A Trip To The Swimming Pool Was Much More Than I Bargained For (f/m) (domination) (blackmail) (happy ending) (Remaster)

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to swim. The feeling of the water against my body, the motion streaming through my hair as I dive or splash has always delighted me. You could ask any of my friends and they would all tell you the same thing.

I love to swim at any time, but the best time for it is always late at night or early in the morning so you avoid as many people as possible. There’s nothing better than having most of the pool to yourself as you do lazy laps back and forth, or simply enjoy the power in your body as you dart and flash through the pool. No matter how miserable my day has been, or how bad my mood is, I can’t help but feel happy when I get a chance to dip into the pool.


Not that day, though. That day, I wasn’t enjoying it too much. I’d gone to the swimming pool with my best friend, Zoe, and the two of us had had a great time on the way down! We’d chattered and joked and bantered. Then she’d ducked off somewhere and now I was on my own! I didn’t know where she was, but I wasn’t too worried about that. It was just the kind of thing she did. I loved Zoe, but she was flighty and prone to impulse. I figured she’d probably gotten distracted somewhere and would turn up later. No big deal.

The second part of the problem was that I wasn’t alone in the swimming pool. It was early in the day, and I had been confident that it would be just me and Zoe, but instead of my best friend, it was some creepy guy who kept sneaking peeks at me when he thought I wasn’t looking! I ignored him as best I could, but he made my skin crawl and I was rapidly losing any taste for swimming that day. The only reason I had stayed for this long was in the hope that Zoe would show up, but I was starting to think I’d rather just find her myself.

I sighed to myself. I could have dealt with being ditched by my best friend, or endured the stares of a creep, but the two together were just too much. With one last graceful kick, I swam back to the edge of the pool and hauled myself out of the water. I felt his eyes on me as I did, but I had never been bashful about my body. I looked good and I knew it. I had blond hair cut short, so that it didn’t get into my eyes, and a good figure. My legs were long and slender, and I was wearing shorts and a top which were both designed to show off my figure. I was proud of my body, I’d worked hard for it. Not just swimming, but also running and playing sports. I was the sort of girl who others might have called a fitness freak, but the truth was that I just loved to feel my body working at its best. Maybe it was an addiction to adrenaline, but when I felt my heart pounding, my limbs aching with effort, it was when I was really at my strongest. I loved to push myself, and each time I did it I tried to go further than the last.

Still, even if I wasn’t shy about my body, that didn’t mean I wanted to be ogled. As soon as I pulled myself out of the pool I hurried towards the changing rooms. It felt cold, and the plastic cubicles rose up on all sides. I wondered if the guy was following. I craned my neck a few times, just to see, but I never caught sight of him.

“You’re getting jumpy, Amanda,” I chided myself. My muscles were knotted and I forced them to relax. After a few more steps, I had found my locker and retrieved my bundle of clothes. There was still no one around, but I didn’t feel very safe.

Suddenly, I saw motion to my lift and turned. It was the guy again! He was wet too, his skin was soaking and his mossy brown hair stuck to his head. His eyes were blue and fixed on me, a look of nervousness mixed with determination on his face.

“What the hell do you want?” I growled. “Are you stalking me or something? Don’t think about trying anything. There’s plenty of people here and I could scream.”

He raised a hand, his face was pale and I could see that he had taken my threat seriously.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” He said slowly. “You might regret it.”

“Try a more cliche line,” I growled. “The only thing I’d regret is that I didn’t kick your ass myself. Now turn around and get out of here before I live up to my threats.”

“Okay, okay!” The guy looked nervous and tense. “But if I do that, what happens to Zoe?”

“What?” I asked, his words seemed stupid to me for a moment, then the penny dropped. “Have you done something to her? Are you the reason she didn’t show up?”

Anger filled me, and I almost launched myself at him right then. He saw it in my eyes and flinched back, but waved something in my face. It was a smartphone.

“I haven’t done anything to her!” He said. “Not yet, anyway.”

He sighed and crossed his arms.

“You really don’t know who I am, do you?”

“I have no idea who you are, nor do I care.” I told him bluntly. I saw a flash of anger on his face at that.

“You’re a bitch, you know that?” He growled. “All year I’ve been trying to talk to you and you keep brushing me off like I’m nothing!”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before in my life,” I told him. His face flushed, and he visibly took a deep breath.

“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Here, have a look at this.”

He handed the phone to me, and I could see that he had loaded up a video. I felt uneasy as I told it to play. I recognised the scene, which was the outside of the swimming centre. It showed the two of us – Zoe and I – walking up to the building. We were chatting happily, it couldn’t have been more than an hour ago. Had this bastard been recording us then?

The video replayed the last conversation that we had had together. Zoe said she wanted to take care of something before she headed into the building and told me to go ahead first. I shrugged and did it. The guy holding the camera turned to focus on my retreating behind before he switched to Zoe. She was running a finger through her long, auburn hair. She’d spotted someone in the distance. Some guy? I thought I recognised him as one of the guys she had a crush on.

The two talked, I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but their body language told me they were flirting. Then they moved off into the bushes. I felt my jaw drop as Zoe got to her knees and started to fumble with the guy’s pants.

Seriously Zoe? I asked her. Seriously?

I paused the video and looked up, the owner of the phone was looking at me with mixed desire and wariness.

“It goes further,” He said. “The two of them get pretty heavy if you know what I mean.”

I closed his fist around the phone, ready to hurl it to the ground and crush it but he simply waved me off.

“Don’t bother, it’s already on the cloud. Now you may not know me, but I know that you and Zoe are very close. Something like this would destroy her.”

I felt bitter bile rising in my throat. He was right. Zoe was from a strict family, and she’d never managed to really come to terms with her body the way that I had. If a video of me doing this got out, it’d be embarrassing yeah, but I could probably shrug it off. Zoe on the other hand? Her friends were more conservative, her family stricter. Even if she would be all right eventually, it would not be easy for her at all.

I closed my eyes, breathing through my nose as I sought for calm. The guy recognised my reaction and grinned.

“Do you see? You don’t have much choice now. So don’t scream if you value your friend.”
I fixed him with a steady stare.

“You’re a bastard, you know that?”

“Maybe,” He said defensively. “I mean, I know that this isn’t exactly the nicest thing to do…”

“Nicest? You’re trying to blackmail me!”

“Yeah, well, you should have talked to me before!” The guy stormed. “I’ve been in your class in college for years and you’ve never even looked at me! I know you think that I’m the bad guy here, and you know what? Maybe I am! But I’ve had a crush on you since we met and you’ve never even given me the time of day!”

“Clearly that was a good choice considering what you’re doing now!” I fumed back at him. “Whatever. I know what’s coming next. If I do what you want, will you delete the video? And please don’t do that ‘’Oh, I promised to but I really won’t!’’ bullshit. Because if you do, I can and will hurt you.”

The guy swallowed, looking worried for a moment before he gathered himself.

“Fine, I promise I’ll delete it after we’re done here. Look, I am not asking too much of you. I just want to feel you up a little and see you naked.”

I felt the blood rush to my face, even though I had already expected it. But there was no way for me to refuse without hurting Zoe, and I wasn’t too worried anyway. It wasn’t like I hadn’t been groped in parties, or done more with people I’d turned out not to like in the end.

“Let’s go,” I said, moving towards one of the changing rooms. My heart beat faster, especially as I heard the door swing shut behind us, the lock clicking into place. Now it was just me and my blackmailer. I turned to look at him. His body was reasonably fit, well toned. If it had been a different situation, I might have found him attractive.

He moved forward, both of our bodies were still dripping wet but I didn’t feel cold. My adrenaline was pumping, the air hitched in my throat. Before I knew it, he was kissing me. His mouth was pressed up against mine, his tongue between my lips. It felt like a violation, and yet I couldn’t turn away. Desire roared through my ears, and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. It had been a while since I’d done anything with a boy, but really, was I getting turned on by this?

We broke apart, his eyes locked against my own.

“Look,” he said. “I am not trying to be an absolute bastard here. I promise that I am not going to stalk you or blackmail you beyond this. I just want to enjoy your body for one day, is that too much to ask?”

The obvious answer was ‘’yes’’ but I didn’t say it. My heart was thumping, and I could feel his hands on my shoulders. His skin pressed against mine. I felt a strange yearning between my legs which made the blood rush to my face. He swept his hands down, across my shoulders and his fingers pried at the fabric of my top. I swallowed, nervous now in spite of my stubbornness. If I didn’t stop him right now, he was going to see me naked. All I had to do was push him away or shout, and I knew that it would all be over.

But if I did that, Zoe would suffer and…

No, no that wasn’t it. I realised I was getting turned on by this whole thing. My pussy felt hot, and my skin was tingling. The idea that I could get off on this made me feel like I wanted to sink into the earth and vanish forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to call it to an end. I was protecting Zoe, but I was also feeding my own desires.

The top came away. The sticky fabric clung to my skin for a few seconds before the guy’s grip forced it aside. My chest was exposed, my breasts were in open view. He gazed at them for a moment, and I swallowed in nervousness. My nipples were hard, and I shivered as he ran one finger along one. The touch sent electricity coursing through my body, and I bit my tongue to make no sound.

For the next few minutes, he explored my chest. His hands roamed across my breasts, teasing and enticing with his touch. He held them and groped them, his fingers played across my sensitive flesh and made me gasp. He stroked me with long, lazy motions that made my spine tingle with want, or quick rapid gestures that formed my legs to shake. My nipples grew harder and he started to focus on them as well, using his fingers to rub and grind against them. It took my breath away, and I started to gasp even in spite of my determination to give him nothing.

Heat filled my body. His touch against my breasts felt good. I felt a rising arousal that both horrified and enticed me. My nerves fired with each moment of contact, making me wetter and wetter.

My teeth gritted as I felt him tracing my areola, the pink circle beneath my nipple. I felt both exposed and humiliated, my legs shaking like jelly at his touch. Arousal flushed through me in a way that it was stronger than I had ever expected it to be.

I saw his shaft growing hard, his erection pressing against the inside of his swimming shorts. His fingers started to dig into my breasts, almost painfully as if he sought to possess them and make them his. It was rough and crude, a kind of domination but it also turned me on. Spikes of need rose through my body, aching want soaked my pussy. I tried not to show him just how aroused I was becoming, mortified by the betrayal of my own flesh and nerves.

“Do you like this, Amanda?” He asked. His own face was flushed as well, arousal evident in his eyes. His earlier nervousness seemed to fade, and lust had taken over. “You’re making such sweet sounds. Moaning and gasping. One would think you were enjoying this.”

“F-fuck you…” I growled, wishing I could try for a more eloquent answer. His hands had stolen my breath, and I could not spare the air to say anymore.

He followed the shape of my breasts downwards, his hands tracing the curve of my chest. My tits had never been very big. A lifetime of sports and diets had forced them into a more lithe build. They were compact, not so small that you could call them flat but certainly nothing to write home about when it came to size.

He didn’t seem to care. His touches sent sparks shooting through my body, my nipples were crying out in pleasure between his fingers. He stroked and teased and massaged my chest until I wanted to scream.

Only then did he start to suck on my tits.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, why did this feel so good? I didn’t usually feel half this good when I did it for myself!

He sucked my nipples, his tongue played with them, moving from one to the other. He would suck and nibble, using his teeth to gently stimulate me. I cried out, not able to stop myself now. The feeling grew stronger and stronger, the pleasure buzzing through my nerves and my core. I was gasping, moaning. My back pressed into the wall of the changing room, the man bent over me with evident desire. I’d never seen myself like this before. I looked totally defeated and yet it felt so very good.

I felt one of his hands start to snake downwards, moving across my lower abdomen and towards my waist. Spears of ice seemed to run me through, for I knew where he was going, My pussy ached, made wet by the stimulation that he had forced upon me. I still could have pushed him away, but I didn’t. I was caught in the throes of desire just as much as he was.

He rose up and kissed me again, but this time I kissed him back. It wasn’t something I set off to do, but just a reaction. A result of the pleasure which was filling me up. His eyes widened in surprise, but he became more forceful. His hand reached my swimming bottoms, groping me through the fabric. I gasped, the pressure felt good against my pussy and before I knew it, I was grinding against his hand, his fingers pressing through the shorts. Humiliation and shame stained my face red, but I was too caught up to stop. I was fucking grinding against his hand and couldn’t stop!

When he’d had enough, I felt his hand slip below the elastic band of my shorts. His fingers splayed against my vulve, and I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. My lower body tingled, and a current raced through me. His fingers explored me, drinking deep of my secrets and my dignity. Before I knew it, they were at my slit. He was rubbing me down there, the motion made my hips buck. He could feel how wet I was, how much I wanted this. Horror and despair warred with naked lust in my very soul. Never in my life had I thought I would be in this position. Never in my life had I thought I would enjoy it so much.

He started to press his fingers inside of me, sliding my lower lips aside. The penetration made my legs shake, and I moaned when he started to grind them back and forth. After all the attention that he had given my chest, my pussy was desperate for stimulation, and it was this that he now provided. My clit was a tight little bundle of heat and want, the feeling of his fingers inside of me was heavenly and I could not stop myself from continuing to grind against them, riding his hand as his fingers pumped faster and faster. I was moaning, crying out with each penetration. Did anyone hear me right now? God, I hoped not. I hated the sounds I was making and yet could not silence myself. He was finger-fucking me and I was loving it.

My whole body was moving now, rising and falling with a feral desperation. My breasts were jiggling, and he was layering kisses on me. Trailing them across my neck and my chest, his tongue flicked out and teased my nipples. I gasped, the air coming faster and faster as my body was flooded with pleasure.

I’d never felt like this before. Never so utterly helpless, so completely powerless, and yet so totally turned on. My senses were burning, climbing to a height I’d never felt in my life.

He moved faster and faster, driving my senses into a frenzy. My pussy clutched at his fingers, becoming more sensitive as my arousal built.

My breath caught in my throat, and I couldn’t even form words anymore. My lower body was a constant storm of pleasure, radiating from a red hot core between my legs. My clitoris was burning, aching for more, each of his pushes put me closer and closer to the edge.

I had lost track of time, of the world around me. Riding the feeling that was flooding my lower body. At some point, my swimming bottoms had slid down my legs, so my pussy was fully exposed to his hungry gaze. He could see how wet I was, and how much I wanted him to keep going. My legs were shaking, and I felt one of them half collapse as an explosion of ecstasy swept through my being. Before I could fall, he moved forwards and supported me. Holding me up with his own body. I squirmed, trying to spread my legs wider, to give him more room. Better access to my pussy. I’d thrown out modesty and dignity by now, all I cared for was the feelings which was roaring through my body.

We didn’t stop. The two of us bound together by unspoken lust. My grinding grew faster and faster, until at last I clenched my fists and threw back my head. My eyes pressed tightly closed as the climax rose up through me. I moaned, the sound was long and drawn out. He watched me climax, seeing me cum from the feeling of his fingers inside of me.

The climax hit me, smashing through any shred of self control which had managed to survive so far. It was like a wave crashing against the shore, and my whole body trembled in the aftermath. He had stepped back, watching me with eyes that were round and wide. Had he never seen a girl cum before?

Then again, I’d never cum like this before either, so maybe that was it. My arms and legs shook and I slumped to the ground. My back was still pressed to the wall, the cold tiles freezing my skin. My legs were spread, my hair was a mess, and my chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath.

“F-fu-fuck…” I managed, my voice shaking.

The guy stood there for several moments, watching me. His cock was painfully hard, and I realised that for all the pleasure I had felt, he had experienced none. He reached for his phone and pressed a button. Had he taken a photo? The idea made me feel a strange mix of desire and absolute humiliation.

But no, he showed me the screen a moment later.

“The video is deleted,” he told me. “Both from the phone and from the cloud. Holy shit, Amanda. I didn’t mean…I mean, I meant to, obviously, but I got carried away… I saw a chance and…”

He trailed off, not sure what he could possibly say in the face of the scene which was playing out before him.

I blinked; my whole body felt absolutely spent. I knew I would be aching for this tomorrow, but the pleasure had been more than worth it. I regarded the guy, trying to place him in my mind. A name floated to the surface, some guy in class I had never even spoken to before.

“Jason,” I said. He jumped at the sound of that, and grinned a little warily.

“Hell of a time for you to learn my name now,” He said. He swallowed, his face was pale. Now that I had cum, he was realising exactly what he had done. How badly it could go for him.

“Did you take a photo?” I asked him, when I trusted myself to speak again. My heart was still pounding, and my mind was swirling. I was lying half propped up against the wall, my legs spread and my pussy absolutely soaking.

“No,” Jason said. “I didn’t. I promised that I wouldn’t. I mean to keep what I said too. You won’t see me ever again, I swear.”

I shook my head, and his eyes widened in surprise. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do or say.

“If you had taken a photo,” I said slowly, “Then you could blackmail me again, right? Whenever you wanted?”

His cock certainly liked that idea by the way it pushed against his pants. I swallowed, my throat was very dry.

“You could make me do anything you asked. More than this, I mean. You could bend me over and fuck me, or make me strip naked for you and dance. Or masturbate and show you the toys I like to get off on.”

“I couldn’t do that,” Jason looked away. “That’s not right. I mean, I know what I just did also isn’t right, but there is a difference between a single encounter and keeping you as a sex slave. I…I could never do that.”

“You could,” I told him. “Didn’t you say that you had a crush on me? And I don’t really have a boyfriend at the moment. I…I’m not asking you on a date or anything, but if you just happened to have pictures of me, I’d have no choice but to do whatever you said. And if you wanted to fuck me, I’d just have to take it.”

Confusion and arousal were battling on his face. I didn’t know what direction he thought this would go, but obviously this wasn’t it. He looked like he thought I was trying to bait him into some trap. I decided to give him one last poke, spreading my legs a little and reaching down to rub my pussy.

“Do you want to take a photo?”

A moment later, the camera flashed and the deed was done.


And that was how I first met Jason, my sort-of boyfriend. Looking back on it, it was pretty fucked up, and I would never wish it on anyone who wasn’t into that sort of thing. But as luck would have it, I was into that sort of thing and over the next few years, Jason and I would go on to have more adventures together. We eventually became genuine friends, though Jason is still horrifically ashamed of how it all came to be.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ufcmjz/a_trip_to_the_swimming_pool_was_much_more_than_i


  1. So, funny story about this particular work. If it feels familiar to you, it’s because I’ve posted it before! Or, well, at least a version of it. The previous one can be found here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mldnf1/a_trip_to_the_swimming_pool_was_more_than_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mldnf1/a_trip_to_the_swimming_pool_was_more_than_i/)

    I basically rewrote the entire thing, polished the whole story, added new details, fixed sentence structures and just generally created a superior experience. If anyone wants to compare the two, they are more than welcome to do it but I personally feel this new version is easily superior to the previous one.

    This is not a habit I am going to get into. I would rather post new stories than remake older ones, but in this specific case I was so happy with the new version of the story that I could not help but want to show it off.

  2. The remastering was definitely worth it, I enjoyed it a lot! Thanks :)

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