Nude at Home

[This is a work of fantasy, although it is something I have fantasized about quite alot. “I” refers to me, a straight male. “You” refers to, well you, a straight female. I have deliberately left descriptions vague to make it more enjoyable for the reader. I have chosen not to give “you” a name for the same reason. Enjoy.]

I lean into you, getting cozy on the couch. You are resting your head on my shoulder, I can feel your hair against my neck. We are both sitting, flicking through the channels on tv and I tell you to choose one already. You stick your beautiful tongue out at me and flick to the Discovery channel. I can’t complain about that one can I? We are two juniors in university who met when we were both Sophomores. We’ve been dating basically since we first met. I saw you coming out of class and worked up the guts to ask you out, and the rest as they say is history.

You click on the Discovery Channel and a naked man is presented on the screen. Not entirely naked, there is a blur covering his goodies.

“Not to bad for an older guy”, you say jokingly to me.

“Naked and Afraid, are you serious?”, I say with a laugh.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?”, you reply with a big smile and that crease in your nose that only shows up when you laugh. You hate it, but I’ve told you over and over that it is cute and sexy as hell.

“Nope, I just think it is crazy”, I say.

“Yeah, being outdoors naked is super weird”, you say.

“I was more thinking about the ants, snakes, other little critters, not to mention leopards and lions. Africa of all places? That is definitely somewhere you want to keep your clothes on.”

“I suppose so”, you reply looking back at the screen.

“Besides, nudism always seemed kinda cool to me. You know, neat.”

“Really!”, you reply looking at me wide eyed, jaw slightly agape.

“Yeah, kinda. Well, if you start out small, you know. Work yourself up.”

“What do you mean?”, you ask me, still surprised but not as shocked as you were a minute ago.

“Well you know, you could start doing it in private, you know, when you are just sitting at home.”

“Like we are now?!”, you scoff. I don’t know if you really are shocked at what I am saying or if you are just trying to win the argument now.

…….”Yeah, why not? I mean, what’s stopping us from taking off our clothes and getting naked right now?”

“Are you serious?”, you reply.

“I’m completely serious. We’ve been dating more than a year already. We have sex consistently. We know what each other looks like naked. There is quite literally nothing stopping us from not wearing clothes.”

“But….ummm….uhhhh”, you reply. I take momentary pleasure in rendering you speechless. I’ve won this one and you know it!

“What are you doing? Are you asking me to start……..being a nudist with you, or something”, you say. Your brow furrows for the first time in this entire conversation. I take a couple of deep breaths and decide to proceed cautiously.

“Ummm, we could. I mean it is something that has always kind of interested me. And hey we are only young once, right?”

You laugh at that.

“I guess I have never thought about it before.”

I reach over, grab the remote control and hit pause. I take a deep breath.

“Look, I see you are a bit flustered. I can’t take back this conversation now. It has happened. But maybe there is a way to make it less awkward…”

A commercial plays on the tv and I jump up to grab us a pair of beers. You scooch over as I jump back on the couch.

“Where were we?”, I ask.

“You were making a very odd proposal. Tread carefully”, you say.

I take a couple of gulps of beer to fuel my courage.

“Let’s make it a game…or an experiment.”

“I’m listening”, you reply, subconsciously pulling away from me to face me more directly.

“No clothes for a week. When we are here in the apartment we won’t be wearing clothes. Obviously, when we are out in public…”, my voice trails off.

You look away to the right, taking a couple of gulps of your beer yourself. I can’t quite read your face. A little bit serious. Are you actually considering doing this? A little cautious. Questioning. Do you trust me?

“Three days”, you say, looking back at me. I still can’t read your face. Is there doubt there. “But there have to be rules”, you say.

“Rules?”, I ask. I hadn’t thought about that.

“Yes, rules in regard to boundaries, about sex…”

“Sex?”, I ask.

“Yes, sex”, you say quizzically.

“Well, we already have sex”, I say nonchalantly. “Why does anything have to be different?”

I look back at you. You don’t say anything. You are giving me that look you shoot me when you know you’re right, I know you’re right, and I just need to accept it.

“Alright. It is the same as it has always been. If either one of us want to have sex we just have to initiate. If either of us don’t want to for whatever reason we can say no. No rejection, no hurt feelings…”

You look deep into my eyes. “Alright, let’s do this”, you say.


“Yeah!”, you say smiling for the first time in probably ten minutes.

I get up from the couch and stand up.

“What are you doing?”, you ask.

“Taking off my clothes”, I reply. You don’t say anything. You just watch as I pull off my shirt. No motive. No agenda. This isn’t a strip tease. I simply pull it off like I were about to take a shower or change my clothes. You watch, trying to hide any interest, but your face betrays you.

I unbutton my jeans and unzip them and then pull down my jeans and boxer briefs at the same time.

“Hey, no fair!”, you protest.

“All part of the experiment. Full immersion”, I say smiling down at you. I pick up my clothes and toss them against the wall. I hold my hand out to you.

“Care to join me?”, I ask.

You let out a sigh and take my hand, letting me pull you up out of the couch. I grab hold of the bottom of your tshirt, but you gently push me away.

“uh uh, full immersion, remember”, you say with a smile as you pull your shirt over your head. You unbuckle your bra and let it fall to the floor. I can’t help gazing at your amble, supple breasts as you reach down to unzip and pull down your jeans. You slip off your panties and let them drop to the floor.

“I suppose we should throw these clothes in the hamper…”, you say as I interrupt you by putting my hands on your waist and pulling you to me. I gaze into your eyes.

“May I?”, I ask as I kiss you hard on the lips, pulling your body into mine, sharing a soft embrace, your boobs squashing into me as I pull you against me. Your body melts into mine and you work your tongue into my mouth.

I fall backward into the couch that is still behind us, pulling you down ontop of me. We gasp for breath as you raise yourself up. I’m already rock hard but you grab my engorged dick anyway and give it a few strokes. I pull your pussy down on top of me, and thrust with all my might. I pull on you with my arms and thrust over and over. You know I love girl on top, but I don’t just lie there, I use my arms to help you pump down on my dick. I watch as your tits bounce pendulously over my face.

“Is this okay?…… I…….hurting you?”, I ask between moans of pleasure.

“Shut the fuck up…..and fuck me harder…” you reply as I roll us over on the couch, rolling on top, still mesmerized by your tits bouncing circles on your chest. I fuck harder than I’ve ever fucked before, thrusting deep as you moan my name in pleasure. We both collapse on the couch, sweat dripping down as we climax together, your arms held loosely around me.

[To be continued]



  1. Sorry to leave it just as things are getting hot and heavy. I have an idea of how I want this relationship to progress, but if you have any ideas feel free to share. Will get back to this one later.

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