(MM) A Change of Colours Pt. VII

This has become quite the journey for me. Let me say that critique and input as well as compliments are always appreciated

Had it not been for the flight, a good nap and all the stress of arriving in a foreign country I would have been stuck horny for the rest of the day but when I finally fell into the bed of the rented safari tent I was just exhausted. After arriving in Spain, travelling to the camp sight, cleaning everything left out by the cleaning lady and also everything clean looking just for safety I was spent. Finn looked at his wrist watch. “Damn it’s already seven. How about we take a quick nap and go out to the beach cafe for a late dinner.” In lieu of an answer I spread my arms. Laughing he dove into my hug and after some gentle kissing and making ourself comfortable we dozed off.

It was hot and sticky when I woke up for the first time. Sleeping next to me was Finn. In the faint light of a street light shining through the tent wall I could see his naked skin. So he had undressed. Outside it was quiet. Only crickets and some tireless birds, probably on the hunt for those crickets broke the silence. How late was it? Confused I picked up my phone. It was way past midnight. With only one thing to do before my stomach would start growling I undressed to go back to sleep before my body was woke enough to notice the food depravation.

The second time I woke up was way more comfortable. Almost naked except for my thong I was snuggled into two thick pillows. Yet it seemed my partner had deserted me. Falling back into the soft piles beneath me my stomach began rumbling. Maybe he had already went out to get us some breakfast I thought to myself. Unable to ignore my twisting tummy I finally left the bed, threw on a thin robe and went outside check my face in the small shaving mirror attached to the sink outside the tent.

To my surprise my make-up wasn’t looking that bad. Still, for the sake of my skin, I began washing it off. From all the rubbing and deep sleep it looked like I didn’t need any blush or any other make-up. My locks where softly curling into all directions. Anyone who didn’t know me might even take me for a pixie haired girl. Admiring my astonishingly feminine features I didn’t hear Finn until he stepped on the wooden deck supporting the tent. “Aren’t you a curious little creature.”, he laughed as he threw a baguette and some toppings on the table and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Daring I hadn’t put on any make-up today except for some pink lip-gloss. Dressed in a yellow and black plaid skirt, an old white shirt with a flaking Coca Cola logo and a jeans jacket. Underneath I wore a blue and white bikini top with a Brazilian thong in matching colours. It had been a pain to find bottoms that would hide my junk and at the same time fit well enough to look good. Keeping a watchful eye out for peoples looks I waited for Finn to pick up the key to our rental car. To my surprise no one seemed to care or suspect a thing. I even got looks from a guy or two.

Someone at the rental company had slept at work and given away our car. Luckily this entitled us to a free upgrade what meant we weren’t driving a Renault Clio but an older Jeep Wrangler with some rusty spots. My boyfriend looked at me. “Is this really okay for you? It looks … worn out.” It really did but at the same time it just smelled like adventure, giving me the vibe of a surfer or a van-lifer. I smirked. “Okay? I love it.”

Not even an hour later we excited a nearby shop loaded with groceries, my head now covered my a straw hat matching my summer outfit perfectly and, in my opinion, completing the alternative look I needed to fit into the front passenger seat. I made Finn drive since I wasn’t very experienced and also driving on the right side of the road made me feel anxious. But that wouldn’t be the worst. After unloading our haul we decided to go to the beach, but until now I had been so relaxed that I hadn’t thought about what going to the beach actually meant for me.

Finn assured me that the campsite and the cornering beaches where the recommendation of a friend and known to be extremely LGBTQ friendly. So I changed my skirt for a thin cloth I tied around my waist, packed my things and followed him. As we passed our “neighbours” all of them greeted us with a nod, a friendly wave or even some words. The whole atmosphere was very relaxed indeed. With each step I took I felt more comfortable and even allowed my hips to sway a little.

Finally at the beach I took a deep breath. It had been a long time since I had smelled the ocean. And never had I in a southern country. Simply marvellous the scent of salt, sea and sunscreen was smelting into a summer tapestry of smells. My naked toes curled into the hot sand. For a second I closed my eyes and just enjoyed, only opening them because a shadow fell over my eyes. It was Finn. He smiled. “Don’t let me distract you. Just admiring you taking it all in.” “Is that so?”, I asked with a smile while gently placing my forearms on his shoulders. “That and the wind is pressing your cloth against your butt and I need to show that staring guy who you are here with.”

More a reflex than actual worry I threw a quick look over my shoulder. Expecting Finn to joke at my expense I found myself locking eyes with a young black man, lying on a towel a few feet away from us. He had pushed his sunglasses down his nose so I could clearly see where he was looking. Meeting my eyes he gave me a wink. Half blushing, half panicking I turned around. “Let’s go somewhere with less people.”

Half an hour later we had found a nice little spot. Here the beach was narrowed down by a fence because it was bordering a bird sanctuary. Finn popped open a little plastic shelter while I used some loose sticks and an extra towel to cover us from all sides. Finally able to relax I dropped the cloth around my waist and so did Finns jar. Back in our tent I had put great effort to not show him too much of my bikini. Now he could observe it in it’s full glory.

“Has … has your ass gotten bigger?”, he stammered. “Maybe.”, I giggled. “But this thing is supposed to make it look bigger and perfectly round.”, I added while plucking the fabric resting on my waist. A quick glance revealed a bulge already growing in his pants. To be completely honest I would be up to blow him in public, maybe even have sex but not in broad daylight or at least not on the first day.

So instead I decided to go for a refreshing dip in the water. Finn promised to follow me soon, he wanted to ‘relax’ a little first yet it was clear he wanted his boner to go down first. As I emerged from our cover, snatching a kiss on the way past him, I walked towards the glistening water. The next spots with people where off at least 50 yards. Feeling safe I dipped my toes into the ocean to feel the temperature. It was cold but not to cold to keep me out. Wading in step for step pressure, heat and sweat seemed to wash away.

As the water covered me to my ass cheeks I noticed someone walking up to our spot. Watching over my shoulder as I acted as if I was observing some boats in the distance I recognised the young black man from earlier. He was now topless and I could see his sweat covered six pack and bald head shine in the sun. Even from a distance I had to confess the attraction he emitted, drawing in my eyes. For the fraction of a second our eyes met as he put his hand on his pecks as if to brush off some sand. As he ran it over his defined side a meteor shower of goosebumps hit my arms and neck.

It felt wrong yet so right to drool about anyone else than my boyfriend but his presence was so … enticing. Grinning he turned away as I bit my lip fighting against the lust penning up in my body. I wouldn’t cheat, I told myself. Never. To my surprise he was now walking towards our sun shelter while Finn appeared above the improvised cover. The young man raised his hand and … Finn took it. Both laughed and pulled each other into a friendly but well acquainted hug. Turning around I observed the spectacle for a few minutes until they appeared to finish up their pleasantries and parted ways.

With that Finn finally joined my in the water. “What was that about?”, was the first thing I asked as soon as he came into normal talking range. “Montel? He’s an old friend of mine. We met a few towns over a few years back and we meet each other every time we’re here. He’s in Spain so much he could be considered a local.” This didn’t make too much sense of the prior situation. “Why didn’t you tell me when he was starring earlier? Why did you let him do that?” Watching some jet skies on the far side of the bay he shrugged. “I saw it as a compliment. You should too. He usually likes women.”

This had my head burst into a whole array of different reactions but as a shocking surprise most of them where flattering and pleasant. “Do … do … you mean, I could … I mean someone … might. He …” Finn looked at me. Not nervous. Not angry. Not a single hint of jealousy. “You like him too, don’t you?” For a second I looked down, trying to figure out how to react. Why wasn’t he furious? “What? I don’t understand why you are not furious. You should be defending your girlfr… I mean boyfriend.”

First his smile turned into a smirk, than an evil grin. Grabbing me by my hips he slammed my body into his, pressing his lips to mine while grabbing two full hands of my butt. Shocked my eyes where wide open as his hot tongue plunged into my mouth while cool ocean water rippled against my hole as he parted my cheeks. The little bit of resistance I offered with my hands against his chest broke as Finn pulled aside my thong and entered me with the tip of a finger. I moaned into him.

As fast as he had begun, it stopped. “You mean like this?” Moving a step back a smile curled on his lips. “People can find multiple people attractive. That doesn’t make their feelings any less meaningful.

Left with a strange aftertaste I remained mentally parallelized for the rest of the day. Was Finn a swinger? Was he offering me that I could cheat on him? Was he talking about an open relationship? Maybe ‘just’ a threesome?

After dinner we sat down with a bottle of Sangria. While he opened it and poured us both a glass, Finn constantly made eye contact. “You are worried about today, aren’t you?”, he finally spoke up. Without answering I took the glass, took a sip and looked away to the side. Even though I wasn’t sure he really needed an answer I eventually nodded. “Yes. I can’t make up my mind what kind of feelings you’re giving me with this.”

Finn got up and dragged his chair over to my side of the table. Giving him an insecure look I let him get closer and put his arm around me. Leaning in he gave me a gentle kiss, remaining close to my face to speak after. “I see your attraction to him. It’s obvious. And to play with completely open cards … I find him attractive too.” This bastard knew how to play me. He started caressing my neck and playing with one of my locks. “You are still discovering yourself. I don’t blame you for ogling other men. In a way …”, he paused for a second as if he was looking for the right words but I was sure he already knew what to say. “In a way I want to encourage looking. I want you to feel safe in your sexuality because that means safety for me. If that means you’ll have to get intimate with other men … and as long as I am present … I just don’t want to loose you to the same stupid questions I once asked myself.”

Now I was at a lose for words. While his arguments made sense to me and also felt kind of hot, like a cuckolding relationship, they still infuriated me. “How can you say that? I love you. My heart has been broken enough times to know what love feels like.” Having said that a speck of doubt remained. Was this something I felt open enough to delve into? Strange as it was the answer was yes. Remembering not only Montels chiselled stature but also his hungry eyes made me shiver. Of course Finn noticed all of that. It was like he was reading from an open book.

Scared by how well he already knew me I didn’t offer resistance as he got up from his chair, took my hand and led me to the tent. Letting go for a second I turned around to close the tent, not missing the sound of fabric falling to the ground. Turning back to him I found him bottomless with a twitching erection. As I got closer and went down on my knees he gently ran his hand through my hair. “Don’t get me wrong.”, he explained as I grasped his shaft while hugging his tip with my lips which had him grunt a little. “I love you more than anything. But the thought of you sleeping around…”

Pushing myself forward his dick entered my throat and cut him short as he sharply inhaled. This was as odd as it was hot. For a second I stopped sucking him to lubricate two of my fingers, rubbing them over my backdoor before sliding one of them inside. Meanwhile Finn ran his hand through my hair again only to grab a handful of it to guide my mouth back down his manhood. “Shit!”, his voice sounded pressured as if he was close already. Suddenly he grabbed me by the throat and forced me to stand up. I did not resist. It was too hot.

Leading me by my neck over to the bed he finally shoved me down on the thin mattress. Making myself ready to receive him I spread my legs but Finn grabbed one of my ankles and flipped me over. Smiling I pushed my ass up in the air, arching my back like I had trained. Answering my position with a satisfied “Mhh!” he grabbed my bikinis thong and pulled it to the side. Not a second later his face dove into my crack and started sucking and licking my pink little hole. Remembering the initial situation I decided to experiment a little with his mood.

“Do you want to see me sit on his face as he splits my cheeks with his big strong hands.” It obviously took him no time to think as he immediately groaned and dove his tongue into my hole. Moaning I clawed into the blanket. So he was out to see me fuck another man. If that brought him and me certainty? Who was I to deny both of us some taboo adventure. Giggling I jiggled my ass a little to provoke him. My whole lower half was on fire and ready to be penetrated.

As his face abandoned my cheeks I smiled, face still in the mattress, mentally preparing myself to receive him. Hearing him open the pack of a condom and a bottle of lube we had left in the backpack next to the bed had me fantasizing about being taken by the young black man. Caressing his muscles as I rode him, my boyfriends eyes glued to his big black dick as it again and again disappeared inside of me. I felt my heartbeat in my hole, as well as something else. His dick resting against my entrance. “Do it, baby.”, I moaned ready to receive his cock.

For an unbearable second he remained there without moving a muscle. Only his softly pulsing dick against my butt. “What are you waiting for?”, I asked in confusion. “Are you imagining him?” What kind of question was this? “No of course not. Right now the only thing on my mind is my sexy boyfriend about to fuck me.” Something in his voice told me that was the wrong answer. Was Finn a cuck? Was this his secret fetish?

Glance still remaining at my entrance he leaned forward, placing his mouth right next to my ear. “I want you to picture it then?” “If that’s what you like.”, minutes ago I had been fully on board the cuckolding train but something kept me from fully showing my enjoyment in my voice. “Are you not into it?” What a strange position for a conversation, I thought to myself. “A bit and I could get more into it if I knew where you are going with this.” Possibly turned off Finn pulled back and sat down right next to me. A little out of breath I twisted out of the submissive position he had placed me in and sat down next to him, caressing his balls.

“I get it if that sort of thing isn’t your cup of tea.” For a second I kept my eyes fixed at his still throbbing cock, trying to figure out the best way to answer. “Like I said, I can get into it. But your motives are so unclear. If you had brought it up in a few years or even months … I guess it feels a little like you’re trying to catch me slipping or something.” Finn nodded droopy faced. “I get that. Let me tell you something.”

“About four years back I came here alone one summer. Work and live had just grown over my head and I had to get somewhere where nobody could pull me back into the abyss. After spending days at the beach and the pool just relaxing I noticed all these young people around me having the times of their lives. I saw them dance, make out, fondling each other in the water. At night I heard them having sex in their tents. Let me tell you that was a strange perspective for someone sex-positive like me. Not in a annoying way. Not in a jealous way. I discovered that I can enjoy other people having fun just as much as I can enjoy doing them myself. Sometimes even more. Sometimes often happens here.”

That actually made sense. At least at the moment with my ass licked, lubed up and my libido flying. “So you brought me here to experience that.” Looking a little disgruntled but also frightened he shook his head. “God no. I brought you here because I love you and this place is special to me. Of course I knew that this … trait.” Cutting him short by gently bumping my head against his I corrected: “Kink!” Laughing he gave me a quick kiss to the cheek. Somehow I felt a little more relaxed. “Of course I knew that this kink might start to come through but I took the chance. Either we would have a nice summer or at least I would know you would accept me for all the dirty little things in my head, or your wouldn’t.”

Giving awkward silence and distressing thoughts no chance to arise I sealed his lips with mine, hoisting my body over his. Grabbing his dick I placed it against my entrance while still giving my boyfriend a deep and passionate kiss. As our lips finally parted he was blushing. Probably because of the whole ordeal or maybe because I hat mounted him for the first time. “I love you and all of your kinks.” Smiling, no, glowing he replied: “I love you too.”

“Now let me tell you. If you place that young hunk in front of me I will mount him just like this.” I began carefully bouncing against the tip, feeling it pushing against my sphincter. “He has bigger dick than me, you know.” My heart was racing. This was so dirty and yet so intimate. “Good thing you trained me to take dick.” “Believe me your training isn’t even half f…”, I cut his taunt short by pushing down. Slowly his cock spread open my ass and wandered inside in one go while Finns mouth started to gape.

This time I was the one leaning in, whispering: “Now imagine me doing that on a big … black … cock.”, emphasising the last three words with special care I could feel his cock twitch inside. Feeling full and high on adrenaline the pain was basically non existent at this point. Feeling invincible I started riding as my boyfriends eyes became glazed. “Would you like that?” Usually moaning made it harder to talk but now, even that I had to work harder by riding, it felt like the words where just pushing out of me. Maybe this was something up my alley as well.

Finn nodded. “Where do you want me to do him?”, I moaned. My whole body seemed to burn up as I lifted my hips higher every time before pushing his rock hard dick back into my body, going faster each time. “Shit.”, he moaned. “Wherever you want.” Shaking my head I stopped, which was hard for me too as every ounce of me was electrified. “That won’t do. I won’t pleasure your dick but I’m still your girlfriend. Take the lead.”

His eyes where closed but he smiled. Bulls eye. “I want you to make out with him at the beach every time I get you drinks.” Starting to move again I began pushing down with higher ferocity. “I will let him fondle every bit he likes in public if he likes it.””Fuck yeah, baby.” Two hands wandered up my thighs and grabbed my cheeks. They made it harder to ride so I grabbed them and move them up to my waist. “After that I will suck him off in a bathroom stall at the bar.” “Can I watch you from over the wall.” Grinning I moved one of his hands up to my breast. “No. I forbid it … But I can’t stop every peeping tom catching me having fun on my vacation.” He grabbed my breast like a small boob, playing and teasing the nipple.

With more and more moans now bursting out of me I kept increasing speed and intensity. Judging by my boyfriends facial expression, red and tense, he was already close. “And for the finale I will let him take me out on a romantic date and … oh shit. I think I’m coming… and will let him rail me like he wants to. Unlike you he won’t need to use a condom.” Finn screamed and I felt him pumping his seed into the rubber. As his manhood was twitching and thrusting at an immense intensity it felt like that one time I had fingered myself and hit the prostate with the might of a stirring staff.

With a long and high pitched sigh I let myself fall onto his dick as my own started to shoot string after string of feverish hot semen.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ujrsaw/mm_a_change_of_colours_pt_vii