Road Trip (part 4) [pictures]

My head was spinning as I walked toward where April was supposed to meet me. I was deep in thought, unaware of my surroundings.

What had I just done? That woman….. those pictures….. I should delete them, never think of them again.

But I didn’t.

The sharp clack of a rock bouncing against another snapped me from my trance. I stopped, frozen in shock as I watched [April]( walk toward the river, her skirt flowing in the breeze. It was dumb luck I hadn’t bumped right into her.

‘Why does that make you lucky?’ a voice in the back of my mind asked.

Some impulse stopped me from calling out and rooted me to the ground. I just watched as she unrolled her towel and laid it on the [ground]( I swallowed the lump in my throat, the sight of her skirt riding up the back of her legs drawing my eyes.

‘What are you doing?!’ that little voice asked me. I pushed it away as I raised my camera, the click capturing a brief glimpse of bikini bottoms as the wind flipped up her [skirt](

This was wrong, but couldn’t stop. ‘If you asked she would let you…..’ I pushed the thought away and crept along the low mound of earth that separated us, heading toward the bank of the river as I went, one eye on my footing while the other watched April intently. The only thing worse than my behavior would be her catching me but I was committed now.

My heart pounded in my chest as I settled in along the bank, watching April retrieve her book, my eyes sliding over her bent legs, her skirt hanging loose around her upper [thighs]( I watched her, my gaze easing down from her head, past the smooth skin of her [shoulders](, the process repeated from her flip-flop clad feet up her legs to he hem of her [skirt](, just barely covering her bottoms.

I watched her [read](, the sunlight dappling her smooth skin, the secrecy and risk of discovery heightening my growing desire for more. I had to have more. She had been telling me how uninteresting this book was for days. How long would it take for her to abandon it?

My feet fell asleep and I lowered the camera to shift how I was crouched when she tossed her book aside, almost in disgust. She stretched and brought her hands behind her [back](, my heart jumping in my chest. I clamped my teeth together as she scanned the river bank, looking for prying eyes. Fortunately, her attention was almost entirely directed back toward the path from the parking area, in the opposite direction from where I hid.

When she was confident there was no-one nearby her fingers slipped under the hem of her tank top and began to [lift]( I choked on an involuntary moan, thankful my jaw was already clenched so tight my teeth hurt.

Her top eased over her stomach, pausing briefly at her chest before popping over her bikini clad breasts, and finally over her [head]( My breath stuck in my throat while she untangled her [arms]( from her shirt and ran her fingers beneath the straps of the bikini, adjusting the [front]( and back before twisting around and lying on her stomach.

I took the opportunity to breath, taking in air slowly through my nose and exhaling quietly through a gaping mouth while April stretched [forward]( to retrieve her book, my eyes darting to the opening of her skirt but one of the same plants that shielded me obscured my view. Fortunately, April never opened her book, instead turning to sit and stare at the water, the breeze I had been hoping for now stirring her hair.

By this time the sun had risen to its peak, the temperature climbing rapidly. Had I not been so enthralled with watching April I would have felt the trickle of sweat running down my back.

She pushed herself into a crouched position, my eyes scanning the curvature of her [legs]( before she stood, her fingers slipping into the waist of her [skirt]( I held my breath as she bent forward at the waist, a flick of the wrists sending her skirt tumbling down her legs. I took in the glow of her skin from head to toe as she turned [toward]( me and began to carefully climb down the [bank]( The steep bank caused April to sway and stretch, her skin shifting in the sun, glimpses of her more hidden pieces were revealed as she made her way down to the water. I enjoyed the fleeting sight of her inner thigh, toned stomach, and butt as she swung herself [down]( to the edge of the water.

I forced air in through my nose and out through my mouth, controlling the shaking in my hands through my breathing while April dipped one toe into the cold water. Her fists balled up as she took a step forward, submerging both [feet]( After adjusting to the cold she waded to her knees, took three quick breaths, and sat back into the water, submerging herself to the waist. With a gasp she quickly stood, a glistening sheen of droplets cascading from her body.

“Eeep!” she squealed as one foot slipped, her arms flailing as she nearly lost her [balance](, regaining her composure with arms [outstretched](

A grin spread across my face as I watched the pure joy from her recovery spread onto the smile across her face. Abruptly, she took a deep breath, and flopped backwards to finish submerging her body in the cold water. While she rose, teetering on the slick rocks, I stared between her hanging [breasts](, water cascading from her wet bikini.

After a few moments she was able to stand, her wet skin highlighting every dimple of her toned [abs]( My skin crawled with energy as I watched, my eyes crawling over every goosebump, my camera preserving the experience forever.

April turned her back to me, her eyes taking in the opposite bank of the river. While she watched the forest I examined the smooth curves of her [ass]( It wasn’t long before she turned and began her traverse of the river toward the bank.

Her path to the river bank took her dangerously close to my hiding [spot](, but the loose stones prevented her from paying attention to anything other than her footing. The [climb]( back up the steepest section of the bank was no easier while April was wet but I managed to enjoy the sight of her struggle and triumph as she reached the [top](

‘No way I ever would get her to pose like that,’ I thought as she reached her towel and sat down. With a second towel she set about drying her hair before scanning the area, again focusing on the path back to the parking area. ‘What are you up to?’ I wondered.

Then her hands snaked up behind her [back]( while I held my breath. ‘No way I’m this lucky,’ I thought.

But I was. The fabric shifted as April released the clasp, her hands pulling the straps around her sides and lifting them over her [head]( I stared at the exposed side of her breast while she wrung water out of her top.

‘Oh my god,’ I mouthed as she leaned back, the towel barely covering both [breasts]( while my mind buzzed, a million thoughts and desires flooding through me so quickly I couldn’t pick any single one out among the cacophony. My composure was dangerously close to slipping while she adjusted the [towel]( before clutching it to her chest and rolling onto her stomach.

‘Sunbathing,’ I thought. ‘Ho. Ly. Shit.’

I stared, taking in the length of her body, tracing the lines of her legs, around her butt, up her bare back, and around the side of her [chest]( while she reached for her book and began to read. I zoomed the camera in as far as I could, focusing on the strip of exposed skin between the top of her bottoms and the curve of her [breast](

I tried to lean closer but as my weight shifted two rocks came together and a loud crack split the air, distinct from the sounds of the babbling river and birds in the trees. April’s head whirled in my direction as I lowered the camera. I could only hope I got it down in time.

“Hey!” I said, straightening quickly, puffing like I had just climbed the bank, trying desperately to look like I had just arrived. “I wasn’t sure that was you at first!”

She paused for a long moment, considering me. “Yeah! Good thing it was you and not some weirdo spying on me!” she said with a laugh. “Get some good pictures?”

“Pictures? Oh, yeah, this river is unbelievable!” I replied.

“That’s great! You’ll have to show me some tonight,” she replied without looking up.

“For sure!” I agreed.

“I didn’t bring any sunscreen,” April mused, eyes still on the pages. “Let me finish this page and we can get out of here.”

“Great, I’ll just walk up the bank a short way and meet you on the path,” I said, intent on getting a couple pictures in case she actually asked to see them. I could hardly show her the woman…… or her.

“If you find a good spot you can take some pictures of me if you want,” she offered, her eyes still on the book.

I froze, sensing some sort of trap. “That would be amazing!” I said enthusiastically. “I mean, the lighting is perfect today. And the scenery! Can’t as for better,” I babbled, trying to cover up my overly eager response.

She kept reading, either pretending not to notice or not thinking anything of it.

I turned and walked away, not wanted to extend the awkward moment any longer. I scanned around the bank of the river, searching for the right spot, my entire body vibrating, my hands shaking every time I raised the camera to check the light. Fear and desire coursed through me. Did she know? Or was this everything I imagined it could be?


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