Age gap 40m 24 f coworker turned lovers

I was working in an establishment that was 80-20 female to male ratio. I had a sexy coworker come up to me one evening and asked a hypothetical question. “She asked” would you fuck me if given the chance”. She was was gorgeous so i said sure if I was given the chance I definitely would.

I didn’t think anything of the question or the brief conversation after. A few weeks passed and we never spoke about that question again. So I thought it was just a question. But one evening I get a message from her asking if we could talk. She just had broken up with her boyfriend and wanted a mature person to talk to. Since I was older 40 than her. She was early 20s. I agree. What can really happen right? We met in a parking lot and drive around a bit.

Well to my surprise she was a very outspoken person outside of work. She wanted to know all my fantasies and stuff like that. We barely mentioned her ex. Lol. She said she often wondered what it would be like to be with an older man. So she flirted and ultimately started rubbing my pants. She was absolutely gorgeous so I thought why was she wanting me? I asked myself that over and over. She was about to find out about the older man. Lol

In the end of the evening she dared me to touch her between her legs to see how wet she was. I reached over if course. I can’t be dated something like that right? She was dripping wet. She pulls out my cock and immediately goes down deep on my cock with her mouth. Best blow job I’ve ever gotten.

I will share more if interested.
