Road Trip (part 5) [pictures]

Thoughts raced through my head as I stared into the trees, trying to calm down. She had offered. Surely she wouldn’t be speaking to me if she knew. What now? Where was I supposed to take her? All around me the trees stretched away from the path with undergrowth thick on the lower slopes. Uphill was the only option.

“Good spot,” April said.

I jumped in surprise, so absorbed in my thoughts I was completely unaware she had approached. She kept walking past me, away from the path, her skirt [swishing]( as she climbed up the slope.

“Let’s go up here, I need to change.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Ch.. change?” I stuttered, nervous sweat beginning to bead on my palms as I held the camera.

“Yeah, my top is damp,” she replied as she climbed the slope away from me. “The sun dried the rest but….” she trailed off.

“Okay,” I replied, managing to keep my voice from cracking as my mouth went dry. Why was I so nervous? “So, umm, for the pictures…” I trailed off, unsure of what I was asking.

“Ive been practicing poses for you,” April said, bending over and picking up a leaf, then raising it to her face and puckering her lips at me, eyes [closed](

I laughed, “Beautiful!”

With a chuckle April turned and climbed uphill, the angle of the slope providing glances up the bottom of her skirt while she [stretched]( to climb the large tree roots running horizontally along the slope. I watched, a slim grin spreading across my face.

April sighed and sat down, making a show of being tired from the climb. “Now, how do I model?” she asked while she picked up stick with several leaves attached and made a sarcastic show of staring thoughtfully toward the [sky](

“Yeah, I think that’s exactly it’s done,” I laughed, the camera clicking away in my hands.

April shifted the leaves over part of her face and stared at me with wide [eyes]( “I am the best model in the world,” she intoned, then swung her legs up onto the roots and twirled the stick between her [fingers]( “Wait, I thought up a new move!” she said excitedly as she dropped her chin to her chest, leaned forward, and spun her hair in frenzied [circles](

We laughed together as she straightened her hair, any nervous tension completely dissipated.

“Okay,” she said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. “I gotta get out of this wet top.” She opened her backpack and lifted out a white [tank top](

“How did that happen anyway?” I asked.

“I pulled this one on over my bathing suit,” she explained, laying the dry shirt on her legs and looking around.

“Aaaaah, makes sense. What’s going to stop the next one from getting wet too?”

“I took off the bikini top,” she said flatly, her arms crossed over her chest, each hand grasping the hem of her tank top, head swiveling left and right to make sure we were alone.

“Nobody is out here, we would have heard them leave the path,” I assured her.

“I know, I just get nervous,” she [laughed]( With one more glance in both directions she quickly [lifted]( her top. I struggled to keep my hands steady while April fumbled with her shirt, my eyes sliding over the smooth skin of her back and side, drawn to the contour of her breast, silently praying her arm would [move](

It didn’t. “Its such a rush every time,” she giggled, smiling up at me while she pulled the tank top down over her [chest](

“Tell me about it,” I replied, immediately regretting the haste of my response.

April just smiled and scooted over to her [backpack]( “Now for the pants.”

“Pants too?” I asked, eyebrows raised.

“Well, yeah, how long did you think I could go without flashing everyone in a skirt?” she replied playfully.

“Good point,” I chuckled, holding back that I had been hoping for exactly that.

April sat on a curved gap between two roots and pulled her jeans on one leg at a [time](, forcing her shoes through without bothering to take them off. As she pulled up the jeans her skirt lifted, the bare skin of her thighs shining in the dappled sunlight.

With both pant legs at the top of her thighs, skirt bunched around her hips, she stood, facing me. An involuntary intake of breath caught in my chest and I stared at her through the camera, her nipples hard and visible through the thin white tank [top](

I swallowed a lump in my throat as she flipped her skirt up over top of the [jeans](, exposing her toned stomach and glimpse of her bikini bottoms through the unzipped pants. With a quick glance in either direction April crossed her arms and gripped her skirt, lifting it up and over her torso. As it slid over her body the tank top lifted with it, creating a mound of clothing that stuck around her head, her skirt just barely covering her [chest](

Heat surged through me as I held my breath, time slowed while I studied the contours of her body. All I wanted was to run my hands over her. I gripped the camera tighter to restrain myself.

Then, with a wiggle, she freed her arms, her skirt popping up and over her head, the tank top dragged with it. I gaped at her perky breasts set with erect nipples set like jewels on small pink areolas, mine to [explore](

The moment seemed to both stretch on forever and end in an instant. “Well, fuck,” April complained while she pulled her tank top back down over her [tits]( “You were not supposed to see that!” she said seriously but with a grin on her face. “Well, you’ve seen them now,” she sighed, staring off in the [distance](

I stayed silent, unable to come up with words to say that didn’t include asking her to undress. I swallowed the thought, determined not to let the surge of heat that filled me cause any lasting damage to our relationship.

“What did you think?” she asked, pulling the buttons on her jeans away from her hips, allowing a brief glimpse of her bikini [bottoms]( before she secured the button and zipper.

“I…. ummmm,” I stammered, unable to get the words out.

April just smiled and picked up the backpack. She brushed past me close enough to leave her scent in the air, her hair tickling my skin as it flowed in the hot summer breeze.

She stopped just downhill of me and looked back. “Lets go back to the car,” she said [softly](
