Students mom (F40?) and her professor (M35) at a University Open Day

A true story I’ve posted before, now with more details and a hopefully new audience :)

For a few years I have run my departments contribution to the university Open Days. Three times a year, prospective students and their parents/friends/siblings pile onto campus to check us out and see if they want to study here. The university puts on a big show of it all, trying to attract the best students possible.

Each year I give a general talk – an introduction to the field and a few canned jokes that I know go over well – and when that’s all done (circa 30mins) people have a chance to shuffle up to the lectern and ask the same three questions (What are the entry requirements? What should I put in my personal statement? Why should I come here rather than X university?).

Normally the kids are, well kids. Disengaged, embarrassed, on their phone, etc. Their parents run the gamut from pushy a-hole know-it-alls to totally-overawed-omg-university first timers. The dads are typically the worst, trying to impress you what they’ve done or how they’ve ‘achieved so much and never even went to uni’.

One year, a mother (lets call her Natalie) and a daughter (let’s call her Jasmine) came to the university. Natalie was maybe early 40s, that standard mom long bob cut over a jacket, nice shirt, and those high-waisted mom jeans before they were cool. Jasmine was the standard, sulky teen I personally hate teaching (I am not here to motivate you, leave if you want!). We started talking, and it was clear Natalie was a bit out of her depth, which is understandable given we were the first university they visited. After a while the rest of the crowd petered out and we fell to talking about the department facilities. So, since I was at the Open Day anyway and was tired of the same three questions, I offered to take them on a tour.
We walked around the department a bit, I showed them the lecture halls, the study spaces, the computer labs. Standard sorts of things. As Natalie and I walk, dragging the sullen Jasmine behind us, she starts to tell me how grateful she is and she’s excited about Jasmine coming to my uni. As we stand on the landing, Natalies enthusiastic smile and Jasmines low-energy glare, finally:

“Mum, can I go and meet my friends? They’re going to get something to eat”.

“Oh course, do you know where you are meeting them? Do you know where you are going?”

A heavy sigh from Jasmine as she turns and leaves. We chat a bit more and Natalie mentions that since she recently got divorced she has had to learn new stuff, it’s been a challenge but she’s enjoying it more than being married.

I ask if there’s anything else she’d like to see while we’re here, and she mentions that she hasn’t seen my office. I take her up the long stairs to where my office looks out over the main university hall, tallest building on that side of campus. As she walks just a bit ahead of me, I can see her ass against those jeans, even though they are doing nothing for her figure.

Once we arrive and get in the door, she turns and even I am not stupid enough to miss that look. She leans up and puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a kiss. Her kiss is fierce and eager and I pull her jacket off and let it fall to the ground. We stumble back towards my desk. This is a big, banker style desk – the ones with the inlaid green leather – that I salvaged from the refurbishment, and I pushed Natalie up against it. As we kiss her hands were fumbling with my trousers, trousers I could already feel starting to strain as my cock grew harder at her groping attempts. With some help I pulled my trousers down, letting my dick come loose as this cute 40ish mom dropped to her knees in my office, her daughter off with her friends, and started to energetically swallow my dick.

Maybe it had been some time since she’d done that, but the rust was offset by the sheer enthusiasm. Her hands drifted behind me, and she was willing me deeper and deeper into her mouth. Not wanting to cum too quickly, I pulled her up, kissing again as I ran my hands firmly down her jeans and under those wide mom pants to clench that ass which had teased me all the way up the stairs. Soon we had them down and across the floor like her jacket. Natalie still had her faded knickers on, and as she rummaged for a condom in her purse I slid my fingers around the side of her panties and started to rub her pussy. She was wet – not a little, not a suggestion – but wet like she had been wet for a while. She started to eagerly rub herself against my hand, still searching as her bag spilled onto the ground.

“I have one” I smiled, “but I’ll need my hand back” and I withdrew my slick fingers to open my wallet. As I did, she took my cock in her hand and slid it between her pants, riding along the length of my dick as she hugged into me. Once the condom is free from his tiny plastic prison, I pulled my now slick cock out from her warm pussy and put it on, whilst she removed her broadly ruined panties. She popped up on the desk and I laid her back, sliding easily inside her. And so Natalie was laid out on a desk, taking the cock of a lecturer she’d met that day, and loving it.
I go to remove her top, but she intercepts my hands, putting one on her shoulder (which I use to ruthlessly pull her in towards me) and one to her face, where she starts to suck my thumb. She must have been close to the edge already because within a few minutes of this she bites down a little on my thumb, hips bucking back into my pelvis as I go root deep inside her. As she clenched, quivered and came, eyes closed, I gently rolled her over onto her side for smoother access and with a few deep thrusts came too.

We laughed. Then we got slowly dressed, and before we left the office she gaves me a big, deep and kinda sloppy kiss. Checking her phone, she has a bunch of messages from Jasmine demanding to know where to meet her. I walked Natalie to the bottom of the stairs and out into the university quadrangle. She smiled broadly, waved goodbye, and rejoined the crowd.


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