Songs From the Wood: Part 1 of a story I’m working on! Wood nymphs and witches and bondage oh my! [BDSM] [Supernatural] [F/f]

A Tale of the Transylvanian Concubines

Nadia lounged in her tree, enjoying the sun’s rays on her naked body and the feeling of the leaves and branches enveloping her. She smiled, listening to her sisters, the other dryads of this wood, sing to each other and tell each other funny stories. Nadia smiled, she was happy. The only thing ruining the moment was, of course, the hunger gnawing inside of her.
She knew she needed a meal, a tasty morsel soon, or she would wither away to dirt and leaves. But Nadia’s woods were old and twisted and easy to lose your way in. Sooner or later some soul would wander by while trying to find a way out. Nadia closed her eyes and scratched her back against the thorny branch she was lying on. She tried to forget her starving belly, but the hunger would not leave her alone. She needed food, as soon as possible.
And then, as if the woods had been listening to her thoughts, Nadia heard whistling.
It was faint at first, but it was definitely there. There was a strange, enchanting quality to it, a quality that was only enhanced when Nadia first saw the whistler herself.
She was a lovely young girl, at most 19 or 20, walking casually through the ancient and twisted woods with no fear. She wore a pair of sturdy boots that went up to her knees, a thick red traveling cloak and, as far as Nadia could tell, nothing else. Her young face was flawless and didn’t show the physical or emotional scars life imposes on everyone. The sweet thing exuded a sense of hopefulness and innocence. She was perfect, and it was almost a shame that she would have to die today.
Wordlessly, Nadia appeared before the girl. Nadia began kissing her immediately, rubbing her hands and body against the thick fabric of the cloak.. The girl returned in kind, passionately kissing Nadia back before pushing her to the forest floor and lowering herself down on top of the dryad. The girl then took her cloak off, confirming she was wearing nothing under it but her tall leather boots, and tossed it behind them.
They made love there, on the forest floor. The girl pinned down at the wrists and, without a word between them, they spent hours exploring each other’s bodies. Always, the girl was in control, holding Nadia down, restricting Nadia’s movement with her own arms and legs. She was surprisingly strong for such a young and small human, but this just inflamed Nadia’s infatuation more. Nadia and her lover rolled through dirt and brambles, neither of them caring. Nadia felt small thorns scratch her and worried her lover might notice Nadia had sap instead of blood, but the girl seemed too lost in passion to notice anything..
No matter how much Nadia wanted to keep this beautiful girl, she knew what had to happen next. She was a dryad and to feed she had to do what dryads do; seduce humans, consume them , and bury their heart underneath their home. Nadia would be fed, the forest would be fed, and life would continue as it always had. It was brutal, but then, nature was brutal and humans had started the war anyway.
The girl’s hands moved across every inch of Nadia’s body. She stopped and, brushing dirt from Nadia’s face, kissed her deeply again. “You are the most perfect woman I think I’ve ever seen.” she said. Nadia smiled, a genuine smile, not a practiced and seductive smile, but an honest reflection of her happiness in that moment.
“And you are the most perfect woman I’ve ever seen.” Nadia replied. She kissed her lover again. “I’m Nadia, what can I call you?”
The girl returned her kiss. “You may call me Rosu. Rosu the Red to be more specific” she said with a sly smile.
Nadia stopped. Rosu the Red was a witch, a powerful witch who made her home in Nadia’s forest. The dryads knew of her, she had been another local witch’s house slave until she murdered her mistress. Nadia’s sisters whispered that she spent her nights in strange orgies with vampires and werewolves or poisoning men and women she had seduced away from their homes. Rosu was dangerous, and Nadia had been filled with enough hunger and lust to find herself pinned to the ground under that danger.
Nadia tried to pull away, but couldn’t move. She tried again, and found her limbs would not respond at all to her commands. She could do nothing but stare up in terror at Rosu’s face.
“I want you to always remember this moment. You wanted to fuck me so badly that you not only let me scratch your body open, but you let me rub poison into the wounds. Always remember how easy it was to capture you. Now, sleep my little pet.”
Nadia struggled to keep her eyes open, but it was no use. That smiling face, that beautiful face with its youthful innocence replaced by cruelty , was the last thing Nadia saw before she lost consciousness.
Nadia awoke to the feeling of cold metal at her wrists and ankles. Rosu was in the process of securing a similar shackle around her neck. She could tell by the dull tingling that they were made of cold iron. Rosu knew what Nadia was, and how to keep her under control.
“What is this?” Nadia asked, much more bravery in her voice than there was in her body.
Rosu laughed as she attached a heavy chain leash to Nadia’s collar. “You can’t really get upset at me, little leaf, or am I wrong in believing you were planning to rip out my heart and eat me? I just happen to be a better monster than you.”
Nadia struggled to reply, only managing, “But, but, but…”
“You lost, Nadia. Now come, it will be night soon and I must get you home.”
Dragged by the chain at her neck, Nadia had no choice but to follow. She had never left the forest before. The air stung at her skin, and the grass bit at her bare feet. Behind her she heard her sisters cry out for her, but Nadia knew they were powerless to help her now that she had left their home. No one could help her now. She was at the witch’s mercy.
