Truth or Dare with Cousin pt3

If you haven’t read my first 2 posts I would advise you to do that before reading this one, for context.

It was day number 3 at our cabin. My cousin Heather (f18) and I (m19) once again headed down to the beach to escape the hellscape of our family crammed into a small house. Sure the beach was cold as hell, but that didn’t stop us from heading back down for a nice “innocent” game of Truth or Dare.

The game started off pretty awkward again, we hadn’t really talked much about what happened the day before. Heather started the game once again and she started it pretty tame as usual. I picked dare ofc and really didn’t get anything too exciting. I also didn’t want to jump into things too fast either so for the first few rounds we just played a friendly game.

“Truth.” She answered once again. She is very shy and I could tell she was nervous whenever she played.

“How often do you watch porn?” I asked in an attempt to kick the game up a notch.

Heather looked at me with a shy expression, “I don’t watch porn,” she said. I couldn’t tell if she was lying or being honest, she is a very innocent girl.

“Everybody watches porn.” I laughed, “You don’t need to lie to me.”

“I’m telling the truth.” She insisted.

I rolled my eyes, “Then what do you masturbate to?”

Those words seemed to stick with her for a second as she contemplated my question. “I don’t really masturbate,” Heather said softly


She nodded, “What about you?”

“I never picked truth.” I laughed, “but yes I do.”

“I know you do.” She said, “But where? When? How often?” She fired question after question.

I laughed embarrassed, “Well maybe once or twice a day, and wherever I can get privacy I guess.”

Heather thought about my response thoroughly before saying anything. “What do you watch?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know,” I lied, “Whatever catches my eye.”

“That doesn’t really answer my question,” she giggled

I scratched the back of my neck, “Well I’ll usually just scroll through Reddit or other websites until I see something that I like.”

We both sat in silence for a moment.

“I think it’s your turn,” I said after clearing my throat.

“Oh yeah, right. Truth or Dare?”

“Dare” I said with a smile

Heather thought quietly for a moment, “I dare you to show me the porn you watch.”


“What’s the big issue?” She said, clearly seeing the panic on my face.

I unlocked my phone and shook my head, “nothing,” I said, handing her my phone. Heather immediately opened reddit and was let down by the lack of porn.

“It’s on a seperate account.” I said taking the phone from her hands before handing it back to her a second later. She scrolled through the pictures and videos staring intensely at the screen until she froze up. Looking up from the phone Heather turned beet red.

“Incest?” she asked, “You like incest?”

I nodded

“So what, you’re attracted to your mom?” After a second the thought came to her mind, “are you attracted to me?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” I said quietly.

“Do you want to have sex with your family members?” She asked.

I sat there for a second, “Yeah, some of them.”

“Have you ever had sex with any of them?”

I knew I didn’t have to answer her questions, yet I wanted to. “No,” I said, “I’ve jerked off in front of my mom though.”

Heather stared at me, amazed.

“Really?” she asked excitedly

“Yeah, we were on a college visit and had to share a room. She walked in on me and I kept going.”

“What did she do?” she asked curiously.

“Well, she watched me. She seemed kinda into it.”

“Really?” she asked

“Yeah, it happened twice,” I explained, “first on the trip, and then a second time at home.” I could tell Heather was getting turned on by this, “she caught me in my room one day,” I explained, “she told me to finish up and left. I went into her room and told her I liked to be watched, she didn’t have an issue with it and let me jerk off next to her. I could tell she was into it and asked her to join me and she did, then we masturbated together. Nothing has happened since then.”

Heather’s eyes widened as I explained it to her, leaning in closer as I went on.

“I think you might be into incest too,” I laughed

Heather sat back up and fixed her hair defending the accusation. I rolled my eyes.

“My turn.” said with a smile, “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” she smiled back

“Well, I think it’s time we kick this game up a notch, don’t you?” My cousin’s face twisted with regret. “I dare you to…..” I let the suspense build up, “I dare you to make me cum.” I said with a devious smile.

Heather stared silent, face turning red.

I stood up and unbuttoned my pants and removed my clothes until I was wearing nothing but the now skin tight boxers I put on that day, boxers that clearly exposed the outline of my dick. Heather looked down and stared intently.

To be continued…



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