Ultimate submission of Avatar Korra [non con][tentacles][breeding]

A story someone commissioned of me, and I had TONS of fun designing the tentacle monster <3


These last few months had been a dream. They shouldn’t have been absent from the physical world for so long, but after being separated for years, only to get together and have to deal with Kuvira… They deserved a long vacation. Specially after discovering their feelings for each other. They wanted to let their romance develop without Physical World Troubles (™) getting in the way. Not that they dedicated the whole time to be lazy and have sex. Korra and Asami had found plenty of spirits in need of help, and they often went on adventures to solve the problems of the bizarre creatures that inhabited the spirit world.

Today was no such day, though. They decided they had to go back. Asami was growing uneasy about not being able to watch over her company like a hawk. And they both missed Mako, and Bolin. They were taking a leisure stroll through one of their favorite spots, where the plants were abundant, and full of flowers that didn’t exist in the physical world. They reminisced about their lives, and their relationship. They truly were made for each other. Korra turned towards Asami, brushing her hair behind her ears. She stood on her toes, leaning in for a kiss.

Something grabbed Korra by the ankle, and pulled her away. ‘Korra!’ Asami yelled, when her lover was suddenly yanked back. She gasped when a spirit rose from the ground; a dark purple jelly covered in tentacles, wearing a crown and a scepter, that had a dull looking ruby on it. Korra spun in the air, cutting the tentacle that caught her with air bending. She landed on her feet, and condensed the water around her to make tentacles of her own, so they were on equal terms. She fought the spirit, and as she did so, she noticed Asami gasping in anger, using her machete to cut the tentacles grabbing her.

Korra ran to her aid, and the monster took the chance to send a tentacle around her neck. The avatar was lifted in the air. It was ridiculous. You shouldn’t have to breathe in the spirit world. But they travelled there with their physical bodies, now Korra was choking, and no air bending could do anything about it. From up there, she saw the jelly creature had actually surrounded them in a circle. It took away Asami’s only weapon, and now was ripping away her clothes. That’s when she felt more tentacles running up her body, pulling at her clothes too until they gave away.

The spirit threw her to the ground, without letting go, but softening its grip so she could breathe. She was covered in tentacles now, that had left her body naked, and were groping at her tits and butt, in a way Korra had let only two people do in her life. The monster was strong and, for once, she couldn’t rely on her muscles to out-grapple her opponent. She tried aiming the palms of her hands at the creature, breathing deeply, and shooting fire out of her hands as she exhaled. The spirit seemed unaffected by the fire. ‘Korra!’ Asami screamed, seeing her girlfriend captured by the spirit. She tried crawling towards her, but the monster had a strong grip on her too. Korra tried to use all of the elements, but tied down like that, it was like having her bending stripped from her. She couldn’t perform the movements to get the chi moving, and bend.

The mass that wore a crown didn’t have a face, but its voice resonated through the place. ‘Hee hee hee… Finally, I get my hands on the avatar!’

‘Hands?!’ Korra kept struggling, throwing punches that were pulled back, and kicks that only hit the ground. ‘As far as I see, you only have these slimy, nauseating tentacles.’

‘Oh, yes. You’re right. Let me fix that for you.’ The beast brought more tentacles into Korra’s sight. Their ends started changing their coloration into human skin tones, and smaller tentacles surged from the endings, molding into fingers, and then into hands. Now some of the tentacles keeping her pinned to the ground had human hands. One of them was particularly invasive, and stuck its fingers into Korra’s mouth, playing with her tongue. The fingers were dark skinned, long, and elegant. ‘How does it feel, to have uncle Unalaq’s fingers inside you?’

Korra looked at the monster with anger, and bit down as hard as she could. The creature retreated its tentacle, dripping jelly into Korra’s mouth, instead of blood. ‘Why are you doing this?!’ asked the avatar. ‘Tentacles are bad enough, but my uncle’s hands?! You’re so disgusting, and perverted!’

‘Ah~ Perverted. Thank you. I love being called that.’ The creature raised even more tentacles, that underwent the same transformation, but instead of hands, they turned into dicks. ‘I’m the spirit of Rape. Of Violation. You see, not only good spirits inhabit the spirit world. The bad things that exist in your reality, they also get reflected here in the form of a spirit.’

Korra’s eyes widened with fear for the first time in this encounter. The monster started caressing her body, both with its hands and dicks. ‘I’m behind every sexual assault, every molestation. But no matter how much I tried, I could never get ahold of the avatar to rape them.’ Despite its lack of a face, Korra could swear the beast was grinning. ‘Then, I started hearing rumors about the avatar coming to the spirit world in person. And now I don’t have to use any soldier in a dark alley, any incestuous prick from your family. Now you’re here, and I get to rape you myself.’

Asami had already all of her holes occupied, and the tentacle in her mouth prevented her from saying anything. But when she saw a white cock that turned pink towards the tip, with a very peculiar mole on it, sliding over Korra’s slit, she struggled to go towards her girlfriend. The monster let out a low laugh. ‘It seems your girl already knows whose cock this is. But can you recognize it?’ Korra looked at it, horrified and clueless. Right when the spirit shoved it inside her, she recognized Mako’s dick, the one that had taken her virginity.

‘Ack! Get out! Get it out of me!’ Korra cried, but the tentacle just started pumping in and out of her.

‘Beg all you want. It only makes me want to go harder.’ Two other tentacles, with slender, dark hands, went to tug at her nipples. They were hard already, and the hands pulled them, engorging them more, until even the skin of the areola was puffy. ‘How does it feel to get molested by the twins? Of course, you deserve it. You ruined Eska’s wedding!’

Korra screamed at the assault her breasts were going through. Another tentacle appeared, sporting a white dick, shorter but wider than that of Mako. ‘And if we’re to keep siblings together, it only makes sense that Bolin’s cock also goes up your pussy.’ The tentacles spread Korra’s legs wider apart, and they sent Bolin’s dick into her pussy. At first, the monster had fun alternating the brothers in and out, but then it started penetrating with both at the same time. Korra groaned in pain, feeling like her hips were going to crack open.

‘The body parts of your friends and enemies aren’t all I have prepared for you though.’ Korra looked at the spirit with tears streaming down her cheeks. ‘Ever saw the erect prick of an ostrich horse?’ Her eyes zeroed on the tentacle dangling in front of her. There was a saying in the Earth Kingdom. “Hung like an ostrich horse.” And this thing was enormous. She gritted her teeth, guessing the monster wanted to put it in her mouth. But the beast took her by surprise, whipping away its tentacle, and shoving it up her ass.

Korra let out a gut-wrenching screech, when her asshole was stretched past its limit, making space for the ostrich horse cock. The monster held her still, barely letting her struggle, only because that made it all the more stimulating. It had fun with its triple penetration, the twin’s hands playing with her tits, while countless other hands and cocks molested her body.

‘You were lucky to be born into a family that didn’t engage in incest. But I’m here to correct that. A father’s duty is to make sure their daughters are ready to please their husbands.’ A thick tentacle appeared before Korra, sporting a huge black cock that she had never seen in her life, but by the beast’s words, she could guess whose it was. ‘C’mon, c’mon, little Korra. Open up wide for daddy~’ The avatar shook her head from side to side, keeping her mouth shut as strongly as possible. Two other tentacles showed up, with delicate white hands, one of them wearing a ring Korra knew all too well. Asami’s hands grabbed her by the chin and forehead, and forced her mouth open. As soon as it had its chance, the monster shoved Korra’s dad’s dick down her throat. Her eyes teared up at the salty flavor. She tried to be mindful, and stay aware that she was being violated by some jelly creature. But the spirit’s powers were strong, and Korra’s psyche was struggling to not believe she was being raped by her father.

High with power, the beast laughed, canning Korra’s tits with its scepter. It felt its climax drawing near, so it was time to close this with a flourish. It retreated the brothers’ dicks from her vagina, and fused them together into a bigger, thicker tentacle. Korra was full on crying, but she still managed to keep an eye open to watch the horror forming in front of her. By the gray coloration, it was clear this wasn’t pure tentacle, it was actually a long ass penis, with a penile cup around the glans, to scoop out the sperm of any reproductive competition. By the middle of the shaft, it widened so much, even after the double penetration, Korra doubted that could fit inside of her. She didn’t have the mental space to wonder what the hell kind of creature had a penis like that, but it seemed like the monster loved bragging about its several members. ‘Be thankful, Avatar Korra, for you will be impregnated by my seed with my ultimate tentacle: the flying bison tentacle cock!’

Korra’s eyes widened. She tried to yell something, but she couldn’t, with her mouth stuffed by her father’s dick. The spirit still understood what she meant. ‘Yes, impregnated. The Avatar will carry my seed, and have my child! The ultimate rape will be completed! The breeding of the bridge between our two worlds, carried out by me! The Spirit of Rape!’ Korra got desperate, as the beast forced the flying bison dick into her pussy, making her feel like she was being split in half. She grabbed tentacles, trying to squeeze them until they broke apart. She bit down on the cock in her mouth, but it only oozed more purple liquid for her to swallow.

The monster’s laughter echoed through the place, as it quickened the pace of its tentacles. With one final screech, all of its dicks started shooting sperm, covering both of the girls in a creamy, white liquid. Korra arched her back when she was forced to swallow her father’s cum, but she also felt something down in her belly. Right where her uterus was, a small flame was set ablaze, lasting for only a second. The ruby on the beast’s scepter shone bright red. She knew what it meant. The creature carried out its promise. She was pregnant, from the spirit of rape.

The creature started swirling into a hurricane, collecting all the jelly from all its different tentacles. It flew away, probably in search of another being to violate, leaving both of them thrown on the ground, covered in cum.

Asami crawled towards her lover. Her limbs hurt and tingled from having the tentacles wrapped around them for so long. She got to Korra’s side, and wiped away her tears. Her absent expression had her worried, but to her surprise, Korra was the first to speak. ‘Are you okay?’

The raven haired looked at the other with warm eyes. Even after all that she had gone through, the avatar was more concerned with her wellbeing. ‘Yes… He raped me too, but mostly he wanted to make me watch.’ She squeezed Korra’s hand. ‘I’m glad it’s over. I hated seeing you in so much pain.’

‘It’s not over.’ Korra placed her free hand on her stomach, where a new life was gestating. ‘By the spirits… What are we gonna tell our child?’

‘That their mommy and momma loved each other very much, so they went to the spirit world to have a baby.’ Asami sighed. ‘And when they’re older, we can tell them the truth.’

Korra remained silent for a long while, before she said ‘I love how smart you are.’

Asami cuddled up to her. ‘And I love how strong you are.’

Korra threw an arm over her face, to cover her eyes. Then she started sobbing. ‘Not strong enough.’

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/uxwj2j/ultimate_submission_of_avatar_korra_non

1 comment

  1. Nice!! Do you know of any other great stories within the Avatar realm?

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