the picnic

The Picnic

I am a history grad student doing research on lighthouses and the surrounding ports near Gloucester, Ma., I have to visit several in the area and it is going to take me a while to comb through the local archives so I have rented a house near Marblehead, Massachusetts to act as my HQ while in the field. We meet at a local coffee shop outside of Boston near the Deer Island Lighthouse as I stop to refuel on my way back from Cohasset and hit it off, over a couple of cups you find I am conducting research in the area and as a Mass. native agree to show me around on Saturday. The day has finally arrived and we meet at the same shop, you hop in my car, a 1965 ford mustang, and we head out for a day of research, sightseeing, and sex ;)

As we tour the byways of Mass. it slips that one of my top three favorite authors of all time is Jack Kerouac and you suggest we save the lighthouses for later and visit his birthplace in Lowell, this has a visible reaction on my face and you laugh as I go full school girl stan and start geeking out over the beat writers and Kerouac. It is about an hour from were we are in Gloucester and passing through the Ipswich wildlife refuge I suggest we stop for a bite and point to the picnic basket in the backseat next to some old flannel blankets

Once we arrive we hike in a bit and find a beautiful open meadow full of flowers and old trees, next to a cobblestoned bridge, the water still and reflective of the beauty abounding around us, the sun shining through the trees cutting gold streaks through the shade of the giant elm we sat under. After some food and drink, a little bottle of red wine I had stashed in the bottom of the basket, I am feeling very amorous.

I put my glass down, give a sly smile as I lean forward climbing to my knees and crawl over to you across the blanket. I take your glass from your hand and noticing a small sip left I straddle your lap unbutton my top, in silence I pull out my breast looking into your eyes, I pick up the glass, still silent, place my hardening nipple against your lips pouring the last drops of wine over me into your mouth. The deep red of the wine a stark contrast to the milky hue of my breast, the scarlet streams collecting at the tip of my nipple. You instinctually begin to suckle still looking up into my eyes, backlit by the sun my face shadowed and pale save for the blush of my cheeks suggesting my arousal, the shafts of golden light wreathing my auburn hair in a living red glow in the breeze.

I remove my breast from your mouth, still silent, and bend down kissing you fully on the lips, the taste of wine heavy on my tongue as it slowly enters your mouth and dances between your lips. I pause, sit back and remove my top, push you down onto the blanket and crawl on top of you. Kissing a trail from your lips, along your neck, to your left ear, I whisper for you to remove your belt and give the lobe a playful nip as I unbutton your shirt and you your belt.

Kissing across and down your neck, shoulders and chest I make my way to your center. I pause, look at you curiously and you say we can stop, it’s okay, to which I smile mischievously and shake my head no. I pick up your belt and run it through the length of my hands feeling the leather as I look into your eyes. I take your hands and tie them above your head with the belt as you ask what I’m doing, I make my way back down to your center. Totally restrained, you are helpless in my hands. I unbutton your pants and slide them down and off, only to tie them around your ankles.

Once more I grab the wine bottle but this time I straddle your neck, my freshly shaved pussy just inches from your lips, I take a drink for myself as I lower my lips onto yours and tell you to stick out your tongue. My clit resting on the tip of your tongue I begin to pour the wine slowly down from my navel watching as it creates crimson rivulets all streaming towards your open mouth. As the wine hits your lips I begin to rock my hips. The wine mixes with my own sweet nectar making your chin and lips slick. I begin to slowly grind into your face taking another swig. I set the bottle down and take your face in my hands gently. The breeze across my exposed skin and your lip service creating flushes of pink across my alabaster skin, my nipples hardening, the rustle of leaves and bodies drowned out by the building whimpers escaping my mouth.

I get off you, reverse position and take you in my mouth as I hover my entrance just above your face lightly brushing across your lips and nose while I feel you grow in my mouth. Taking a hand, I stroke you into my mouth and firmly press my kitty into your mouth causing me to moan so loud the vibrations tickle the length of your cock. You are hard now, straining against your own skin, I take you out, the slick gloss of my saliva shimmering over the smooth skin of your cock, cooling in the air. I begin to jerk you softly with a loose grip just teasing you for sometime until you are completely writhing under me.

Alternating between my hand and mouth I bring you to the edge and hold you there in the waning sunlight, a prisoner of my passion, I tease you, keep you dripping precum for what seemed like an hour or more telling you, not yet, I want a big reward. Finally, when I think that you can take no more, I up the pressure and push through. Your hips bucking up to meet my incoming hand, just letting you fuck my hand, just the tip, the sensitive swollen rim of your cock head rolling around inside my grip like im flexing on you as you enter me.

I look into your eyes and tell you how much I appreciate you showing me around and helping me let off some steam, so I want to do something special for you and that I want you to cum when you’re ready. It doesn’t take long before the tell tale signs of orgasm are all over you, the quick breaths, tense muscles, the chasing my grip looking for your release, and finally a small pearl of cum welling from your head signals your imminent orgasm. At this point, as soon as the cum begins to erupt, I pivot my knee, and quickly cap your eruption by pushing you inside me. I I push deep into your hips and stop, staying still to feel your throbbing pulses of hot cum jettison from your tip into me, filling me with your seed. Feeling your body shake and tremble under mine, my breasts pressed into your chest, my tongue in your mouth, feeling your grunts around my tongue as the try to escape your lips but are muffled by the passionate kiss we are locked in, the feeling of your fading steel pressed firm against my walls as I squeeze the last drops of you into me. After your breathing slows and you have been completely drained I bring my ass up leaving you just at my threshold so as not to break the seal just yet, the post orgasm sensitivity causing you to pump two more ropes into me.

I grab my wine glass and raising off you, place the glass under my lips catching your cum as it falls from my entrance. I lean back against the tree and put my legs over your middle crossed at the ankles and while you try and regain composure you watch as I sip your cum from my wine glass and bask in the warm light, my skin shimmering, my hair waving in the breeze, and a devilishly satisfied smile on my lips, before untying you and heading back to the car my arm locked around yours.
