Ok bath house it is.

I have been trying to find the right place to explore with a
guy for my first time. My 2 biggest dreams/fantasies have always been a MF
couple where she talks me into my cravings. Or a gay couple making out and they
pull me into the mix. Years later still looking for either. I have not been
looking that hard but at the same time. I really thought it would have been
easier to find.

Then the lock downs came around and I put it on the back
burner. I guess that was a good and bad thing. Good it gave me time to really
do some homework on things I was open to. The bad is it also opened my mind up
to some much more I never thought I would be willing to do but now crave.

With all the down time this has led me down some big rabbit
holes and started looking at all kinds of apps and sites.

When the lock down was lifted, I waited and wanted to see
how things went. But I started chatting a lot more on some of the apps. I found
all kinds of guys. Some jump at anything and that scared me. I was still scared
of covid and someone that was willing with out any real chatting made me feel
like they were not safe.

Then I found a couple of guys that I thought would be what I
was looking for, for my first. But they wanted to have car play. Even as a kid
I didn’t really like playing with a girl in a car on a date. So, I knew I
didn’t want car play for my first time.

Most can not host at all. I even tried the share a room
thing once but he backed out.  As
everyone knows apps are full of fakes and flakes. Again, I was not looking all
that hard. But the times I did try. It just didn’t work out.

Then I thought maybe a glory hole. But that just kind of
grossed me out. Sticky floors. People not cleaning up etc.

Now came the thought of a bathhouse. I have read a lot about
them. But there are none by me. I’m in a small town. But a do move around for
work a lot so there is a chance. So, deep down a bathhouse has been in the back
of my head.

I was on a site and was in a chat group and I found out that
there was a new bathhouse only about 45 minutes away from where I live. Reading
this made my heart jump. Was this really something that can happen now?

I let this fester in my head for about 6 months. Then I
started looking into the place. Found out it had some really good reviews on
how friendly the place was, how clean it was etc.

One day I woke up and said, it is time. So, I made a booking
locking in a privet room. They had a couple of different levels. I wanted a
place to be safe if I just wanted to hide. I wanted to place to slowly come out
when I was ready and not feel rushed. Also, a place to play if I was lucky
enough to find someone. I’m not sure I could play my first time with others

I get there and, in the waiting, room is a young guy filling
out paper work in a corner.

I walk up to the counter and I swear my heart is going to
beat out of my chest. The guy hands me the paper work and I go to fill it out. As
I work on mine the young guy gets up, drops the papers off at the desk and

I bet he felt like me. I’m so close to running out also. But
they already have most of my info from the holding of the room. A couple of
minutes later the guy comes back and he pays and they walk him back.

I take a deep breath and think. If he, can I can.

I get set up and they walk me back. They give me the 50-cent
tour and then leave me at that room. I go in and breath. It is a nice room.
Couch, chair, massage table, Shower, etc etc.

I find myself walking around the room. I walked by the
shower 4 or 5 times. Then it hit me. That would be a good idea. Take a long hot
shower to relax.

I do and I feel much better. I look at myself in the mirror
with just a towel on. Then I try the robe. I think to myself. The robe feels
better. But I don’t want someone thinking I’m shy and not say hi to me. I will
just use a towel.

What am I still doing in here? I didn’t come here to hide.

I walk to the door and take a deep breath and walk out.

Standing there in the hallway is the young man that got here
when I did. He is in and hall in his rob looking down.

I stop, hello?

He slowly looked up. Is this your first time here?

He softly shakes his head yes.

Same here and I’m freaked out.

He looks up to me.

You know, I’m not 100% ready to go out there either. Would
you like to take a breather in my room before you go out?

He shakes his head yes again and I hear a soft please.

We walk in and it is nice a quiet in there. He has a seat on
the couch and I pace a little. We do not say anything to each other for some

Then it hits me I didn’t ask him if he would like some water
or anything. I get a bottle out and walk it to him.

He looks up and smiles and takes it. I set next to him and
tell him to relax. We are not in a rush.

Thank you.

We start talking and I find out how he got there and how I
got there. We started really opening up and it was so nice to have someone to
talk to.

So, at the end of the day, we are both bi male to male
virgins. And we are both there to explore. 

Hearing all of this and talking to him and seeing that he
really is a cute guy. Should I ask him if we can help each other?

He doesn’t want a guy my age. He will want to meet someone
his age.

As I’m looking down on him, he slowly lifts his head up and
looks me in the eyes.

I come out and ask. Would you like us to help each other to

He shakes his head yes. I see his eyes drift off to my bulge
under my towel.  I almost put my hand
over it as I feel my face turn bright red. 

I lean back to give him easy access and so he can look all
he wants.

I see his breathing getting deeper.

I tell him he can touch it if he would like. And that brings
him back to looking in my eyes.

I slide off the couch and slide between his legs. His legs
are push tight together but The whole time we do not lose contact.

My hands find his legs and I feel his body shiver and a
small whimper as I touched him for the first time.

I stop looking him in the eyes. If you would like me to
stop. Please tell me, ok?

He shakes his head yes. But I still do not move.

Looking deep in my eyes. He gives me this pleading look.
“Please don’t Stop”

Hearing that mad my cock twitch. I softly slide my hands up
and down his legs now and the more I do the more his robe opens. My hands are
up on his hips slowly pulling him closer to me. His robe opens more and showing
his smooth chest. The air makes his nipples rock hard and it makes my mouth
water. I lean in and I kiss and suck on one of his nipples. I soft little
whimpering yes slips out of his mouth as I did this. I lick and kiss and suck
more on it and then move to the other.

I grip his hips and ass as I kiss his nipples. Pulling his
robe open even more.

I open my eyes and look down and I see it. I pause as I’m
almost a little shocked. He sees me looking and pausing. He grabs his robe and
closes it and tells me. It is ok. You don’t have too. I know it is….

I say “beautiful.”

He looks up at me like I’m just saying that.

No really you have a beautiful cock. It would be my pleasure
to have that be my first.


God yes really.

My last girlfriend freaked out and left after she saw it.

I move his hands and open his robe back up.

Here is this guy maybe 5’2 100lbs. with a cock on him that
stands out. Now it is not the biggest cock I have ever seen on someone. But it
is the biggest I have ever seen in person. Not that I have seen many. But on
his size of body, it looks big. I would say he is all of 7 1/2”-8” not supper
think, but again next to his small frame. Looks impressive.

I take his hands off his robe and slowly open it back up
looking him in the eyes again. I bend down looking him in the eyes and I lay a
soft kiss on his legs. His eyes close and I hear him breath out. I start to
kiss more on his legs from side to side. Working my way closer to him.

I softly slide a hand between his legs to help open his legs
a little. As I lay more kisses and now some soft licks on his legs.

My face is now right at the head of his cock and it is just
laying there between his legs. I can feel the heat coming from it. And it
happens. My tongue touches it for the very first time. I feel it twitch and a
soft moan.

I lick it more and his head falls back and his legs open a
little more. I lick the shaft now and it feels like it is on fire. And his legs
open more.

This is when I see his balls for the first time. They were
tucked between his legs but as he opens up that hang so nicely. I grip his hips
again and pull him to the edge of the couch. I’m in aww of his cock as, as big
as he is. I’m shocked he has enough blood in his body to fill it. But here it
is getting harder and harder and it is sticking out and not falling to the ground
and his balls are hanging nice and smooth between his legs.

I kiss my way back up between his legs and the head of his
cock is rubbing my face now as I kiss to him. I look at it and I can’t hold
back. I grip him and I run my tongue around his head. He moans out and his eyes
close and his head falls back. I wrap my lips around it and suck for my first
time using my tongue to run around his cock head making it nice and wet.

I now try and take more of him and the practice I have done
on my wife’s dildo when she is not home is helping and I take a lot of him in my

I make it a point to make it so wet as I try and take more
and more of him in my mouth.

He is gripping the couch and moaning. And that turns me on
so much.

I take a deep breath and try and deep throat him. I feel his
head hit the back of my throat and I gag a little. I pull back and regroup. I
suck a few more times and then I push deep on him and I feel the head of his
cock push past my throat.

He starts to shake and moans out “oh fuck.”

I take him again and this time I feel his hand on my head.

Fuck “I’m going to cum”

I slowly suck and work him the best I can and the more I do
the more he moans and the longer his hands hold my head.

I speed up a little and I feel his hand grip my head and
stops me.

Looking in my eyes. “I’m going to cum.”

I lick his head and take him back in my mouth.

He moans out “oh fuck”

I feel him holding my head as I suck and I start to feel his
hips rocking with me.

I feel the head of his cock swell and his body start to

I keep sucking and it hit. I hot shot of cum fills my mouth.
I almost gag as it is my first. So, I swallow and keep sucking. I keep feeling
his fill my mouth and I slow to a nice soft sucking and lick.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/tyjsx7/ok_bath_house_it_is