A interesting way I discovered I was curios about a kink

When I(m27) was doing my first year of college studying wildlife we had bio 101. We would study pretty much every family of animal what some highlights were and what traits they evolved with help them survive l, this includes reproduce. During our section on the lupus family( dogs) we got around to talking about there reproduction and what help them with this. We started talking about the knot they get, now I was aware of this before hand nothing new or exciting. That was when I realized the girl in front of me was slowly moveing her mouse cursor casually back and forth on the dogs sheath on the slides for today. It was if she was trying to coax it out. When we all went to the next slides on our laptops we could clearly see the knot and she started doing the same thing but focused heavy on it. I found it so fascinating and a turn on to watch her do this all I could think about was her bent over on all 4s getting ready to try and take it. I was done taking notes and paying attention to the lecture, I was really happy class ended after that. Ever since then I’ve been curious about girls being knotted and enjoy talking with some who have been.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/uanhjd/a_interesting_way_i_discovered_i_was_curios_about