I “accidently” sent Uncle Jack a nude…

*First of all, full disclosure – it wasn’t exactly a* ***full nude*** *photo. I took a picture in the bathroom of my breasts, still in a bra. But it was naughty enough to warrant some reaction. DM me if you want to see the exact photo I sent him.*

When I got to Uncle Jack’s house later on today (after *that* incident on the bus) he was home. I had a worrying thought that maybe I got the dates or times wrong? He’s usually at work by the time I come in.

He greets me with a big smile and says “Hey darlin’. Mason’s up in his room. Have you had anything to eat?”

I’m so happy to see him, I feel a little flip in my tummy seeing him smile up at me. I almost want to run up to him and hug him, to feel him against me.. But I’m not a kid any more and we don’t hug as often as we used to. I reply “yeah, I’ve eaten thanks.. aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“Well, it’s good to see you, too!” – fuck, I didn’t mean it like that.

“No, no, Uncle Jack! It’s so nice that you’re home I didn’t mean-”

He stops me, chuckling “I’m just messin’! Nah, foreman called me about an hour ago, said he didn’t need me in until later so I’ve got an hour to kill before I head out.”

I drop my bag in the hallway and come take a seat in the living room. He’s been watching Game of Thrones again, something I never quite got into. “Don’t stop watching on my account, Uncle Jack.”

“Nah, it’s okay. It’s not really suitable for-”

“I’m not a kid.”

He raises both open hands to me and says “okay! Okay! Sorry. I was just worried it would be too graphic for you” he hits play and the conversation between Cersei and her dad continues on screen. I grab my phone and scroll through mindlessly on Instagram when about a minute or 2 later Cersei and Jaime are on a table.. about to get it on.

Uncle Jack grabs the remote and hits pause. “Okay, definitely too graphic for you.”

“What? Why? It’s not like I haven’t seen a sex scene before..” where it my new found confidence coming from? I’m never usually so.. brazen.

Jack replies “this isn’t suitable. At all”

“Come on, Uncle Jack. I don’t care about that sort of thing. Cersei and her husband getting it on? I’m barely even watching it. Don’t let me stop you from watching it.”

“Sammy.. they’re not husband and wife.”

“Oh.. well, I dunno. Her boyfriend?” God, I sound so juvenile. I should have been paying more attention when Megan puts it on.

“They’re uh.. they’re related” and with that he switches channel and I hear the all familiar voice of Charlie from Always Sunny.

There’s a stillness in the room and I’m not quite sure what to say – and it’s pretty damn obvious Uncle Jack feels the same way.

I suddenly get the urge to tell Uncle Jack about what happened to me on the bus earlier but I stop myself and remember the plan I had. I was going to send him an inappropriate picture. Megan, who knows everything there is to know about me, suggested a cute bra pic. Nothing too obvious. Send it “accidently” to my Uncle Jack and act innocent and embarrassed when he opens it up.

I look down at my phone, open up a new message to Uncle Jack and attach the photo. I’m shaking I’m so nervous, I quickly glance up and see Uncle Jack watching the TV screen. I messily type in “how cute is this new bra?!” and hit send.

Almost immediately I hear his phone *PING* and he reaches out for it from on the coffee table, he isn’t even really paying close attention. But I watch as his face reads confusion, a slight head tilt. And before he can say anything I cry out

“SHIT SHIT SHIT! Uncle Jack! Please don’t open it, shit! That’s not for you!” But it’s obvious he’s opened it, its staring at his screen. He swallows hard and locks his phone, puts it back on the coffee table and looks up – but he doesn’t quite make eye contact with me.

“Sammy. What – who was that meant for?” I go quiet, feeling my face flare up.

He repeats the question but this time.. he sounds mad?

“Goddamnit, Sammy. Answer the damn question! WHO?” I start to panic, fuck. shit. fuck. Why is he mad?! I can barely get the words out but i see the fury on Uncle Jack’s face and I can’t help but start crying. What have I done?

It takes him a second to realise I’m in tears and his demeanor changes almost instantly. He rushes over to me, gets on his hunches, to my level and his voice is soft and calming as he puts his arm round me “Damn, Sammy. I’m sorry. It’s not my place to get angry. I’m sorry, darlin’. I – I.. I didn’t know how to react, I just got protective and I panicked thinking you weren’t keeping yourself safe. My mind.. My mind just started going into overdrive. Honey, I’m so damn sorry. Please don’t get upset.”

His soothing tone just sends me over the edge and my shoulders shake as I sob into his embrace. I don’t know why I’m getting so emotional, I don’t even know why I’m crying. But all I can do is find comfort in his arms.

I quieten down as his hand strokes my hair, his big arms make me feel so much safer. He pulls away from me a little bit and looks into my eyes “better?” he asks. I nod my head, not quite meeting his eyes. There’s a moment.. it fills the air. His hands on me, our bodies so close. I can feel my heart hammer through my chest. FUCK. My breathing is hard, I’m trying to slow down. His right hand moves from my shoulder down my arm to my hand.

“Sammy..” his eyes imploring mine. I’m desperate for him to take me, to touch me all over. I want to know how it feels for him to be inside me, I want to know what he tastes like.

He bites his lip and swallows hard. Whatever he’s about to say isn’t going to be easy. Does he know how i feel? Is he going to let me down gently? Please, dear God no. Don’t let this man turn me down.

“Daddy, can I have an apple juice?” both our heads spin to the staircase, Mason is at the bottom step looking at us both. He’s got his favourite red firetruck in his left hand and the other on the banister.

“Sure buddy! Let’s get it from the fridge”

Uncle Jack releases me and gets up and heads to Mason, taking him to the next room.

… Fuck.

*All characters are 18+ years old, all consenting adults*

*** For anyone interested in seeing *that* photo, hit me up on snapchat at mira22_22

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uyox4s/i_accidently_sent_uncle_jack_a_nude


  1. What’s the odds that you’ll actually receive the picture and not a link to someone’s onlyfans?😂😂 …… can confirm no only fans link but a very sexy pic 😜

  2. Lovin your story and excited for how it went on. btw added on sc

  3. I would love to see that picture that got your uncle all worked up.

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