitement now crept into her voice. “You have to tell me. What did they—”

I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Men are too funny. We received all sorts of replies. There were phallic-centric messages, Mr. hung and experienced.” I couldn’t help but stick out my tongue. “To be honest, he looked like Vanilla Ice ….”

Adele joined my laughter. “Ice Ice Baby?” She did a little shoulder shimmy.

“…a total blast from the past. And then there was Mr. Nine Inch cut, hung…and pierced-“


“Yes.” I nodded—down. “It was a fascinating picture. Unfortunately, he didn’t include one of his face. Have you ever?”

Her eyes glimmered with a naughty look. “No, but that doesn’t mean never….”

“Well, if things don’t work out with your honey, I’ll send him your way.” I winked.

“Tell me more!” she encouraged, avoiding a discussion of her boyfriend.

“I was surprised how many dick shots there were. Men are so self-centered! It isn’t even half about what your dick looks like. It’s much more about how you use it, not to mention the rest of your body. This isn’t like a shootout. The biggest gun doesn’t necessarily pack the best punch, nor does having the most guns ensure victory.”

“Did you just say most guns? Are you looking for more than one?”

“Remind me to tell you about the guy with two dicks—” A mischievous smile played across my lips.


“Let me finish the story.” My smile could’ve broken my face. “So, I wouldn’t be opposed to two, but I don’t think Catalina and I are there yet.”

“Two guys or two dicks?” Adele offered.

“How about three?”

“How would that work?” Adele was still trying to figure out the logistics.

“Do you want to hear about the dick pics?”

“Well, when you put it that way. Oh and don’t forget about the double pecker man!”

“I just don’t get the dick shots. I want a guy who looks at sex more like a battle, with the strategy being the most important component.”
