“”The weather man said” trying to hear over a large bolt of lightning that lit up the sky. Cause at that moment the most defining boom of thunder rocked my world. “What did the weather man say?” Being sarcastic because the report was clearly wrong. The first drop of rain landed on my glasses.”

“This is Drive@5 with Klit 96.9 The Rave and DJ Maeve pulling along beside you with the latest in the countdown, number 48” Nova ReBoot announced.

“How many of you have been caught in the rain? How many of you have been caught out there without an umbrella or anything else to snuggle under? Why? Cause I know where this is going and my pussy is getting so wet. This is Drive@5 with DJ Maeve and Klit 96.9 The Rave. The traffic report is saying all is clear with only a few minor slow downs around the Thrust Mall, Thank you Traffic Girl Callie. Mmm Mmmm, let’s get back to the tail.”

“That only took a second before the next rain drop fell than another and another. Before I could say anything my white shirt was getting damp. Even as my arms brushed forward the rain made every move seem like a porno movie. Watching my friend’s face. Seeing the way this pitter patter of rain was turning my shirt clear. My nipples are already sticking out butt this water falling from the sky just made them harder!
Red faced as the embarrassment set in as my nipples grew harder till they were a pair of stone idols set against my breasts! Not knowing how to hide what was a growing problem I turned away from my friend. Hanging my head, closing my eyes and sighing a doubtful sigh…

Just what in the hell man, as I glanced at my crotch. She is your friend and not… My mind was already stripping her of her clothes. Stepping forward to simply put my arms around… around… … The shutter hit my soul like a lead weight, pulling me and my dirt little mind right where I touched. Where I squeezed!

Instantly with my back to Mic chest I pressed back! Before I knew it my hands were on his. Holding it. Holding it while it was still on my breast. My nipple was growing harder and harder butt I could not pull Mic hand away from my chest!
When he had a good hold on my breast. One that was causing me to get wet. My hand slipped down the front of his pants. It slipped down till it brushed against something that was hard, stiff and long. Giggling in my most seductive manner. And at the same time stroking his cock.
Taking in a shaky gulp of air. “Why” stopping cause I could not believe that I even had this thought on my mind. “Why don’t you, you know” with the shrug of my shoulder the material bunched at the top exposing my soft skin. Getting color to my cheeks my hand slipped off his. Tracing Mic’s arm up till…
A sigh left my mouth followed very closely with my teeth scraping against my bottom lip. My hand, cold from the rain slipped inside my shirt. With the tug of a smile pulling on either side of my mouth. My hand slid under his.”

“This is Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve, we shall be right back.

When ever you hear an Orgasm you know that there is going to be .cum. Hi, Welcum everybody who is listening to this hot broadcast cause trust me if your listening then you don’t have Orgasm.cum on your phone or sending that powerful vibe to your loans. Join cause it’s free, join cause it is a thing, join cause all of your friends are on this site or simply join! @Orgasm.cum it’s all here with no more commercials to interrupt your family, friends, lovers time. Orgasm.cum is a hard pounding wet site that everyone should join, so join today!

We’re back, Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 with DJ Maeve, now let’s get back to the tail!”

Wanting to say, “Just what in the hell? The things I could do to you and…” The way her hand slipped under and yanked her tit free! My eyes adjusted to the bunching of her shirt. Going from a major wrinkle to a tight stretched piece of fabric that, that… My eyes were bulging from my head! I could not move my hands or my body! The feeling of my hard-on all of a sudden became all too real for me. The shame of popping a boner over my friend almost… “Holy shit! What… What is she doing!”

Looking into his eyes. Seeing the turmoil in them. The lust, the caring, the need to fuck me in any hole he could get. I fell to my knees. Taking a deep sigh. Wondering how this was going to affect our relationship. Gripping his boner, giving it a tug then following my mouth down along its shaft…

“Holy! Holy crap!” In my head my own voices kept calling so loud that I could not focus. Reaching for something to steady my mind, steady my hand.
Taking her by the head. My fingers getting enthralled in her long black hair. First with my left hand butt even then my balance was being challenged. Bringing my right hand forward. Gathering up her hair, waiting till every strand was in my grasp then…

The shock of Mic sliding forward. His thrust was so unexpected it made me cum! Right there I came without any help! Putting my full effort into this blow job. Stroking his cock with only my mouth. Wrapping my tongue around his head and tightening my lips with each sloppy stroke. And the way he was holding my head just made me swallow more of his cock.

“Oh Janice, Oh fuck girl you are getting so close to me…” No longer able to hold back, if she wanted to blow me off she should have said so. Pulling back on her hair, ripping my cock from that gapping mouth that had almost swallowed my entire cock. Pulling her back to her feet, pressing my mouth onto hers as we walked to the only place in this park that there was a bench! Five paces behind her.
This whole time letting her breasts flop without my hands mauling them. Without my mouth to suck them! You know this makes it hard to fuck in a public place! Pushing Janice back till we were there. “Janice, Oh Janice” I wanted to say so many things butt only one thing on my mind! “Ooo” as I sank my cock in her dripping pussy. “You are so…” cutting me off! Me a person who was going to give a compliment! A, a… “Holy crap, you are so tight” what did I say? You are tight, doop! I stuttered while trying to figure out if she liked it or even liked me?

Having Mic’s cock in my mouth. The blow job from out of nowhere and now this. Spreading my legs wide as he pounded my cunt! That feeling, that sensation! I couldn’t hold it any longer, I needed to cum! “Yes yesss yessssss Ooooh fuckkk Mmm! Harder, harder… Yesss fuck me so sOoo fuckkking hard!”
That was one of the best orgasms that I have ever had. Out of breath butt he continued to push me. Too tempt me till I was kissing his face. Teasing his lips with my tongue. Groaning till my breast was in his mouth once again! “You … so, sOoo fuckkking gOood” fell from my lips!

Sucking on her tits. Pulling the skin so tight that each one of them wanted to cum for me, for me Mic! Trading one mound for the other. Pulling on her nipple. Pulling, biting, sucking all at the same time! The thud of our bodies cuming together. The moan of her deepest desire as my cock smashed against her cunt. “Oh shit” I moaned. “I’m” pausing just to be sure the feeling is there. “Ooh shit, I.. I… Cum! Now!”

Getting that sensation. Allowing my body to soak his cock again as my cum ran freely down his nuts! Pulling his head into my breasts for that extra boost! Feeling his teeth, his suction on my right boob! “Ooo Ooooh yesss fuckkk Mmm!” Trying to out moan Mic, which wasn’t hard. Wiggling my bottom, grinding my pussy against his monster shaft.
It was at that second that the whole world made sense. From every drop of rain to the intense passion that was being shared. Opening my mouth, trying to pour my life out by.. by… “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkkkkkkkk Mmmmmmmmm sOoo hard! Yesssssssss!” Even as I planted my cunt against his pelvis everything was gone…

Looking up to Mic. Dragging the side of my head off his chest. Seeing that he was in heaven with his eyes closed. “Oh Mic” I whispered. Grinning so big, “Ooh Mic” unbuttoning his shirt slowly, methodically. Pulling back the cotton fabric, exposing his hairy chest. Then… My one lick, my little swirly of his chest hairs left one big knot. One that I had no choice to pull on. Yes, he chased me. Yes, we laughed. Yes, he caught me. Yes, he spanked my booty butt that is a different story for a different day.

This is Janice and Mic signing off”

“You are so bad girl. I hope you like being spanked! This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers from Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5. Cuming up next is DJ Andy butt first, hey quit that. We have a DJ who likes to wiggle her butt in my direction and who is looking for my own sense of justice. We shall return after our Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie.”

“I wish you girl would quit teasing cuz I could really use some of that butt touching romance that y’all have going round the office. Good evening this is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie cuming at you with the all clear. There still is traffic slow downs around Thrust Mall butt no accidents to call on. This is your Eye in the Sky Traffic Girl Callie with Klit 96.9 The Rave Drive@5 now let’s get back to the shenanigans in the studio.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v0e3om/klit_969_the_rave_113_pitter_patter_dream_master