My wife and girlfriend found out about each other… now I’m in big trouble! Part 3 [FFM] [bd] [Fdom] [TPE] [fictional]

Content note: >!This story involves a person being punished nonconsensually by their partner(s) for misbehaving. Although the sex acts described involve at least nominal consent, there’s a lot of unwanted touching/constraint and the sex occurs in a coercive environment.!<

I woke up cold, with a full bladder. I looked around me and found myself still in the dog crate. So it hadn’t been a dream after all. I pulled the blanket tight around me. “Hey!” I yelled out, “Let me out of here!”

I waited a minute, but there was no response. My mind drifted back to my conversation with Alex the previous night. She’d told me she wanted to fuck my wife Clara. Maybe that’s what they were doing now, fucking.

Under ordinary circumstances, the implausible thought of my wife hooking up with another woman would have aroused me. But right now my abdomen stung with the sharp pain of holding in urine. I considered my options for a moment. The guest room shared a wall with the main bedroom. I banged on it through the bars of the crate.

In a minute Clara entered the room. She wore pajama pants and her Snoopy t-shirt, and her long black hair was in a messy bun. She looked tired. “What is it?” she mumbled, as if this were an ordinary morning and she just needed her coffee.

“Clara, please let me out,” I begged. “I’m so sorry. For everything.” I must have cut quite the figure, naked except for my socks, wrapped in a scratchy blanket like some Victorian orphan, begging for freedom on my hands and knees.

“No, Steve,” she sighed, rubbing her temple. “I’m nowhere near done with you. But, look, I don’t want to discuss this now. We’ll talk about it later, once I’ve had a chance to clear my head.” She turned to leave.

“Wait, Clara, please!”

She paused.

“Do whatever you want with me later, but… I need to pee.”

She sighed again. “Let me get Alex.”


I stood before the toilet. My ankles were loosely cuffed, my hands more tightly so, and behind my back to boot. “Come on, ladies, what am I supposed to do?” I asked. “Untie me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Alex and Clara exchanged a glance, and Clara nodded. I yelped in surprise as Alex reached around and grabbed my cock, aiming it for the toilet. “Go on, then,” she said. “Pee.”

It was, of course, not that simple. Peeing in front of two women I’d slept with would have been difficult enough, but that wasn’t all. Touch starved after a night of sleeping naked and vulnerable in a cage, my body responded predictably to the warm hands around my cock.

Alex released my semi-hard penis immediately. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” she asked in disgust.

Clara took my chin in her hand and looked me in the eye. “Down, boy,” she said. There was humor in her voice as she spoke, but nevertheless, it worked — paradoxically, since I was now more turned on than ever. Gently, she stood directly behind me and took my penis in her smooth hands. “Close your eyes,” she whispered in my ear. “Pretend we’re not here.”

I did as she said, to the best of my abilities. After a moment, I felt a steady stream of urine evacuate my body. The sensation of phantom hands, unattached to my nervous system, holding my cock while I peed gave the whole experience a strange, dissociative quality, as if someone else inhabited my body. Soon the stream diminished to a trickle, then stopped. “Done?” Clara asked. When I nodded, she gave my penis a few solid shakes.

They brought me back into the guest room. Clara’s hands, which she had washed and dried, were a gentle presence on my shoulder. I looked at her. “Clara, do I have to go back in the cage? Could I just stay locked in the guest room? I promise I won’t try anything.” My voice felt small in my throat. Something strange had awoken in me; my request was sincere and my promise was true. I would do what she wanted.

“I’m sorry, Steve, but I can’t, not yet. I’m not sure I can trust you, and I haven’t yet made sure the guest room is clear of anything you could use to get out.” She felt my shoulders droop in disappointment. “Don’t worry,” she reassured me, “This won’t be for long. I’ll be back to talk more soon.”

The two women undid the ties and pushed me, gently, back into the crate. I watched as they left the room. Alex leaned over, arm around Clara’s back, and whispered something into her ear, to which she nodded in response.


Alone in the crate, my thoughts wandered back to freedom. I had no idea how long Clara and Alex intended to keep this up. It was a Saturday, and other than the celebration the previous night, I had made no weekend plans. It would be two days before anyone noticed I was gone.

I can make it through this, I thought. I’ll do my time, and then I’ll be free.

My mind wandered back to Clara. I’d never seen her like this. She must be more hurt than she was letting on, I realized, and felt a pang of guilt. I’d never intended for her to find out about Alex. I’d never seen my feelings for Alex as in contradiction with my feelings for Clara. They were different people, in different contexts. Atomized, isolated relationships.

But maybe they had a point, about my putting them in boxes. I didn’t think of Clara as sexually adventurous. I didn’t think of her as a risk-taker at all. Certainly I would never imagined her capable of anything like this…

Had it really been so long since she’d had an orgasm? I tried to think back to our most recent sexual encounters, but Alex’s face appeared in my mind instead. Alex had demanded pleasure; she sat on my face, she pushed my head down, she touched herself while I fucked her. When was the last time I’d gone down on Clara? I recalled, cringing, that I’d given her a minute or two of perfunctory oral. She hadn’t responded enthusiastically, so I’d stopped; but then again, I hadn’t given it much of a shot.

I thought again of Alex, this time picturing her arm around Clara and her frank delivery when she’d told me she wanted to fuck her. For the first time, I realized I stood to lose my wife. I knew firsthand how seductive Alex could be, how direct she was with her desire, how good she was at providing pleasure. I wasn’t sure I stood a chance.

Suddenly, this was no longer about making it through the weekend. It was about proving my devotion to Clara, proving to her that I could give her what she wanted, proving to her that I could get her off.

*Author’s note: Part 4 will be released tomorrow. From there on out there will be* >!a lot more sex scenes!< *if you’ve been feeling impatient!*


1 comment

  1. Great story! Thank You for this, I can only hope the ladies get meaner and meaner ;)

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