The Masters pt 1

(MF) (bd) (slime) (tentacles) (slugs) (mind control) (body alteration)

*So, I havent written anything for publication in a long while and to be honest am rusty as hell and seriously out of practice .*

*I have had this churning away for my own amusement and thought maybe others may be entertained by my efforts (surely theres a few folks with similar kinks round here lol), if the response is good theres a few more chapters ready to go and possibly more to be written beyond that .So here goes hope at least a few of you crazy redditors enjoy the tale*


Nell and Dave were hiking in the woods on one of their regular weekend camping trips, this time both were unusually single and Nells kids were away with their Dad who lived in another town, usually, they would have boyfriends and/or girlfriend with them, often with Nells kids in tow as well but this time it was just the two of them chatting happily as they went.

After a walking over a ridge and down into a valley, a scent begins to waft past from time to time as they made their way along the floor of the valley ,the aroma was rising then falling as the gentle breeze drifted through the forest Nell noticed it first ,a musty but slightly intoxicating scent ,just enough to make her look around as she walked to see what could cause it. The second time the smell grew strong and she felt a slight flush of arousal,and mentioned the scent to Dave but kept the fact her pussy was dampening to herself ,after all Nell and Dave had been friends for years but despite the repressed sexual tension and “old married couple” vibe between them that others around them could sense nothing had ever happened in that regard.

Dave was curious about the scent and at one spot where it became much headier he led Nell off the track to try and locate the source ,following their noses through the undergrowth, branches and twigs pulled and snagged on their clothing but eventually a path cleared ,strangely covered in a shiny crystalline coating that looked like something had dried on the surface, both Dave and Nell felt that they had seen a similar trail somewhere but couldn’t quite place where .

As they went on, the scent became stronger ,Nell was becoming flushed; her nipples throbbed every time the scent wafted richly and her pussy was so wet she could feel her g string starting to soak up her juices.

Dave couldn’t quite work out why his cock was starting to become semi aroused, and even his nipples were stiffening despite it being a hot summer day.After walking for an hour or so, the crystal coating was becoming more prevalent; even some of the undergrowth near the trail had crystals on the leaves. Suddenly rounding a corner in the trail, it led into a small gully off the main valley. The scent grew, as did the strange crystalline coating on the trail , as the couple made it around a small bend in the gully, the trail abruptly stopped at a small cave entrance just high enough to stand in .

The smell was alluring. Nell was secretly going crazy with arousal; she was literally wriggling her thighs, feeling the wetness lubricating her thighs as they rubbed. Feeling an imminent erection looming and not wanting to be embarrassed as Nell would surely see the bulge from his cock pushing out his hiking shorts, Dave took off his backpack, pulled out his torch and entered the cave, hoping to be able to get himself under control whilst exploring the cave.

Nell was unsure of the cave and was also trying to keep her state of arousal from Dave ,she was sure he could see that her nipples were hard and pushing against the fabric of her bra and shirt and her pussy was now so wet she was sure there would be a wet spot showing through her hiking tights, so she found a seat shaped rock dropped her backpack nearby and sat down on the crystal covered surface .

Dave dropped his backpack, leaving it next to the cave entrance and stepped into the cave. As soon as he passed the entrance, the intoxicating aroma was overpowering in an instant. his cock was rock hard , as hard as he’d ever been, and his shorts pulled and restrained him uncomfortably. Shining the torch around ,his head spinning he could make out that all the surfaces were coated in the crystal substance he rubbed his fingers on the wall and it broke down to a fine dust as his fingers swept across it the particles wafting into the air in a cloud dust that he couldn’t help but breath in, the smell grew intense and he nearly came then and there ,heady with arousal and feeling quite intoxicated he turned to look at the other wall of the cave as he did so he noticed a hole in the floor near the rear of the cave ,he had to look ,despite an uncomfortable feeling in the back of his mind, he continued approaching the hole noting the crystal was thick enough that when he stood on it it didn’t crunch or break .

A draft of air wafted up from the hole as he got to the edge and looked down, the scent was so strong he nearly collapsed, his head spun and he felt his hard cook throb solidly and he was sure it got even harder and bigger just before he began to cum his head spun further in extasy and pulse after pulse of cum flooded his shorts and he fell to his knees next to the hole, the smell faded slightly and after what felt like minutes passing he began to regain his senses realizing that hot cum was rolling down his muscular thighs and still his cock pulsed with pleasure and every rub from the soaking wet shorts driving him mad with arousal .

He was facing the hole still on his knees, wondering how he could go back to Nell in this state. What would she think ? He heard Nell call out “Dave are you ok” he turned to look back over his shoulder seeing Nell framed in the light of the entrance to the cave her full curves and ample bosom silhouetted in the light caused his cock to throb even harder his arousal rising even more and involuntarily he began to cum again shuddering as his cock spewed out yet more of his seed suddenly out of the the corner of his eye he saw movement and turned just in time to see something fly up out of the hole and with a loud clap it covered his face and head it then pulled back instantly pulling him headfirst into the hole.

Nell had been sitting on the rock wriggling as any pressure or rub of fabric was causing her pussy to throb and pulse in arousal, absentmindedly ,she had been feeling the crystals and noticed that when pressure was applied it fell to dust coating her fingers as if it were talcum powder she raised her fingers to her nose and sniffed the fine powder some drifted off her fingers and into her nose, the aroma was overpowering her nipples throbbed and hardened to the point of discomfort and a flood of juices roiled from her already soaking pussy forcing its way through the fabric of her tights and running across the rock she sat on, she had to have release .Nell looked guiltily the cave ,Dave had been gone a while and she could barely resist pulling down her tights and rubbing her burning pussy, she pushed her right hand up under her shirt and inside her bra squeezing her full breast and brushing her hand across her aching nipple while still sniffing the intoxicating powder on her left fingers .

Neil heard a low groan from the cave ,the noise made her jump and she quickly pulled her hand from her breast the tug of cloth across her skin and nipple as she did so drove her crazy but her concern pushed it to the side .She started to stand but felt slimy resistance her juices had soaked the rock she sat on and the crystalline coating had turned into a sticky slime that pulled at her tights, as she rose the smell became intense and she fell to her knees in front of the rock, the rubbery slime attached to her tights tugged them up as she slid down pulling the crotch up into her aching pussy and rubbing hard on her erect clit she came on the spot her pussy pulsing and flooding her already soaked clothing, after what seemed like forever the pulses of pleasure slowed and began to abate she heard moans coming from the cave and again tried to rise ,the fabric pulled and rubbed hard on her throbbing clit starting another cascade of pleasure as she finally broke the strands of slime and staggered away from the rock, her head still spinning from the aroma and her almost continuous orgasm she made her way to the cave entrance realizing as she wiped her hand on her arse that her tights had torn and the slime on her skin was sticky when on clothing but also the slipperiest thing she had ever felt in her life, as long as it was in contact with bare skin.

She approached the cave entrance and heard Dave give a low groan, as she passed the entryway, she could see he had dropped the torch and it was shining away from where he knelt on the cave floor ,he was only dimly lit but she could see he was swaying slightly and giving low groans she could see the muscles on his butt tensing and releasing as well .

Nell called to him, and he turned towards her. His face had an expression of total pleasure, and his hips began to pump, and he groaned lowly again as he looked towards her … “is he coming too” was her instant thought ,and as she took another step towards him something flicked up from the floor behind him and he turned his head back towards the motion ,there was a wet smacking sound like he’d been slapped in the face and he literally disappeared headfirst into the floor .

Neil fell to her knees in shock, all feelings of pleasure, and the arousal of a few seconds before were gone .

Suddenly, the smell rose to a new height and became so distracting that what had just happened faded from her thoughts ;there was only the aroma and arousal. She had to get to the source, to the center of pleasure ,the scent rose again she could barely breathe her head spun and her pussy convulsed violently she could feel juices running down her thighs and to top it off the slime that coated her butt cheeks was causing her skin to tingle in an incredibly pleasurable way like thousands of fingers lightly brushing her skin all over ,unable to stand she crawled over the crystal coated floor of the cave following her vague memory of Dave disappearing, and the rising scent that got stronger as she neared the hole in the floor. By now, her juices had run down to her knees, and she could feel her soaking tights sticking to the floor as her juices reacted with the crystalline coating on the floor

It became a effort to move so she stopped a couple of meters from the hole and removed her tights as the slime seemed to be slippery on her bare skin but stuck to fabric holding it like glue, it took forever ,her hands became coated with the slime as she removed her boots, socks and tights the smell became so intense she came again on the spot more juices flooding the floor round her creating a slimy mess beneath her, she was so aroused that she only realised her g string had gone with her tights when she rubbed her slime coated hand over her still pulsing pussy instantly the tingling sensation from the slime spread to her convulsing pussy and her clit grew so hard it ached and pushed its way out from her glistening protruding labia .

She heard a low groan nearby and remembered vaguely that Dave had disappeared, she dragged herself closer to the hole on her stomach, by now she was sweating profusley and her damp top was starting to stick to the floor of the cave the heat was unbearable so Nell threw off her top and tore her bra off as she went, some slime had made its way to her aching nipples and she cried out in pleasure. As her pussy pulsed yet again an answering groan from nearby allowed her to focus slightly and she became aware that there was a hole in the floor just a meter away she dragged herself across the floor the crystals turning to slime as her slime covered hands and body touched it the sensations of the tingling from the slime and the slime covered rough floor were driving her to the edge nearly ready to come again as she pushed one last bit and looked down the hole. Nothing was visible just a dark hole in the ground but the aroma pushed into her face like a blow and her head spun violently waves of pleasure washed over her and as the pending orgasm arrived she barely registered the tentacle snap out of the hole and engulf her head as she convulsed in rapture at the edge of the hole.

The tentacle snapped back down the hole dragging the hapless Nell with it she was vaguely aware that the sides of the hole were not hard ,rather rubbery and slimy as her skin was dragged over it, she became aware of resistance, of a sensation of being squeezed and swallowed, the walls gently pushing her further in as much as being pulled by whatever had engulfed her head, the squeezing sensation increased along with a sensation of juices coating her as she went ,and still she came as she had never come before ,her pussy pulsing and adding her juices to the slime that now engulfed her ,lost to a world of pleasure she was squeezed out of the slime coated hole and slid down into the center of a chamber in a torrent of slime that poured out of the hole she had just come out of, the tentacle dragged her across the slime coated rubbery floor gently pulling her partway up the sloping wall of the chamber and resting her back up against a textured surface that oozed slime, as the tentacle was releasing her head, the surface contracted and suctioned against her back securing her to the wall the tentacle then gently pulled her legs as far apart as they could go and again the floor rippled and suctioned her legs in place while her arms were left free to move

Still in a daze of pleasure she began gently rubbing her hands over her slime coated skin checking she was all there and nothing hurt, every touch eliciting the exotic tingling sensations driving her to the edge yet again, she moaned and waves of pleasure just short of another orgasm washed over her whole body and she slowly opened her eyes ,the chamber was circular like a sphere and lit with a soft white glow from the upper surface ,slime coated the entire dull grey surface and dripped from the roof there was no sign of any entrance or exit . Anchored to the wall across from her was Dave now naked and sporting the largest erection she had ever seen, his cock was fatter than her arm and glistening with slime and rather obviously a trail of his cum which was intermittently pulsing from the tip,his head was turned to the side looking away from her he seemed to be slurping up the slime that was collecting at his shoulder.

She could feel her pussy was gaped open, having birthed four children her pussy was naturally loose, her large pink labia always fell open when her legs parted exposing her loose vaginal opening stretched by childbirth and the huge dildos she enjoyed pushing into herself nightly.

Nell knew it was in full view of Dave; the thought brought another pulse of pleasure strongly tinged with shame and tipped her into another raging orgasm .She could feel more juices flood out of her loose hole and run down to pool under her butt ,she was sure the walls and floor pulsed in time to the waves of pleasure but the orgazmic sensations made it hard to be sure.

As she looked shamefully across to Dave he was looking back at her lustfully ,admiring her shaking breasts topped by rock hard nipples and her gushing pussy that opened and closed with the waves of pleasure that washed over her as her juices flowed over her large pink labia that gaped apart showing her pussy in its fullest .She was just starting to settle as Dave moaned loudly and tensed his whole body as jets of cum flew high shooting from his cock and running down his muscular chest the sight of it was enough to tip her over again she came just from the shame and Lustful feelings that came from the while situation.

The scent was overpowering; neither Dave nor Nell could think clearly there was lust and pleasure .

Anchored to the wall Dave had watched Nell be birthed from the opening in the wall ,the edges of the closed hole rippled outward and formed a ridge not unlike a vagina stretching madly as she passed but also with enough pressure to squeeze her tight as she passed through the orifice, her breasts had been squashed by the pressure and her 3cm hard nipples had both been pulled down and popped up as they passed the ridge, the sight had tipped him closer to another orgasm.

He raised his head and looked across to Nell who was by now fully spread open and anchored to the wall in the same fashion as Dave ,her most intimate parts were fully exposed and obviously highly aroused glistening in the soft light dripping with the pervasive slime and her juices ,she was looking back at him with an embarrassed expression but kept stroking her hands across her breasts, the slime pulling in strings and sheets across her as they moved ,he couldn’t help himself the erotic sight that was before him was too much and yet another massive orgasm washed over him, his massive cock pulsed and throbbed as another huge load of cum erupted into the air and landed on his chest to mix with the slime that covered him from head to foot,

shame and arousal elicited another groan and he called her name under his breath as he watched her in turn writhe in pleasure and moan as juices flooded from her gaping pussy and pooled around her arse, his cock throbbed and pulsed for a minute or so as he watched Nell’s pussy open and shut pushing out wave after wave of juices ,despite coming so often his cock had only gotten harder since entering the cave Nell’s arrival had only driven him further into arousal.

As Nell recovered from her intense orgasm, she looked carefully at Dave he was positioned exactly as she was legs asunder but his arms were free she could see that slime rolled down the wall behind him and spread across his muscles running down his body and pooling in the center of the room between them the level didn’t rise despite a constant trickle of the slippery substance pouring across them both. His cock was enormous, easily as large as her favorite horse cock dildo and obviously painfully rock hard, veins were standing proud on the surface and glistening with slime and trails of come that still trickled from the tip ,his testicles were the size of baseballs resting heavily on the floor between his legs.

He had turned his head to the side and was slurping up the slime that pooled above his shoulder ,Nell tentatively tried the same and found the taste to be alluring she slurped up as much as she could the tingling sensation traveling down her throat and a warm tingling spread out from her stomach to her entire being she could feel her pulse throbbing through her clit and every touch from the wall behind her, to the electric sensation of her hands gently moving across her large firm breasts was all driving her insane with extacy.Every breath was making her even more aroused, she wanted to pull her self from the wall and impale herself on the huge cock standing proud just a meter from her burning pussy .

“Are you ok” Dave whispered ,Nell nodded but couldn’t meet his eyes for years they had been best friends ,she had fanatised on occasion of him ravishing her as he had done to girlfriends he had fucked noisily in the tent next door when they had camped, but she had never seen him naked let alone sporting a cock that would put porn stars to shame, and she was damn sure he had never even seen her tits let alone a view that probably close to showed him her cervix.

Nell started to speak she wanted to say she was nervous and scared but instead it came out as “I’m so fucking horny” she heard herself moaning it out loud , heard the desire and need in her voice and couldn’t believe it she blushed with shame,Dave exploded into laughter and replied “my cock says I am too” ,the ice broken they both giggled and began to talk in low whispers trying to work out where they were and what was happening, all the while both of their heads were spinning and neither could help but rub their bodies as they spoke, the electric feeling of touch keeping both at the edge of an explosion of pleasure.

Suddenly a a torrent of thick slime poured over the couple as a new orifice opened in the center of the roof and a strangely familiar shape oozed itself into the chamber along with an overpowering wave of the intoxicating scent a mottled grey and black slug over two meters long and 60cm across had squeezed through the opening in the roof and now lazily was making its way around the roof and walls towards the couple, its long eye stalks swiveled about, watching both of then simultaneously as it made its way to the gap between the couple. The scent was so overpowering neither Dave or Nell had any thoughts but pure lust and an overpowering desire to feel pleasure over rode any fears or misgivings over the apperance of the giant gastropod making its way towards them.
