My gf, Amy, has me fuck her best friend, Sarah, while she is out of town. (Part 3) (FFM 21)

We were out for drinks at our favorite watering hole, sitting in our usual booth. It was pretty empty on a Sunday night.

Amy said, “I guess I need to let you guys rest up for a couple of days before we have another session.”

I said, “Dude my dick is hibernating, but I am sure in a day or two, you could get me hard.”

Sarah said, “I’m fucking sore, but it was worth it.”

Amy said, “What do we do about Mary? She is going to tell everyone that Sarah is a backstabber and you are a cheater, Jack.”

Sarah said, “I’ve been thinking about it. What if we tell her the truth? Ask her to not tell anyone. She’s actually been a pretty good friend. She’s so busy anyway, I’m not sure who she would tell.”

Amy said, “You mean the whole truth, that the three of us…do stuff together?”

Sarah said, “Yes, if we told her, and she was cool with it, we could hang out at my place more.”

“What do you think Jack?”, Amy said.

“I guess it is fine. Either she keeps it secret or we end up right where we are in the rumor mill”, I said.

Sarah said, “Let me talk to her tonight. She might want to hear from you later Amy that I am telling the truth.”

The next day, we had lunch with Sarah again.

Sarah said, “Well, we have interesting problem with Mary.”

Amy said, “What is it?”

Sarah said, “I told her about the three of us and she was pretty shocked. Then she was asking me a lot of questions, particularly about you and me, Amy. She seems pretty curious about being with a girl.”

Amy said, “ooookaaaayy…so, has she told anyone about you and Jack yet?”

Sarah said, “No, but she is more than a little curious about our little three way arrangement here.”

Amy said, “I mean, I think that underneath, her intense exterior, she is kind of hot. But, I don’t think we can handle a fourth person here, I love what the three of us have.”

Sarah said, “Oh she is attractive, but I agree and I also don’t think Jack’s ego could handle 3 girls.”

I said, “you two said it first, so I’ll say it – Mary’s pretty hot. Of course 90% of the time I see her, she needs a shower and I don’t know if I have ever seen her not wearing athletic attire, but she’s fit as hell and cute. Even I think a foursome seems a bit crazy.”

Sarah said, “Let’s see if she can grab a drink with us tonight and figure something out.”

We met with Mary at our usual table for drinks.

Sarah said, “Alright Mary, you are in on our secret. We want you to keep it quiet. What is on your mind.”

Mary was very nervous. She said, “I’m not telling anyone about you guys.”

“Thanks,” Amy said.

“I am kind of curious about what you’re doing. I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago and I have not hooked up with anyone since”, Mary said.

“Holy crap, that’s a long time”, Sarah said

Amy said, “I think you might have regained your virginity.”

Mary said, “I’m so busy with field hockey and school. I have scholarships I have to keep. And I work part time. I’m trying to graduate without a bunch of debt. Not much time for going out or dating. Plus the ratio of girls to guys at this school is high.”

“I did notice that in the brochures when I picked this school.” I said

Amy was just shaking her head at me.

“Well, you’re an attractive girl, I’m sure you could find a FWB no problem,” I said.

Mary said, “Thanks, but I’ve never done a hookup, not sure how to make that happen. I have dated and had sex with two guys – one in high school and one in college.”

I said, “if you came onto pretty much any single guy, they would be into it with you.”

Mary said, “I’m just too nervous, I’ve never come onto a guy like that.”

I said, “Do you want me to get one of my friends to hit on you, make it easy for you? I can find a guy to fuck you.”

Mary said, “I feel weird saying this, but yes, I would like you to find me a FWB situation.”

“Done. What do you think of my friend Ben?”, I said

Mary said, “He’s cute.”

“Well, we will go out somewhere this weekend. I will make sure you are there and with the slightest encouragement, he is going to hit on you aggressively. You do what you want with that”, I said.

Mary said, “Thanks. There’s one other thing.”

Sarah said, “What is it?”

Mary was red faced and looking down at the table. “Well, Sarah told me about how you two girls do things to each other too”, Mary said, “…I’d like to try that. You guys seem like you can keep a secret, so…”

Amy said, “we’re not looking for this to be a foursome. It’s a bit much.”

Mary said, “It could be a one time thing. I don’t even know if I like it. And, I’ve never even let a guy do oral on me. We’re getting to the end of college, I’ve been living like a hermit, going to field hockey, studying, working. I feel like living it up a bit.”

Amy said, “What do you guys think about helping Mary out once?”

Sarah said, “I would do it, if you guys want to.”

Mary said, “Wait, you mean the three of you all at once?”

Amy said, “That’s how this works, Jack is part of the package too.”

Mary said, “Woah, this is intense.”

“Jack isn’t going to fuck you, but he is going to be there, doing stuff with Sarah and me. Do you want him to do stuff with you?”, Amy said.

Mary said, “Is this how you guys do this? You just discuss what you want to do?”

“Yes”, Sarah said, “that way we all get what we want.”

Mary said, “I wish I could do that with people.”

“You can and you should”, Sarah said

Mary was looking down and said, “I want to do stuff with Jack too, if Amy is okay with it and Jack wants to.”

Amy said, “I don’t care if you suck his dick or if he eats you out while we are doing this. Jack are you okay with that?”

“Being with three girls is kind of crazy. I have never even masturbated about this scenario,” I said.

Amy said, “I’m going to take that as he says yes.”

Mary was getting bolder in her talk,
but still nervous and red faced, “I’m mostly interested in getting my pussy licked (giggle) for the first time and I want to try licking one or two myself. But, I like sucking dick and would do it if Jack wants it. I hate cum though – like I will throw up.”

Everyone laughed at that.

Amy said, “Okay, we’re doing this, then Jack is going to set her up, with one of his boys and we will never speak of this. And, you’re never going to tell anyone about any of this.”

Mary said, “And you guys can’t tell anyone about this.”

Mary left us sitting there – she had to go study.

Amy said, “She is pretty cute and fit. I can definitely think of worse things…”

Sarah said, “Thats true, she works out all the time, but I am not hooking up with her without you guys. I feel like we have something special with the three of us.”

Amy said, “Me too. Jack come on you’re quiet – tell us what’s on your mind.”

I said, “This is just crazy. I’m not sure how I fell into all of this. Yes, she is an attractive girl. Amy, I just want to be sure this is cool.”

Amy said, “this is fine. It is a one and done. This is really just sex with this Mary girl. I know you love me. It’s an adventure together.”

We agreed to get together on Wednesday morning, when my dick and Sarah’s pussy would have had a rest from our weekend fun. We all happened to be out of class at that time.



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