The new trainee [Fm] [str8]

She’d worked at the law firm for 10 years and without even realising had allowed herself to stagnate in a role that she had once loved. Everyday had become mundane until he joined as a trainee, part of the graduate training programme. As one of the partners she had been part of the induction programme and from the very first session had found her eyes drawn towards him at every opportunity. For his part he sat and gazed at her with a hunger in his eyes that had not been directed at her for a while. Every time he stared at her she got the impression that he was mentally undressing her, and much more beyond. I’m with that intense interest came a surge of arousal in her. By the third day could not get through a session where he was present without having soaked into her underwear, and by day four was having to relieve herself in one of the cubicles of the women’s bathroom. She masturbated next to her sleeping husband in bed, and when he woke and found her aroused, she fantasised that it was the young trainee sliding his cock inside her.

As with all new intake weeks, the Friday evening was an opportunity to relax after five days of intense training. Following a day of the usual office-based team building exercises, the partners and trainees retired to a trendy restaurant in the central business district, all low lighting and cool music. She wasn’t sure how she ended up sitting next to the trainee. Had she had done it subconsciously or he had done it deliberately? The mood relaxed and the volume of chat increased, in tandem with the volume of drinks consumed. She was chatting to a colleague sat opposite her when she felt his hand on her thigh, a light grip on the material of her skirt. Her first instinct, the professional one, was to remove his hand and admonish him. But as one second became five, and five seconds became 30, she realised that opportunity and that course of action had passed, and that she was wet enough to know her panties would have a dark patch on them.

She let her hands drift under the table and dragged her nails across the back of his hand, feeling him flinch before bringing her hands back above the table. She repeated the action a few minutes later and felt his hand edge slightly higher on her thigh. After an hour of drinking and eating, when at times his hand had to leave her thigh to allow him to put food in his mouth, he went to the bathroom. She took the opportunity to move seats. He returned and sat immediately, and she made sure to catch his eye and give him a naughty teasing smile.

The evening entered its final phase, where all those still in attendance moved to the pub/club next door. Many of the trainees were booked into the hotel across the road. She looked around for him but initially he was nowhere to be seen. A few moments after arriving at the new place she spotted him talking to a couple of other trainees, both very attractive ladies of a similar age to him. Partners and trainees alike were drunk and loud, but she’d admired the fact he’d stayed reasonably sober and composed. For her part, she’d drunk enough to be feeling very flirtatious. She found herself chatting to a senior partner and manoeuvred herself so she could watch him over the shoulder of her conversation partner as they talked. She watched him flirt with the two ladies and found herself getting aroused by the jealousy she felt. Her already wet pussy got even wetter, and she wondered how long it would take for her pussy juices to start sliding down the inside of her thigh. There was only one way to find out.

She excused herself and walked over to him, greeted the two ladies who excused themselves and headed to the bar, and turned to face him. In a husky voice she told him to tell her what he wanted to do to her. He didn’t flinch, but instead took a long swig of his drink as he looked her up and down, deliberately and lustfully. He moved close, his body brushing against hers, and put his mouth close to her ear so his words were hot against it. He started slowly, euphemistically, and she wondered how risqué he was willing to go. But after a few minutes there was an abrupt change of tone. He described his tongue on her clit and his fingers inside her. He described grabbing a handful of her hair to pull her mouth down on his cock. He described ripping her knickers off and bending her over her desk. He spoke calmly but intently. He asked her what she wanted, and she responded in kind. She told him how she would tease his balls as she sucked his cock and wrapped her legs around him to make sure he filled her pussy with cum. As they spoke, she felt her pussy juice running down the inside of her thighs, her knickers unable to absorb all her arousal.

From in her bag, she felt the buzz of her phone. She reached inside and saw it was her husband calling. She showed him the screen and gestured that she was going to take the call outside. She exited into the warm air of the evening. She hadn’t answered in time and so walked down to a shop doorway 20 yards down the street, quiet and dark enough that it would be difficult to see her from the street. The trainee arrived as her husband answered the phone, and she almost dropped it in surprise. He slid into the darkness beside her, and his mouth was at her ear again. As she chatted to her husband, telling him how the evening was a boring standard one and hearing how his day at work had been, the trainee whispered in her ear that he wanted to slide his tongue into her ass as he fingered her pussy and she played with her clit. That he wanted to cum in her mouth in her office in the middle of the day. As her conversation with her husband ended, he slipped away and back into the party venue.

She got back inside but could not see him. Aroused to a point where she felt lightheaded she made a beeline for the bathroom, into a cubicle and had barely locked the door before she was peeling her knickers off. She couldn’t believe the state they were in. She stuffed them into her handbag, put one foot onto the toilet, her fingers on her pussy. It was dripping and swollen, and as she touched herself for the first time she orgasmed. She didn’t stop and a few minutes was cumming again, his voice in her head and the images he’d created vivid. She gathered herself and exited the bathroom. He was leaning on a high table, facing the door she had just passed through. She reached inside her handbag, gathered the soaked panties in her hand, and practically ran to him. She put her hand onto his and eased it open, then placed her knickers onto the open palm. He smiled, feeling the dampness against his skin, closed his fingers around the material and stuffed them into his pocket. He leaned in to her again and whispered in her ear that he had to go, but would be thinking about her over the weekend. He handed her a piece of paper with his whatsapp number on, kissed her on the corner of her mouth, just enough on the cheek so that it could be perceived as innocent by those adjacent, and headed out the door.

She arrived home 20 minutes later, her pussy throbbing. The taxi journey had been bumpy and every vibration seemed to send a ping of pleasure through her. She’d put his number into her phone as soon as he’d left and message him thanking him for a thrilling evening. In return he’d sent a picture of her panties still visibly wet, and an accompanying message that he’d be using them later and that he hoped this was the last time he’d cover her underwear in cum without her in them. It was this thought and image that was going through her head when she climbed into bed beside her sleeping husband and coaxed his cock erect before lowering herself onto it. As he came inside her, she wished that it was the trainee underneath her, his cum dripping out of her.
