Hypno-Sis Ch. 18-20 [M/F][Incest][Mind Control][Big Cock][Corruption][Harem]

**Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of unrealistic and unattainable body standards. It is not my intention to offend or shame anyone for their body. This is merely a work of fiction. If you struggle with a positive self image, you may not find this story to your liking.**

*The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite description, demeanor, or appearance.*

Written By: RebHillBabe

**Chapter 18: Deeper**

*Wednesday, immediately after the events of chapter 16…*

After having gotten a passionate kiss from his sister, and an exciting handjob from his mother, Thomas was ready to conquer the day. He began to wonder when he should start working on his mother, as his success with his sister had been a bit surprising. He decided that he would start when his parents returned from their next business trip which was due any day now. They had been home for over a week, which was usually a sign that they would soon leave for a while. While they were gone, he would have lots of fun expanding his sister’s mind, and when they returned he would get to work sending messages to his mother.

School went by as it had been for the past two days. He went through his boring classes, daydreaming about his sister, got hypnotized by the strange girl who could never pull it off, then went back to classes before heading home for the day. It was boring but he had no choice. As he returned home, he got the sudden urge to quickly put his sister in a trance. The feeling was prompt and powerful, coming from nowhere, but burning inside him like a hot coal. He couldn’t resist, and immediately made his way to her room without even dropping his bag off first.

“Hey Thomas!!” Maya said, closing her eyes and puckering her lips towards him as he entered her room.

“Sleepy doggie,” Thomas said almost immediately, disregarding her kiss.

Maya slumped in her seat, and Thomas scooped her up and carried her over to her bed to allow her more comfort. His mind felt cloudy as he stood over her sleeping body, as if he was not in complete control of his actions. He heard himself begin to speak, like listening to another person, before he began to feel more and more cloudy. Finally, after a few seconds, he snapped out of it, and he finally regained his mental footing.

“What an odd feeling…” Thomas thought to himself.

He looked down at his sleeping sister, and figured he may as well suggest something since he had her here. He thought for a moment, considering how he could step up their already quite lewd behavior.

“Maya, can you hear me?” Thomas asked.

“Mmmhmm…” Maya hummed softly, nodding her head a bit.

“Don’t you feel like expressing your milk?” Thomas said, “Wouldn’t that feel good?”

Maya nodded.

“But only if it were someone else doing it for you…” Thomas said, “I bet your brother would be kind enough to express your milk…”

Maya’s mouth was agape, her breathing was heavy as the suggestions infiltrated her mind.

“You love having your brother help express your milk.” Thomas commanded.

“I love when m-my brother exp-presses m-my m-milk…” Maya repeated.

“The more milk he expresses, the happier you become…” Thomas said.

“M-more milk m-makes me happ-py…” Maya stuttered.

“I should let Thomas express my milk whenever I can, so I can be as happy as possible…” Thomas said.

“I want T-Thomas to m-milk me as much as p-possible… To m-make me as hap-py as p-possible…” Maya said.

“But only in private,” Thomas added, learning from his past mistakes, “Privacy makes milking even better.”

“Milking in p-private is a m-must…” Maya responded.

Thomas continued repeating the suggestion for a while, before allowing her to rest and let the suggestion settle in her mind. When he got to his room, he noticed the clock read 5:00 pm, far later than he would have anticipated, considering he had started his suggesting at no later than 3:30.

“How long did it take to suggest her?” Thomas thought to himself.

Something felt…. Off. He knew it hadn’t taken him two whole hours to suggest milking to Maya, yet his phone and computer all agreed on the time. Where had it gone? Thomas started to feel woozy, and sat down on his bed. Maybe he had gotten home later than he thought. But he had taken the bus, so that was unlikely. He laid down, and drifted off to sleep as he contemplated the mystery. Perhaps a short nap would enlighten him.


Thomas was suddenly awoken by his sister, who had pounced onto his lap in his sleep. He opened his eyes at the sudden stimulation, panting hard in obvious nervousness. He felt worried, about something, but couldn’t remember what it was.

“Sorry!” Maya said, “Didn’t mean to scare ya.”

“Y-you’re fine…” Thomas responded, “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to spend some time with you…” Maya said kindly.

Thomas still couldn’t believe this was the same Maya that only a week or so prior, had relentlessly teased him as much as she could.

“Alright,” Thomas said, sitting up so the two were much closer, “What do you want to do?”

“About that….” Maya said, suddenly becoming much more shy, “You remember a few days ago… When you pinched my…. Nipple….”

“Yeah,” Thomas said, “I’m really sorry about how I acted, I shouldn’t have been so mean…”

“It’s okay,” Maya said maturely, “We were both being rude…”

Thomas leaned forward and gave Maya a kiss, hoping it would get her mind off of the past. He didn’t want her falling back into old habits by remembering the way things used to be between them. Maya happily returned the kiss, and donned a wide smile as Thomas pulled away.

“Welllll….” Maya giggled after the kiss, “I thought maybe…. You’d be okay with….”

“Just tell me Maya,” Thomas encouraged, “There’s nothing you can ask that will scare me off.”

“It’s embarrassing though!” Maya said, seeking shelter in her brother’s chest.

Thomas hugged her close, rubbing her back as she cowered in embarrassment.

“You need me to get your milk out, don’t you?” Thomas asked, obviously knowing the answer.

“H-how did you know?” Maya asked without looking up.

“I’m your brother, Maya,” Thomas explained, “I know what you need.”

“And you aren’t… Weirded out by it?” Maya asked.

“Of course not!” Thomas replied, “I told you, there’s nothing you could ask that would make me uncomfortable.”

Maya hugged Thomas tightly before looking up and giving him a passionate kiss. This time, Thomas was sure he heard and felt her moan into his mouth as she kissed him. It was still very slight, but undeniable. Perhaps she was beginning to develop real romantic feelings towards him, but only time would tell.

“Do you want to get started?” Thomas asked.

“In… a sec…” Maya said between needy kisses.

She continued to mack on his face for a while longer, her passion becoming more and more blatant as time went on. Finally after a minute, she pulled away and wiped her mouth.

“S-sorry,” She said, “I shouldn’t have… gone so far… That was weird of me…”

“I liked it!” Thomas reassured her.

Maya blushed.

“Sooooo,” She began, “How do we do this?”

“Well, I don’t want to make a mess…” Thomas responded, “So it would probably be best if I just drank it straight from your nipples.”

Maya’s mind waivered, and a glint of her old self twinkled in her eyes for a moment.

“Don’t you t-think this is kinda…. Wrong…?” She asked.

Thomas could tell she was teetering on the edge of losing her suggestion. He wasn’t sure how to approach the situation, so without thinking, he quickly sent her back into trance. Maya slumped into his chest, and he guided her back onto the bed as he thought of a solution. It seemed that trying to tack on suggestions to Maya’s existing cognitive state and personality was going to fail sooner or later. What he needed to do was give her a second mindset that he could flip between.

The second mindset would be the loving, slutty, eager to please Maya that he wanted her to be, and the other would be her normal self, with perhaps a bit more love for her brother mixed in. This would also give him the added benefit of alleviating the potential for her to act in a way that was unnatural in front of others. With a simple code word he could change his sister between two different versions of herself.

He begrudgingly began the process, having wanted to just begin sucking on her lovely breasts without much fuss. But in the long term, this would be a better solution regardless. However, it was surely going to be an accomplishment to pull off, as altering someone’s mindset was far easier than trying to create an entirely new one. Nonetheless, he possessed an odd sense of confidence, as if he knew he would succeed.

After a couple hours, multiple reentrances into trance, and a lot of suggesting, he was ready to test if it had worked. To make things easier for himself to remember, he decided to stick with the doggy theme, and made the new code words accordingly. “Submissive doggy” would hopefully change Maya into her more loving, obedient self, while “normal doggy” would change her back to normal. He also decided to suggest the phrases “good doggy” and “bad doggy” which would hopefully reinforce good behavior in her over time.

With all of that out of the way, he was ready to test out his previous suggestion regarding her milk. He woke her up and she sat up completely unaware of the hypnotizing that had taken place. If everything had gone according to plan, she should have been in normal mode, which was still quite abnormal for her as it was the same Maya that he had already changed through hypnosis. But, it was going to be far more normal than “submissive doggy” Maya, who would hopefully be entirely obedient.

“What were we talking about?” Maya asked.

“You were just telling me how much you like being a submissive doggy.” Thomas said with a sly grin.

Immediately, Maya’s eyes glazed over, and an aura of confusion seemed to settle over her mind. This transition lasted for a few seconds before she shook her head and came back to her senses.

“Alright now,” Thomas instructed, hoping to god it would work, “Let me drink from your breasts.”

Without a moment of hesitation, Maya grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up over her head. With a broad smile she then reached behind her back and undid her bra, letting it fall into her lap revealing her beautiful, perky tits. Thomas was impressed by both the influence of his hypnosis and also the lovely sight of his sister’s supple flesh. Her boobs were on the smaller side, but ample for her overall size and gloriously perky.

They stood off her chest proudly, softly curving into small mounds. Each was topped with a perfect nipple, surrounded by small, puffy areolas. He had only ever seen her nipples through the sheer shirts she sometimes wore, but this was so much better, and he didn’t have to pretend like he wasn’t looking. Her nipples were rather large, poking off of their fleshy hills like pencil erasers. Maya twisted her torso back and forth, proudly displaying her tits for her brother.

“They look amazing!” Thomas insisted.

“You really think so?” Maya asked, “Briceson says my nipples are too big…”

“Well he’s an idiot.” Thomas said, “I love them just the way they are.”

He reached out and pinched them softly between his fingers. They were so spongy and warm, and a miniscule amount of milk dripped from them as he did so. Without wanting to waste anymore time, he bent down and sucked her left nipple into his mouth. Maya trembled as his mouth surrounded it, and began to vibrate as he commenced his sucking. There wasn’t a ton of milk, but it trickled into his mouth at a slow yet steady pace. It tasted pretty good, being much sweeter than the regular skim milk he was used to drinking.

Maya held his head against her chest, moaning quietly as he drank from her. Thomas relished the feeling of control he had over both her body and mind. He switched nipples, trying his best to drink from both equally. After a few minutes of sucking, Maya suddenly began to spasm, and Thomas tried to pull off of her unsuccessfully as she held him against her chest. A few seconds later, her spasming stopped, and she allowed him the freedom to pull away.

“Are you okay?” He asked, “What happened?”

“I’m fine.” Maya said, “Don’t worry about it…”

“Bad doggy,” Thomas said, “Good doggies don’t ignore their brothers.”

“Sorry!” Maya said, “I… I came…. It felt too good while you were drinking and I ended up… cumming. Please don’t be mad!”

Thomas hadn’t been expecting that, having not even known it was possible for a girl to cum from nipple stimulation. He felt himself stiffen at the thought of making his sister cum, and became worried she would see his “tiny” penis.

“Good doggy,” Thomas said, patting her on the head.

Maya shivered as he congratulated her, a reaction that was part of the suggestion.

Everytime he called her a good doggy, she would become overwhelmed with joy. Hopefully over time, she would learn how to please him as much as possible, so he would call her good doggy more often, thus making her feel better in the process. It was a devious self feedback loop that Thomas hoped would make a significant difference in her attitude and demeanor.

“Alright put your clothes back on.” Thomas said, needing to get her out of the room before she saw his boner.

Maya quickly did as she was told.

“Good doggy,” Thomas said again.

Maya smiled, overwhelmed with the idea of being such a good sister yet again.

“Normal doggy.” Thomas said finally, once she was ready.

The glazed look returned to her eyes, before she quickly transitioned back into her marginally more normal self.

“Thanks for hanging out with me!” Thomas said, “I had a lot of fun, didn’t you?”

“Y-yeah…” Maya lied.

As a part of the suggestion, Maya would have no memory of “submissive doggy” while in “normal doggy” mode. This would help separate the two wildly different personalities in her mind, especially as they evolved over time.

“Good!” Thomas said, “Well I need to do some work, so I’ll hang out with you later.”

He gave her a quick kiss and had her leave the room. She seemed a bit sad and confused about what had happened, but still relatively okay with everything. Thomas quickly unzipped his shorts to free his raging boner. It sprang out, sending a big glob of precum flying across the room. He was about to relieve himself when he remembered the baby monitor. He then froze, realizing he had just hypnotized his sister mere feet away from his mother’s listening device.

**Chapter 19: A Terrible Mistake**

Thomas’ heart began to thump with unprecedented vigor as he stared at the listening device. How could he have been so stupid as to forget about its exsistance? This was it, his whole life would come crashing down around him now as his big secret would be revealed. His mind raced as he tried to think of a way out of the situation. Was there any possibility that he would be able to explain his way out of the damning evidence he had just given freely to his mother? He breathed as he considered his options.

Perhaps she hadn’t been listening, and she wouldn’t even know in the first place. He wanted this to be true, but he couldn’t risk putting his faith in the idea, and simply not come up with an escape plan. He thought long and hard, but ultimately came up with a single way out. He would need to hypnotize his mother. It was now or never, only, if she had overheard what he’d done with Maya, there was no way she’d go along with it. It seemed like his only chance and yet even it seemed out of the question.

Thomas cursed himself silently, wishing he could take everything back and return to a normal-ish life. After hiding in his room for a while, it was time to try and put his plan into action. He wasn’t sure how he would make it work, but the way he saw it, he was screwed no matter what happened, so he might as well try. He slowly made his way to his parent’s bedroom, where he expected his mother to be waiting. The trip there seemed to happen in slow motion, his heart pounding the whole way there. There was an eerie silence over the house that seemed out of place, but he was too focused on his mission to be bothered to explore its cause.

Thomas stopped outside the bedroom door and took a deep breath. If he was going to pull this off, he would need to channel all of his inner hypnotizing potential, and even then he had his doubts. He gave the door a few light knocks, waiting for his mother’s response, which never came. A few more knocks and no response later, Thomas wasn’t sure how to feel. Perhaps his mother wasn’t home, or perhaps she was so disappointed in him that she didn’t even want to see him. He didn’t know what to think, but his curiosity couldn’t be satiated, so after a few minutes of waiting, he pushed the door open.

To his surprise, his mother was home, only she was fast asleep. She wasn’t one to fall asleep during the day, or take naps, so this was certainly out of place for her, but Thomas wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. He quickly tip toed over to his unconscious mother and began his suggestions. He had big plans for her, just like he did for Maya, but he was much more focused on making sure she’d forget about what she had likely heard. After effectively erasing the last couple of hours from her memory, and implanting one of her simply falling asleep, he scurried out of the room, and back into his own.

He closed his door behind him and sank to the floor with a massive sigh of relief. His heart finally began to slow for the first time in the last half hour, and his mind was able to relax. As his wits returned, he noticed some anomalies regarding what had just transpired. Not only had his mother been asleep mid day, but he also didn’t hear his father or sister moving about the house as they normally would. He suddenly began to realize how lucky he had gotten, that his father hadn’t walked into the bedroom as Thomas was hypnotizing his wife.

Thomas hadn’t even considered the circumstances before, having been so laser focused on the task at hand. He shook his head in disbelief of his simultaneous luck and misfortune in the whole situation. At least it was all behind him for now, he thought to himself. He was fairly confident that his hypnosis would work on his mother, as he was beginning to really excel at the craft. He stood from the door and made his way over to his desk, where he began to play games to pass the time.


The sun rose on a new day, and judging by the pain in his boxers, Thomas figured it was a release day for him. His cock stiffened at the thought of his mother rubbing his shaft to completion, as his bulging balls swirled with his steamy cum. He struggled out of bed and checked his phone. Sure enough there was a message summoning him to the basement from his mother. He sauntered out his door and began making his way to the basement. He ran into Maya on the way there, halfway through her morning routine.

“Good morning Thomas!” Maya cooed.

“Hey Maya,” Thomas responded.

Maya flashed a smile and returned to her business. Thomas was puzzled at first, before remembering that he had separated her personalities. She was unlikely to greet him with a kiss while under the guise of “normal doggy”. He shrugged, needing quickly to relieve the stress in his groin, and continued on. As he made his way down the stairs, he found himself becoming increasingly worried.

This would be his first time interacting with his mother after his attempts to hypnotize her. Maybe he was walking downstairs not to a fap session, but rather to a scolding. He took a deep breath, channeling his confidence in his hypnotizing abilities, and continued on. As he rounded the corner into the cramped basement space, he found his mother, already knelt on the ground, with a fresh cum bucket beside her.

Thomas eyed the bucket as he made his way into the room. He could tell it was brand new, since it bore no sign of dirt or wear. It was also much larger than the previous bucket she had used, resembling more of a small trash can than a utility bucket. The side of the bucket bore the engraving “10 GAL” cluing Thomas into it’s capacity. He approached his mother cautiously and stood before her.

“Come on now,” Anna said, reaching out and pulling his boxers down, “I haven’t got all day.”

Thomas was surprised by her nonchalance in their admittedly odd ritual. She was becoming more and more accustomed to it by the day it seemed. Anna’s mouth went slack as her eyes gazed at his phallus once more. Each time she saw it seemed better than the last, her memory always failing to maintain a proper understanding of his size. As it sprang free from his boxers, it bucked with an unintentional flexing of his kegels, and it poked his mother in her gaping mouth.

Precum oozed from his tip, filling her mouth before she could react. She turned away, spitting the fluid into the bucket.

“Thomas!?” Anna said, taken aback by the action.

“S-sorry mom, it was an accident! I swear!” Thomas insisted.

“Whatever,” Anna said, turning back and grasping his member with both hands, “Let’s just hurry this along.”

Unlike all the previous times, Thomas’ mother continued to jerk him while facing him. He noticed how her eyes were locked on his penis, despite not needing to be. She seemed to be… Admiring it, though he knew that couldn’t be the case. There was no way his own mother would be intrigued or turned on by his tiny cock. Regardless, it was a nice change of pace, and it allowed him a better view while she worked him towards completion.

“Uhmm mom…?” Thomas said nervously.

“Yes dear?” Anna sighed as she stroked his giant penis.

“Ummm, do you….. Do you remember anything about yesterday?” He asked.

Anna stopped stroking his penis for a moment, and looked up at him.

“What are you babbling on about?” She said, “I can’t focus with you talking like that.”

“Sorry, it’s nothing, forget it…” Thomas lied.

To his relief, his hypnosis seemed to have worked. There was no chance in hell his mother would just look the other way if she remembered hearing what he and Maya had done over the baby monitor. Finally, Thomas was able to relax, and fully enjoy his mother’s masturbation. Thanks to her new position, he was able to admire her body more than before, which helped him along towards orgasm.

Like usual, she was wearing her yoga outfit, which showed off her bare stomach, and hugged her rear. It was far more stimulating than looking at the top of her head, or around at the dimly lit boxes. After a few minutes of jerking, Thomas’ cock was spewing steamy precum out in short jets, a sign that he was close. Anna recognized this and pulled on his cock, leading Thomas like an animal to the bucket. After a few more seconds of stimulation, Thomas began erupting with all his might into the bucket.

His climax was continuous at first, but eventually turned into a series of large spurts that shrank in size with each passing moment. After everything was said and done, the large bucket was almost completely full, and his mother’s hands were drenched and dripping with his viscous slime. Thomas panted as he calmed down from the orgasm, only then thanking his mother for the relief.

“T-thanks mom,” Thomas sighed, “That felt great.”

“You’re welcome,” Anna responded, refusing to look away from the massive amount of semen before her, “Now hurry along, or else you’ll be late for school.”

“Shouldn’t I pour out the bucket?” Thomas asked.

“I’ll get it dear,” Anna assured, her eyes still focused on the bucket.

“Are you sure?” Thomas asked, “It’s pretty heavy.”

Thomas began to reach towards the bucket, deciding he would just do it himself against his mother’s commands. As his hands got close, however, Anna swatted them away.

“Listen to your mother!” Anna said, finally looking at Thomas in the eyes, “Go get ready for school, I will deal with your semen.”

Thomas recoiled in surprise at her outburst, but ultimately did as he was told. He was unsure why she had lashed out at him like that, but wasn’t planning on sticking around to find out.

**Chapter 20: Keep Your Friends Close**

Thomas climbed up the stairs from the basement with a strange combination of feelings stewing inside him. It was hard not to feel exuberant from the dopamine rush of climaxing, but a part of him felt bad about what he was putting his own mother through. On top of it all, she had lashed out at him so oddly, that he couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. He only wanted to help her, but he had no idea where to begin to approach the subject. Everytime he tried bringing it up, she shushed him away due to the taboo nature of the topic.

He figured she was feeling conflicted about what they were doing, and yet she never allowed him to return to his normal life of manual masturbation. Either she was far more determined to keep him pure than he had originally anticipated, or he was simply wrong about how she felt about the whole situation to begin with. Either way, it was far too bothersome to try and sus out the truth, so he decided then and there, to let whatever would happen, happen. Either she would come clean in the coming days and bring the whole thing to an end, or she would keep quiet and he would keep getting handjobs.

Thomas finished getting ready for school, noticing his mother was still in the basement by the time he was heading out the door. He wondered what she was doing down there, assuming she was just really struggling to move the incredibly heavy bucket of cum around. He pushed it out of his mind as he got mentally ready for school, and met up with Peter and Claire once being dropped off. The three made their way into the building.

“I still can’t believe Maya’s being nice all of a sudden.” Peter said, as they all walked to their lockers.

“Yeah…” Thomas mumbled, “Pretty weird huh?”

“I bet she’s up to something,” Claire added, “Someone put her up to it, and she’s trying to catch you doing something stupid. I’d be careful if I were you.”

“I don’t know guys,” Thomas said, “I think she may actually be turning a new leaf.”

“Yeah right,” Peter scoffed.

“Anyways,” Claire spoke up all of a sudden, “We’ll see you later Thomas, we have… a project to work on…”

“Oh, for what class?” Thomas asked.

“H-history…” Peter stuttered.

“I didn’t think you were taking history this semester, Claire?” Thomas wondered.

“I’m n-not…” She admitted carefully, “I’m just helping him with it because he’s a loser who can’t do it on his own.”

“Hey!” Peter faked offense.

“I’m actually free this period,” Thomas said, “Mind if I tag along?”

Thomas watched as the two looked at each other awkwardly. Truthfully, he knew all along they were lying to his face. It hurt him more than he wanted to let on, and his proposal only served as a last chance for them to include him in their fun. He understood they were becoming more and more of a couple by the day, but that didn’t make it any easier for him to watch them exclude him.

“Uhh-” Peter started to mumble.

“D-don’t you have your own project to work on?” Claire cut him off, “With that random girl?”

“Oh yeah,” Thomas said, playing along only to not make a fool of himself, “Right, yeah I should probably work on that.”

“No worries, we can all hang out together some other time!” Peter responded.

Thomas put on a fake smile and watched as the two walked away practically hand in hand. He found himself experiencing more than just sadness from his loss of inclusion, but rather jealousy and anger towards Peter. Peter had been his best friend for almost a decade, and it had actually been Thomas who had first become friends with Claire. He didn’t understand why she would choose Peter over himself, and the thought of having lost to him was filling him with an unfamiliar rage.

He slammed his locker shut and headed to the library. He didn’t know if the mysterious girl would be there, but he wanted to talk to someone; to feel included. He made his way to the back of the library where they always did their practice sessions, and sure enough she was there, sitting at the same table as always. It was incredibly convenient and coincidental, but Thomas was too distraught to notice or care. He walked up to her and dropped his bag on the ground.

“Alright, it’s my turn.” Thomas demanded with an unprecedented authority.

“Are you sure?” The girl responded, looking up from her book, “You do look like you could use a nap.”

Thomas stood before her, one moment angry, and the next understanding. She was right, he probably just needed a good rest. With everything going on at home, and school, he was likely just frazzled. He nodded and took a seat across from her, resting his head in his arms. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt a hand on his back. He sat up, and found Claire standing next to him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Claire?” Thomas said groggily, “I thought you were with Peter?”

“I dipped away as soon as I could,” Claire responded deviously, “I’m really sorry about this morning, Peter’s been all… weird… about us.”

Claire walked around behind him and took a seat beside him at the table.

“What do you mean?” Thomas asked, confused.

“Well he’s been talking to me behind your back,” She explained, “Saying random stuff about how he wants to cut you out of our friend group.”

“What the fuck?!” Thomas retorted.

“Exactly!” Claire agreed, “I’ve just been kinda going along with it, because, well I don’t really want things to change. I figured I could try to get this idea out of his head, and keep the three of us together. But so far I feel like I’ve just kinda been a bad friend to you…”

Thomas wasn’t sure what to say. All of this information was hitting him too quickly for him to process it meaningfully.

“I-uh-we-” Thomas stuttered, looking for the right response.

Finally he gave in, and sighed.

“Don’t worry about it,” He said, returning to his usual, more passive self, “I get if you two are becoming like a couple or whatever… I just want us all to remain friends.”

“Me too Thomas…” Claire said, resting her hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch, “But I think Peter might not want that anymore. He’s trying to act all tough and in control. I think you may have to take matters into your own hands… and well… show him who’s boss…”

Thomas squirmed a bit in his seat at the sudden contact of his friend. Clair had never made an advance on him before, but if what she was saying was true, maybe he was wrong about her feelings towards Peter. Perhaps her true feelings lied elsewhere.

“W-what do you mean?” Thomas cleared his throat.

“I don’t know…” Claire said, rubbing his thigh for a moment before standing up, “Something; Anything, but it’s up to you. If you let him, he’ll cut you out of the picture… Now I should probably get back before he realizes how long I’ve been gone… I’m sure you’ll figure it out, at least… I hope so…”

Claire seemed to blush as she finished her sentence, lingering a moment before prancing away.

“If you let him, he’ll cut you out of the picture…”

The words echoed in Thomas’ mind, swirling and growing more and more important. He could feel his rage increasing; his desire to control and be included boiling over. He couldn’t just let Peter do this to him. If he wanted to remain “in the picture” he’d have to do something. He wasn’t okay with everything that was happening, but finally, suddenly, he felt the motivation to change it.

Thomas blinked, his whole world swirling around him before coming to an eventual stop, and he was right in the same spot that he had been since he had sat down at the library table. He was dizzy all of a sudden, and a bit disoriented, but for no discernable reason. He shook his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the mysterious girl. Had she been there the whole time? She must have been, but he hadn’t even noticed while he was talking to Claire. Something felt off, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

“D-did a girl just come and talk to me for a few seconds?” Thomas asked the mysterious girl.

“You mean Claire?” She asked curiously, as if the question was silly, “Uh, yeah hehe, she literally just walked away… Are you okay?”

“N-no yeah I’m fine, I just lost my bearings for a second,” Thomas said, “Whew that was weird.”

“Wow you really do need that nap.” The girl giggled.

“Yeah I guess so.” Thomas said, resting his head in his arms again.

This time, he felt sharp, determined, while also a little misguided at the same time. He knew what he wanted, but he was still unsure of how exactly to get it. As he drifted off to sleep, his mind raced with ideas of how to push his friendship back towards having himself at the top.

Peter and Claire continued to avoid and ignore Thomas for the rest of the day, which Thomas was now much more okay with. Now that he knew what was going on, and determined to stop it, he didn’t mind. It would only be a matter of time until everything was back to normal, or perhaps even better than normal. Once the day was over, he headed outside ready to board the bus and head home. Just before stepping into the big yellow vehicle however, he noticed his sister out in the parking lot, standing by her car with Briceson.

Curious to see what would happen, he decided not to get on his bus home, and began walking over to his sister. Briceson had just begun leaning in for a kiss when Thomas spoke up, cutting him off.

“Hey sis!” Thomas said confidently, strolling up to the couple nonchalantly.

“Hey Thomas!” Maya said happily, turning away from Briceson.

“Don’t you have a bus to catch?” Briceson mocked, trying to get Thomas to leave.

“Eh, I thought Maya could drive me home today.” Thomas said with sly confidence.

“You thought wrong bitch, she-” Briceson started.

“Hey!” Maya cut him off, “Don’t talk to Thomas like that.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Briceson retorted, “Since when do you give a shit about this pussy?”

“God, get away from me!” Maya said, pushing Briceson away fairly unsuccessfully, “You can think again about us hanging out now. Thomas, get in the car, we’re going home!”

“Whatever, fuck you too then bitch,” Briceson said, waving his hand at them, “You’ll be begging for my dick in an hour, I know you.”

“Ignore him…” Maya said, as she and Thomas piled into her car, and drove away, “God he can be such an asshole.”

“Why do you date him then?” Thomas asked, hoping she’d be honest, since he was genuinely curious what she saw in him.

“I-I don’t know…” Maya sighed, “I guess I like that he’s popular… It kinda makes me more popular by association. I know that’s dumb, but it feels important.”

“No I get it,” Thomas responded, “I feel the same way. I’d like to be more popular at school.”

“Trust me, it’s not even really worth it,” Maya admitted, “It’s really tiresome and restrictive… I feel like I can’t be myself…”

“That’s a bummer…” Thomas said, “Because I like the real you a lot.”

Maya looked over at him and smiled, leaning across the center console for a kiss. Thomas reciprocated the gesture and gave her a quick but still passionate kiss on the lips. Maya smiled beautifully as she returned to her driving duties. Thomas enjoyed listening to her talk about her feelings, as it was so out of the ordinary for her to do so, at least to him.

“Does he have a big dick?” Thomas blurted out all of a sudden.

Not only was he curious, but he figured there was little he could say that would throw her off, considering she was fairly deep under his spell at this point.

“Uh hehe,” Maya chuckled nervously, “Do you really want to know?”

“Yeah,” Thomas said apathetically.

“It’s pretty big…” Maya said, before adding, “Actually it’s very big.”

Thomas felt a familiar sense of inferiority creep back into him. He had always suspected it to be true, judging by the moans he had heard of his sister through the wall, and this only confirmed it. He wondered exactly how big it was, hoping his 16 incher wasn’t too far behind.

“Is bigger really that much better?” Thomas asked, trying to get as much information out of his sister as possible.

“I think it depends on the person, but generally, yeah I think it makes a pretty big difference.” She admitted.

“How many guys have you slept with?” Thomas asked.

“Wow, you’re just full of questions aren’t you?” Maya giggled, “I’ve been with three guys. Briceson, my old boyfriend Lance, and some guy I met at a party one time, I think his name was Owen.”

“And Briceson has the biggest dick out of all of them?” Thomas asked.

“Yeah, the other two were fairly average, but Briceson’s like twice or three times their size. It’s like they say, black cocks are bigger.” Maya said.

“I don’t know how true that is,” Thomas mumbled, “Are you actually going to go have sex with him in an hour?”

“Ha!” Maya laughed, “The sex is good, but contrary to what that egotistical douche thinks, I can easily go without it for a while. He can jerk off for the next week for all I care. Trust me, he’ll be the one crawling back to me.”

Thomas sat back in his chair, absorbing everything he had just learned. Some of it was useful, but most of it was just interesting. Nonetheless, it was intriguing to hear Maya talk so openly about such taboo topics, especially with him of all people. The rest of the car ride home was filled with much more normal conversation, and eventually Thomas was once again, by himself in his room, planning how to fix his friendship.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ummdwc/hypnosis_ch_1820_mfincestmind_controlbig


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