Room 192 – Psych Eval (Suspense, MF)

ROOM 192 – By EggSaladSamurai

“Kirsten Alena Lynn, Born 29th of June, 1993. Five foot eight inches, One hundred sixt-”

“We gonna do this everyday John?” Kirsty asked impatiently.

She stood in a small concrete room, facing a security office behind a sheet of bulletproof glass with a steel door on either side of her, both arms crossed, her leather messenger bag over her left shoulder, open, waiting for her freshly-reviewed credentials to be placed back inside.

“You know procedure Kirsty, we have to make sure we’re dotting the ‘I’s. Besides, This wouldn’t take half as long if you didn’t cut me off everytime I read you-”

“This wouldn’t take half as long if you weren’t all so interested in staring at my tits.” She said, flatly.

Her sharp blue eyes cut straight through the glass shield, and John sighed.

“Fair enough.” He looked over at the monitor on his right, and spoke into a desktop microphone. “Jig’s up boys. She’s coming through.” He passed her ID badge and Assignment letter back to her and slapped the button opening the door on her left. “It was mostly Dan’s idea anyways!” He shouted after her. “Fuck you John!” She shouted back.

Dan was holding the door for her as she stepped through it. He let it fall shut as he turned to escort her deeper into the facility.

“Kirsty, you know I wouldn’t-”

“Yeah, I know Dan, John’s an asshole.”

“Oh, thank god, the last thing I’ve got time for is an HR harassment investigation.” He said with an exhale, allowing his relief to hide the fact that he too, found her startlingly attractive.

She continued to walk slightly faster than he was comfortable, hoping that she was indicating her annoyance in a subtle enough manner.

“Besides, an unfortunate career hazard is being surrounded by men who are unable to properly convey their emotional intent. Either over-agressive in their attempts to drool over me, like John back there, or too worried about professionalism to honestly tell me they’re attracted to me.”

She paused mid stride to look at him, “Like you Dan.”

“Well, I- I-” Dan stammered out, coming to a stop himself.

She neared the end of the hallway as Dan regained his composure and started out after her to type the code into a high security door under the Label: Room 192 – Psychiatric Evaluation.

“Sooner or later, one of the boys around here is going to work up the courage to ask me politely.” She waited behind him while he entered the 8 digit code, taking the time to take in his strong figure, and the cords of muscle running up his neck. She bit her lip gently as she slid past him into the room. “His ass isn’t too bad either” she thought to herself. She let go of the door and tossed her bag on the table.

Dan mumbled out “Sorry, Kirsty.”

Right before the door closed she caught it, he looked up, and she looked him dead in the eye through the one inch gap. “Don’t let it be that prick John who asks me out.” She quickly pushed the door closed and put her back up against it, cursing herself for intimidating the poor guy. Hopefully she’d get a chance to make it up to him later.

She glanced down at herself, regarding the figure that always “Got her into this mess.” She knew that wasn’t the case and that she was just as emotionally sheltered as the two men she’d just accused, but in some small way the fact that she had her figure to blame made her feel better. She had absolutely perfect legs, something she’d always been proud of, soft creamy thighs, that sloped gently outwards towards a full apple shaped ass. She sunk her hands into it, breifly imagining Dan pulling her in tightly. Her heart skipped as she slipped those hands up her sides, just behind her absolutely figure dominating breasts. Two full, heavy, backaching teardrops that never failed to keep her in some kind of trouble in college. ‘G’ Cups, that brought her as much frustration as pleasure. As Dan’s imaginary hands slid forwards over her bra clad breasts, she felt her smooth pussy cry for attention. Just as the hands reached her Stiff nipples, she opened her eyes and felt a sense of loss as she realized she’d let her mind wander.

Her reflection agreed with her from the security glass on the other side of the room. Kirsty sighed and looked around the office for the 4th time that week. Breaking her self appreciation session, she straightened up and bumped the door bar, ensuring it was locked. She looked down at the couch next to the door, a brown, fake leather affair. Flipping all the cushions revealed nothing hidden underneath, and there was nothing on the floor beneath or behind it. The small brown coffee table had tissues, and a cardboard wastebasket to deposit soiled ones in. The table and couch were bolted to the floor, so as to protect her patients from themselves. It was one of the most pleasant rooms in the facility, the walls were a bright pastel blue and a hardwood floor allowed for conversations to be heard, even in the softest spoken manner. This was a room Kirsty took pride in, it allowed her to help people confront issues they had been previously unable to bring themselves to open up about. Making sure those concerns were heard clearly and correctly the first time was something necessary to her work, and this space helped her do that.

It also kept her safe. From the daily “entry proceedure,” to the heavy steel privacy doors, this place was built for the country’s coldest, hardest to reach minds. Many of the patients were serving out a sentence for one crime or another, or waiting to be found psychiatrically unfit to be considered “Guilty”, and many were a danger to themselves. As such, the doors in the facility were locked by a sophisticated “nuclear clock” much like the automatic systems on modern cell phones. The door to Kirsty’s room, Room 192, was special, in that it could be unlocked only with a code from the outside, but could be opened from the inside if a patient was having a breakdown or did not feel fit to continue when Kirsty pushed a button under her desk. Once outside, the front security desk would be alerted that a patient needed to be returned to their room. At the end of her shift, at 5:30PM, the door to Room 192 would become accessible only via the next day’s code, which Dan would use to let her out, and in again the next morning. On the opposite wall from the couch, was a perforated glass shield, with a desk and chair behind it.

This was Kirsty’s workspace.

She slid her shoulderbag off of the coffee table and stepped through the steel door between her “Office,” and her office. there were times she wished she could reach out and provide a more personal consolation to her patients, but she knew that would be putting herself at risk. No matter how much faith she had in those she cared for, diagnosed, and assesed, they were all here for a reason. Putting it bluntly: “Because the friendly doctor on main street couldn’t help them.” Once the door closed behind her, it wouldnt open until the end of her shift, at 5:30. Her space was well appointed, with a washroom and coffee area, hidden from the view of the “office”. She pulled the day’s files out of her bag and set them on her desk, before turning to fill her mug with water from the cooler in the corner. on the top right corner of the desk, next to the button for the outside door, was a red, digital phone, with no numbers on the face. This was Kirsty’s personal line to the security office.

On the opposite side of the files she’d dropped was a computer monitor. A program developed by Harvard graduates ran the game these days, helping Kirsty in her diagnoses and furthering her intuition. It was designed at its core with two objectives in mind: “1. Stop false treatment, save resources for the right people. 2. Protect the Psychiatrist from being misled by false answers.” It was a relatively simple interface that helped Kirsty a lot in her day to day diagnoses and subsequent treatments. She inserted a disk with her records and conversations on it, and a disk from the patient’s folder with their records. It worked on an AI system which listened to the conversation in the room, processed when a question was posed, and waited for the answer. Once the answer was given it would weigh it against the intent of the question, against previous answers the subject had given, and against the tone and inflection in the subjects voice. Once the calculations were complete it would display one of 4 lights: INCOMPLETE, LIE, MISLEADING, and HONESTY.

Just as Kirsty leaned back from inserting the first patients disk, the phone rang.

“Hey gorgeous, I thought you and that fine ass of yours would like to know your first victim is here to see you.”

“Thanks John, send her in.” Kirsty said with as much annoyance as she could muster, before slamming the reciever down. “It’s not like your the one who’ll get off his ass to bring her down here anyway, but thats kind of a blessing as far as I’m concerned.” She muttered. The monitor flashed: |HONESTY| Kirsty cocked an eyebrow. “So you’re listening to me now too?” |INCOMPLETE| She scoffed and shook her head. “At least I have someone decent to talk to.” |MISLEADING| “Fuck you.” |HONESTY|

The door opened and the first patient came in, Kirsty gave a wave, and smiled. It was halfheartedly returned by the patient after Dan uncuffed her and she started in. Kirsty winked at Dan as he shut the door, and he paused for a second, smiled and waved back. Kirsty was happy to know she hadn’t scared him off too bad with her hardball earlier. The patient sat down and the session began.

“Hello Miss Chen, May I call you Amy?”

“Yeah, Call me whatever you want.” |LIE|

“Okay Amy, can you start by letting me know why you’re here?”

“Some fucker thought this would be a fun way to spend my thursday.” |MISLEADING|

“Other than what John told you outfront?”

“Oh, then no.” |LIE|

“Come on now Amy, you know we’re not going to get anywhere like this.”

“Alright fine, I stole some more guns and shit and apparently that violates my probation.” |HONESTY|

“Thank you Amy, but I believe there’s more to it than that, lets go into the reasons why you were compelled to make these decisions, and what possible alternatives are for the future.”

“Okay Dr Lynn, I’m sorry for not being open with you, I guess I’m frustrated with myself and don’t really know what I want from my future. I’m just sick of being in here.” |MISLEADING|

“Thank you for the apology Amy, lets figure out what might work for you.”

The four morning sessons flew by from Kirsty’s perspective, Dan being the highlight, peaking at her through the door with each new Patient. The last time Dan opened the door before lunch, Kirsty blew him a kiss while the patient had her back turned. He blushed as he closed the door. Two of the sessions were completely forthright about wanting to be better people and were evaluated eligible for day parole. The third patient, Jesse, had left early, due to a nervous breakdown and John and Dan had caught him in the hall. Amy, her first patient of the day had regressed by the end of their conversation to MISLEADING or LIE being detected in even her most disguised attempts to answer, suggesting she may have changed her mindset and need more guidance before being allowed out again. The regular psych staff would set up a rehab plan based on Kirsty’s reccomendations.

Lunchtime began as an uneventful affair, Kirsty pulled the disk out of the machine and inserted a blank one, her next patient was a first-timer to the machine. She then went over notes for the afternoon, and mundanely ate a microwave dinner. She took off her shoes and absentmindedly massaged her ankles, and ran her hands around the band of her bra where the cups sat against her ribs, sore despite not really moving around much during the morning. She briefly began to read an article on transitioning from triage treatment to outpatient care, when she heard the outside door click unlocked.

Dan poked his face through the door, blushing. “Hey Kirsty, I thought you might enjoy some company for lunch for a change?” |HONESTY| After a short consideration, her heart lept, and she replied, “Sure Dan, I’ve already finished eating, but I’d love that, come on in!” |HONESTY| Dan sat down and unpacked a sandwich and canned drink from his bag and proceeded to stare at the tabletop. “Did Jesse make it back to his room okay?” Kirsty asked. “Yeah, he’s alright.” Dan said with a bit of a shake in his voice. |Honesty| Kirsty Smirked a bit, she knew then and there what he was here for, and it made her stomach fill with butterflies. She was going to have her fun with him.


“Yeah Dan?”

“Do you wannaGoToDinnerNextWeek?”

“Yeah Dan.” |HONESTY|


“Yeah! I do, I’m sorry for making you feel awkward this morning, I was just tired of John and waiting for you to work up to this. I’ve thought you were sweet from the start of my assignment here.” |HONESTY| “So, besides dinner, what do you want to do on our first date?” Kirsty looked at him deviously and took the oppurtunity to stand and stretch, pushing her chair back.

Dan swallowed hard and looked her square in the chest. “Uhh, whatever you wanna do? We could go watch a movie or something.” |MISLEADING|

“Dan, Do you know what this computer back here tells me? Has anyone shown it to you?”

“Yeah.” he blushed. |HONESTY|

“Look at me Dan. I’m stuck back here in this glass box allll day, and you come in here for lunch and sit there and look sexy and I wanna hear what you wanna do to me.” |INCOMPLETE| Kirsty Giggled. “Danny Boy, Tell me what you wanna do to me.” She stuck her thumb in her mouth and spun the monitor around so Dan could see. “Cause I wanna Kiss you, and rip your shirt off, and slide those jeans down, squeeze your cock between my huge jiggly tits,” She reached up and pulled her shirt and bra off with one motion, letting her chest bounce free as she continued, “Suck it, stroke it, feel it deep inside of me,” She climbed on top of her desk, “I’m gonna pull my fingernails down your back then roll on top of you and fuck you till neither of us can walk.” She pushed her big tits up against the glass as the computer flashed: |HONESTY|.




“You okay?”


“Pull your cock out for me.”

“Uh, Okay, I’ve never been, I mean I knew you were beautiful but-”



“Shut up and enjoy it.

Holy shit… Is that all you? Fuck, I want that in me.” |HONESTY|

“God, I want that too.” |HONESTY|

“Your turn to tell me what you want to do to me Danny Boy.”

Dan sat there rock hard and stared at Kirsty. He began to remove his shirt. “You’re crazy you know that?” |HONESTY|

“Yeah.” |HONESTY|

Kirsty slid off the desk and shoved her pants and panties to the floor, making sure Dan could see her ass from across the room.

“Kirsty, first, I’m gonna take you wherever you want for dinner, then, I’m gonna take you home and let you have your way with me, but once we’re done that, I think I’m gonna start with those legs of yours. Kissing, and teasing, and slowly winding my way up them until I get to your soft smooth flower.” Kirsty sat down in her chair watching Dan and began softly sliding a finger into herself, mewling and gasping as dan spoke. “Then I’m gonna run those hands up over your hips and midsection, and lift you on top of me. I’m gonna kiss your lips, and neck, and I’m gonna bite just a little, all the way down to those perfect tits of yours.” Kirsty began moaning and drilling herself in earnest as he descibed his intentions, grasping one of her breasts as he spoke. “Then I’m going to suck one of those diamond hard tits into my mouth and slide my hand down to your pussy.”

Kirsty finally spoke: “Come on, yes Dan, Make me cum!”

“Once I’ve spread your wetness all over my hand, I’m going to curl my fingers up inside you and kiss my way down your stomach, then im going to flick and twist and suck and eat that sugary pussy until you-”


There was several seconds of heavy breathing before Kirsty spoke again, “Ho-lee Fuck. That fucking thing better say Honesty.” |INCOMPLETE| “Ah what do you know, you peice of shit, It’s only right half the time anyway.” |LIE| “oh, hehy Dan.” She waved, “I guess I gotta tease you a little more yet.”

Dan glanced at his watch, “Kirsty, you’ve got the next client in ten minutes, and I have to go get her. I’m not so sure thats a good idea.”

“Ah, fuck, you’re right, I guess I owe you then. I’ve gotta clean up and find something to get boob marks off this side of the glass. But Dan, forget next week. Wait for me outfront tonight, I’m taking you home big boy.” She winked.

“I can’t wait.” Dan said, smiling the whole time he dressed. Kirsty pushed the release button, and he stepped out.

Kirsty straightened her blouse and pulled her tits up from the underwire of her bra as she sat back behind her desk and reviewed the next file, “Evan Miller, Assesment for County Court.” She had turned the monitor back to her and was about to change to a fresh disk when Dan opened the door again. “Shit,” she thought. “I’ll have to do it later.”

“Hello Mr. Miller, I’m Doctor Lynn,” |HONESTY|

“Hello Doctor Lynn”

“May I call you Evan?”


“Thank you Evan, please have a seat.”

“This is all so strange to me Doctor.” |HONESTY| “Why are you behind glass?”

“Well Evan, It’s for both of our protection. We often have patients in here much more violent and dangerous than you.” |HONESTY|

“I’m sorry, that must be difficult for you Doctor, I wish there was something I could do.” |HONESTY|

“Thank you for your understanding Evan, Do you know why you are here?”

“John said I’m here to see you to determine my risk.” |HONESTY|

“Yes Evan, you’re here to show me you’re fit for the outside world.” |INCOMPLETE|

Kirsty continued interveiwing her Patients througouth the afternoon, none were so promising as Evan. Kirsty concluded he was a candidate for minimum security, provided he was willing to return at the end of the day for a final file review. She placed a new disk in the computer and disposed of their original interview, as Dan probably wouldn’t want that on a patient file, If someone saw her profile, well, she was on lunch.

At 5:15 Kirsty was pouring a cup of coffee when Dan opened the door. Evan entered and sat again.

“Hello Doctor Lynn.”

“Hello Evan.”

“Have you determined if I can go?”

“What do you think Evan? Are you ready to go? I’m not sure exactly why you’re in here.” |INCOMPLETE|

“I don’t think so.” |HONESTY|

Kirsty Frowned at the monitor before shaking her head. “How do you mean? You don’t think you’re ready to go?”

“Exactly.” |HONESTY|

“Why not? Our conversations up to this point have been going so well.” |INCOMPLETE|

“I’m not sure they have, I’m not sure we’re having the right conversations.” |MISLEADING|

Again Kirsty Paused, trying to figure out what she had been missing. “Why else?”

“John says I should stay inside.” |HONESTY|

“Why do you trust what John says more than myself? I’m the Doctor after all, he shouldn’t be telling you things like that.” |HONESTY|

“You’ve not been very good at it today.” |MISLEADING|

Kirsty took a deep breath, and exhaled. Evan Stood.

“I was almost ready to let you go, but in light of the tone of this interview, we’re going to have to continue tomorrow.”


“I don’t think we will Doctor.” |HONESTY| Evan took two steps towards the glass, smiling at the floor.

A chill went down Kirsty’s spine. “Dan will be here with the new code to take you back to your room any moment.” |LIE|

Kirsty Froze.

“No, that’s not what John says.” |HONESTY|

“What does John have to do with this? Why does it matter what John says?”

“John has Dan. I have you. John sees you with Dan, John doesn’t like what he sees.” |HONESTY|

Kirsty Picked up the red phone and it began to dial.

“You don’t have me, and it’s nobody’s business what I do or don’t do with Dan.” |INCOMPLETE|

The reciever connected and there was panic in Dan’s voice on the other end, “Kirsty, John’s lost it, I’ve been shot in the leg. He’s out cold now, don’t trust a word Evan says, I’m on my way but it won’t be quick…” static crackled as the line dropped.

“I’ll have you soon.” |HONESTY|

The clock turned to 5:30 and a soft click echoed through room 192.

“Dan can’t save you now Doctor.” |…| |…| |…| |LIE|.


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