
Alexandra checked the clock. Again. It was the longest day of her life.

Just six more hours.

She’d been waiting for this day. Mistress had promised. On this, the night of her 25th birthday, she would not be receiving a gift. No, tonight she would BE the gift.

The contract was clear. Detailed. Meticulous. Mistress was not fond of ambiguity. Especially with consent.

Alexandra read over it again, to push her excitement even further.

After the title was the escape clause. A single word that would cease all activities should they prove to be too much.


The rules:
1: Too rough? Say “gently”
2: Rougher? Say “please”
3: You want to come? Too bad. Your body is mine, to do with as I please for this event.

For three days prior you are not permitted to touch yourself.

You are to present yourself to me at my residence at 8pm. You will wear the harness I’ve selected for you for the entire day. If I do not see impressions of my harness in your skin, you have violated the contract. If you have orgasmed within the past three days you have violated the contract. Any violation and our event is cancelled.

It was signed in red ink, by Mistress Luna and by Alexandra.

She folded it carefully and tucked it back into her back pocket.

The harness was difficult to wear at work. Uncomfortable. Tight. Yet the way she felt bound within it, the power of her Mistress was inescapable. She shivered just thinking about it. A ring on the harness jangled against her necklace as she did so, and a coworker raised an eyebrow at her. Alexandra blushed hard and ducked down an aisle, picking up some stray clothing.

Six more hours.

Alexandra never thought she was pretty. Other girls had always teased her about her weight especially. She was short, plump, with a gently curved face. Not like Mistress Luna, she was statuesque, all fierce angles and dyed white hair, straight down to her elbows. She stood a full foot taller than Alexandra.

Alexandra felt her best feature was her own long, flame-red hair, which she tied into intricate braids for today.

No matter her insecurities, with Mistress Luna she felt like the prized possession of a goddess. Alone with her, Alexandra was the most desirable person in the world. It was intoxicating. Even frightening, how totally she wanted to completely give herself over to Mistress, especially having known her only two weeks.

Alexandra had met Luna while she was shopping at Alexandra’s store. Luna was wearing high heels, which was bold as she was already over six feet tall without them. They got to talking about fashion, and Luna suggested that Alexandra visit to build some outfits. It wasn’t long before they were sharing stories, drinks, and interests, and after a particularly long sip of her mixer Luna asked, “you want to make out?” Alexandra gave in immediately, and not due to her drinks. Just being near Luna was enough to rob her of inhibition.

An hour later Luna asked her what her deepest fantasy was. Alexandra didn’t have to think about it. She told her everything, immediately and without reserve. And just like that, Luna, now Mistress, got to work on their contract.


Alexandra’s shift ended. She started to breathe just a little more fully. The tingling in her abdomen grew. She drove home, dodged her roommates, changed into her sluttiest outfit and redid her makeup. Everything needed to be perfect.

It was a short drive. Luna’s place was just outside of town. A small house, but warm and well appointed. Especially, as it happened, her basement.

Alexandra was trembling as she came up to the door. Before she could knock Mistress opened it and drew her in silently.

She was dressed in leather, tight pants and a corset, showing off her ample breasts.

“What are you wearing, Toy?”
“Your harness, Mistress.”
“Where is it?”
Alexandra’s eyes widened, and she immediately took her top off to show the harness to her.
“I see. Much better.” Luna lifted the straps on her shoulders and saw faint red lines where they had dug in.
“But that isn’t all of the harness, is it, Toy? I distinctly told you to show it to me.”
Alexandra immediately stripped completely, revealing the full harness and all of her body to Luna.
“Now that’s more like it, Pet. Are you going to be a good girl for me?” Luna looked down at her with sparkling eyes.
Alexandra gave just the slightest whimper, “Yes, Mistress.”

Luna pulled a collar out of a kitchen drawer, and put it on Alexandra’s neck. It fit perfectly without adjustment. Then she reached deeper in the drawer and pulled out a leash. Alexandra’s eyes widened, but Luna said nothing.

Leashed properly, Luna led Alexandra to the basement. There was a wide arrangement of furniture, but none you would find in a typical family basement. Against the far wall was a large St. Andrew’s Cross. Adjacent to it was a bench with real wooden stocks. Finally beside that was a small bed, with a selection of ropes hanging above it.

“Now, Toy, you may stand here,” Luna said, gesturing to the cross. Alexanda moved in front of it.
“Are you being sassy to your Mistress?”
“No, Mistress Luna!”
“Then spread your legs so I can properly bind you.” Luna’s tone was impeccable. At once playful and aggressive, powerful and proud.

Alexandra shivered, bound to the smooth wood tightly. She could not escape if she wanted to. She was utterly powerless before her Mistress, and she had never felt so alive.

Luna drew an ice cube from a tray, and ran it over Alexandra’s skin, slowly, letting it shock her.
The bound girl twitched and writhed, but Luna said, “you are not permitted to resist. Hold still, we have much to accomplish.” Then she took out a small piece of black cloth. A blindfold! With that in place Alexandra couldn’t see her next move.
“Are you ready for your first surprise, Toy?”
“Please Mistress, give it to me!” The bound girl begged.
Luna very quietly took out a small whip and snapped it across Alexandra’s breasts. Sparks exploded in her head and she went fuzzy, overwhelmed with mingled pleasure and pain. Snap! Again! Alexandra’s knees buckled and she hung limply from her wrist restraints, moaning in ecstasy.
“What do you say, Pet?”
“T…Thank you, Mistress.”
Luna set down the whip and lightly brushed her long nails over Alexandra’s exposed nipples, then down her abdomen to her soaked pussy, making Alexandra quiver. Then she retrieved a second ice cube and applied it, exactly where the whip had stung. Luna smiled to herself as the bound girl struggled against her restraints, helplessly trying to escape the touch of the ice.
“Had enough, Pet?” After a second, Alexandra gasped,
“Please, Mistress!” Luna couldn’t help but appreciate the dedication of her new toy.

“Your next surprise is here in the stocks, Pet. Well done, you’ve been a very good Toy for me, haven’t you.” Luna removed the blindfold, and unshackled Alexandra.

“On your knees, Toy. The wood is padded, you won’t bruise anywhere, except where I see fit. Now. Put your head here first, now each wrist. Good. Good, you’re properly exposed for me. It would be a shame, wouldn’t it, for us to forget how you look right now?”

Luna snapped several pictures with an antique film camera.

“Now, are you a virgin, Pet?”
“No, Mistress, not quite.”
“Good. I dislike virgins. So much extra work.”
“As you say, Mistress.”
“Now that your vision is restored, albeit temporarily, it’s time for me to get comfortable.”

Luna stripped off her black leather corset and revealed her bountiful breasts before Alexandra’s widening eyes. Then she carefully peeled out of the skintight pants, revealing the biggest penis Alexandra had ever seen. It had been expertly tucked, invisible. The bound girl gasped, “oh my god, is that for me, Mistress, please?”

“Yes, Pet. Your night has only just begun.”

*****This is my first time writing erotica, if you want part two leave a comment! Thanks for reading!*****


1 comment

  1. Your characterization is very good. I’d like to see a second chapter. Maybe an expansion on who these two are b

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