“”Leaning into the mirror. I stuck out my sultry lips, “I wonder if he will notice my deep purple lips.” Saying this made me feel like a stalker. Well maybe I am just a little. I mean I have just been fawning over this particular coworker for a few weeks, ever since I got the promotion and moved into the secretary block.
“He is just so Ooo…” luckily I had already put on my makeup before day dreaming about us and our first date. Fixing my hair up with a new do. After all getting a bump from the mailroom is always a sign from above. “There I just let my hair down or had it tied down with a rubber band butt now, Ta-da” I exclaimed removing the final curler from my hair.
Feeling myself just to make sure that I was not dreaming. Feeling my stuff clit that poked out of my lips. That sudden touch, that instant gratification. The instant I just wanted to cum… Patting my pussy, “Everything will be alright” reassuring my lips, my clit that I will be feeling it today. Course that padding didn’t help any, pulling my hand back from spanking my lips. My clit wanted more, wanted my fingers… Shuttering and looking down. “I must go to work” slipping on my top. The feel of material that surrounds my chest turning on my nipples. “butt you, you… Ohh” when my clit was tagged by my skirt the instant wetness I felt between my legs. The need to complete my orgasm became so real! Biting my lip, closing my eyes and, and… “Ooo yes just… just relax” I was thinking as my hands were both rubbing my legs. Getting my fishnet stockings all hot and bothered.”

“Klit 96.9 Midnight Lust with DJ Maeve and The Rave…” Nova said in a seductive voice just on the verge of making a mess of herself. “Mmm Mmmm, and now I’ll turn it over to… Ooo Ooh yes” wishing if I, Nova ReBoot had a physical body. The things I would be doing to myself.

“Good morning Easygate, technically it is the next day. And from what I have been listening to this tail is about lust. So let’s continue with this tail and see how far she can go. Klit 96.9 The Rave Midnight Lust with me, DJ Maeve wanting to thank everybody for being a part of the Great Orgy and our hopes for doing it again next year. Thank you for everything. Now let’s get back to this tail.”

“Breathing in that stale air as the elevator cleared the second it arrived on the secretary block. Seeing hundreds of skirts, some with tight asses, some with the ultimate pleasure toy, the sparkle of a gem stone that bedazzled the end of a butt plug. As my hand drifted down. Just about to touch my lips, my swollen lips! I heard a slight clearing of the throat behind me.

“Good morning Miss Theamis. You will follow me” holding a slim Manila folder. Miss Sims pace was brisk. Pointing to different places on this floor with everything I would need to do my job, a secretaries job to the fullest of my capabilities. Stopping suddenly, spinning around on a dime! The look in her eyes, “Here is your desk. You may decorate it however you please” the tape from the folder onto its hard surface. Within a blink Miss Sims was gone.

Hearing that voice cuming from the break room. Feeling myself getting wet, “I must take a peak.” Pulling myself up to my full height of 5’1″ I closed on the break room. Poking my head around the corner. Watching as my dream man flirts with a woman. A very pretty woman who.. “Ooh my fuck!” Who is cuming while speaking to him. Watching the way his face was so close to hers. The way she could lift her boobs to his mouth! The way she could… “I’m cuming just from the way he…” the panic over spread my last breath. In a fit of orgasmic rush my body spasmed.
Looking around from where I was at. Clearing my throat, smoothing out my skirt, feeling the wetness down both legs. Ducking my head as I rushed back to my desk. The same event playing over and over in my head again.

Holding my head high. “This is going to be it! I will ask Todd out at lunch.” Checking the clock over and over again till it seemed to be going backwards. My heart ached for his touch. My pussy was on the verge of cuming again when the lunch bell sounded.
“Look at you Francis. You are trembling like a little girl who is seeing daddy fawning over other women. Mmm, Daddy” this is the one though that I could not shake. “Daddy” how I could get used to calling him that. The only sound that snapped me back to reality was Daddy, I mean Todd voice cuming from the break room! Sliding against the wall, peaking around the corner! My hand had already traveled to my clit, the ultimate use of Amera fashion left every part of a woman’s sexual life out in the open and that meant… My hips bucked as I watched him. My pussy creamed by the way he leaned into that woman! Watching the way his mouth moved, the way his tongue lapped at my pussy! The way my clit just needed… “Ooooh yes” whispering loudly! “Oh Ohh yesss” trying not to attract attention to me… “I’m.. I’m cuming! Oh shit, Ooh shit, OooOoooOoooo” the way that orgasm hit. My stomach just wanted to double over. Sliding down the wall, imagining his mouth cuming so close to my pussy! Talking dirty with Daddy’s tongue… This whole image of him, of Todd made me cum all over my fingers.”

“We, Klit 96.9 The Rave Midnight Lust with DJ Maeve shall be right back.

Dp you have the fantasy of blowing cum bubbles in your mouth? Now you can with Cum Gum! And you can get all sorts of naughty flavors to fit your cum bubbling mood from the standard taste of the original or maybe you want a little spice in your life! You can have it all with Cum Gum! That is Cum Gum with many different flavors to fit your mood. Cum Gum, Cum Gum, Cum Gum that is Cum Gum, do you want a piece?

We’re back, Klit 96.9 The Rave Midnight Lust with DJ Maeve we shall continue with the tail.”

“Sighing at myself, “Cum on get to your feet and march in there and tell him that you want to date him!” Picking myself up by my boot straps. Knowing there was only one thing that I needed to do! Turning towards the break room once again, still covered by the wall. My eye caught him as he had moved on. To where he was talking to another coworker. I could see his cock as it stood there! All hard and pulsating over, over… Closing my eyes as my finger probed my juicy spot. My middle finger bumped my clit. Bumped it and made love to it like it was Todd’s tongue! Like it was not a day dream butt actually his… “Ooo Ooooh yes” barely able to hear myself as I took another breath. This time I knew that my cum was cuming so hard from my pussy. As it soaked my middle finger, as it covered the other two fingers that lay flanking my tender spot! I needed to, tOoo… “Ooooh yesss yessssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” Breathing hard as I opened my eyes. On my knees I sat, still outside of the break room. I looked in, sucking on my drenched fingers.
“No! This, this cannot be” I stammered even as Todd took a seat. His cock was fully erect and, and a full chested woman was just in position to, tOoo mount him!
My own fingers now probed my pussy and my butt! Looking, watching as she was slowly, Oh so slowly lowering herself down on Todd’s cock! This wouldn’t be the first time that I have been DPed. From watching the boobtube, seeing how other people were banging. Wanting my own self to experience the same joy as them. My hands responded to my every need, especially now cause she was… “Ooooh Ooo fuckkk! Mmmmmmmmm yesss I can’t, can’t OooohOooohOooohOoooh…” this time my sound was carried. This time he looked into my direction! He was, he was… Pulling myself back behind the wall. Standing up in a hurry and running back to my desk! The only thing I had left was my fingers that still held my essence, still held my scent, my taste that I…
Sucking on my left hand, allowing the taste of my bum to influence my next encounter with Todd. “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” I moaned after sticking my fingers into my mouth and closing my lips.

The alarm surprised me, tore my interest from one file back to the final break for the day. Standing up, walking to the break room. Pausing at the door and listening. “No Todd? This, this is odd” I sighed. Giving the room another look while massaging my aching pussy. “This is truly strange that Todd is not here right now. Perhaps, yes I will stand here and wait…” My heart stopped! To feel this raging head as it jabbed you in the tush. As it jabbed me and my hand slid from my pussy. Clearly wet from my cum. My two fingers, the pointer and middle finger were soaked in my cum. Feeling this cock creeping up on me I wanted to scream butt something told me not to.
Watching as a hand wrapped around my chest and squeezed! Just like a sponge my pussy was so wet.

“Play with yourself” he stayed and just like that my hand dropped back down. Massaged my lips, my clit, my pussy…

“Oh” I started. The feel of his hand around my tit. The pressure he was exerting was phenomenal. “I want more. Yes yesss more” my voice is getting stronger with every passing heartbeat. “Yesssssssss” my voice cracked butt was getting louder and louder!

Clutching Frances by the throat. Pulling her ear towards my lips. My breath of hot steamy air covered her ear. “Shhhh or I will pullout” my threat was subtle butt true. My hips tapped her bum sending small waves against her hard ass. “I like when a woman knows what I like” I whispered into her ear. Retracting my cock till my head just wanted to pop out! Thrusting it back in at double the speed! “You like when I fuck you like this” my whispers were not meant for any reply at least not the verbal kind. “Yes, you may moan butt not so loud.”

By this time his cock had turned my insides into a creamy mess of cum. “Oh Ohh” whispering back. I wanted him to claim my creamy center for his own. Wanted him to make me his bitch! Wanted him tOoo… “Ooooh Ooo Ooooh yesss I’m, I’m… OooohOooohOooohOoooh” then it happened! No longer a whisper, no longer a slight growl butt a full moaning orgasm with no end! Feeling his arm as it pressed my head against the wall! Feeling his arm as it braced itself for my quaking finale! “Yes yesss” I squirmed. “Yesssssssss” hit me with enthusiasm that would only be heard in a bed not at the office. Butt his cock, his creamy backlog of seamen had flooded my booty from so deep inside that I had no choice!
Panting hard, barely able to see much less stand. Down on my knees I tried to blink past that cumgasm, tried to see the effects of his latest love pole erection. Even as my eyes cleared I could see one of my coworkers kissing him. Lip to lip while still draining his cock that he had stuffed inside her butt. The more I watched the more she was dismounting and spinning on him! Dropping to her knees as she sucked his cock. Cleaned every last drop of her own cum from his love pole. Wrapping a hand around her head. Thrusting so hard into her mouth. Talking to another coworker who was starting to masturbate over his cock. Todd pulls back from his first lover to make room for his next. To sink that cock into her cunt while plastering the first woman’s face into her ass! “Ooo Ooooh fuckkk yesss” moaning again as my own fingers were buried inside myself! I must go and confess my love for… That bell, that hellish bell told me that break time was over and I needed to report back to my desk. Shuddering at the thought. I quietly whispered, “There is always tomorrow.”

“That was self-love if I had ever heard it. Remember peeps not everybody can be so fourth cuming, get out there as best you can and fuck the night away. This is DJ Maeve and The Rave with Klit 96.9 Midnight Lust up next I will turn you over to the Queen of Sass Lia Iswallow who tastes like a cookie. I should know I’ve had many midnight snack attacks this time of year.”

“Yes you have. This is Lia Iswallow bringing you the latest from our Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie. What do you see up there girl?”

“There is a semi truck that has made an accordion out of several smaller vehicles. Traffic enforcement is there along with fire and EST personal cleaning up the damage along I-95 just before you get in town. That is East bound mile marker 367. This is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie with Klit 96.9 The Rave Midnight Lust I shall be keeping you up to date with the latest developments from my perch up here. Now I will turn you over to Lia Iswallow.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v0dzg7/klit_969_the_rave_111_the_watcher_dream_master_ff