BIG MAN & THE LITTLE GIANT chapter one (Erotic Adventure/Fantasy, DubCon, M/F, Masturbation, Mythical Beings, Size, Voyeurism)


Esmerelda was a shy young woman who never felt at home in the court of her father, King Herrick the Bold. Her older sisters loved nothing more than to tease her whenever their Nan’s back was turned. Esme, as her father affectionately called her, liked to sit alone on the banks of the river and watch the leaves drift lazily away.

Her sisters would always find her though, and commence their brutal teasing. Sometimes they’d even toss her into the waters, and Esme would get in trouble for soiling her dresses, even though Nan was well aware how her sisters tormented her.

One warm afternoon as she sat in her petticoats, dress drying in the sun beside her, Esme leaned back against a warm rock, secure in the knowledge that her sisters’ daily torment was passed and she would be free to lounge in the sunshine until dinner some hours in the future.

She decided to remove her petticoats and allow them to dry as well, and as she lounged back, fully nude, eyes closed she gloried in the heat, both from the sun beating down and the devilish pleasure of being so publicly exposed — even if she was protected deeply within her father’s kingly estate.

As she allowed her legs to part both sources of heat excited her and soon she couldn’t help but gently drag a slender finger over her engorged pearl, softly moaning as she caressed herself briefly before inserting first one, then two fingers inside the narrow cavity below.

She added a third finger and began to moan rhythmically and thrust her hips upward to match the motion of her self-penetration, increasing the pace of all three while pressing her palm sensually against her clit with each down stroke, until her orgasm shook her and she gasped in release, her legs clenching together trapping what had become all five fingers tightly inside of her as she shivered breathily.

Esme basked in the glow of her masturbation only for a moment. With the pent-up sexual frustration momentarily relieved, she quickly felt the thrill of public nudity become embarrassment and set about donning her mostly-dried underclothes.

Her breathing now more controlled and her mind once again more tuned to her surroundings, Esme suddenly heard a rustling in the trees a short distance downriver. As she struggled back into her still slightly-damp dress a towering shadow covered her, striking in her a chill that wasn’t wholly due to the blotting of the warmth of the sun.

Esme had never before seen a giant, and in fact believed the creatures to be made-up stories told to children to frighten them from straying too far into the woods, or to threaten the unruly into their beds when Nan was exhausted after a long day.

Of course she had heard the bards sing their songs about how her father the gallant young prince had slain one long ago to rescue her mother the future Queen, but again chalked that up to flights of fancy and bardic creativity. Certainly the legend helped elevate King Herrick’s stature in the realm and was nothing more than useful propaganda.

Except there one was — towering at least ten feet over her as she backpedaled clutching her dress to her bosom. From the very distinctive bulge pressing against his loincloth and the churlish smile splayed across his massive face, Esme was certain he’d been lurking in those trees long enough to have seen quite the show.

Despite her fear, or perhaps augmented by it, she felt that familiar heat rising once again. Nevertheless, she scrambled to her feet and turned to run in the direction of the castle, to her father and safety from this brutish creature who would surely eat her or worse…to be honest she found that she couldn’t remember the details of any of those oft-heard tales.

Esme managed no more than a few frantic steps before the beast leapt over her, landing with a resounding THUD that shook the earth beneath her, cutting off her path to escape and snatching the slender girl right off the ground in one meaty hand. She screamed, but knew that this far from the palace such effort was wasted.

“SHHH, LITTLE GIRL,” he boomed in a voice that reverberated right through her. She stopped screaming, recognizing both the futility of the act, and the risk of disobeying the command of the monster who quite literally held her life in his hand.

Instead, she tried to remember what the bards had sung about the nature of giants. Was she going to survive this encounter? Could she bargain her way out of this mess with her nobility? Flashes of lyrics ripped through her mind all at once, but most of them seemed inaccurate in the face of reality. Yes, her captor (for what else could she consider him) was huge, twice the size of any man she had ever seen at least, and yes, he was holding her off the ground, but he did not reek of putrid garbage nor was he harming her — in fact, he seemed to be quite carefully gripping her in a way that protected her from undue discomfort.

“What do you want with me?” she decided to ask, her voice comically small. “Please, let me go! My father is the King and I promise you all the riches you desire if you let me live.”

The giant seemed to be tiring in his careful grip to hold the girl aloft, and he shifted position to rest her bottom against the rather impressive tool at his waist, transferring some of her relatively meager weight to the stiff appendage that was more than up to the task.

Despite herself, Esme began to imagine what was hidden there and to her disgust and depravity wondered what it would feel like to have the tool buried inside of her instead of just throbbing under her. Subconsciously, she squirmed a bit to find a more comfortable perch, inadvertently (she insisted to herself) rubbing against the creature’s huge erection.


His voice continued to boom in waves through her very bones, an effect still terrifying and titillating all at once. “I would never do something so disgusting! Please, let me go right now!” she said, but the words that she had meant to sound indignant and offended sounded even to her raspy and longing. Her own voice was betraying her inner fantasies!


Before she could object again, even half-heartedly, the giant took off in a loping trot, rapidly covering an amazing distance. As he ran, Esme was bounced up and down repeatedly, each time rubbing and grinding against his enormous cock. Although the traveling didn’t last very long, she found her breath quickening. Desire flushed her face, and soon she was panting once again, though she did her best to hide it from the lumbering beast who no doubt was intentionally grinding her against himself to elicit just this effect.

Just as she felt the familiar first waves of ecstasy begin to take her the running stopped, and with it the bouncing and grinding. Frustrated, Esme tried to squirm and rub herself against him, only to be gently placed on the ground and released.

“Hmmpf.” She let her frustration show over the denied pleasure she was so close to reaching, then quickly composed herself and attempted to mask her outburst as one of disapproval.

“That was very crude behavior master Gundrake. Are you often in the habit of taking young women against their will? Do you have any idea what my father will do when he learns of this effrontery?…” Esme would have continued berating the giant for her treatment and capture, still hopped-up on the endorphins of the event and her near climax, but the giant had slowly disrobed, finally freeing the massive organ she’d been so recently grinding against.

As much as she wanted to be disgusted and run for the hills, she could not force her eyes from the glorious phallus stabbing proudly in front of her. With the beast towering over her, his member was right at her eye level, and ended mere inches from her face. This close, the beast smelled not foul at all but musky and earthy and oh, so tantalizing.

As if in a trance, she leaned forward and tentatively flicked out her tongue to taste her former perch, surprising even herself by the action. From the tip of the giant’s staff oozed nearly a cupful of pungent pre-cum, and shamelessly Esme lapped it down like a thirsty dog.

Esme was no virginal princess. She’d been deflowered years before by not one but all of the stable boys after a wicked game of “what’s under the petticoats,” and quietly had earned something of a reputation as a cockhound, which probably explained the treatment from her prim and proper (at least publicly) sisters…

While she had seen her fair share – and then some – of penises in the keep, none of them – no two of them combined even – could compare to the size the monster wielded. Esme had assisted the midwife many times birthing children in the court of her father and knew how resilient and stretchy the vagina could be, but she still wondered if it was possible to truly engulf this massive cock in front of her.

She reached up and with both hands combined could barely encircle it as she licked up and down the length, which rivaled that of her forearms. Opening her jaw as wide as she could, she carefully took him into her mouth while stroking still with both hands.

Though she only managed to take a quarter of its length her mouth ached with the stretching, but Gundrake moaned in obvious delight. The reverberations of his pleasure rumbled with such a low timbre that the tiny hairs on her neck and arms stood at attention, nearly as stiff as her nipples which poked out proudly, harder than they had ever been before.


Gundrake carefully extracted his thick manhood from her tender mouth, and carried her to his enormous bed made of furs and pelts from some of what must have been gigantic bears or fantastical beasts. Lying down, he placed the slender beauty on his belly, with her mouth again perched near his dick and her bottom facing him.

She was far too tiny in comparison for him to be able to reach her with his mouth or even his massive tongue, but as she returned to her oral ministrations with zest she felt him spread her legs apart and begin rubbing her with his little finger – itself the size of a healthy human cock – before slipping it into her. She groaned in fulfillment, her mouth slobbering and sucking, her hands grasping and pumping away.

As if he could sense her growing excitement, the giant increased the pace of his digital penetration and soon Esme could not concentrate on trying to consume the massive member as she gasped and moaned and pleaded for him not to stop until she shuddered and screamed out in her orgasm before collapsing in a saturated mess like a broken rag doll, panting to catch her breath.


With no further warning, the giant easily picked the girl up, spinning her around to face him, then lowered her dripping pussy onto himself with no further delay or ceremony. Esme was penetrated by what felt like a tree trunk, and despite recently fucking her whole hand and the very large finger of the giant, neither of those quite prepared her for the sensation.

The beast was not a monster though, and rather than impale her fully, he set her atop him buried less than a third inside of her – still a massive ride, especially considering the girth – but he paused to allow her to adjust, removing his forcing hands to gently stroke her face.


Esme felt the words before she heard them, and heard them more than once before she understood, as the giant repeated his question.

“I am Esmerelda, but called Esme,” she finally gasped, gritting through the pain of adjusting to the enormous tool only partly buried inside her. She tried to relax somewhat, and found herself growing somewhat numb down there as the stabbing pressure somewhat subsided.

“Have you done this before? Made love to a human girl?”


Esme found herself blushing at the compliment, then chided herself for being foolish – she’d been sweet-talked while riding a dick many times before after all…before long she stopped thinking at all as she rode her gentle giant to yet another shattering orgasm.


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