A Morning with the Friend from Your Dreams [A4A]

A lazy Saturday morning after the last day of finals. Evaporated in the sweet, hazy warmth of dreams, birdsong gently pulls you into reality. You lay on half the queen-sized bed in a tiny ball, a curled and clinging to any heat you can find. Reminiscing on your dream, you slowly rock your hips, grinding into your thighs and sending lush waves of pulsing light through your body. Like the light of a star, these waves of pleasure paint streaks of muted bliss up your torso, down your thighs, some even stretching to your neck as you recall the ways you were kissed last night. In your sleepy reminiscing, you don’t even notice how these waves of pleasure are preparing you, planting the seeds of ecstasy in all of your most sensitive spots…priming you for your lover.

Your breath catches in your throat as a warm, gentle hand reaches from behind you, lightly caressing from your collar bone down the center of your chest, lazily massaging and teasing your nipples with their palm. A bright shot of pleasure swells between your thighs as you remember that dream was reality. Your lover pulls you in close to them, spooning you. Soft lips tease across your shoulders, planting loving kisses on a trail up your neck.

“I missed you, baby. I’m glad you’re finally awake. Do you wanna keep cuddling like this, or…go again?”

You eagerly agree to go again and feel their hips press against yours, grinding against you from behind. You press back into them, your racing mind focusing on one thought: they’re So warm. You drift toward that warmth at first, then greedily move to be closer, to take them in, to Be that warmth with them. Their hand grazes your chin, urging you to turn and face them. Eyes twinkling with the brilliant sum of the night sky meet your gaze. You want to take in all of their beauty but know that you never fully could. Their hand cradles your chin as they kiss you sweetly. Needy moans pass between your lips as you continue to grind against each other.

“I want to learn how you like to be touched…can you guide my hand lower?”

Maybe it’s the earnestness in their voice, or the sincerity in their starry eyes, but you feel yourself click into place with them, sharing the same warmth, sharing the same trust–and you want more of them. You take their hand in yours and guide it between your thighs. The first touch of a lover’s hand sends you reeling, a supernova of sensation as you steady yourself against their lips. Your hands explore together as you playfully experiment with all the nuances of touch. The moans swell in scattered storms, punctuated by words of reassurance, “Yes, right there! Just like that”. You feel their heat growing as they grind against you more desperately, matching their growing moans. The sexiness of pleasing you thrills them, just as feeling their building arousal makes you burn ever hotter.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ufz5lt/a_morning_with_the_friend_from_your_dreams_a4a