Cheeky Cow

Disclaimer: this is my first time writing ANYTHING. So please go easy. I don’t know wtf I’m doing. I just write when I’m horny and I reckon this isn’t too bad. It’s mercifully short.

Cheeky Cow:

Paul had been seeing his girlfriend for around three months now. Emma was an eye-turner; his friends let him know as much! She was an athletic brunette with an obsession for dancing. Paul was besotted. Their honeymoon phase was in full swing and Paul’s stomach became infested with butterflies every time Emma popped into his head, which was very often.

He was lying in bed on a chilly Saturday morning thinking about seeing her later that day. She’d been out with her mates last night so she would probably some TLC.

He imagined her dark, almond shaped eyes smiling at him. The TV was on, he lay blissfully warm wrapped in the sheets and watched gleefully as the snow gently fell on the window.

He carefully groped for his phone on the headboard and tapped out a message to Emma; she was coming over later. His heart raced as he deleted and re-wrote it several times; would she think he was a dickhead if he said the wrong thing? He kind of wanted to ask for a selfie too.

When he finally felt confident enough, he hit send and snuggled back into his nest of duvet and pillows.

Emma’s phone buzzed on the bedside table. She was a naked, hungover mess. She felt sticky and she could smell her own stale sweat from the night before. She hoped the message wasn’t from Paul, she felt a pang of regret and winced at herself. She’d get back to him later; she wasn’t in the mental state to deal with it.

She felt Matt’s arm snake it’s way around her naked stomach and his penis pressing into her soft arse cheeks. His fingers drew circles on her abs and around her navel.
“Morning gorgeous.” He grumbled, voice partially muffled by the sheets.
“Morning.” She croaked. She could smell the cigarettes on her own breath.

He sleepily rose from the sheets and planted a kiss on her neck, his stubble scratched her soft skin.
“You’re bloody gorgeous.” He grumbled. His arm slithered down her torso and brushed her landing strip. She felt his fingers rubbing her clit, turning her on. Another stab of guilt, lined with a delicious thrill. He started worrying at her neck with his lips and tongue. She could feel his rock-hard dick against her bottom. They’d be having morning sex soon, she could barely remember the sex from last night. She turned and kissed him, she felt their tongues massage and let herself get lost in Matt for a moment.
“Just a sec, need to pop to the loo.” She smiled sleepily then rolled out of bed. Her tired, dirty but Olympian body bathed in the cool morning light as she stretched and yawned, she grabbed her phone from the nightstand and padded across Matt’s wooden floor. Matt took in her gorgeous figure as she walked out of the door. He noticed a condom wrapper stuck to her arse.

Paul’s phone buzzed on the headboard, his heart skipped a beat; could it be Emma? He reached for his phone. It was!
‘Hey gorgeous! I’m just chilling in bed too. Can’t wait to see you and your lovely penis later!! Gonna head to the shops before to pick up some bits. Can’t send a selfie rn, I’m a mess. Chat later! Xx”
Paul lay back on the bed in a fugue of happy butterflies. He threw a dressing gown on and went to get a celebratory glass of coke and a joint.

She sat naked on Matt’s toilet staring blankly at her phone. She’d just replied to Paul, giving him some bullshit about heading to the shops. She sat in silence for a minute and let her mind wander. She thought of Paul back at his flat. He thought she was at her place, snuggled in bed, all alone. She considered when she’d break with Matt; there was no way she was coming clean to Paul. She did love him, despite what she was doing. It was the thrill.

She chilly winter air nipped at her naked body, she shivered, stood and deftly tip-toed over the chilly tiles and out of the door. A moment later she walked into Matt’s bedroom to him lying naked on top of the sheets, his muscular form and stiff penis in full view. He was grinning stupidly, she spied a condom packet between his teeth. She laughed and padded towards the bed.

Paul decided to leave it a bit before he replied; he didn’t want to come off as too keen, he chided himself for thinking that; they’d been going out for 3 months! He nipped to the shop, crunching through the snow and daydreaming of Emma.

8 minutes later and he was back in his dressing gown with a fresh coffee and a joint. Before he lit up, he tapped out a reply to his beloved; a saucier one this time. Paul grinned greedily, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. He’d even put off having a wank.

As he smoked he thought back to their lovely day at St Michal’s Park back in autumn: in his memory they held hands, the sun haloed her auburn hair and she smiled at him, he saw his face reflected in her sunglasses. She looked so cool in her leather jacket and skinny jeans. That was the night he found out how much she liked cowgirl.

Emma gyrated her hips on Matt, his penis stirred deliciously inside her. She moaned deeply. Her abs flexed and her back arched. Then her phone buzzed. She slowly turned her head to look, panting and sweaty, the sex had been intense, she saw ‘Paul’ on the screen and bit her lip. Matt laughed at her expression. He took her boobs in his hands and started kneading them.
“Your fella….doesn’t have great timing…does he?” He said between breaths.
The thrill was delicious, but the guilt burned. She put him out of her mind. She began to mover her hips faster, Matt groaned beneath her and squeezed her thighs. He suddenly lifted her up, threw her onto her back and plunged deep into her, he hammered away and Emma came harder than she thought she ever had in her life.

A short while later, Matt pulled off the condom and tossed it in the bin. Emma lay on the bed panting. They gathered themselves and grabbed a shower together but got carried away (Matt had to run back to the bedroom to get another condom). Before she got her coat on she made sure to text Paul that she’d be a little late.

Emma opened Matt’s front door and stepped out on to the snowy pavement, it was on a row of Victorian, terraced houses. Snow blanketed blue, grey and black cars lined the road.
“Well, seeya soon.” She smiled wanly.
“Yeah deffo.” Matt said, shivering in the cold. He kissed her deeply then she trudged towards the bus stop. He stared after her and thought about what a lucky bastard Paul was. He felt sorry for the guy, but there was no way he’d stop sleeping with her as long as she was into it. His penis was sore and he couldn’t be happier about it.

A five minute bus ride and she was back at her house, she changed her clothes and took another, quick shower just to be safe, then headed to Paul’s.

In her last text Emma said she’d be late, Paul didn’t mind; it gave him a chance to give his flat the old once-over to make sure it was nice and clean. A little later, the doorbell rang and he hurried to the door. There she was in all her beauty. They greeted, kissed and headed inside.
