Apartment 303 – Chapter 5: Second Opinion [MF]

*Author’s Note: Wow, what a weekend so far! First Jamie, then Charlie… Does Tracy also desire Kelly? Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *to find previous chapters, other stories, and erotic photos. Enjoy, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 5: Second Opinion -**

I woke with a boner so stiff it hurt. Fragments of my dreams were still crystal clear in my mind. Flashes of Jamie’s nipple in my mouth, Charlie’s juices running down my chin, Tracy’s ass cheeks spread apart. I clung to one final fragment of all four of us in a naked sweaty orgy, each one of us moaning each other’s names. But as dreams do upon waking, the image faded like a Polaroid in reverse. The morning light and the smell of coffee persuaded my eyes to open.

Tracy greeted me with a bright smile as I dragged my feet into the living room. “You a coffee drinker? Just brewed some.”

“Yes please. With cream if you have any.”

“I got you. So how’s everything going? Didn’t see you at all yesterday.”

Tracy walked over, two streaming coffee mugs in hand, and plopped down next to me on the couch. The coffee was an identical match to her complexion. She was in her jogging clothes with a sheen of sweat coating her skin. “It was good. You already go for a run?”

“Yeah, I’m an early riser.”

“That’s an understatement, it’s only 7am.”

Tracy arched her eyebrows in acknowledgment, sipping her coffee. “So, what’d you get into yesterday?” I told her about Charlie’s campus tour, minus the juicy part. “I’m glad she showed you around. That girl pretty much lives in the library. What you got on the docket for today?”

“I have to run some errands. I need some stuff for classes tomorrow and some groceries.”

“I gotta hit up the grocery store too. Want to go together? We can swing by the shopping center. There’s a Trader Joe’s and Target there.”

“That’d be great. You don’t mind?”

“As long as you’re driving,” she smirked. “There’s a clothing store there too. I’ll cruise in there while you’re in Target.”


“It’s a date! I’m gonna jump in the shower. You want to whip us up some scrambled eggs and toast?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said in my exaggerated drawl.

Tracy laughed, “I knew I liked you Kelly.” She shot off the couch and headed into her room. I couldn’t help scanning her long legs all the way up to her firm ass as she walked away.

Tracy had showered and was in her room when Charlie emerged from her room. She was wearing a pink robe and matching slippers. She slid past me in the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Good morning,” I greeted her. “You want some breakfast?”

“Just some toast would be great, thank you.” She sat on the couch, putting her feet up on the coffee table.

With a cheeky smile I said, “I like the color of your robe and slippers. Pink must be your favorite color.”

A puzzled look was on her face, clearly not getting my joke. “Yeah, I guess so. Although I’m not five, I don’t have a favorite color.”

Cheeky smile still on my face, “It’s just that everything of yours that I’ve seen is pink.”

It clicked and Charlie blushed a little. “Well, I have one other thing that you haven’t seen that’s also pink.” Then she winked.

“Steve’s little brother?”

Charlie giggled, “No, but I’ll give you a hint. Steve likes it a lot.”

At that moment Tracy popped out of her room. Charlie and I both shot our attention to her. Tracy froze, “What? Why you both looking at me?”

“Nothing,” Charlie and I said in unison.

“Oh kaaayyy. Anyways, is breakfast ready?”

We all ate at the table together. I invited Charlie to run errands with us, but she had plans with some friends. Tracy washed the dishes while Charlie and I finished our coffee. Thankfully Tracy didn’t investigate Charlie and my awkwardness any further during breakfast, however, in the car ride to go shopping, Tracy asked, “Were you and Charlie flirting when I came out of my room?”

“What? No.”

“Sure you weren’t,” her tone thick with sarcasm. “Charlie’s cute and I know for a fact she’s freaky in bed.” *Tracy knows for a fact. What the fuck does that mean?* “But please don’t fuck her and make things awkward in the apartment.”

*Oh fuck. Does Tracy know something?* “I won’t. Why do you say that? You think I’m trying to get with my roommate after two days?” My voice raised a little in defiance.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to assume. I just really don’t want to find a different roommate. Our last roommate was a nightmare. Like a literal nightmare. That’s why I suggested a male roommate to the girls before you moved in, and I think the four of us have good chemistry so far.”

“I get it. And yeah, maybe I was flirting with Charlie a little, but that’s just who I am. I’m a flirt.”

“Alright Mr. Smooth,” she chuckled. Her tone returned to serious right after, “It’s just, Charlie is a romantic. She reads these cheesy romance novels all the time, and I’m just looking out for my girl’s heart.”

*Me breaking Charlie’s heart? More like she’s gonna break mine.* “Okay, I’ll be on my best behavior from now on. What about Jamie? She seems tough as nails.”

“Oh yeah, she can be scary, but she’s really sweet and kind underneath. But don’t go fucking her either!”

“Jesus, I’m not going to fuck any of you. Relax.”

Tracy pouted and gave me exaggerated puppy dog eyes, “You’re not gonna fuck me?”

“Whoa, what? I’m confused.”

“I’m fucking with you Kelly. Turn right here,” pointing towards Target.

I stood next to my car after putting the stuff I bought at Target in the trunk and texted Tracy, “Done. You ready for TJs?”

She replied, “Almost. Can you come into Victoria’s Secret? I need your help.”

I walked through the lingerie store thinking Tracy needed me to carry some bags to the car for her, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. I called out her name and Tracy yelled from behind a changing room door, “Kelly, is that you?”

“Yeah. What do you need help with?” The door flashed open, Tracy grabbed my shirt and dragged me in the changing room with her. “Geez, what the fuck Tracy?”

“Sorry, I need a man’s opinion on some items.” I was taken so unawares by her hauling me into the changing room it took me a second to realize Tracy was only wearing a bra and panties. “What do you think of these?”

The matching purple lace lingerie complemented her skin tone perfectly. Her tits were pushed together by the bra just right. My mouth started to water. “Fuck Tracy!”

“Is that a good fuck?”

“I mean, yes. But are you just fucking with me again?”

“No, I really want your opinion.”

“My opinion on lingerie?”

“Yeah, it’s just underwear. Get over it.”

*These girls are gonna give me a fucking heart attack.* I took a deep breath, “Fine. Yes, I like the color of these. Pull your hair up.” Tracy grinned and gathered her long curly hair in her hands. She had a long, elegant neck, perfectly complimenting her tall, thin physique. My eyes traveled down, admiring her sculpted abs. The lace panties didn’t leave much to the imagination. “Turn around, let me see the back.” Tracy spun immediately, then went up on her tiptoes, engaging her leg and ass muscles. The lace on the back covered about half of her firm ass. I could see her ass crack through the lace, making my mouth water even more. “Yeah, these are great.”

Tracy spun back around to face me. “Yeah, you think so? I need a new pair of sexy lingerie. If I was standing in front of your bed wearing these, would you get hard?”

“Tracy, I eh. I …”

“Just hypothetical. Would you?”

“Definitely yes.”

“Okay, but there’s option number two.” She bent down and grabbed the other set off the small bench. I reached for the door so I could wait outside while she changed, but she said, “You don’t have to leave. Just turn around.” I obliged and while facing the wall I shifted my rapidly growing boner to hopefully not be obvious. “OK, you can turn around.”

She was already holding her hair up, a sultry look in her eye. Besides being red, the bra and panties seemed to be the same as the purple ones. Lace, same shape, same fit. After looking her up and down, I said, “I like the purple ones better. The color is better on you.”

“You haven’t seen the back of these ones yet.” She repeated the spin and lifted up on her tiptoes. These panties were a g-string. After ogling her ass behind running shorts, then lace panties, I finally saw her wonderful posterior. It was so smooth and firm. My erection was at full strength then. “So, you like what you see?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled.

Tracy giggled, reminding me of Charlie, and spun back around. “I guess you do like what you see!” Her eyes were staring at the bulge in my pants.

I fidgeted with my hands, trying to cover up. “I’m sorry. Natural reaction to seeing a beautiful woman in lingerie right in front of me.”

“Don’t be ashamed. I brought you in here for a reason, and your reaction tells me I should go for the purple ones, but with the g-string panties.” I nodded like an idiot. “Cool, thanks for your help Kelly. I’ll be out in a sec,” she said while opening the door with one hand and pushing me out with the other. I tripped over my own feet as Tracy gave a final shove, stumbled, then looked up to see the cashier giving me the evil eye.

“I eh… She just needed a second opinion.” The cashier shook her head disapprovingly and returned to her work. *God, this is so fucking embarrassing.*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/u1k5p1/apartment_303_chapter_5_second_opinion_mf

1 comment

  1. Hmmm, maybe Tracy is just a tease… I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…

    Reminder: All previous chapters and other stories can be found at r/KellyBoomErotica. Visit [Visual Stimulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/KellyBoomErotica/comments/tyhrys/visual_stimulation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to see erotic photos and videos from my favorite content creators. Share the love you show me with them!

    I haven’t had any new pussy photos in my DMs recently, so DMmeYOURpussies!

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