Taking Advantage of a Sprained Ankle. Mine, that is.

Back in university I felt I was always in a rush. I would rush to labs and lectures and then rush back to my dorm room for some r/R. It was on one particular day of rushing that I ended up spraining my ankle. The dorm was build on a hill and I lived on the basement level. I was rushing down the stairwell (I’m not sure why) and making the last turn when I did something really dumb. I don’t know if it is my impulsive ADHD brain that has a tendency towards bad decisions, or something else, but for some reason I decided to push myself off the hand rail and jump down the last few steps to the floor.

Bad idea. Next thing I know my leg is pounding with pain as I land with my ankle twisting on the floor at an odd angle. I immediately fell on my ass, my legs giving out in pain. When I am finally able to get my head straight to figure out what happened, I manage to think through the pain and try to get to my feet.

I can’t, it is too painful.

‘Brilliant, Rich’, I think to myself. ‘It is the middle of the afternoon, most everyone are still in classes. There is no one to help on your floor. Just brilliant.’

I manage to crawl the next dozen feet to my dorm room, pull myself up by the handle, twist it, open the door, and then crawl to my bed. One of two twins in the room. I hated having a roomate.

I take out my phone and text my girlfriend.

“Come quick after class”, I text.

“Okay, what happened? Should I be concerned”, Liz responded almost instantly.

“Nothing life threatening”, I texted, mocking myself. “I sprained my ankle coming down the stairwell to my room. In bad shape. Can’t walk.”

“Oh my”, she texted back. “Yeah, no problem, I’ll be right down once class is over.”

I toss my phone to the side and try to ignore the pain of my throbbing ankle. Nothing seems to work. I imagine Liz, my girlfriend. That works a little bit.

She is about 5 ft 9, beautiful blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that flows to her shoulders, a long nose that I find adorable, a long sexy neck, lovely shoulders, a pair of massive 36 D breasts, a nice ass, and curvy hips.

I wonder what she is wearing. Probably her typical baggy hoody and jeans, her hair in a pony tail. She doesn’t tend to dress up for class. Just for me.

I imagine her in something different. Hmmm, a sexy prom dress. That’s better. A black one, sexy. Long at the bottom, maybe a slit down the leg, a modest amount of cleavage on show. But I find modest to be sexier.

I smile, and feel a growing sensation down below. I unzip my jeans, and position my hardening penis, still in my boxers, out the front flap. Much better, I think to myself. I don’t dare start to play with myself. The pain makes it awkward to try to be sexy anyway.

I close my eyes and soon doze off.

A knock on the door and then the door opens. No warning. I jump up. It could either be my roomate, Eric or Liz. I try to conceal my unzipped pants.

“How you feeling, babe?” It’s Liz and I relax back into the bed.

“What have you been up to?”, she says with a grin, noting my unzipped pants…and very likely, what is left of an old erection.

“Oh, you know, trying to ignore the pain.” I say

“Well, let’s get you sitting up”, she says as she sits beside me on the bed and helps me sit up, propping pillows behind my back.

“Thank you”, I say through groans of pain.

“That bad, huh?”, she says with concern on her face.

“Yeah”, I reply.

“Have you told Eric. We might need him to help.”

“Not yet”, I reply.

“Here, I’ll do it.”

She texts Eric who is still in class. We all agree to drive down to the doctor down town. Although as it is the right ankle I have sprained, I obviously won’t be driving. Eric arrives and together Liz and I help me get to my car, taking each of my arms over a shoulder. We get to the car. Eric decides to drive. I sit in the back with Liz.

I wince through the pain the whole drive there. Liz does her best to distract me. She has discarded the hoody, and wearing the modest blue vneck shirt she had on underneath. I put my arm around her and she lays her head on my shoulder. I take advantage of the opportunity to look down her shirt at the ample cleavage below. If she notices she doesn’t say anything.

Soon we arrive at the doctor’s clinic and it is a pretty typical visit. The doctor checks my ankle and says that I am lucky the sprain isn’t that bad. Well, tell that to my aching leg, I want to say, but don’t. We are in and out of there within about 45 minutes. No cast. But I do get a pair of crutches.

I come to hate crutches.


We get back to the dorm room and I lay down on the bed. Liz sits beside me, spoiling me with attention. Eric asks if there is anything I need before going back to his computer screen.

Liz and I look at eachother.

“I guess there won’t be any sex for a little while, huh?”, she says with a flirty grin.

‘That’s what you think’, says my smile in reply. We talk with out eyes the way couples do.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Do you need help….well with getting there?”, Liz asks. The question cannot avoid being awkward.

“No, I think I can hobble the few yards to it.” I say. And I do. I manage to get myself back and forth to the bathroom from the dorm room for the next few weeks just fine. I just need to give myself some extra time.

“But I kind of want to take a shower”, I say looking at her.

We look at Eric who has those giant headphones on, the ones that cover your ears.

“Alright, let’s give it a try.”, she says, helping me off the bed.

We make our way to the shared bathroom. We are on a floor for men, but I hope that my current condition is good enough reason for Liz to join me.

I play up the neediness a little, asking her to help me walk to the bathroom. I throw my towel over my shoulder, still fully clothed. I don’t want to bother with my clothes till I have to. Liz wraps her arm around my shoulder and I lean in on her as we walk slowly to the bathroom. I can’t help noticing how her boob squashes against me as I lean on her. I breathe deeply, trying not to become excited. Still a few feet left till we get to the bathroom.

We get to the bathroom stalls. They are just like the stalls in womens’ bathrooms. Cramped and tight. I throw my towel over the side of the stall.

“Alright, let’s give it a go”, I say.

I lean on the side of the stall and manage to pull my tshirt off. Liz’s eyes light up at the sight of my muscles. I move my hands down to the zipper of my pants, pulling it down. I unbutton them and try to pull them down, but I can’t get the leverage.

“Not going to work”, I say leaning back onto the side of the stall.

“Not to worry, nurse Liz is here”, Liz says. That has never sounded so sexy before in my life.

Liz takes me to the corner of the stall and succeeds in pulling down my jeans, throwing them over the side of the stall too and leaving me only in my boxers. Liz eyes me over, breaking character for a moment, but then she is right back to business.

“Underwear off, please.”

There is something alluring about her faux professionalism, her dedication to the act. I pull off my boxers and stand….or rather lean, naked in front of her. She looks me up and down, before lowering her gaze to my flaccid penis.

“Let’s give it a go”, I say, turning on the water. I immediately go back to leaning, groaning in pain. “I can’t actually have a shower” I say with frustration. “I need to hold myself up.”

“Well than I’ll have to help”, Liz says with a nonchalance that sends shivers down my spine.

She frees her hair from the pony tail, and grabs the bottom of her shirt. Slowly and smoothly she pulls her shirt over her head, tossing it beside my clothes on the stall. I can’t help gazing at her bra-encased tits. I feel movement down below. She pulls off her jeans, then her bra and underwear, standing naked before me.

She gets to it immediately. She picks up the shampoo.

“Get your hair wet”, she says matter-of-factly, as if she really were a nurse. I put my head under the falling water. She scrubs the suds into my hair and I revel in the feeling of her fingers on my scalp. She lets the shampoo and conditioner set, moving her attention to the rest of my body.

She soaps up my shoulders, my neck, the hard to reach parts of my back, my arms and torso. All I can do is stare at her tits as they jiggle in front of me. I start to moan softly as I prepare for what comes next.

She lowers her gage to my engorged member, takes a handful of soap and rubs her hands together till it suds up, and takes me in her hands, rubbing up and down the shaft. I moan softly as she continues to give me the most amazing hand job I have gotten in a while. I cum in her hands and she washes it all away in the water.


Days follow this way, with her accompanying me in the shower until I am strong enough to fully stand up right. She pampered me in other ways too. She bought treats and brought them back to me. She cuddled in bed.

After what seemed like ages, we had sex after a long hiatus. It was a good few months. I remember it well.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/u8x71j/taking_advantage_of_a_sprained_ankle_mine_that_is