[MF] Manipulated by Her Husband’s Best Friend

Mack checked herself in the mirror as she adjusted the short blue sundress. This was dumb, she thought to herself, as she tugged it into place. It was far more revealing than the situation called for…low cut, showing off her full, thick breasts. Too short by at least an inch and a half, exposing her bare thighs. Too tight on her stomach, making it hard to breath. If she bent over, the whole party would see the black thong she had wedged between her shapely ass.

But she supposed that was the point. Despite herself, a grin flashed across the face of the woman in the mirror, and a tingling sensation spread between her legs.

It was a familiar feeling by now. The mix of shame and arousal. The way she was both disgusted by herself and the situation, and the impossible to resist urge to take things further.

Right on cue, he texted her. The name “Jordan” flashed across the screen on her phone. She signed and opened it.

“I can’t wait to see you at the Paul’s birthday party today, slut.”

The blood rushed to Mack’s face in anger and embarrassment . How dare he call her that? Just because she was a little bored with the current situation…just because she went on an app looking for a little innocent flirtation…it didn’t make her a slut…right? After all, Jordan was married too. If anyone was a slut, it was him.

But the second text made her question her own convictions.

It was a photo of him, standing in front of his mirror. He was pulling his shirt up, exposing his toned abs. His pants were at his ankles. And his cock…his thick, long, throbbing cock, was standing straight up at attention. Mack could practically feel it in her hands, taste it on her lips.

Without realizing what she was doing, Mack’s hands were sliding up her thick thighs, in between her legs. Her thong was stuck to her slit by her own wetness as she slowly started to apply pressure. Maybe it was true. Maybe she was a slut.

A knock on the bathroom door shook her from her reverie. It was her husband, Paul.

“Are you almost ready baby? I think the guests are going to arrive any minute!”

Mack hastily pulled the hem of her sundress back down, readjusting herself, hiding her ample cleavage as much as possible. She smoothed the dress down agaisnt her thighs one more time, before opening the bathroom door to her smiling husband.

“Sorry sweetie, just making sure I looked good for you,” she told him.

A lie.

She wanted to make sure she looked good for Jordan.

She brushed the intrusive thought away as she saw her husband’s shocked reaction.

“Wow baby…you look…I mean, don’t get me wrong…”

He shifted uncomfortably as he took her in. The voice inside her, the intrusive one, the one that was always there, laying dormant, sprang to life again. It had become stronger, louder, ever since Jordan has discovered her little secret.

“What a pussy,” it said, insulting her husband.

It’s true Paul wasn’t the most…impressive man. It was true he couldn’t last more than two minutes in bed these days. But he was a good man, she reminded herself. A good father.

“And a terrible lay.”

She pushed the voice aside again, with difficulty.

“Don’t you like it sweetly?” She asked him coyly, teasing him, knowing damn well he wouldn’t do a thing about it. The old Mack, the rational, conservative one, was becoming weaker and weaker by the moment. Maybe it was true what Jordan said about her.

Maybe she was a slut.

As Paul tried in vain to stammer a response, the doorbell rang. Mack leaned in close to her husband and kissed him on the cheek. “Party time,” she said.

She left him there, speechless at her appearance, as she opened the door. She registered the slight disappointment that it wasn’t him. Instead, it was Paul’s friend from work, Alan, and his wife.

But the dress still had the desired affect. Alan’s jaw dropped when he saw her. His eyes lingered on her body, especially her cleavage, just a second too long. She broke the tension by bringing him into a hug. She noticed with a mixture of pride and shock that something hard pressed against her thigh as she did. Then she brought his wife, Hannah, in for a hug as well. She too was shocked by her appearance, such a contrast to her typical look, but hugged her back all the same.

Ever the perfect host, Mack led them into the living room and showed them where the drinks and snack were. In the meantime, the door had rung again. Soon, a steady flow of guests arrived.

Paul’s friends. His family. Mack’s too. All of them reacted in visible shock when they saw her, and she tried to pretend not to notice. The scales were shifting. The embarrassment was coming back. The hesitation.

This was dumb, she thought. She had been dumb. She should have never made that confession on Reddit in the first place. She shouldn’t have responded to that DM, no matter how delicious his cock looked. She should have never kept things going, never told where she lived, never showed her face, never admired who she was when he recognized her. How could she have been so stupid?

She was so ashamed and embarrassed with herself that she was on the brink of running upstairs to change into something more modest.

And just then, he walked in. With his wife.

He was everything Paul wasn’t. Muscular, masculine, athletic, arrogant. He exuded testosterone. She knew from their chats, (before she realized it was her husband’s “best friend”) that his wife couldn’t keep up with him. Wasn’t enough for him.

And he knew too. About her and Paul. He knew everything.

With one sly smile from the corner of his mouth, she felt herself soak through her thong. Seeing Allie on his arm only turned her on more for some reason she couldn’t understand.

She was shorter than Mack. Blonde, with full tits, a thick frame, and a slightly bitchy attitude that everyone picked up on and made it difficult for her to make friends.

Mack realized she was standing motionless in the kitchen, staring at Jordan, he eyes glued between his legs, noticing his bulge even now. She shook herself awake and greeted Allie with a hug. As she moved on to greet her husband, Jordan suddenly appeared in front of her and wrapped his strong toned arms around her.

This time, she knew. What she felt press agaisnt her when he hugged Alan was a thin reflection of what she felt bash agaisnt her bare thigh now. She felt his hands reach under the line of her dress, felt his rough fingertips gripping the smooth skin of her thick ass hard, squeezing.

Someone might be looking, she thought. She should push him off her right now. But that side of her was receding again.

Instead, the other voice took over her body, and let out an involuntary moan in his ear.

She felt him literally throb against her leg in response.

“Ten minutes,” he told her. As he squeezed her again then quickly moved his hands away before someone could see. “Follow me upstairs after I say I need to use the bathroom.”

It wasn’t an invitation. Wasn’t a question. His voice took on the tone of command.

And without another word, he pulled away from her and went to greet her husband. His best friend.

She was left standing there. Shaken. Frazzled. Unsure. And yet she felt the unmistakable feeling of a bead of wetness slowly sliding down the inside of her thigh as she tried to catch her breath.


Part 2 coming soon ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/uec53q/mf_manipulated_by_her_husbands_best_friend


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