My Discipline – Part 3 [M/f] [Spanking] [Humiliation]

The next month was interesting. I misbehaved just enough to ensure I got a spanking about weekly. The implements changed and I got to experience a wooden spoon, a metal coat hanger, and a homemade paddle. The things that didn’t change was the location and my position. Mom always had me in the middle of the kitchen with my hands flat on a step stool and me legs straight. She also consistently had me wearing nothing but underpants. I think she thought having to take me spanking out in the open with my little boobies out would get ne to change my behavior so they wouldn’t have to try anything more extreme. And while it was quite humiliating to stand there feeling my titties jiggle and bounce with each painful stroke, I still needed consistent punishments.

I think my parents were trying to give me ample warning that things would be getting worse. I also think they were specifically waiting until I was 16 to take things to the next level. My arousal and masturbation frequency had only increased since my first spanking and it showed no signs of slowing down. Timmy, who just turned 14 a couple months ago, brought up my discipline on the walk to school one day. “Why don’t you just do what you’re supposed to Heather? It’s easy to take out the trash or clean the bathroom, and to get home on time for that matter. Don’t you hate being spanked with no top on?” he asked. I got the impression he was worried about me. I thought about how to answer. I finally said “Tim, don’t forget I was the one who gave mom and dad the book. I know I should just do what I’m supposed to, but that’s hard for me. I will say I hate being grounded. I also recognize if I do the crime I can’t complain about doing the time. Plus, you can’t say you don’t like my spankings. Every boy your age would kill to see boobs”. He blushed and said “ha…well”. I said “don’t worry about me. I can handle anything in that book. And don’t feel bad about watching. You are mom and dad’s favorite. It’s sort of like a fringe benefit”. He thought a bit longer then said “ok, if that’s how you feel about it”. In that moment Timmy seemed a bit more grown up than I’d considered him before.

Things calmed down and I walked the straight and narrow around my birthday. I got some money and some clothes, and had a fun sleepover with my friends. I think my parents really thought I’d turned over a new leaf and matured enough to take care of my responsibilities and follow the rules. I personally believe I could have too, but my hormones couldn’t be kept in check. I found myself craving a spanking again. Then one day a few weeks after I turned 16, I was doing a project for school. I purposefully did not put newspaper down on the kitchen table before I spray painted pieces of my diorama. It left vague splatter outlines on the table. At dinner my mom finally noticed and asked angrily “what happened to my table?”. I said “I was spray painting earlier. I might have forgot to put newspaper down. It’s hardly noticeable though”. She asked “grounding or book punishment young lady?”. I said quietly.

We ate in silence the rest of dinner. Mom said “Timmy, clear the table please”. Then she turned to me and said “Ok Heather, get undressed for your punishment. Everything off”. I asked “everything…… off?”. She said “yes. How did the book recommend punishing naughty children?” I thought for a second and almost took offense to being called a child, but my behavior was childish. I replied “naked ma’am”. Timmy took everything off the table and put it in the kitchen. I began removing my clothing. I was somewhat used to talking everything but my panties off. But I paused trying to work up the courage to pull them down. I felt my whole family watching me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before pushing my panties down.

I stood there completely naked feeling the shame and embarrassment of getting so thoroughly scolded. To my chagrin, it seemed everyone’s gaze was on my sparse light brown wispy pubic hair that didn’t really hide my feminine charms. I could feel myself getting wetter and I hoped it wouldn’t be noticeable. Mom said “up on the table. Lay on your back. Your bottom should hang off and you should hold your legs up”. I nodded and got up on the table in position. It left me feeling very exposed. She said “your father will give you 40 with a ruler”.

My parents cared about me growing up responsible, but me agreeing to book punishments awoke something new in them. They had discussed it between them and figured out my mom enjoyed inflicting me with embarrassment and shame, and my father relished giving physical pain. They were a match made in heaven and I was their dream daughter in a sense.

I could feel air moving across my slit as it pointed upward. My face was bright red as I showed off my bits and pieces to my family. But my brain was refocused as the ruler came down on my ass. In this position, unlike the rest, I could see each stroke coming. It made it worse. My dad had a sturdy hand and was able to make the tip of the ruler land with precision. I felt it land over and over on the inside curve of my butt crack, which made me howl and kick my feet in the air. He used the 40 strokes to redden my ass but good. I was whispering when he finished.

He helped me up. Mom said “No corner time today. Instead you will scrub this table”. She handed me a bucket of soapy water and a scrub brush. I spent the next hour naked, with a sore red ass, scrubbing the table. Timmy kept a keen eye on me and I couldn’t blame him. I went up after and took a cool shower. I used the spray nozzle to make myself cum. If was exciting being completely bare and I felt myself instantly addicted despite the lingering pain.
