Becoming Jimmy’s (part 6) [MF][Pictures]

*This is a continuation of a series based around a summer party. You can find other entries here: [part 1](, [part 2](, [part 3](, [part 4](, [part 5](*


“Wow, you look fantastic!” Jimmy said, grinning mischievously as he opened the door.

“Thanks!” I replied, never doubting the outfit I had picked would have this effect, my orange long sleeve crop top showing off my shoulders (and white bra straps), white shorts barely covering my ass highlighting the length of my legs. I waited there on the doorstep, smiling foolishly as Jimmy stood in the doorway, blocking my entry to his house, drinking me in hungrily without shame.

“Sorry,” he finally said as he stepped out of the way, “come on in.”

My heart fluttered as I floated past him, his scent filling my nose and the brief feeling of his bare arm brushing against me generating shocks of electricity that coursed through me.

I wanted him so badly it hurt.

“Head straight in to the living room, I’ll be there in a second,” Jimmy said as he closed the door.

I hoped he was enjoying watching my ass swing down the hallway he pointed down. “Wow,” I muttered to myself, the room impressively large with huge windows overlooking the valley and all white furniture. I gravitated toward the couch and waited. It didn’t take long before Jimmy returned, some papers in one hand.

I turned [toward]( him, letting the grin that spread over his face migrate onto my [own](

“Wow,” he said, putting the papers down on a coffee table, his hands on his hips as he scanned over me from head to toe, his eyes greedily clawing at me. I moved my hands to my [hips]( and struck an obvious [pose]( while he stared.

“So, we have to talk just a little bit first,” he started, “I think we both know why we are here.”

I nodded, the energy coursing through me amplified by his continued examination of me from across the room. I ached for him to cross the room and touch me, the delay feeling like an eternity. To try to speed the process I hooked my fingers under the hem of my [top]( and popped it up over my [bra](

“Oh my god,” Jimmy groaned, “before you do that,” he paused. “Fuck, you make it hard not to skip steps,” he smiled as he picked up the papers, my hands pulling my top back down, as if to cover myself but going too far and purposefully leaving my bra [exposed](

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried,” I said as I [watched]( him flip through the papers, eager for his eyes to be back on me.

“Sit for a second,” he said, and I immediately [complied](, more and more curious about what was going on.

His eyes finally lifted from the papers. “I really like you, and I very much enjoyed our last encounter,” he explained. I could feel a look of satisfaction spread involuntarily over my [face]( “And I want to continue to do this with you.” I [grinned]( at that, butterflies exploding inside my stomach as warmth built between my legs. “But,” he paused to take a deep breath, “I have to protect my future as well and there are those who would take advantage,” he paused, “not that I think you are one of them, but still…. am I making sense?”

I didn’t even consider his words as I nodded. “You want me to sign my consent.” Jimmy could do whatever he wanted, I was already completely his, the paper somehow made that fact hotter.

“Exactly. All the details, including what I enjoy are here,” he said, his eyes scanning the page. As soon as his focus shifted from me to the paper I slid my hand up my back, unclasped my bra, and quickly removed it.

“Mmmm, fuck,” Jimmy muttered as he looked back at me, his eyes locked on my [chest]( “Sign,” he said, holding the paper and a pen out to me, one in each hand. “If you want,” he added quickly.

I took pen and paper from him and quickly scrawled my name across the line at the bottom, then held them out to him.

I could see him struggle not to grab me right there as he stepped [close]( to take the pen from my hand. When he turned away I lay on the couch, giving him a longing [look]( as he turned back around, his eyes sweeping over me, lingering on my ass.

“Onto your back,” he said softly. I rolled, my hand sliding between my [legs]( automatically. “We might have to return to that later,” he mused. “I’ll be right back,” he added as he took the paper and walked out through another doorway.

I took the opportunity to pull my shirt up and over my head and slide my shorts off but Jimmy returned before I had the chance to slip off my thong. His face turned to an expression of hunger as he drank me in, taking his time to let his eyes wander over my skin, a silly grin of satisfaction plastered on my face, my hands rising into my [hair](

“I hope I’m to your liking,” I said softly, attempting to draw him into me with a [look](

“On the couch,” he replied, his hands moving to the buttons of his shirt and slowly working open the first as I sat, rolling one leg over to show off my [ass]( “Very good,” he said, undoing another button. I rolled onto my side and [smiled](, the act of watching him undress stoking the warmth that was quickly building to a boil between my legs. Jimmy twirled his finger and I rolled [over]( When I looked back at him the buttons on his shirt were undone, his muscled chest partially exposed as he sat on the other end of the couch.

“Keep going,” he said as his hands moved to the button of his shorts, then stopped, his eyebrows raised in an expression of expectation.

I adjusted my thong and brought one leg up onto the couch, [exposing]( myself partially to him.

“Very good,” he said as he unbuttoned his shorts. I grinned, my fingers moving slowly down to spread my [lips]( as he unzipped his shorts.

He stood, letting his shorts fall as he did, suddenly in his unbuttoned shirt and boxers, my eyes sliding down his muscled chest, over the bulge in his crotch, and down along the contours of his legs, muscle rippling everywhere I looked. My body was on fire, electricity and heat flowing through me, so many thoughts and desires coursing through me it was difficult to know which to follow.

I slipped my thong off quickly and scooted to the [corner]( of the couch, reclining casually as I spread my legs and looked out the [window](, attempting to act indifferent.

“You really are something special,” he admitted, pulling off his shirt and looking down on me. I [grinned]( at his compliment.

“Does that mean you are going to do special things to me?” I [asked](

“Keep it up and I don’t think I’ll be able to resist much longer,” Jimmy said, stepping forward and looking directly [down]( at me. “How will you get me to take these off?” he asked, pointing to his boxers.

I slid both hands seductively down my body, taking my time before reaching between my legs and spreading my lips, my eyes locked on Jimmy as I opened [myself](

His hands immediately went to his waistband, in one swift motion sliding his boxers down his legs and flicking them away with one foot, his eyes always locked on my open sex. He reached down with one hand and placed it gently on the side of my face, drawing me to the edge of the couch and directing me toward his erect cock.

I opened my mouth and accepted him, running my tongue in circles around his [head](, savoring the taste of arousal on him that my body had generated. One hand grasped him as the other slid unbidden between my legs, my fingers working slow circles around my already wet lips. I lifted my eyes to survey his face for [approval](, his grin evidence I was meeting his expectations.

“On your knees,” he said softly, the words almost difficult to hear, forcing me to be attentive to his cock as well as his voice. I slid myself down off the couch, never letting him leave my mouth, my eyes still looking up at [him](

“Lick,” he said, my tongue immediately lapping at his [balls](, a grin attempting to spread its way across my face as he groaned in [satisfaction](

After I had licked him from balls to tip along the underside of his hard shaft I looked up at him. “Can I taste it again?” I [asked](

He nodded, my mouth opening, his cock resting on my [tongue]( before I wrapped my lips around [him](

“Deeper,” he almost whispered. I pressed myself into him, his cock sliding into my mouth, butting against my throat, stuffing my mouth so full it was difficult to move air past his [girth](

“Balls,” he said and I shifted, sucking and rolling my tongue around his sack, his erect cock at attention in front of my [face]( I looked up at him [pleadingly]( as he closed his eyes and let out a long slow groan.

“Oh, that’s good,” he said. “Are you ready for your reward?”

I paused and smiled up at him, my mouth free for the first time since he had removed his shorts. “Yes, sir,” I said [sweetly](

“On the couch,” he said, motioning with one hand, “lay back.”

I scooted backwards onto the couch and reclined, my butt near the edge of the cushion. Suddenly he was between my legs, his shoulders gently but insistently widening my knees, his breath hot on my thighs, a moan of pleasure and surprise escaping my lips as I tossed my head back as his tongue parted my [lips](

“Oh, fuck, Jimmy,” I sighed as his tongue flicked up and down across my clit, my hand working into his [hair]( He responded by grasping my ankle, spreading my legs [further]( as he increased his pace, his tongue deft as he flicked and circled my clit with surprising precision, the attention sending waves of increasing pleasure crashing over me. It felt like I was floating, the only sensation in the world his tongue driving me toward an orgasm that increasingly felt inevitable.

“Jimmy, I…. oh, fuck, I’m going to cum!” I squealed, my eyes [closing](, my mind losing control, waves of energy cascading down my body, culminating between my legs where his tongue drove me finally over the edge.

When I finally regained control and returned to consciousness I looked down to find Jimmy inspecting me, his eyes studying the mess of [wetness]( he can molded my sex into.

“Knees here,” Jimmy pointed, “lean over the back,” he said as he stood in front of the couch. I smiled to myself and rolled over, placing my forearms on the back of the couch, my ass pointed at him, my legs spread to allow easy access. Heat was still radiating from between my legs. My body was still on fire, ready and eager to receive him.

I felt the heat from his skin on my ass first, then the head of his cock slid slowly up my slit as I remained still, letting him find his way inside me.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I muttered, anxious to feel him inside me again. The tip of his cock pressed against my opening and slid inside, “aaah!” I cried [out](, his shaft immediately spreading me wide open and sending intense waves of pressure through me.

“Holy shit, your cock is huge” I moaned as he [inserted]( more of himself, bringing me to the edge of pain. “Was it this big last time?”

“Relax,” he reassured me, “I’ll go slow at first,” he sighed as he grabbed my hips and began pulsing just his head in and out as I struggled to breath, gasps escaping with each [insertion](

“Mmm,” he grunted, “you are so tight,” he moaned, continuing to slowly insert and withdraw his cock. In response, I leaned my head into the cushions, reached back, and spread my [cheeks](, the motion providing some relief from the stretching his cock was giving my pussy.

“Fuck, am I really this tight or are you bigger than I remember?” I moaned, my hands still [pulling]( my cheeks [apart](

“Here, put your head down,” Jimmy suggested, pulling back on my shoulders to arch my back. As I dropped down I felt the pressure release, his cock suddenly sliding further into me with less resistance.

“Oooh,” I squeaked in surprise, looking up and back at his face as he slid into [me](

“Better?” he asked with a grin.

“Oh, fuck….. yes,” I [moaned](

“Good,” Jimmy smiled as he increased his pace, his cock sliding more and more easily into my stretched out hole. “Fuuuuuck,” he groaned, his hands on my ass, squeezing and parting my cheeks, his eyes glued to his cock stretching me as he fucked me. “Yeah,” he sighed to himself, slapping my ass gently.

Abruptly he stopped. “On your back,” he said as he withdrew himself, leaving me stretched and suddenly very empty.

I quickly rolled onto my back and Jimmy pulled me to the edge of the couch, his strong arms making me feel weightless as he positioned me and slid himself back [inside](

“Ooooh,” I [moaned]( as his cock expanded me again, the moan quickly turning to little gasps each time he pressed more and more of his length into my slick [hole](

“You like that?” he asked, the little grin on his face letting me know he already knew the answer.

“Oh, god,” I [replied](, “it’s so much but it’s so good.”

He didn’t reply, his focus on his shaft [penetrating]( me, wetness spreading between my legs as the sensation of extreme fullness began to transition to increasing waves of heat crept further up my body with each [insertion](

“You like that view?” I asked innocently, my hand snaking down my body and spreading my [lips]( as he hovered at my entrance, my hands still as he pulsed himself [in]( and out, his eyes never leaving my spread pussy.

“Fuck,” he said, suddenly pulling himself free and flopping onto the couch next to me, his hands on my hips rolling and lifting me onto his lap. It was all so fluid and quick I hardly realized what was happening before I was straddling him, his cock pressing into me [again](, his hands on my ass directing me up and down his shaft. His breath was hot on my chest as I looked down onto his face, his eyes watching my tits bounce with each thrust. He leaned forward and placed his lips on my chest, kissing slowly between my breasts, circling around both nipples as he released his hands and let me set the pace and [depth]( He took his time exploring my chest with his lips, slowly settling around my nipples, his tongue tracing around both erect points and eliciting little moans of pleasure with each flick, sending me into overdrive, my hands gripping the back of the [couch]( as I took him as fast and deep as I could, my legs twitching as I began to near another orgasm.

“Oh, fuck, Jimmy!” I cried out as my pussy contracted around him, my juices leaking around his cock as I spasmed and collapsed down on top of him, the orgasm ripping through me as I shook uncontrollably. I lost sense of time, and when I regained the ability to sense the world around me Jimmy’s strong arms were holding me up, his cock still lodged deep inside of me.

“Spin,” he said, lifting me up effortlessly and helping me to twist around so I was facing away from him, my feet still on the couch next to his thighs, his hands guiding me down onto his cock again, parting my lips, the sensation indescribable as the glow of my orgasm lingered.

“Fffff,” I sighed as he [penetrated]( me, his hands repositioning my feet onto his [thighs]( and a groan of pleasure escaping his lips. I [smiled](, thrilled with the sounds I was able to elicit from him.

“My god, you’re going to make me cum,” he said quietly as he lifted my legs [together]( and pumped the head of his cock more quickly into me.

“Oh, fuck, me too!” I cried out, my legs beginning to twitch again, another climax rapidly approaching until he grabbed my thighs and brought his cock just to the edge of me and held me [there](

“Mmmmmm!” I moaned, my mouth closed, my body set on edge, every fibre of my being aching for completion that was so close.

“Not yet,” he said matter of factly. “Stand up.”

I followed his direction and stood at the edge of the couch, looking down as his impressive cock covered in my juices, precum glistening at the tip. Jimmy swung his legs up onto the couch and reached for me, pulling me by my hips and positioning me crouched over his cock, the position reminiscent of horseback riding. He took my hands in his and pulled me slightly forward so I was leaning into him. Suddenly he thrust his hips up and his cock was inside me, an involuntary gasp escaping my lips as he [balanced]( me, using his leverage to pump in and out, the bend in my legs allowing me to dictate his depth but not his pace.

It wasn’t long before my legs began to wobble and weaken, the orgasm that was so close building between my legs. “Fuck, Jimmy!” I cried out, my legs beginning to give out, forcing me to take him deeper and deeper as my orgasm approached.

“Fuck, fuck, *fuck*, FUCK, *FUCK*!” I [screamed]( as my legs wilted, another climax erupting, wave after wave of intensifying pleasure crashing through me as I wilted on top of him.

In my post-orgasm haze I was barely cognizant that I was moving. Jimmy’s hands positioned me as if I were a doll. I was barely aware again when he plunged his cock back into [me](, the expression on his face tortured and strained as his movements became more animalistic, driven by his need.

“Are you going to cum for me?” I [asked]( sweetly.

For several moments he didn’t respond, his cock quickly sliding in and out of me as I searched his [face](

“Yes,” he finally grunted, a [smile]( spreading across my face at how badly he wanted his release, how far I had driven him in his pleasure, his eyes locked on my [pussy]( while he fucked me.

“Are you going to cum in my tight pussy?” I asked as innocently as I could, the words interrupted by each hard thrust as he bounced against me.

Jimmy didn’t respond but increased his pace, his hands gripping me tighter as his own climax approached, his jaw clenched as his cock began to twitch inside of me. I had never wanted a man’s cum as much as I wanted his. I wanted to feel the pleasure I had given him, to experience his release as he had experienced mine.

“Cum for me,” I whispered as I felt a new sensation of warmth spread inside me.

Suddenly, his hands were pulling me off the couch and pushing me down to the floor, his cock slipping out of me, streams of his cum squirting across my stomach, chest, and face as Jimmy groaned in satisfaction, my mouth [opening]( almost instinctively, excitement overwhelming me as his hips twitched, rope after rope of his cum [splashing]( and running down my body. Finally, his cock stopped twitching and he was spent.

I lifted my eyes to his face and extended my [tongue](, licking and then taking him into my [mouth](, the taste of his satisfaction sweet on my tongue.

“Oh my god,” he sighed as I rolled my tongue around he head of his cock, a small [smile]( attempting for form on my lips around him. “Holy shit,” he said as his legs twitched slightly with each circle my tongue made, a satisfied [laugh]( threatening to burst out around his cock. “Fuck, you’re good!” he admitted as he pulled his hips gently away, his legs wobbling as his cock popped out of my [mouth]( I [grinned](, my hand still circled around his shaft as I looked up at him, feeling very pleased with myself.

“Wow, you are covered!” he laughed as he stepped [back]( and looked down at me, his eyes drinking in his pleasure running freely down my [body](

“Did I get some in you?” he asked as he took another step backwards, still eyeing me with a hungry look.

I slid one hand between my legs and felt with the tip of my [finger](, a little smirk playing on my lips as I felt his warmth leaking from between my [legs](

“Yeah, a little,” I admitted.

“You like being covered in my cum?” he asked.

I blushed at the question but the answer was undeniable. “I really do,” I said as I put my elbow on the couch in an attempt to [stand](

“Wait,” he said, one hand held up to keep me on the floor, “it’s not like I’ll forget, but I gotta make sure,” he said.

I [laughed](, “what do you mean?”

I had no idea from where but suddenly Jimmy had produced his phone. Before I had time to think I was [smiling]( for him, modeling his cum dripping down my body. “You like what you see?” I [asked](

“Without a doubt,” he replied quickly.

I grabbed my chest and produced as sexy a look as I [could]( as Jimmy stepped closer, his thumb tapping on the screen to capture my [pose](

“Fuck, the guys are not going to believe this,” he grinned.

“The guys?” I asked, suddenly considering for the first time the possibility of anyone else seeing these pictures of Jimmy’s cum running down my body and out of my pussy, waves of shame and embarrassment suddenly flooding me.

“Football teams are an open book. We share everything,” he explained as he squatted down in front of me, his eyes level with mine. “It’s in the contract,” he said, “and part of dating me.”

He stood and held out his hand, “let’s get cleaned up, I’ll show you where the shower is.”


*Thanks for reading! Comments, suggestions, questions are all welcome. I love interacting so send me a message!*
