My Only Fan Part 2

Part 1:

My Only Fan Part 1 from Erotica

It was the morning after I’d just learned my own mother had ditched the traditional dating scene for cruising for cyber sex with random guys. There we sat at breakfast, eating cereal, like I hadn’t just watched my mom have a leg shaking orgasm the night before. My mom’s pink silk robe falling resting gently on the outline of her breasts wasn’t doing any favors helping me forget the event.

At opposite ends of the bar, both of us were scrolling on our phones. I decided I didn’t want to let this go on any further and that I’d move up my timetable.

I opened up the dating app and booted up Miles Dalton’s profile. I shot my mom a message:

“thanks for the show last night.”

I kept my eyes on my phone but watched my mom out of the corner of my eye as her eyes flashed at the notification. I saw her type out a response and a moment later on my phone:

“believe me the pleasure was all mine.”

I typed back slowly and stealthily to the woman just down the table from me, “what are you wearing now?”

And the response, “a pink robe…and nothing else.”

Time to get aggressive. I sent back, “hot. Open it up and send me a pic.”

“mmm maybe later baby. I’m having breakfast then work. But you can be good for mommy, right?”

I shot back quickly, “you’re going to send me that pic right now…unless you want all the nude pics I kept of you last night to end up all over the internet.”

Across the table, I saw my mom stiffen and straighten in her chair and for a moment I felt a tinge of regret. She stood up quickly, almost sat down again when I looked up and then said to me, “I just remembered I have to get ready for a meeting Stacy. I’ll see you tonight.” and she practically fled the room.

A few moments later I saw pop up on my screen, “what the fuck, you took screenshots of me?”

So I texted back, “oh you know it. So cmon, send me the Pic.”

My moms response almost made me proud, “go fuck yourself, you think I care?”

I blinked for a few seconds, considered my options and decided to double down, “I do. You think you were hard to find with a first name, last initial and home city? You want your daughter knowing about this? Or your ex? Or the school you teach at?”

I hit send just as I was reconsidering and felt like this was getting out of hand. A couple minutes passed. Just as I was preparing to stand up and clean the kitchen my phone lit up again. I swiped it open.

There it was, her bedroom and a selfie of my mom, her pink silk bathrobe open to reveal two pert breasts, her fit toned body end a waxed smooth vagina. A message came right after, “fucking happy now?”

“for now,” I texted back as Miles Dalton, “but wear something tight fitting today. And no underwear. XXOO…”

I put my phone away and started cleaning the kitchen. It was an off day for me at work and I liked to help out. 20 minutes later mom came down the stairs in a white blouse, a black pencil skirt that I hadn’t seen her wear in some time and, as best as I could tell, no panty line. Wow. I must have really shaken her.

“must be some meeting mom, I haven’t seen you wear that in ages.”

“yes. Right. Well, I just felt like it, you know how it is? I have to get going.” she was speaking so fast I could feel her desperate to get out of the house.

I watched her walk in high heels down the drive to her car, get in, wait a few seconds, then drive away.


A few hours had passed and I was just watching TV. I picked up my phone again and put it down. Then picked it up again. Posing again as Miles, I texted my mother Layla.

“having a good day at work? In case you thought I was bluffing, I found your daughter too. Stacy…pretty name.”

About 5 minutes later a response came back, “please, just, look, I’m playing ball. What do you want?”

“I’m still figuring that out. For now, I want an up skirt pic in the next 10 seconds so I know you didn’t wear panties to work.”

Probably 15 seconds later a pic popped up in the chat, sure enough, an upskirt pic of my mother’s pussy taken from under the desk at her office.

“thats hot,” I texted. “I’m gonna give you a choice. I want a video of you masturbating.”

A few moments passed, “what’s the choice?”

“you can do it at the office or at home. But think carefully.”

“home.” the response from my mother came back almost instantly.

“great choice,” I wrote back as Miles, “by midnight tonight I better have a video of you masturbating to completion.”

“OK,” came the response.

“oh, one condition,” I texted. “you have to take the video in your daughter’s room, using your daughter’s vibrator.”

A full agonizing minute later…




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