Under a Spell

Under a Spell (Cheating, Risky, Magic, BBW)

Rune stepped down into the main living room space of his studio apartment casting his gaze around. All through the last several nights he’d woken up at 1am to the sound of a muted thud in his apartment. Since the entire interior space was one room essentially this made it sound like someone had entered his apartment. Rune checked the sliding glass door to his patio and found it locked tight still but the sense of another presence remained. He couldn’t understand what was making the noise? Even in the dark with nothing but the light from an outside lamp filtering through the patio door, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. A shudder crept through him as he scanned the room from floor to ceiling. The main living space had a high ceiling, 18 feet or so, and in the dark the space seemed to yawn open like a greyish maw.

Rune shook his head. He had no issue imagining shadow figures or anything spooky jumping from out of corners in his minds eye. Knowing he’d only lose more sleep he tromped back up the stairs to his bedroom area. He crawled back beneath his sheets and sighed when the thump sounded again. He ignored the noise and soon he returned to sleep.

His dreams weren’t pleasant when he had them. A lingering feeling like slimy ropes clung to his limbs and he thrashed against them. He saw he was surrounded in a sickly mushy mess of viny tendrils. They closed in around him and he shot up awake just before he disappeared beneath the murk.

“Damn.” He breathed wiping sweat from his brow. He stood and stepped into the bathroom flicking on the light. He blinked as his eyes adjusted and looked at the dim light of dawn beginning to show through the cloudy glass.

With a tired sigh he started the shower and set about discarding his gym shorts and tank top. Naked he stepped into the hot water and let out a groan of relief as the heat cascaded over his skin. He ran his hands back through his hair feeling the steam rise around him. The heat drove out the lingering tired ness in his limbs and he ran his hands down his face turning under the stream of water. He scrubbed at his face to ensure his alertness and set about washing his body, at 5’11 he had an average body but well toned due to his job and working out. He felt proud of the work he’d done to himself after his last break up, pride and the heat made him smirk briefly at his progress to transform himself after his last breakup. He paused at the thought of his ex-girlfriend.

A mixture of sadness and relief churned in his gut at the memory of Charlotte, she’d been a hard working woman and very lovely, long auburn hair that flowed down her back to just below her shoulders when he washed her back. He remembered how the soap and shampoo ran down her body with its gentle curves, she’d not been a petite woman but not a heavy one either. Her muscled limbs had a tenderness one didn’t expect when touching her, and Rune liked the juxtaposition. However, that tenderness didn’t last long in their bedroom. She’d been cute and a little awkward as a lover but they’d had little sex in their six months together. Over the brief months it had seemed to Rune that the importance of it had dissipated quickly and they had found intimacy in more relaxed ways, in the cuddling and just being together; or in how they had really taken to bathing together as this had let them build trust and more than a few times had translated into freshly out of the shower sex.

The memory made a gentle spark ignite in his groin and Rune shook his head. He couldn’t deny what his friends had suggested about his time with her; rebounding with a hardworking woman who was the total opposite of his ex-fiancé.

“From engaged right back to man-whore eh Rune?” His friends had commented.

“You know how I do.” He had replied. “But this time I’m leaping without a net!” The running joke of his dating life being the presence of some other girl waiting in the wings, and until now that had always been the case. Now though, Rune was single and free of any present attractions. The freedom it implied left a plethora of fantasies for him to work out his now much lonelier bed.

As he stepped out of the shower Rune felt an unnaturally cold presence in the small bathroom with him. He peered around and opened the door looking into his bedroom area. Everything was empty and he remained the sole occupant of the apartment that he could see. This time his eye noticed a shape like a person’s shadow slipping out of site downstairs and into the kitchen area. Rune dashed out of the bathroom fully nude to confront whatever he’d seen, reasoning his undressed state would flummox an intruder who wished him harm. Rounding the corner he stood dripping and naked in his kitchen, alone. Rune snapped the light on and the florescent lights blinked into life and illuminating the majority of the apartment.

“Damn.” He swore softly. A chill crawled up his back as he looked around the kitchen area and then did a scan of his living room. The air seemed displaced with a strange presence his eyes couldn’t see. A thought occurred to Rune then, that his mind might be playing tricks on him, but with his changes in life lately he’d begun to wonder about stranger, more paranormal things. His mind ran with possible explanations, but he knew too little. He’d need help if something was haunting him. The pattern of the last few nights crystalized the thought and some of the fear he felt. He’d need to act quickly before things got worse.

As quickly as he’d rushed to the kitchen he returned to the bathroom and grabbed his towel and dried off. Once done, Rune grabbed his phone from its charger and sent out a text to a new acquaintance of his, a woman named Delphine.

Hey, hope you had a safe night.

Hey! We just got home, I’m heading off to bed now.

Good to hear, when you wake up I want to ask you something.

Well ask me now and I’ll sleep on it lol

Alright then, do you think you could help me dispel something?

Dispel? Do you mean purify? Or smudge?

Either one, whichever is easier. I’ll of course compensate you for whatever work you do, but I’m getting increasingly weird feelings at home and something has woken me up at night for several nights straight now. I’m beginning to feel like something is here.

Run’s chest tightened as he typed out his message to Delphine, they’d met only a few weeks prior while helping a mutual friend move but she had made clear her practices with witchcraft or magic and Rune had a growing interest in the subject. He’d thought he’d text her to ask about research ideas and materials, but now there was more urgent business to attend to.

There might be. Let me sleep and maybe I come see afterwards?

Rune’s breath caught as he read Delphine’s message. He hadn’t expected her to be available to help him so soon.

If you can I would most certainly welcome it!

Cool I’ll text you when I get up. May I ask a favor when I get there?

Sure thing, what do you need?

It’s a little embarrassing but I need a shower. May I borrow yours?

Of course, lol.

Then I’ll talk to you in a while!

Rune couldn’t believe his luck. He relaxed and set his phone down on his bed while he went to get dressed. If Delphine were to be visiting him later he’d be free of the strange presence before the day was over!

Later that day…

Rune stood up at the sound of a light knocking at his door. He bounded up the stairs to it and opened it to see Delphine standing there with a massive bag over one shoulder.

“Hey!” Delphine said seeing the door open.

“Welcome!” Rune greeted her. “Thanks for stopping by on such short notice!

“It’s no problem at all! You’re doing me a favor remember?”

“I remember.” Rune said looking Delphine up and down. She wore sandals that showed her pale skin and painted toenails. Tight leggings clung to her curves in ways that made Rune’s eyes slowly trace their shape into his memory. The black leggings disappeared up into a thigh length red dress that also hugged every curve of her round body. Her sizable breasts seemed ready to spill out of her top if she jumped right. Rune’s green eyes met Delphine’s then, her blue orbs glinted from their setting in a round pale face framed by long black hair that ran down to just above her waist.

An impish smile spread Delphine’s red lips as she caught him looking at her. “Something you like?” She asked.

“Quite a bit if I’m honest.” Rune said smiling politely.

Delphine swayed as a little color filled her cheeks, “You aren’t bad looking either Mr. gentleman.”

Rune gestured down the stairs to the living area. “Come in and have a look around. There isn’t much to see but it’s a half decent hideaway for my hermit-ass.”

Delphine laughed as she descended the stairs. “Its cute! The ceiling is super high. It feels so open in here!”

“It’s part of why I like this place.” Rune descended the stairs following her as she took in the space.

“You clean up just for me?” She asked with that impish smile again.

“One should always maintain a clean home for guests.” Rune replied, “But I may have tried to dust a bit more than usual.”

Delphine’s eyes sparkled. “Well don’t you know how to make a lady feel special.”

“I remind you that you’re here to help me clean this place up on another level.” Rune said gesturing with his eyes. “How does everything feel in here?”

Delphine paused and closed her eyes a moment. She turned in place and then inhaled slowly. “There’s definitely something.” She said after a moment. “Do you know anything about the history of this apartment?”

Rune shook his head, “I’ve got no rumors of bad happenings under this particular roof. But I don’t know if its been here from before me, or if it followed me here. Whatever it is.”

Delphine gave him a serious look. “Followed?”

Rune nodded. “I lived in another unit at the other end of the property before. I don’t know if something there latched onto me or if something stayed here after the last tenant left. I don’t know enough about this sort of thing either way to know what caused it. I was hoping you could just do a general cleanse sort of thing…” He trailed off meeting her gaze. “…Is that possible?”

“Oh yeah, it is.” Delphine said nodding. “I brought sage and some special candles for spell work for you to burn after I’m done.”

“Oh! Fantastic!” Rune said as his eyes lingered on her lips. She sounded at ease and her smile made a warm feeling blossom in his chest. “Well would you prefer to start now or after you’ve showered?”

Delphine gave him an apologetic smile, “After my shower if that’s okay. I feel messy still from working last night.”

“Right this way then.” Rune gestured for her to follow him. “The bathroom is just up here.”

Rune showed her into his tiny bathroom, and he sat on the edge of the tub to start the water. He indicated which was for hot and cold respectively and then turned to the towel bar next to him. “These are for you as well. I have several.”

“Oh! That’s so kind of you.” Delphine’s face lit up. “I brought my own though.”

Rune chuckled, “If you came prepared then you are welcome to do as you need.”

Delphine smiled and glanced at the door. “Are you gonna wait out there?”

Rune paused at her question. “What?”

Delphine laughed. “I don’t mind having an audience when I bathe but-“

Rune flew out of the bathroom, his face flushing. “No no no, I’m sorry.”

“Calm down dummy, I was teasing.” Delphine said sticking her tongue out at him as she shut the bathroom door.

Rune scratched his head marveling at her playful attitude. The warm feeling spread from his chest down to his groin and he wondered if she’d actually have let him stay in the bathroom. As quickly as he thought of it he dismissed the idea. Delphine was a beautiful woman sure, but they hardly knew one another. There was no way they’d do anything on her first trip to his apartment.

First trip. What about another? Rune shook his head hard and went to sit in the living room. His jeans suddenly feeling just a little tighter than they had before Delphine had arrived, though thinking on it now, Rune was almost sure he’d felt stirrings from his libido from the moment Delphine had said she was on her way.

Rune sat in his recliner and inhaled deeply, he tried to meditate with the ambient noise of the shower running in the background, but the noise only informed him of the now naked woman he hardly knew standing in HIS bathroom when they had met up together all of twice? Including today? What in the world was going on here? When they had met before the focus was on their mutual friend but they had often looked at one another all throughout the day as they packed up their friend’s belongings. Thinking back now Rune couldn’t help but feel like he and Delphine had kept eyeing one another. The feeling had to be in his imagination though, her own boyfriend had been there too helping move things. He and Rune had done the majority of the heavy lifting and had been getting along pretty well. Could there be something between him and Delphine now? His thoughts ran in circles about it until he heard the water shut off, then he sat with breath held, his hearing strained to catch any sound coming from the bathroom.

The door opened, and the spell broke. Rune quickly moved from the recliner to the futon before Delphine came down the stairs with her hair up in a towel and her cheeks flushed red from the heat.

“Damn do I feel better.” She said sitting in the recently vacated recliner.

“You look like you needed that.” Rune commented.

“Thank you for letting me use your shower, Rune. I appreciate it.” Her blue eyes glinted again, and Rune felt longing surge in him.

“It’s there for whenever you need it.” He said feeling something in him turn his words a little. He knew he wouldn’t have responded that way if he didn’t want her to use his shower again.

“I really appreciate that.” Delphine said reaching into her bag. “With the bathroom at my boyfriend’s being under renovation I’ll have to hit you up again for it.”

“Anytime you need. My door is open.” Rune said leaning back.

“Thank you.” Delphine replied, “Now, lets get to smudging this place.

Rune watched as Delphine pulled the smudge stick out along with several candles. She lit the smudging stick with a match and then one of the candles with a lighter. He tilted his head as she worked and asked, “Why not just use one?”

“Because of intentions.” Delphine replied matter of factly as she took the lit candle and set it on the kitchen counter. Rune straightened up as her demeanor turned focused and she began to turn and gently wave the smudge stick in the air. “In lighting things, matches have sulfur which is a banishing agent.”

“Ah so burning with an intent to drive out versus inviting with say a candle and prayer?”

“Yes.” Delphine glanced at him. “Impressive that you picked up on that so quickly.”

Rune leaned back, “I have some intuition sometimes.” He felt his growing longing pulse in his jeans, his intuition was picking up on something happening between them. He could feel it in the look she gave him. He watched her in silence as she paced around the living room. Her dress showing her curves and two pronounced points on her chest made his gaze dart lower to her hips. He felt a trance of sorts come over him as he watched them sway as she stepped slowly around his living room. Unconsciously he reached up and undid one button on his shirt exposing his neck and collar bone. Delphine paced up the stairs to where his bed lay and said, “I definitely sense something off up here. Something that doesn’t belong. It seems…sticky.”

Biting his lip Rune took a moment longer than he should have to respond, “I-It sounds a lot like my dream from last night. Like I was sinking into this gray murk or slime.”

“Could be a curse.” Delphine said as she descended back into the living room. “But if it is, then it’s a poor one. This should cleanse the place right. But I want you to let the candle I lit burn all the way out after this okay?”

Rune glanced to the candle where it sat burning on the counter. “Can do. It’ll help I presume?”

Delphine blew gently on the smudge stick. “Yes. It’ll push out the bad energy and you can invite more positive energies once its all done.”

“I really appreciate you doing all this for me.” Rune said looking up at her fondly. “I don’t know nearly enough about this witchcraft stuff to make sense of when I’ve been cursed or whatever.”

Delphine laughed gently, “It’s all in a days work for a witch. And you should study with me! That way you could learn what to do and when!”

Rune smiled. “I like the sound of that.

“If you want,” Delphine said as she put out the smudge stick and began to put away her things, “, I can give you a brief introduction to meditation and inviting the right types of energies.”

Rune nodded almost automatically. “I’d be in your debt. Lord knows I need the practice.”

“Then gimme just a sec.” Delphine sat down next to him on the futon and pulled the towel from her head. She whipped her long black hair around once and then began to brush it out. He felt his face heat up as he watched her. His eyes took in the dimple sin her cheeks and the fullness of her lips. They looked incredibly soft.

“Does it feel better in here?” Delphine asked as she put her hair into a ponytail.

Rune blinked and looked around before nodding. “It feels a lot better in here now, thanks to you.”

“Great.” Delphine tossed her hairbrush back into her bag and took Rune by the hand. “Now lets get to your first lesson.”

Rune watched her cross her legs and straighten up her posture, then he did likewise.

“Is this comfortable?” She asked.

“Is it for you?” He replied.

“I generally do my meditation on the foot of my bed. It usually wears me out so I like to meditate and then go to sleep.”

Rune glanced past her at the stairs leading to his bed, “If you want to sit on my bed for this I’m okay with it.”

Delphine looked at him. “Are you sure?”

Rune nodded. “We should do this in the most comfortable way we can. Shouldn’t we?”

Her smile turned impish once again, but only for a second before she stood and led him by the hand up the stairs. “We should be relaxed.” She said. “It’s a lot of mental work so physically we should have little to no tension.”

Delphine stepped to the bed and sat down on it, Rune joined her and they sat facing each other. She looked at him with color creeping into her dimples when she asked, “Are you comfortable?”

Rune nodded. “I am, are you?”

“I am.” Delphine said in a slightly distracted voice. Rune saw the way her eyes flicked around and he could feel her gaze taking in his features. His strong jawline, his slightly pointed nose, his long ash blonde hair swept to one side. When their eyes met again they stared into each other for a long moment. Rune could feel his heart speeding up and le began to tilt forward as though he wanted to look at her more closely. His pants felt tighter than before and his groin felt hot. He wondered if Delphine could see his arousal. His eyes darted down for a split second to her nipples still pressing hard against the fabric of her dress. The deep red fabric bringing out the paleness of her skin and the blue in her eyes.

Abruptly Delphine shut her eyes and said, “Now, breathe slowly.”

Rune shut his eyes and did as instructed, but his inhalation as shaky as was the exhale. Delphine gave his fingers a gentle squeeze and said, “Try again. Relax.”

Rune inhaled again, his face flushed with embarrassment. He knew she had to have noticed his arousal by now. Her ignoring it was appreciated but it only made him more anxious! He felt his longing rumbling in his gut and knew he couldn’t relax properly like this.

“I’m sorry.” He said after several deep inhalations and exhalations. “I’m just not cut out for meditation I guess.”

“It’s okay Rune.” Delphine said in a voice like warm honey. “It’s hard for many people to focus and meditate. Don’t let it work you up.”

Rune withdrew his hand to place both of his hands in his lap and obscure the bulge that had grown in them. “I’ve been told I have a hard time letting go of tension.”

“May I show you something?” Delphine asked. “Someone else had to help me with it before and I think it’ll work for you too.”

When Rune looked into her eyes again this time he felt the air around them charge with longing, and from the set of her jaw and the slight uptick in her smile he knew where this was going, and for it all he couldn’t believe he was sitting there on his bed with this beautiful witch trying to show him magic after she’d showered in his bathroom. He imagined then for just a second that she’d asked him to come into the bathroom to help her bathe and his blood surged all the harder through him.

“I-if you don’t mind—” Rune started to say when Delphine put a finger to his lips to quiet him.

“Shh.” She whispered. “Turn and face away from me.”

Rune did as he was told, doing his best as he turned to not let his errection show. Once he had turned around he heard her ask, “Do you trust me to touch you right now?”

Rune glanced back at her over his shoulder to meet her eyes again; seeing her bite her lip several witty responses died on their way to his mouth. He barely managed to keep his voice level when he said, “I do.”

Delphine pressed her index, middle and ring fingers against his spine at the base of his neck. He straightened up where he sat ad faced forward letting her do what she needed to. He felt her fingers press gently into his shirt and back and then run down his spine making his nerves shudder with a wave of ecstasy. She ran her fingers down his spine and then back up keeping the pressure consistent as they moved up to the base of his neck and then back down to just above his waist. As she went Rune felt a sense of flowing energy up and down his back.

“Can you feel me moving your energy?” She asked him in a voice like warm chocolate as her fingers started their fifth decent.

“Mmmhmm.” He replied. The tension had left most of his body now.

“It works really well to relieve tension doesn’t it? I love when my boyfriend does it to me at night before bed.”

Rune nodded slowly. “If it works this well on you, you must be putty in his hands afterwards.”

“Oh I’m always putty under his hands.” Delphine said shifting behind him.

Rune undid his shirt and let it slide off his shoulders. “Could I ask you to keep doing that? On my bare back?”

Delphine smoothly ran her full palm up to the base of Rune’s neck and then ran the three fingers down his back once more. Rune did little to suppress the moan that emanated from him. Delphine’s touch was like magic. At that moment, all he wanted was for her to keep running her fingers up and down his spine. After several long traces up and down his spine, each one slower than the last, Delphine asked him, “How do you feel?”

“Like magic.” Rune said when he could.

“Good. Mind returning the favor?” Rune looked back at her as she lay down facing away from him.

“I’d rather be laying down for mine.”

“As you wish.” Rune said laying down behind her.

She held up her left hand showing him how she’d held her fingers pressed into his skin. “Just like this, then up and down, okay?”

“Okay.” A husky tone crept into both Rune’s voice as well as Delphine’s. She inhaled and then slowly exhaled as Rune ran his fingers down her spine.

“Just like that.” Delphine moaned. She shimmied her hips back a little and on instinct Rune slowly moved forward to press his own hips against her. There was no way she didn’t feel his cock even through his jeans. As Rune ran his hands down her spine again Delphine whispered, “You can run them in random patterns all over my back. It feels amazing when someone tickles my back like that.”

Rune adjusted so his right arm slipped under her head on the pillow where it lay and his left hand slowly began to trace swirls and patterns of all sorts all over Delphine’s back. Smoothly his touch ran from skin to fabric to skin again as his touch danced over the openings on the top portion of her dress. Eventually Rune angled his touch a little steeper and his finger slipped under the fabric making Delphine gasp softly. His longing for her pulsed hard in his jeans and he moaned soflty rocking his hips with hers.

After another minute of slowly caressing her upper back through the openings of her dress Rune asked softly, “Is this okay?”

Delphine nodded and Rune ran his hand down her side and traced a circle on her hip just enough to slip his hand beneath the dress completely. At this touch Delphine reached up and placed her hand over his and he stopped. Had he gone too far?

Then Delphine shifted back until her ass was pressed hard against his groin. There was unmistakable heat emanating from both of them. Delphine moaned again squirming back into Rune until her whole body nestled into his. She guided his wandering hand up her side and around to the front of her chest. Rune took the invitation and gently squeezed at her breast eliciting another low moan from her. Her hand left his to slide from his thigh to his hip and then to the front of his jeans where without turning to look she expertly undid the button just as Rune’s sex pulsed against the tight denim of his jeans. She opened the front of his jeans and Rune reached low to slip open the catch on his belt. Slowly he pulled it open and then lifted his hips to pull the whole belt free from his jeans.

On the pillow in front of him Delphine shuddered as her hand pulled at the fabric of his briefs and found the stiffness poking from under it. She turned against Rune and their eyes met, wordlessly they understood what they each wanted to do. The tension of the afternoon had built to a fever pitch and there was only one way to break it now. Rune slowly leaned down and pressed a kiss against her cheek. Her breath came hot and sweet as she turned her head a little further and their lips met. A soft touch at first, like butterflies lighting on a flower, then a soft pressing with each of them moaning into one another. The kiss deepened slowly and Delphine reached down to gently run and hand over the bulge in Rune’s briefs.

The pressure had built up in him enough that each moment now felt like his sex was painfully restrained. Rune broke off the kiss to slip his cock free and delphine gripped it gently. She slowly worked her hand around his girth feeling it throb eagerly under her touch. Rune meanwhile reached around to pull her dress up and expose the waistband of her leggings. These proved no obstacle as Rune deftly slid his fingers under them and began to trace over her steadily moistening panties. She gasped softly when the tip of his finger pressed the damp fabric into her slit. He watched her eyes flutter closed as he began to rub into her, making a gentle circle that he steadily pressed deeper into her while she began to squirm against him.

From the angle she was laying at Delphine could only massage his now exposed member, she slowly turned her body to face him and then began to work his jeans further off of him. Rune followed her lead and withdrew his hand to tug down on the waistband of her leggings. He drew them down and slowly exposed more of her creamy skin making his blood run all the hotter. Delphine reached down then and pulled her leggings down to her ankles where Rune pulled them off completely as a quick gasp of relief escaped her. She then sat up and began to pull her dress up. Rune took the initiative and helped her peel the dress off over her head and then she fell back onto the pillows before him, eyes closed. Rune marveled at the fullness of her body, from her round tummy to her breasts. Her flushed cheeks to her deliciously soft thighs. He ran a hand up one of them making her squirm a little.

“Are you okay?” He asked in a deep monotone.

Delphine nodded briefly keeping her eyes shut. Rune felt her shyness tug at his heart and at his sex. He reached up and drew her legs up onto his shoulders before he tugged her lace panties from her hips and slowly off of her legs. With her now fully nude felt a full body shiver pass through her when he pressed a kiss into her ankle, then her calf, and then more soft pecks tasting every bit of her skin as he kissed his way past her knees to her inner thighs. She gasped a little louder the closer he moved in towards her soaked pussy. When at last he kissed just above her moist slit she moaned and reached down to grasp his head in her hands and push it down, egging him on.

Rune didn’t need any extra encouragement. He kissed her pussy softly then began to work his lips into hers as she moaned in delight. With a combined action of parting his lips and flicking at her with his tongue he worshipped her gently, teasing and pressing and kissing at her while her grip on his head tightened and her thighs began to shudder around his ears. Rune wrapped his arms under her thighs and rested his hands on her stomach and he felt her trembling even more. Was she holding back? He stuck out his tongue and ran it up one side of her slit and down the other making her writhe beneath him. She tasted so good. He nipped lightly at her lips then pressed a deep kiss into her clit.

Under his hands she arched her back and moaned loudly, restraint slipping. Rune redoubled his efforts nibbling on her clit before kissing deep into her fold and pushing his tongue out and into her slowly. Within a minute he felt her hips buck against his face.

“Time for some release.” He growled into her pussy, he could almost swear he heard her moan affirmation.

He plunged his tongue into her and began to work it inside her feeling every part of her he could reach. Her taste filled his mouth and he knew he’d taste her on his lips for a week at this rate. He gripped her hips and swirled and twisted his tongue into her with increasing speed. He felt the tension gathering in her core and in her thighs as they began to clamp around his head.

“Let it out.” He murmured into her.

Delphine clamped a hand over her mouth suppressing a cry of ecstasy as her body rocked with her climax. Rune lavished her pussy tasting every bit of her as her pleasure ran out from her depths. Her thighs clamped together around his head so tight it muffled the sound of her moans as she rode the bolts of pleasure rippling through her. When her thighs finally relaxed Rune inhaled deeply and smiled up at Delphine with satisfaction. Her eyes were still shut but her pale face was flushed like she’d just come out of the hot shower again.

Slowly Rune sat back and then stood up to completely remove his jeans. Once bare naked he slowly climbed over her, his cock aching with anticipation.

“Still okay?” He asked softly as he planted his hands next to her shoulders.

Delphine opened her eyes and gave a shaky nod.

“Shall we go on?” He asked.

Her lips trembled as she said, “Mmmhmm.”

Rune slowly lowered himself over her and lined himself up to her soaking wet slit. He rubbed the head of his sex against her to moisten it lightly making Delphine moan and grip at his wrist.

“T-tease…” She complained.

“Not my intention.” Rune whispered as he pressed the head against her opening and then again, reveling in the feeling of her flesh enveloping his slowly. They moaned in unison as Rune pushed himself into her hot wet cunt.

“Magic.” He moaned as his member throbbed inside her. He felt her inner walls flex and tremble around him, still coming off of her last climax.

He shuddered and began to work his hips back and forth. Slowly plowing into her and then withdrawing and feeling her insides clinging to him, urging him to push in again. Each time he felt her grip tighten and her hips rise to meet his push. Steadily he built his rhythm and their gasps and moans merged into a sensual harmony that moved their hips and made them grind hard into each other again and again.

When he heard Delphine’s voice catch as she tried to moan his name he adjusted himself moving his legs up under her waist. She grunted at first but then moaned when he pushed himself even deeper into her with the augmented angle. Her legs came around and gently closed around him. Primal urges began to take hold of them both as Rune penetrated her to her deepest point. He felt a bump against the head of his cock and Delphine’s eyes flew open wide. She made a sound like something mechanical in her had clicked on and he held tight to her thighs and began to plow her harder.

He felt instincts guiding his movement and posture as he leaned forward into his thrusting. Her gripping and flexing inner walls tried to clamp onto him but he was moving too fast now. Delphine reached up and clutched at the pillow next to her head as she cried out again. No restraint left in her now. He pounded into her with animalistic determination until her muscles locked and her eyes rolled back in her head.

Rune slowed and stopped, holding his throbbing member deep in her as her insides flexed around him, warmth rushing through her and urging his own body along. He felt pleasure rising through his hips and curling up in his core like a spring. His rhythm began to stutter as the feeling intensified. The ecstasy flowed through from his core to his groin and a blooming sense of pressure built in the head of his cock.

At the edge of pleasure Rune felt Delphine’s pussy clamp down on him and she shrilled a cry of pleasure. That stimulation overwhelmed his body and he growled fighting the carnal desire holding him down on her. His conscious mind waged a nanosecond war of rebellion against the natural urges forcing his hips down and he gripped Delphine’s thighs in a death grip. He roared pulling his hips back just enough that he withdrew from inside her. The sticky hot feeling of being inside her remained as his cock throbbed and he began to shoot stream after hot stream of his seed against her pussy lips. Delphine instinctively sat up and reached for him, stroking the warm spurts from his member as he gasped and growled with pleasure. His warmth ran all over her hand and down her lower lips and they both went still, gasping for breath.

“T-that was intense.” Rune said when he could.

“I-incredible.” Delphine agreed.

They stayed like that a few seconds before Rune felt his muscles ache in protest of where he knelt. He let himself fall backwards and extended his legs with a sigh of relief. Splayed as he was in front of her Delphine giggled and asked, “You okay?”

“What the hell do you think you witch?” Rune growled giving her an manic smile.

Delphine gave a smug wink and said, “I’m glad you enjoyed that.”

“I’m glad you did too.” Rune said rolling to stand on his still trembling legs. “Let me get a warm washcloth and I’ll clean up the mess I made of you.”

Delphine smiled and blinked in surprise. Saying nothing she laid back on the bed and in short order Rune returned and pressed the warm cloth gently just below her pussy to massage it as he wiped away his seed.

“You’re such a caring lover.” She moaned. “No one’s ever given a shit about after care like this for me.”

Rune smirked. “Not even that boyfriend of yours?”

Delphine stilled and cupped her hands over her mouth. She shook her head and Rune asked after a moment.

“Will you tell him about this?”

Delphine nodded. “We’re open and honest with each other…but usually I tell him BEFORE I have sex with someone new so he can approve.”

Rune frowned. “Sorry I jumped the gun.”

Delphine gave him an exasperated look. “I jumped YOUR guns. Hell I didn’t know I would when I came here but you…”

Rune tilted his head. “I what?”

Delphine’s face flushed. “I just didn’t expect to be so drawn to you, your energy is incredibly comforting and I just felt safe here once I did the smudge. Then when you tickled my back and the feeling of your touch made me…ah” She squirmed happily.

Rune stood again and looked down at her. “I’m delighted to say you are equally alluring and I enjoyed every moment of even being able to just be close to you.”

Delphine’s face reddened once more. “You’re such a white knight Rune.”

“And you’ve cast a powerful spell on me Delphine.”

Later when Delphine was leaving Rune stood by the door and asked, “So this wasn’t a one time thing was it? I completely understand if it is.”

Delphine stepped close and pulled him into a gentle, loving kiss. When she broke away she said, “We’ll see. I would definitely enjoy your hands on me again sometime.”

“Then I await our next meeting.” Rune said bowing slightly.

Delphine rolled her eyes. “You’re such a gentleman. I’ll text you later, okay?”

“Alright.” Rune opened the door. “See you soon.”

“See you soon.” Delphine replied stepping out. Rune closed the door and then leaned back against it. He felt warm and alive and happier than he’d been in weeks. His friendship with Delphine was off to an intensely wonderful start.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ui2xuu/under_a_spell


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