My Wife’s Friend Matt Comes to Visit [consensual cuckold] some [humiliation] [long] [MF]/[MMF]

This story happened well into my relationship with Chloe, after the craziness of college and when we had our lives together. Careers, a home, financial stability, and (critically) no kids. Don’t get me wrong, we were both still quite young, but not college students anymore. At the time, Chloe didn’t really have anyone she was seeing steadily (outside of me, that is), so the cuckold aspects of our relationship were limited to roleplay. That didn’t bother us too much, but we both agreed that there was just no replacement for the real thing.

One of the people who showed up most often in these roleplays was a guy named Matt. You might recognize that name if you’ve read my other stories, but I’ll give a little context for anyone who hasn’t. Matt was the first guy I ever watched Chloe fuck, and he also happens to have the biggest dick I’ve ever seen in real life. He’s about an inch taller than me, making him about 3″ taller than Chloe, but he’s absolutely ripped. He was already fit in college, but after college he went on to become a firefighter and his physique got even better.

Chloe and I would regularly reference our past experiences with Matt when roleplaying. She’d compare me to him, dirty talk to me about how much I had loved watching him fuck her, and tease me about how I had once sucked him off completely unprompted at a New Year’s Eve party out of pure submission. Unfortunately, we hadn’t maintained contact with Matt after college, he moved out of state and life just sort of went on. But I always harbored a fantasy that maybe one day something might happen with him again, and as you might’ve guessed by now, I was right.

One afternoon, Chloe texted me and asked me to come up to our bedroom to take some pictures of her. When I came in, I was surprised to find her in just a bra and underwear. I immediately recognized what was going on — Chloe would occasionally ask me to help her take pictures of herself that she was going to send to other guys, claiming that she couldn’t get the right angles on her own. I sort of suspected this was just a way to torment me, but I wasn’t going to pass up on an opportunity to watch her walk around striking poses half-naked.

I should probably take a minute to describe Chloe at this point. She was still every bit the bombshell she was in college, a tiny waist with slender hips and 32D breasts, 5’6″ and wore a size 2 dress. Since college, she had also cut her hair short into a pixie look and died it purple, which combined with her tattoos gave her sort of an alternative look that I was super into.

Anyway, I snapped the pics like she asked and then she took her phone back and sent me back downstairs. I knew better than to ask who the pictures were for, so I went and minded my own business for the next few hours. Later that night, I got another text from Chloe asking something to the effect of “do you know if we are busy the weekend of XX?” I checked my calendar and didn’t see anything going on, so I told her as far as I knew we weren’t and asked what she was planning. She continued to evade me, just telling me that she was going to plan something and that I should take the Thursday and Friday off and keep myself open for a 4-day weekend.

A couple of nights later, we were having sex and Chloe was on top of me. Yes, we’re not one of those cuckold couples who never have sex, it’s still a part of our relationship, there are just other dynamics. Anyway, she’s riding me and starts to dirty talk.

“Don’t you wish you could watch Matt fuck me again?” she asked.

I sort of moaned and nodded in the affirmative as she quickened her pace.

“You want to watch me ride his big cock?” she went on.

“That would be so hot,” I answered. She leaned forward and started riding me even harder, and between the sensation and her hot breath in my ear I felt myself starting to get close to orgasm.

“Good,” she whispered, “because that’s what’s happening on our 4-day weekend.”

I couldn’t believe my ears, but that didn’t stop me from having an absolutely massive orgasm, full-body and several minutes long, as feelings of pleasure and surprise battled for control of my brain. When it finally subsided, I asked Chloe to confirm for me what she was talking about.

She told me she had been Snapchatting Matt for a few days (apparently they still had each other added after all that time) and that he had agreed to fly down for a 4-day stay with us wherein he would be fucking her at every available opportunity. I was beside myself, even in my wildest fantasy I thought that at most Chloe and Matt might meet for one night of wild sex, but now I was learning that not only would it be for 4 days but it would be happening right in front of me, where I could take in every moment first hand.

The thought was so arousing to me that I almost immediately got hard again, and fucked Chloe a second time as she used her vibrating wand to get herself off as well. After my second orgasm, my head finally cleared up enough to start thinking logistics, so I had Chloe tell me what the full plan was. Matt was going to fly in on a Thursday, mid-morning, and stay with us until his return flight late Sunday night. During that time, she was to be completely submissive to him, and I was to be completely submissive to both of them. I was also not permitted to fuck Chloe for a week leading up to his stay nor at any time while he was there.

I asked other questions, like what the sleeping arrangements would be, or if we should come up with a story in case one of the neighbors dropped by or we ran into someone we knew in town, but Chloe told me we’d worry about all that when Matt got here. With no alternative and absolutely no plan to ruin the opportunity, I agreed.

The next few weeks before Matt’s visit passed relatively uneventfully. I would occasionally catch Chloe taking scandalous photos to send to him, and we would continue to dirty talk about it during sex, but otherwise the days went on as normal. The Wednesday night the week before Matt’s arrival was tense — we both knew it was the last night I’d be allowed to fuck Chloe for quite a while. As the evening rolled around, Chloe brought me into the bedroom and sat me down on the bed before disappearing into her walk-in closet. When she emerged, she was wearing my favorite lingerie set complete with heels and thigh-high stockings.

“This is the last night I’ll be yours for the next 11 days,” she said. “After tonight, you’re not fucking me until Matt leaves next Sunday. So, how would you like to spend it?”

Chloe always had such a way of making me feel special, like even though she was submitting to these other men, there was still a reason she married me, still a reason she loved me. We spent our last night making love for over two hours, during which I asked her to do all of my favorite positions and indulge all my little kinks. She allowed me to take off her heels and kiss her stockinged feet, she went down on me and blew me for as long as I wanted, and then we fucked in all of my favorite positions. We finished in missionary, our lips alternating between sweet passionate kisses and whispering words of love into each other’s ears before finally orgasming together.

When we were done, we cleaned ourselves up and got ready for bed. Chloe glanced at the clock and noticed it was just past midnight.

“Now I’m his,” she said with a devilish smile. She got out of bed and disappeared back into her closet, and came back a few minutes later and held her phone up to my face. There was an image of her, topless and biting her index finger with the biggest “come hither” look on her face I had ever seen. The caption is still burned into my mind:

“I’m yours now, sir”

She smiled at me as she pressed send, and I continued to hear her phone vibrate with Matt’s replies as I drifted off to sleep.

The week leading up to Matt’s arrival was agonizing. In addition to not being allowed to fuck Chloe, she also forbade me from masturbating, so I was horny constantly. Chloe used this to her advantage, knowing I became more malleable and subservient when I was horny, and had me doing all the chores around the house as well as eating her out whenever she wanted.

And she wanted it a lot. The snapchatting with Matt went through the roof during the week before his arrival, and Chloe’s sex drive increased right along with it. She would regularly ask me to eat her out and then just ignore me as I did, staring at her phone waiting for Matt’s next message. It was almost a relief when the time came for him to arrive, because I knew that there would finally be someone else around to help take care of her needs.

The day before Matt’s arrival, Chloe left work early to begin preparing. She started with a trip to the nail salon for a manicure and pedicure, and then went to get her hair cut and re-colored again. From there she went to the mall and picked up two new sets of lingerie, some new heels, a new dress and a new skirt, snapchatting Matt from the dressing rooms of each store as she did. After that she came home and spent about three hours in the bathroom shaving, doing skincare, and making sure every aspect of her appearance was as perfect as possible for him. I would have found it hot enough if I knew she was doing all this at Matt’s command, but I think I found it even hotter that I knew she was doing it all just because she wanted to. She wanted to be the perfect slut for him when he finally arrived.

Matt had done some preparing of his own, and the day before his arrival he sent Chloe an image of his STD panel results. He was clean, and we all agreed that this meant he would be permitted to fuck Chloe raw for the duration of his stay.

The day of Matt’s arrival finally came, and by 11am I was sitting in the airport call lot for pickup. I sat in the front seat of my car, but Chloe was in the back per Matt’s instruction. Also per Matt’s instruction, she was wearing her new skirt, black and professional looking with a length that hit just above her knee, showing off her long slender legs. The plane touched down and we pulled around to the pickup line to find Matt standing there waiting, a suitcase in one hand and a carry-on bag in the other. He was dressed nicely for air travel, a black button-down shirt and business-casual slacks, and he looked even better than I remembered from college. I wasn’t one to get turned on by men’s appearances, but I felt my dick begin to harden as we pulled up.

Chloe immediately bounded out of the backseat of the car and leapt into Matt’s arms, throwing her arms around him in a big hug that caused him to drop his bags. I picked them up and tossed them in the trunk as they said their hello’s, and when I closed the trunk door and looked up I was surprised to see them already kissing, right there in front of everyone. Any onlooker would have assumed that Matt was Chloe’s husband back from a business trip or something and I was the chauffer. They broke the kiss and Matt turned to greet me as well, extending his hand for a handshake as if we were meeting for the first time.

I got back into the driver’s seat of the car as they climbed into the back together, and immediately couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Chloe climbed onto Matt’s lap and began kissing him passionately as I pulled away, doing my best to focus on the road as the show of my life happened in the rearview mirror. Before we were even out of the terminal I heard her undoing his belt and unzipping his pants, and I could tell from the movement of her arms that she was stroking him with both hands as they kissed.

As we pulled on the interstate I heard Matt speak up.

“Did you do as I told you and leave your panties at home?” he asked commandingly.

“Mm hmm,” Chloe hummed the affirmative.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Matt asked in response.

I could barely keep my eyes off of the rearview mirror as I watched Chloe grasp Matt’s cock and aim it towards her pussy. She lowered herself down onto him with a gasp, and even I let out a slight moan as Matt penetrated my wife for the first time in what felt like forever. Chloe must have been soaking wet to be able to take all of Matt’s cock as easily as she did, and the sounds I heard as she began to ride him confirmed that — her pussy was literally so creamy I could hear it over the road noise.

“Good girl,” Matt said as Chloe bounced on his cock. I cringed at his words, looking hesitantly into the rearview. Chloe hated being called good girl, and I figured Matt must not have known and said it by mistake. But to my surprise, Chloe let out her loudest moan yet in response and pressed her lips hard into Matt’s. Between the show in my backseat and my focus on the road, it didn’t click for me right away, but I was glad that she took it so well. Only later would I find out that she actually loved being called that, just not by me.

Chloe continued to awkwardly ride Matt all the way back to our house, the low roof and cramped backseat of the car not offering much room for maneuvering, only climbing off of him as we turned into the neighborhood. The windows of my car weren’t tinted, and she didn’t want to risk any of the neighbors seeing what she was up to. As soon as we pulled into the garage Chloe pulled Matt by hand into the house and right up to the bedroom, leaving me to deal with the bags.

I heard the sounds of Chloe’s moans first when I finally got the bags into the house, echoing down the stairs to the living room. I assumed she would have taken Matt to the guest room where he would be staying, but as I walked past the door to our master bedroom I heard the all too familiar clapping of rough sex coming from in there instead. A pang of emotion shot through my gut as I processed Chloe fucking Matt on our marital bed, but I turned around anyway and carried Matt’s bags to the guest room and set them down.

By the time I came out the sounds had quietened, so I knocked on the door to our master bedroom.

“Come in.”

It was Chloe’s voice, so I twisted the doorknob and entered. I was greeted with an unforgettable sight — Chloe’s new skirt lay torn and crumpled on the floor, and Matt’s clothes were similarly scattered throughout the room. He was lying on his back on my side of the bed, naked and panting from the exertion of having just fucked my wife. I couldn’t help but notice that even soft, his cock was still almost twice the size of mine when hard. Chloe was also on her back, covered in sweat and wearing only her top which had been pulled up to reveal her breasts. She beckoned me over, and as I approached she pointed to her pussy, still glistening with wetness and gaping from the recent presence of Matt’s cock.

The cogs turned inside my brain as I took in the sights, and the realization hit me of not only what Matt had just done but of what I was about to do next. The lack of any cum on Chloe’s torso confirmed that Matt had finished inside her, so deep that it hadn’t even begun to leak out yet, and her pointing confirmed that she wanted me to clean her up.

I didn’t even hesitate, I dove in and attacked Chloe’s pussy with my tongue, licking the wetness from her pussy lips before plunging my tongue inside her. Matt opened his eyes and glanced at me to see what I was doing, but just chuckled and turned over.

“Sorry,” Chloe apologized, “just something he has to do.”

“Whatever, as long as he doesn’t get his dick anywhere near you,” Matt answered dismissively.

Matt’s words bounced off of me, I was far too engrossed in what I was doing. I grabbed Chloe’s thighs and pulled her hard into my face, trying to get as deep inside her with my tongue as I could. Finally, I tasted Matt’s cum and pulled back, watching as it finally began to drip out of Chloe’s pussy. She pulled me back in with her hand as I lapped eagerly.

“That’s right, make sure you get every drop,” she cooed. I obeyed wordlessly, making sure to pay attention to her clit as well as cleaning her. Once I had finished, she pulled me up for a kiss and had me go and start the shower for the two of them before leaving the room.

After Matt and Chloe’s shower (which I can only assume they took together) I took the three of us to lunch. Matt and Chloe sat next to each other and held hands under the table as I sat across from them and we all caught up. After that we decided to catch a movie, during which Matt and Chloe held hands and kissed occasionally. This would continue to be the theme while we were out in public throughout the 4-day weekend. Chloe and Matt would act like boyfriend and girlfriend, holding hands, hugging and kissing in public, while I followed some distance behind crossing my fingers that nobody we knew would see us. I was amazed at how nonchalant Chloe was about it, and I honestly probably felt more cucked by that than I did when I was eating Matt’s cum out of Chloe’s pussy. The sex was one thing, but the psychological cuckolding probably would have crushed me if it didn’t turn me on so much.

Anyway, after dinner that night we came home and sat on the couch with some Netflix on. I sat on a chair by myself while Chloe and Matt cuddled on the couch. It wasn’t long before the “and chill” part of Netflix and chill started happening, and pretty soon Chloe was on her knees sucking Matt’s cock. I loved watching Chloe give blowjobs — she was an absolute artist at it, and few men could last more than a few minutes if she wanted them to cum. It was especially enjoyable to watch her suck a cock the size of Matt’s, because while Chloe could blow me like a champ, there was just more possibility with a bigger dick. Sucking the head while twisting two hands up the shaft, taking him deep into her throat while still having enough room left to stroke his base — these were all just not possible with a cock the size of mine.

Once Matt came in Chloe’s mouth (of course she swallowed), they resumed cuddling like nothing had happened until we finished what we were watching. It was about 11pm at that point, so we started to make preparations for bed.

“I’m going to ask you this one time,” Matt said to Chloe as I turned off the TV. “For the rest of the time I’m here, who do you want staying in your bed with you, me or your husband?”

I had a feeling this was going to happen, but I was surprised to hear Matt offer the choice to Chloe. He could’ve just ordered me into the guest room himself and I would’ve obeyed, and he knew that. But he wanted to give Chloe the opportunity to choose. How considerate, I remember thinking.

“Hmm,” Chloe began, then turned to look at me. “Go get whatever you need to be comfortable in the guest room. Your cock isn’t allowed inside me, and I don’t want there to be any question in Matt’s mind about it, so he’ll stay with me in our bed until he leaves.”

I would learn later that this bit was actually planned ahead of time by Chloe and Matt without my knowledge, but in the moment I felt the most crushed I had felt the entire weekend (and also among the most aroused). I nodded my head and got my things together, returning Matt’s bags to the master bedroom as I did so. As I left for the final time with several changes of clothes in my hand, Matt was carrying Chloe up the stairs, their lips locked in a kiss as he brought her to my bed.

“From now until I leave, you’re not allowed in this room unless invited by me,” he said to me. I nodded my understanding and he whisked Chloe away to the master bedroom, closing the door behind him with his back as he prepared to fuck my wife once again.

I’d like to say I returned to my bedroom and went to sleep, leaving them to fuck in peace, but I didn’t. Instead I waited until I heard them reach the bed, then sat down outside the door and listened as they fucked. I closed my eyes and imagined what was going on in that room as I took my cock out and began to stroke it. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of cumming to the sounds of Chloe’s moans, and the post-orgasm regret hit me like a truck. For about 3 minutes, I wanted nothing more than to kick down the door, order Matt out of my house and reclaim control over the situation, but I resisted the urge and ended up just making my way to the guest bedroom and passing out.

The next morning was Friday, and I awoke at around 6:30 as I normally do. I went downstairs and sat in my office to browse the internet on my computer. At around 7:15 I heard the door to the master bedroom open and close, and I knew for sure it had to be Matt as Chloe seldom woke up before 10am if she didn’t have to work. Sure enough, Matt found me in my office and sat down in the spare chair. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt, and I could see the outline of his dick through the pants. He and I had a brief conversation about how he slept, and then a slightly longer one about the events of the past day. He was there to fuck Chloe first and foremost, but he wasn’t an asshole and was nice enough to check in with me and make sure I was still ok with it all. If anything, admitting that I enjoyed what had happened so far and was comfortable with it continuing along similar lines for the rest of the weekend was just as humiliating and arousing as the rest of it.

“So, what time does Chloe usually wake up?” Matt eventually asked, changing the subject.

“She’s almost never up before 10am unless she has to be,” I answered.

Matt looked at the clock, it was 7:40. “Well, that’s not going to work,” he finally said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Look, I woke up next to your naked wife this morning still lying on me from the sex we had last night. I’m hard, and I’ve been hard all morning. I don’t know if I can wait till after 10 to do something about it.”

He got up as if to leave, but I stood up to stop him.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“To wake up Chloe,” he answered simply.

I felt a little bit of panic set in at his answer. I had been with Chloe for years, and one thing I knew for sure was that she did not like to be woken up early on her days off. She valued that sleep and would have been frustrated with anyone for taking it away from her. Plus, I knew they had been up late the night before fucking, and I didn’t want her to be tired and crabby all day today.

“She’ll be tired all day if you do,” I finally replied.

“Well I’m not gonna wait around with a hard dick till 10 or later, so unless you wanna do something about it…”

I hesitated as Matt trailed off. He looked at me and smirked, and then chuckled. He turned on his heel and went back to the chair he had been sitting in and sat down.

“Fine,” Matt continued. “If you’re not going to let me wake up Chloe, then you do something about this.” He gestured to the bulge in his pants as he finished.

I knew I had no choice, especially since I had sucked Matt’s cock before long ago, so he knew it wasn’t off-limits for me. I knelt to the floor as he pulled his sweatpants down, allowing his cock to spring free. Even though he was only at about half-mast, his dick still dwarfed mine, and there was plenty of room for me to wrap a hand around him and start sucking.

Now, I’m by no means the blowjob expert Chloe is, but I like to think that given I have a penis myself I know how to make one feel good. I took Matt’s dick as far into my mouth as I could, which left me enough room to wrap one hand around his dick and stroke him. I could taste Chloe’s pussy on him, and soon after I began to taste his precum as well. I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock and continued pumping him with my hand, until finally I began to feel his dick twitch in my mouth.

Matt came without a warning, shooting hot ropes of cum down my throat. I didn’t want to admit it, but I had no intention of spitting, so I swallowed several gulps of his cum before his orgasm finally subsided.

“You could’ve at least warned me,” I said as I pulled my mouth off Matt’s cock.

“As if you weren’t gonna swallow anyway?” he gloated, standing up and pulling his sweatpants back up. I returned to my computer desk as he left the room.

The rest of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday went more or less the same. We spent the days out on the town, Chloe and Matt acting like boyfriend and girlfriend, sitting next to each other at meals, and generally ignoring me unless they needed a chauffeur. We went to the mall, where Chloe attempted to fuck Matt in a dressing room but was blocked by an employee, as well as to a couple of parks, where Chloe successfully sucked Matt off behind some trees. She would occasionally give me some attention as well, mostly in the form teasing me with her feet. She knew I had a weakness for her feet, so at restaurants she’d slip off her sandals or heels and stretch out under the table and press her feet into my lap, teasing my dick by curling her toes. I’m not sure if Matt noticed this, but even while teasing me Chloe would interlace her fingers with his and hang on to his every word.

At night, of course, Chloe and Matt would fuck. It usually started out in front of me — in fact, Matt seemed to be determined to fuck Chloe on every piece of furniture in our house before he left. He ate her pussy while she sat on our kitchen counter, then carried her over to the dining room table and fucked her on top of it. He bent her over our couches, and then had her ride him reverse cowgirl on our recliner. I even caught them fucking on top of our washing machine once when Matt walked in on Chloe doing laundry in her underwear. To this day, I still sometimes get turned on by looking at a piece of furniture in our house and remembering how Matt had fucked my wife on it.

Eventually, of course, they would retire to the bedroom, where they would fuck until Matt came inside of Chloe before falling asleep. Since I was no longer allowed in the bedroom, I didn’t get to clean Chloe’s creampies anymore after the first time, so I would just sit outside the door and listen until they finished. I would wait until the very last thing at night before masturbating, knowing the post-orgasm regret would be easiest to manage if I was alone and just went straight to sleep after getting off.

Every morning, I’d wake up first, followed by Matt, who would come into my office and receive his morning blowjob. Sucking my wife’s dried juices off of him until he came in my mouth was one of my favorite parts of the weekend, but I did my best to play it off in front of Matt. After he came he’d return to our living room and wait for the sound of the shower running to signal Chloe was up, whereafter he’d immediately head upstairs to join her in the shower.

By the time Sunday rolled around, emotions were running high. We all knew it was Matt’s last day, and his redeye flight that night would signal the end of our little adventure. Dinner conversation mostly avoided the subject until finally Matt said that he wanted to make the last night “special” and that he had a plan for when we got back home. I paid the check and drove them back ferociously curious about what Matt had in mind.

When we got home, Matt told me to follow him and Chloe to the bedroom. We had about three hours before his flight left, so I figured he was going to fuck Chloe in front of me one more time before heading out. As I entered my bedroom for the first time in several days, I saw the room had transformed into a completely unrecognizable state from how I had left it. Normally, Chloe and I kept our room very tidy, but when I walked in I saw clothes and sex toys strewn across the room. I recognized both of the new sets of lingerie Chloe had purchased just for Matt’s visit on the floor, as well as the new dress which had a massive tear up one side. Her favorite vibrating wand lie on her nightstand, and others lay discarded on the floor. There were also at least four different pairs of heels tossed haphazardly about the room. The place even smelled like sex, and I felt my dick start to get hard just from the sight of it all.

“Chloe, will you go change into what we discussed?” Matt asked. Chloe agreed and disappeared into her walk-in closet as Matt turned to me. “I appreciate what you’ve done for me these past few days allowing me to spend time with Chloe, so I’m going to do you a favor tonight. Don’t get any bright ideas, you’re still not going to be fucking Chloe while I’m here, but just do as I say for the next couple of hours and I promise you’ll be glad you did.”

I nodded just as Chloe re-emerged from the closet. She was dressed in a pair of black, knee-high high-heeled boots, which I had never seen before and assumed she must’ve picked up at the mall while we were out and I was giving them some space. She also wore her black leather corset, which I had definitely seen before and always loved because of how it accentuated her curves.

“Perfect,” Matt said. Chloe walked over to him confidently and gave him a kiss. After returning the kiss, Matt went and sat in the reclining chair we kept in our bedroom and looked at me. “Why don’t you come over here and show your wife what we’ve been practicing every morning?”

Chloe looked at me with a look that showed she was just as surprised as I was. I knew what Matt meant, of course, but I never expected him to ask me to do it in front of Chloe. And Chloe didn’t seem to know what Matt was talking about, so I surmised that he had been keeping it from her and was choosing now to tell her, with a demonstration to boot.

Remembering Matt’s instructions to “just do as he said”, I obediently went over next to the chair and knelt down in front of Matt as Chloe watched.

“What’s going on here?” Chloe asked as I began undoing Matt’s belt.

Neither of us answered, I just wordlessly continued removing Matt’s pants and underwear and allowing his cock to spring free. He wasn’t fully hard yet, and as much as I hated admitting it to myself, I was pretty excited that I was going to get to feel him grow even bigger and get hard inside of my mouth. I began my blowjob by licking up the sides of Matt’s shaft, cupping his massive balls with one hand and stroking the base of his shaft with the other. I had started varying my technique up some with my blowjobs to Matt recently, and I decided since this was the last one for a while and Chloe was watching I would pull out all of the stops.

“Wow, I guess you really have been practicing,” Chloe commented as Matt began to get fully hard from my efforts. “And you seem like you might be enjoying sucking his cock just as much as I do!” I felt my face turn red as the truth of Chloe’s words stung me and I closed my eyes to try to hide my shame, but I didn’t take Matt’s dick out of my mouth for even a moment.

Now Chloe wasn’t one for 24/7 humiliation, and neither was I, but every now and then there was a moment where it just fit perfectly. Chloe’s knee-high boots and corset were giving her that dominatrix energy, and my lips wrapped around another man’s cock were setting her up perfectly to humiliate me. This was one of those opportunities for it that she just couldn’t pass up.

“You must be really appreciative of the way that cock fucks your wife, huh?” Chloe asked. The curiousness and admiration in her voice was gone, and had been replaced with condescension. She was fully teasing me and I felt my cock twitch as feelings of humiliation coursed through me. “Do you like sucking his alpha cock? I bet you’ve enjoyed tasting me on him every morning, haven’t you? And I bet you’re swallowing his cum like a good cuck too, aren’t you?”

I didn’t reply, just continued blowing Matt.

“She asked you a question,” Matt said when I remained silent. I took his cock out of my mouth and nodded a yes, moving my other hand to his shaft to stroke him with both hands as I did. He seemed satisfied by that, but Chloe wasn’t done yet.

“Kiss it,” she ordered. “Kiss his cock to show your appreciation.”

I don’t know what it is, but there is something different about kissing someone’s dick. I had sucked Matt’s dick, swallowed his cum, licked it out of my wife’s pussy, and stroked myself to orgasm at the sight of him fucking her, but never did I feel more submissive to him than when I followed Chloe’s order to kiss his dick. I kissed my way up one side of his dick and across his tip, then back down the other side, interspersing my kisses with licking and stroking his shaft. Just as I was almost finished, Chloe gave one final command:

“Good, now thank him,” she ordered. Another pang of humiliation shot through me, but I didn’t hesitate.

“Thank you,” I said simply.

“No, thank him properly. Thank you for what?” Chloe continued.

“Thank you for fucking my wife so well,” I corrected.

“Sir,” Chloe commanded. I let out a panicked breath at the thought of having to correct myself again.

“Thank you for fucking my wife so well, sir,” I repeated.

“What else?” Chloe asked.

“Thank you for letting me suck your massive cock, sir,” I added.

“That’s better,” Chloe finished, finally allowing me to stop.

“Alright, I think that’s enough of that,” Matt finally said, releasing me. He had me move out of the way and ordered Chloe to take his place. “Show him how it’s done properly,” he instructed.

Chloe immediately reminded me that my dick sucking skills were nothing compared to hers. I had been sucking Matt’s dick like it was a job, but Chloe blew him like it was her passion. Where I mostly held my head still on his cock and allowed my hands and tongue to do the work, Chloe bobbed her head up and down rhythmically and enthusiastically, and even moaned as she did as if she was the one getting all the pleasure from the act. And while I had been keeping my eyes closed most of the time to hide my shame, Chloe kept hers wide open, staring up at Matt as she throated his full length.

Eventually Matt tired of the blowjob and ordered Chloe onto the bed. He instructed me to remove her boots, which I did as they kissed. He also ordered me to strip completely naked and kneel next to Chloe on the bed.

“I want you to have a good view of the proper way to fuck your wife,” he said, removing his own shirt as well and revealing his chiseled torso. “Try to do it like this after I’m gone.”

When I was in position, Matt slid his cock into Chloe, with far more ease than the first time I had watched her try to take him in the backseat of my car. Now I know anatomically women don’t really get “stretched out” permanently, but there was no doubt that Chloe was accommodating Matt’s size much more easily now.

I watched closely as Matt fucked my wife in missionary, and then rolled her over into cowgirl. He had me remove her corset in this position, leaving us all naked as Chloe rode him eagerly. She rubbed her clit as she bounced on him and it wasn’t long before her body was rocking with an orgasm that left her collapsed and unable to continue riding. That didn’t bother Matt, though, who flipped Chloe over into doggy and resumed fucking her even harder than before. I admired Matt’s stamina as he slammed himself into my wife, causing her breasts to jiggle rhythmically and her moans to grow louder.

Eventually he told Chloe that he was ready to cum, and she absolutely screamed for him to cum inside her. She begged him to fill her up and he obliged, the two of them climaxing in unison as he did so. Chloe collapsed onto the bed as Matt returned to the chair. I looked back and forth between him and my totally used wife until he finally nodded at me.

“Ok, do your thing,” was all he said.

I didn’t need to be told twice. Chloe was still on her stomach but I could already see Matt’s cum beginning to leak out of her. I dove in tongue-first to clean it. I licked every drop up, requiring multiple swallows to take care of his entire load. Chloe sort of moaned as I did, but it was clear that she was already spent from the rough fucking she’d just received.

When I was done the two of them took a final shower together as I redressed in the guest room, and then we returned Matt to the airport.

I would reclaim Chloe the next day, with a slow and intimate lovemaking session that was nothing like the animalistic fucking she did with Matt. We would kiss dozens of times as she reassured me that she loved me and she loved that I allowed her to have these experiences, and I reassured her that I loved her too and I was still thrilled with this aspect of our sex lives. During our reclaiming session, Chloe told me that she had one last surprise for me, and then handed me her phone which was absolutely filled with pictures and videos of her and Matt. She had been recording them fucking in our bed nearly every night, and she let me keep all of those images and videos so that I would never forget — as if I could anyway.

We haven’t seen Matt anymore since then, but Chloe still keeps in touch with him. Maybe someday I’ll be buying a plane ticket for her to send her to his place for another 4-day weekend together, time will tell. Until then, I have plenty of memories from the weekend and a beautiful wife to spend time with.
