The Summer Party [MF][Stripping][Pictures][Dubious Consent][No sex]

This is a continuation of a series surrounding a summer party. For previous entries see [part 1](, [part 2](, and [part 3](


It was the perfect moment, our bodies entwined, the rise and fall of our breath slowly synchronizing as we relaxed into each other.

“Oh, my *god*,” I whispered.

“Mmmhmm,” Megan cooed back.

Tthe doorbell rang. Megan and I locked eyes and exchanged looks of panic.

“Oh, shit!” we cried out simultaneously. Suddenly we were scrambling, untangling ourselves from each other and grabbing for clothes. I grabbed my skirt off the bed only to find it had become quite wet during our intimate encounter.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I muttered over and over as I spun around looking for any acceptable clothing. All I found were Megan’s clothes, which I scooped up and tossed in her direction.

I bounded over to my dresser and pulled out a white tank top and cutoff jean shorts. There was no time for underwear and I didn’t have time to think it over.

“How’s [this](” I asked, not waiting for an answer before I was out the door and skipping down the hallway, my heart pounding in my ears.

“A bra might be good!” Megan called after me. I ignored her.

The next few hours became a blur as clusters of friends began arriving, then acquaintances, then groups of people I barely knew, followed by people I didn’t know and didn’t make it to the door in time to vet. The house began to fill with strangers but I couldn’t shut it down. Jimmy wasn’t here yet.

I smiled and drifted between groups, helpless as the party took on a life of its own. All I could do was relax into the alcohol. Every time the front door opened or a group of voices rose in greeting for a new arrival I craned my neck to see if it was Jimmy. He was the first thing on my mind as the night wore on, even as the haze of alcohol increased. All of this was for him.

Quietly, his teammates began to arrive, without fanfare, as if they were scouting the party. But their numbers grew, and I made sure they were well lubricated and enjoying themselves. Soon I found myself at the center of a group of well muscled young men, laughing and flirting in the long hallway to the kitchen. I was the center of attention, and loving it.

Suddenly, a gap opened in the small crowd and a tall guy, probably 6’4″ and pushing 250lbs of pure muscle. He was clearly important, given the deference the rest of the guys showed him. He stood in front of me, his eyes drinking me in, my mind fluttering as I struggled to find words to say. This guy was so hot, his muscles somehow clearly visible through his clothes even though they weren’t tight or revealing. If Jimmy weren’t coming tonight I would have given him anything he wanted.

“Hey,” he said after a few moments, the entire group now silent except for him. “We hear you know Jimmy. There were other parties guys wanted to go to tonight but he talked us into coming here. Said you were cool. We came to find out.”

“Oh, yeah! Jimmy and I went to high school together,” I said cheerfully, desperate to make a good impression.

He laughed. “Yeah, we know that. Look, I’ll cut to the chase,” he stepped closer. “Jimmy is coming in an hour, but only if we are still here. And it’s going to take more than beer to keep us entertained for that long. Understand?”

My stomach sank, my eyes darting around the crowd of guys as a pang of fear crept through me. “Well, whatever I can do to make you feel welcome here,” I responded carefully. “I’m a good hostess.”

“Fantastic! It’s a little loud right here, can we duck into a room and chat for a minute?” he asked in a jovial tone.

“Oh, uhhh, sure, the back den is right there,” I pointed down the hall. “Next door on the right.”

He turned and walked toward the door, the group crowding in around me, herding me in his wake. The guys immediately fanned out and began reclining onto sofas and recliners. Those who entered later sat on the floor and I found myself standing facing a room full of expectant faces.

“Ok, let’s see what you got!” the leader said.

“Excuse me?” I asked, incredulous.

“Don’t make me say it,” he sighed as he rolled his eyes.

My eyes darted to the door where two of the largest players were leaning against it. I was trapped.

“Oh my god, not again,” I muttered.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I said, defeated, as I shoved my hands into my [pockets](

“Don’t look so sad! It ruins the mood, and remember, if you wanted Jimmy to show up….” he trailed off.

I summoned up a big [smile]( as the room erupted in whistles and jeers, smiles spreading across their faces as they celebrated victory.

The attention felt oddly good, even given the circumstances. After all, this wasn’t even the second time today I was being forced to strip against my will. At least this time it was a group of hot guys roughly my age and I was well on my way to drunk, the alcohol doing wonders to sooth my feelings.

“Spin!” someone yelled from the back of the room. I obliged, turning slowly, allowing the room to survey my [ass](, mildly certain that those sitting on the floor were getting a more complete view than those on furniture. As I rotated to face the room I pressed my chest [forward](, accentuating my chest to applause and shouts.

“Damn, look at those nipples!” someone close to me on the floor cried out.

‘Good thing I didn’t wear a bra,’ I thought.

Instinctively I wrapped my arms over my chest in a show of [modestly]( as the crowd playfully booed. I let my arms fall to my [hips]( to approving calls, then raised my arms [overhead]( as the energy in the room doubled, and guys began to lean forward, their eyes clawing at my thin shirt, desire and sexual hunger etched on their faces.

That was the moment I knew that I loved the attention, my body heating up as my hands slid down my chest and pulled at the hem of my top, slowly sliding it up my abs, the fervor of the room building as the fabric slid above the bottoms of my [breasts](

I paused as the guys protested loudly, their eyes glued to my chest, some pleading and others ordering me to continue. The room was mine. The power to charm and satisfy was mine and I loved it.

I kept my shirt tucked around my breasts and bounced them once, twice, three times, then slid it quickly up, my [nipples]( hard and exposed as my tits bounced on my chest.

They all went wild as I [posed](, the guys high-fiving each other and hooting at me. After a few more moments I lifted the shirt over my head and turned, pulling my shorts up to provide everyone with the [view]( those on the floor had been enjoying for some time.

“Holy shit,” one of the guys sitting close to me muttered. I smiled, the attention and attraction fueling the waves of heat coursing through me.

My hands dropped to the button on my shorts where I [paused]( “These next?” I asked innocently.

The room went wild, with cheers and a resounding chorus of agreement, “yes!”

In answer I slowly slid the zipper of my shorts [down]( and swung my hips side to side, [lowering]( my shorts ever so slightly with each rocking motion while they watched, enraptured and cheering. I responded by spinning away from the crowd and bending slightly at the waist, my [ass]( on full display. I bent further as the guys clapped and cheered, spreading my legs [apart]( as they leaned closer, crowding shoulder to shoulder for a better look.

I flicked my shorts down to the ground and stood, my arms again clasped across my chest in a false show of modesty as I stood [naked]( before the group.

“Yeah, let’s go!” one guy up close called out. Another in the back yelled, “we want more!”

Unsure of what to do I turned to face them and squatted down, my legs spreading apart as I slowly exposed myself [further]( They loved it, so I stayed in that position and ran my hands up and down my [chest](, enjoying the feeling of my hands running across my erect nipples.

“Lets see that ass!” one guy in the back called out and several others began chanting, “ass, ass, ass, ass!”

I smiled and dropped one [knee](, slowly pivoting away from the [room]( before dropping onto my hands and [knees](, previewing doggy style for them.

“Oh shit!” yelled the guy who had started the chant. “Spread em!”

I reached back with one hand and pulled my cheek [away]( “Holy fuckin’ shit, she did it!” one guy in the front moaned, leaning forward for a better look.

The attention was intoxicating and I knew there was only one thing they would go crazier for. I [pivoted]( to face the room, dropped onto my knees, and ran my hands down my body toward my slit, then pulled up, rotating my hips to expose my [pussy](, then rotated my hips away and ran my hands slowly back up my body, making sure to slide my hands over my nipples slowly as I reached my chest, finally grasping at my hair and [posing](

The room was almost out of control and I dropped my hands behind my [back]( and [smiled]( at the crowd, all eyes focused between my legs, bodies leaning forward, enraptured. I dropped down onto my butt, sitting on the floor, my legs [spread](, baring my moist lips to the room, completely out of ideas.

But they weren’t. Many voices called out with suggestions, some crude, some repetitions of what I had already done, others demeaning. The volume overwhelmed me until their leader held up his hand and the room went silent.

“Spread your lips,” he said flatly, and the room exploded, cheers and encouragement rained down as the chant started. “Spread your lips, spread your lips, spread your lips….”

I looked down between my [legs](, my eyes preceding by only an instant the motion of my hand as I placed my fingers on either side of my slit, the heat radiating from my lips as I slowly spread my fingers apart, [opening]( myself to the room, each and every set of eyes focused on the most [intimate]( view of myself I could give them.

“Well,” the leader said, “better than I expected…. and wetter,” he added with a wink. “Alright boys, should we stay?” he asked the room with a wry grin. His answer was a ribald cacophony of cheers.

He stood, walked over to me, and offered his hand. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. His eyes swept over my naked body one more time and he said, “Jimmy will be here soon, better get dressed.”

Then he turned and walked out of the room, the rest of the guys following, a few of them shooting glances at me while I pulled my clothes back on.


As always, comments, messages, and suggestions are all welcome. I love hearing from people, so please, reach out. Future editions are likely.
