Getting into the ‘Film’ industry

Being a young aspiring actor isn’t as easy as I had hoped. I left my hometown 2 years ago and moved to London, a city of wonder and expectations. I had no qualifications, no money but a dream and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get there.

I moved in with an old school friend and his university friends. They let me crash on their couch until I could find my feet. There was 3 of them in the flat, my old friend Connor, and his two uni friends Katie and Abigail. Connor was gay, and also a wanna be actor like me. He had some small experience with being an extra on some BBC dramas, but he was losing his passion for acting and had just started an office job to keep him afloat. Most of all though, he was a really nice guy and one of the most genuine people I know.

Katie was the first friend that Connor made at Uni, she was very loud, very vibrant and a little bit of a bitch. She had some doubts with me crashing at theirs for the foreseeable future, which was fair enough, but she was very welcoming when I got there. She was about 5ft 9, athletic build, with c cup breast and very rounded ass.

Abigail and Connor met through his lectures at uni, she was also an aspiring actress and had the most experience out of all of us, she would often go to shoots and have speaking roles in small TV shows. She was from a wealthy background and she basically paid for everything in the flat. She was petit and skinny, small breasts, small ass but a joy to be around.

For my first few weeks in London, I kinda hated it. I was questioning whether I had done the right thing or not, and living on a sofa I never had any privacy. No time to just be alone and think about things, I also had no time to masturbate or see anyone so I had a lot of tension building. Katie had a boyfriend, and as I had mentioned before, she was a very loud girl. There were several nights where all I could hear were her moans through the walls. I spent most evenings watching TV with Connor and Abilgail, and there were some moments where we had to turn up the TV to drown out the moans.

On a few occasions I had to excuse myself to the bathroom and relieve myself when I could, but it always felt weird. That was until one evening, everything changed. As usual, me Connor and Abigail were watching TV and Katie was having very loud sex in her room. It was late and I was about to excuse myself to the bathroom, but fortunately both Abigail and Connor decided to call it a night and went to bed. Abigail wanted to have a shower before bed so the bathroom was a no go. However it had been about week since I last jacked off, and Katie sounded especially good this evening. So for the first time I decided to relieve myself on the sofa. It was risky, if anyone came out their rooms I would be caught.

I knew I wouldn’t have long, I waited for Abigail to get into the shower and I knew I had until I could hear the water turn off to get the job done. I just had to hope no one else left their bedrooms in the meantime. Abigail walked to the bathroom, she carried her towel and all the usual stuff, closed and locked the door and I heard the water turn on. I whipped off my boxers and got to business. I already had a semi from the arousal of hearing Katie, so it didn’t take long for me to get down to action. I loaded up a video on PornHub and started masturbating, the Internet wasn’t great and my video kept freezing and knocking me out of my stride.

After 5/10 minutes I knew I didn’t have long left until abigail was done in the shower and I was still trying to get this video playing properly. As I started to feel myself reaching orgasm, I heard the bathroom door unlock and a soaking wet abigail appeared infront of me. She had her towel wrapped around her and she looked over at me, got a very quick eyeful then apologised and ran to her room. Obviously I threw my underwear back on and sat stunned on the sofa. Abigial ran back through the living room carrying her body wash apologising again saying she forgot it. I wasn’t sure what she saw, I mean it was obvious what I was doing but I had no idea to what extent she saw me.

I sat in silence, stunned, until I heard the water turn off. Abigial had to walk past me again, i didn’t know if I should say anything, try and laugh it off, would she say something? Eventually she unlocked the door and walked out, she gave me a guilty look and apologised again. I told her I was sorry too, and after a quick awkward encounter she was back in her room and that was that… for now.

It was slightly awkward the next day, both of us acting like nothing had happened the night before. We carried on as usual tho like nothing had happened and after a couple of days it seemed like it was just in the past. That was until one Friday evening, me Connor and Abigial were watching TV again, all fine and normal. Connor was dating this dude and he unexpectedly started to face time Connor, so he picked up and excused himself.

That left me and abigail sat on the sofa, this was the first time we were actually alone since the encounter. We sat in silence for a few minutes, it was slightly awkward but not awful, then abigail eventually spoke up.

“I know it’s been a few days, but I am sorry for what happened the other day” she said

“Oh, yeah, no. I should have just waited until it was quieter. I’m sorry you had to see that” I replied, trying to make it not awkward.

“It uh, actually got me thinking. You know I uh, have had a few small roles in some TV shows now” she explained “well, I’ve also done some, other, type of acting”

For a moment I paused, I wasn’t really entirely sure what she meant.

“The people I’ve done a few films for actually need some male talent if you’d be open to it? It pays awfully, but better than anything else at the moment” she continued.

It clicked what she was going on about as she was talking. I was very taken back, I wasn’t expecting the conversation to turn this way.

“I uh, thought there would be an abundance of men trying to get involved?” I asked.

Abigail explained that in the porn industry, they look for certain guys with certain cocks. Not anybody could turn up and get a part and that from the glimpse she saw the other day, I would most likely be able to find some work. We talked for a while. She explained that so far she had done a few solo scenes and a couple of lesbian scenes, nothing with a guy yet. But on set there’s always other films being made so she sees and hears a lot.

Our conversation continued with her telling me some funny stories from the people she worked with, the creepy directors but the fun cast and crew. She then said that obviously the company do receive a lot of auditions, and that I would have to submit a solo video to be in with a chance. She told me she had to do the same when she first started and even offered to help me. The curiosity and excitement got the better of me and I accepted. We knew that Katie and Connor were out tomorrow, so agreed that in the natural daylight we would record my audition for the porn industry.

We chatted some more before finally heading to bed. I obviously stayed on the couch as she went to her room, but that night went on forever. I tried my best to sleep but my head was racing with the all the potential outcomes of tomorrow. Morning came around and me and abigail got up as usual, we acted normally around Connor and Katie until we finally had the flat to ourselves. Connor was the last to leave and as he walked out the door, me and abigail got straight down to business.

“OK so I’ve had some ideas about how to make an impression in your audition” abigail said, immediately getting to work. “Most guys record with one hand whilst masturbating with the other, that’s a straight no. Some guys will prop up the camera, but focus it on just the cock and nothing else, that’s another straight no. And then you have some guys that just take pictures, and god awful ones too, that’s another straight no.”

“Wow” I said “you really know your stuff”

She laughed and explained that during breaks the cast and crew usually watch audition tapes of guys and girls and so she’s seen plenty of bad ones.

“So now we need to address the elephant in the room” she said very seriously “obviously if I’m going to help you, I’m gunna have to have a look at what we’re working with, up close this time”

She signaled for me to drop my trousers and pants, the adrenaline was already pulsing through me and without hesitation I took off my jeans and stood there in my boxers, I had a solid semi going on and a decent bulge poking out from my underwear. I looked over to abigails face, her eyes were focused on my cock, and so I dropped my boxers and exposed myself infront of her. Her reaction was practically non existent, I suppose she’d seen plenty of cocks by now so there was less excitement than i had hoped, however the first thing she said after seeing it was “Yeah ok, we can definitely work with this” which motivated me a lot.

I usually keep my pubes very trimmed, not bald but not bushy. However with my current living situation, keeping them maintained hadn’t been easy so they had grown out quite a bit more than I’d have liked, and Abigail picked up on that. “Ok so we’re going to need to trim this a little bit” she said as she pointed towards my bush. “Lets go into the bathroom and tidy you up”

I followed her into the bathroom wearing nothing but my shirt and she grabbed a pair of hair scissors. “Ok, now do you wanna? Or shall I?” She asked, gesturing who was going to trim me down. I thought for a second about having abigail up-close and personal with me, but I was also scared of embarrassing myself and cumming from the slightest bit of female contact. “I got it” I said as I took the scissors from her.

“Ok I’ll leave you to it, just shout when you’re done” she replied as she left the bathroom. I took 10/15 trimming myself downbuntil I was happy with how it looked. I called out to Abigail that I was done and she came back into the bathroom. “Ok that’s much better” she said as she walked through the door. “Ok, do you wanna just jump in the shower, wash away all the loose hair and make sure you’re as clean as can be. You’d be surprised how many guys don’t bother washing their cock before recording themselves”

I jumped in the shower, but abigail stayed in the room with me this time. I washed away the loose hair and made sure I was spotless before exiting the shower and grabbing a towel from abigail. I was desperate to start recording something now. I guessed we would be recording in the lounge, but abigail lead me into her room. I’d not been in here too many times before, it was pretty cool. Nothing to shout about, she made me sit on her bed and explained what we were going to film. I had to redress, as she told me I should remove my clothes on camera and so I did. She explained what I had to do, and she directed me through the whole thing.

I’ve had my share of sexual encounters, nothing crazy but I can say this was definitely an experience. Masturbating, and being told what to do by my roomate as she filmed me was not what I was expecting when I moved to London. However, it was fucking amazing. The whole time, Abigail remained dressed, she didn’t touch me, but she was very very involved. I don’t think there was an inch of me she hadn’t seen by the time we finished. Speaking of finishing, my grand finale, I was told to cum over my chest and having someone watch me as I came everywhere was an exciting sensation I had never felt before.

We tidied up, I showered again and watched back our video. I’d never seen any solo male porn before, so I had nothing to compare it to. Abigail convinced me it was good and said she would hand it in at the place she’s worked at, and with that my audition was complete. I had to wait about 2 weeks before hearing back from them. Abigail came home one day with a beaming smile on her face, she told me we had to talk about what they said at work.

We waited until the evening when we had a bit more privacy and she relayed what they had said at work.

“They really liked it!” She gleamed “They said they will definitely have some roles for you if you wanted!” She then laid out what roles there were available, and how they paid. Gay porn paid the most, then gangbangs, then mmf threesomes, and so on and so on. I never had such a choice of sexual encounters and they all paid! I told her I didn’t want to do anything crazy for my first shoot, I wasn’t sure how i would handle the pressure and so I signed up to record a simple guy/girl “step sister” video. It had a few lines, but it was mostly the girl doing the speaking.

I got the role and my shoot was next week! In the days that lead up to my first shoot I watched a lot of porn, but from a looking and learning point of view. How did the guys act, did they moan, were they shaved etc etc. Abigail coincidently had a shoot the same day as me. The company would hire out a set for a day and film 5/6 different films in a single day. We were doing separate scenes, but we travelled together and she showed me around the set. I met the director of my film, he explained the very simple plot, the things he wanted to record and it was all very straight forward.

It was finally time to meet my co-star, her name was “silver”. She was nothing exciting to look at, she had fake tits, big lips, and she was clearly experienced in the world of porn. It was time to get action. We recorded all the build up and it went fine, they weren’t particularly picky on how well those scenes were performed. Finally me and Silver started undressing and it was time to start fucking. This was however the craziest part of the day for me. The sex was awful, it wasn’t even sex. We would fuck for maybe 10 seconds, stop, do another take, stop, change the angle, stop. There was absolutely no chemistry between us and I had to do my best to even stay erect in some scenes.

Towards the end of our shoot, before I came we had to take some photos, this was also very bizarre to me, we would have to pose, whilst my cock was inside her and take photos for the thumbnail. However during this section I noticed Abigail was at the back of the set, dressed in a robe, she was obviously about to go and record her scene. We made eye contact and she smiled at me, gave me a thumbs up and was on her way. This kinda pumped me up and got me through the last bit of the shoot. It was time for the cum shot and I had to blow my load over Silvers face as she sucked me off.

This was the only part of the sexual encounter that was actually enjoyable, silver was clearly very experienced at giving head, there were no cuts, not different angles, all I had to do was cum and spray it over Silvers fake smile. Within a few minutes of oral I was ready to blow, and I absolutely did, I covered Silvers face in a thick layer of cum and she fake screamed in joy for the camera as I painted her face. Once I was done, the director shouted cut, Silver grabbed a towel and wiped her face. I cleaned up too and got redressed. Me and Silver made some awkward small talk whilst we got dressed, she congratulated me on losing my porn virginity and said I did fine for my first time.

The director was happy with the footage and we left, I had to wait for Abigail to finish, she started about an hour and a half after I did, so I knew I had plenty of time to spare. I grabbed some food and waited. Never in my life was it so normal to see naked people. Cocks, tits, fannies, asses, everywhere I looked. There were some people casually having sex around the set, not even for any film. As I waited I even saw Silver have sex with some huge stocky dude in the waiting area. I decided to go for a little wander, there were no real limits to where you could walk around, as long as you didn’t interrupt any filming, no one cared. That was when I stumbled on Abigails set…

She was recording a threesome, an ffm one. She had told me she started working with guys recently, I believe this was her second or third film that had a guy in it. As I got a glimpse of what they were filming, I saw two girls in 69, with the dude standing behind them, fucking one of them in doggy. It was difficult to make out who exactly abigail was from the distance I was standing at. I watched for a little but until their director called cut and I saw abigail emerge from the bottom of the pile of bodies. This was the first time I saw her naked, and she looked much better without her clothes than she did with them. Her little tits, toned body and shaved pussy were on full view for me and I hid before she noticed me.

She finished filming and met me in the little waiting area and we travelled home. We had a really good chat about our days on the way home. I explained how different it was to what I expected and she giggled and said it was still about strange for her too, but she was getting used to it. She told me the guy she worked with that day kept struggling to keep his cock hard and he had to be fluffed like 8 or 9 times, and that when they were having sex, he went soft inside her a couple of times and how disappointing it all was. I also explained my scene to her she said it sounded “interesting”. We got home, she went to her room and I slouched onto the couch, and fell asleep pretty quickly.

A week past and my film was about to posted online. I was excited and nervous, I was curious to see how it all came together. Abigail said we should watch it together in celebration, and we agreed that the evening it came out we would watch it together. The evening came around and I loaded the video up on my laptop, the intro played and then there I was, star in my first porno. The video was surprisingly good, it actually looked like I was enjoying it, and Silver was too. It was about 10 minutes long and when it finished I was very turned on. I looked over to Abigail and she had that look in her eye too.

“Awww, that was good!” Abigail said “I’ve worked with sliver before, she’s really good!”

We made casual conversation about the film, but when I thought things were going to end up going somewhere, abigail went to bed. I was offered another role in another film the next week. I accepted, it was another boy/girl scene. A sensual massage film. Once again, abigail had a film the same day as me so we travelled together, we got to set and went to different areas to change and get ready for our films. I found my director and he started to run through what we were going to film. Then my co-star rocked up, it was Abigail. There was a shocked look on both of our faces as we realised we were about to film a porno together. A wave of nervousness, excitement and awkwardness flushed over me.

Abigail was professional, made a joke along the lines of “fancy seeing you here” she didn’t seem as awkward as I was, I suppose she knew it wasn’t going to be overly passionate sex we were about to have, and she was used to this whole thing by now. We got down to business, in the film I was a regular client of this massage parlour, but my normal masseuse was off and so Abigail was my stand in. We had to portray an immediate connection and then the massage would lead into sex.

We filmed the non-sex stuff first, and it was then time for me to strip and lay on the massage table in just my towel. I got undressed, laid down on my front and placed the towel over my butt. Abigail then sprayed some oil on my back and started massaging me, she was pretty good for a fake masseuse. She started on my shoulders, made her way down my back then moved down to my legs. This was pretty easy for me, I had to lay there for several takes as abigail had to continue massaging me for several angles and shots. Eventually the time came for her to make her way right up to the top of my legs, remove my towel, and start massaging my ass.

This obviously started to turn me on, I had gotten pretty close with Abigail these last weeks and she had seen me all before, but had never touched me like this. It was then time for me to turn over, and have my cock spring into action, we had to record it a few times for abigail to get a reaction shot to my erect cock. Then it was time for her to touch it. She wrapped one hand around the base of my shaft, she gripped it tightly, and it felt good. She had to play with it for a while before eventually taking into her mouth. When my cock entered her mouth, i almost came there and then. It looked like she was enjoying it too. After we filmed the blowjob scene, I had to undress her. She had on a plain white tank top and yoga pants. I could see her nipples very clearly through her top, but it was time for me to take it off and see them for real right infront of my face.

I raised the shirt off over her head, her tits looked so good close up, for a moment I nearly forgot we were on set otherwise I would have gone straight in for a taste. I then had to pull down her yoga pants, she turned away and bent at the waist, giving me a full view as I lowered her clothes. I could see she was very slightly wet, she was obviously turned on too, which made me feel a lot better. Now we were both naked, the next scene was straight to sex, however Abigail had to lube up before I could get in. The cameras paused and she was given some lube, I watched her soak her fingers before rubbing her pussy. I was so ready to go, but I had to keep my composure and get the film finished.

It was finally time to have sex with abigail, I had to bend her over the table and take her in doggy. I pushed my head up against her pussy and proceeded to ease my way into her. She felt great, but I couldn’t fuck her how I wanted as I was being ordered around by a director. I couldn’t believe I was actually fucking abigail, my roomate, on a pornset, for thousands of people to see. Somehow I managed to get through the shoot without blowing my load too soon. Then it was time for the cum shot. Once again I had to finish on her face, it was kind of a permanent feature of this porn companies films. She was told to suck me off and get me to cum. She knew the job and boy did she do it. I have to admit that Silver was a lot better at getting the job done at this point, but it felt as though abigail was actually enjoying it.

I was ready to cum, I pulled out of her mouth and jacked myself off as I blew my load onto her face. She smiled and lapped it up, she was told to swallow it all by the director and she did. The director yelled cut and we were done. Abigail stood up and hugged me.

“That was really good! I cannot wait to see it when it comes out” she said, then skipped away to go shower and dress. I was a bit in shock to be honest. Despite the awkwardness of stopping and starting for the director, the fakeness of it all. I had an amazing time and felt so much closer to abigail, yet she acted as though it was all in a days work after and that nothing was different when she skipped away. I cleaned myself up, got dressed and waited for abigail so we could go home.

She came out of the changing area and we set off home. On the bus on the way back she said that she thought it was a great scene, she enjoyed it a lot and thanked me for not cumming in her hair. She was so casual about it all, but I found myself feeling a lot more. We got home, and like last time went our separate ways. For the next week so it was all I could think about, everytime I saw her I just pictured her bending over in front of me, watching my cock dissappear inside of her, her tounge licking my cum off her lips.

When we got the message that our film was being posted, we agreed to watch it again like last time. We waited for everyone to go to sleep and I got it up on my laptop like before. We sat on the sofa and watched it. It was the most incredible porno I had ever watched, the way it was cut together made it look so sensual. My cock looked great and Abigail as a whole was so so attractive. I got very turned on watching and evidently so did Abigail. To my side I looked across and noticed she had a hand under her leggins, playing with herself. I was so turned on, without hesitation I leant across and kissed her. As our lips touched I felt this release from both of us as the tension faded and we became primeval.

We ripped the clothes off each other, we kissed and we fucked and this time there was no one to tell us what to do, as my laptop continued to play our porno, we fucked in the dim light emitted from the screen. I’d never had this much passion, this much intensity during sex before. It felt like we were both floating, I couldn’t feel my hands, my legs. I just felt the sweet sensation of Abigails wet tight pussy sliding over my cock. As I started to orgasm, I pulled out of her pussy and sprayed my cum over her chest and stomach. She told me she was close and to go down on her. On the tiny sofa we sprawled across it with my head buried in her legs, I had 3 fingers inside of her dancing as my tounge played with her clit. She started moaning, and loudly. Our roomates would have known we were fucking in the instance but the passion took over. I felt her legs tense up beside me before starting to shake as she moaned and came.

We collapsed onto the floor. My laptop had finished playing the ponro a long time ago and the screen was now black. We laid on the floor, giggling at the release of the endorphins. Catching our breath, we cuddled up and I ran my fingers up and down her body. In that moment I realised that this crazy journey I had been on had lead me to this moment and I savoured every second of it. I basked in the aura of joy and we fell asleep spooning on the floor.



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