Commonly Asked Questions About My Hyperspermia

To preface, hyperspermia is defined by medical professionals as a condition in which a man ejaculates twice as much cum as the average man produces. Below is a collection of questions I have been asked since making the Reddit community aware of my condition.

1. Are your penis and testicles larger then average? What is your length/girth and size of your testicles? Do your testicles increase in size as the pressure builds over the day?

Both are larger than average, but not what I would consider to be out of the realm of normalcy. Official length is somewhere around 8.9 inches (hoping so badly for that last 0.1 but I’m not about to fib yet) with a girth of 6.3”. Not sure how to measure my testicles in all honesty but they can vary from what I could only describe as large ping pong balls when empty to golf balls when full, but these are super rough estimates. On a related note size and pressure do increase throughout the day, but weight is the most noticeable, and pressure presents itself as leaking precum.

2. What is the volume in (oz or ml) of your ejaculation and how far do your spurts go? Are you able to aim it somewhere consistent (toilet/cup/towel/etc), or are the spurts too powerful?

Thanks to a handy google search about the brand of shot glass I own, I can apparently do up to 27 mL (a couple mL less than an ounce) on a 36 hour recharge, and about 18 mL on a per-orgasm basis if it’s multiple times a day. Never measured distance but I routinely hit the wall behind me in bed so maybe four feet with a lot of edging? The spurts themselves aren’t too powerful to be controlled, more so the pleasure and the jumping/flexing of my cock mid-orgasm.

3. How many spurts / how long in seconds do your orgasms last, do you think they are more intense then the avg person? Do you have to vocalize or can you keep quiet? Does the sensation of orgasm last as long as you are ejaculating or does one last longer than the other?

The usual is about 10 spurts but can be more or less usually depending on the thickness of the cum and stimulation. Definitely vocalize which is a huge problem being a high school senior and having thin walls (I’m 18 though no worries). Sensation can last much longer since the “pumping” of whatever mechanic causes an ejaculation continues for another 10-15 seconds after the ejaculation is done.

4. What’s the longest you can go without ejaculating, how much does the load size increase, does it start to hurt if you don’t, how many times do you have to ejaculate per day to remain comfortable? How many times can you ejaculate in one day before the volume starts to decrease? How long can you hold off from orgasm during sex? What’s the fastest you can cum from sex/masturbation if you are trying? How long is your refractory period?

Four days is my absolute record, but that was hell and it is probably not gonna happen again. Load size increased dramatically, at least doubling which makes me wish I had measured it. Usually 3 times a day to be totally comfortable, and always right before any running or strenuous activities as full balls hurt like hell and will bruise while doing that. Referencing back to my previous response, yes they not only get sensitive but hang much lower and are therefore more prone to hurting like crazy. Anymore than 4 times a day and volume will start to decrease from the usual per-orgasm amount. I can usually hold off for about 35 minutes on average (not totally sure though, haven’t set a stop watch yet, that might make things awkward) when actually having sex but that’s subject to a lot of factors. If I really try while having sex I can cum in about 15 minutes, and if I really try during masturbation I can cum in about 20. Refractory period is probably about 30 seconds.

5. What things do you have to do with hyperspermia that most other people don’t have to do?

Have to take a break in the middle of the day to get that third orgasm in if I want to be able to think/act normally, have to cum before any sort of exercise unless I want my balls bruised from swinging, have to change my sheets often and ask girls twice “yes, are you really sure you want it in your mouth?” as a disclaimer.

6. How do you catch such a large load when you masturbate?

I genuinely don’t, I just let it go wherever and lick up whatever I can find. Sometimes I’ll use a shot glass if I’m trying to impress someone.

7. What was puberty like with this condition, did your parents know, was it that much volume from your first ejaculation or how fast did it develop during puberty? At what age did you first ejaculate, when did it reach full volume? What is your current age now?

Still somewhat in puberty being 18, but the heat of puberty (11 through 15 for me) was ridiculously horny and very messy. My parents don’t exactly know but around ages 13-14 I was interrogated constantly for the chronically clogging shower drain until I got wise and didn’t cum there anymore. I would say ejaculation reached the peak amount at my current age as I am putting out more than I ever have before. I first came at age 9 or 10 (I forget). Current age is 18 as I have mentioned.

8. How messy were your wet dreams during puberty, do you still have them now? Are they the same volume as your typical ejaculation? Do you typically wake up before the orgasm starts? If you do, is there any way to stop it? Have you ever been able to hold it back long enough to get to the bathroom in time or catch it in anything?

Didn’t have many wet dreams as I was always very sexually minded and was careful to unload every chance I got. When they did occur, it looked as if the bed had been pissed, but the slimy-ness and viscosity of it could convince anyone of what it was. I typically stayed asleep for them, and the one time I did wake up I did not attempt to stop it since I wanted to feel it under me.

9. How much precum do you produce, ever measure it, do you leak precum during the day? Do you ever spurt precum before the actual orgasm?

Have not measured it but that definitely is something I’m gonna try after this. I often do leak small amounts of precum during the day which get progressively larger depending on how long it has been since I have ejaculated, and strangely enough the leakage increases drastically if it is warm wherever I am. I spurt precum with much the same intensity as a real orgasm before almost all of my orgasms.

10. Are you able to edge, or does the building pressure not let the feeling of orgasm subside when you stop stimulation, how much does the volume increase?

I used to not be able to edge as the building pressure would essentially force it out of me, but I’ve been practicing and have gotten a hang of it, although I still can’t let myself get very close to an orgasm as once it even starts to go it will not stop. Edging, when done successfully, probably adds a solid 50% to my orgasms and drastically increases the force with which I ejaculate.

11. What does it feel like when all that volume is building up inside you, do you feel it just in your testicles , or elsewhere as well?

Besides the physical weight and pressure in my testicles, it mostly manifests as more of a drive. Everything becomes about releasing, and the only sensation on my body I can really focus on is anything occurring with my cock/balls.

12. Have you ever had a spontaneous orgasm while awake due to the pressure building up? Do you leak cum/precum if aroused?

Definitely leak significant amounts of precum when aroused, though I have yet to leak real, thick white cum without actually orgasming. I have had one spontaneous orgasm, set off at a pool party when it had been almost 3 days since I had last ejaculated.

13. How often do your condoms burst during orgasm, what type do you use?

I use Durex XXL, can’t possibly sing enough praises about that brand. They’ve never burst during use, they always just expand and expand to catch everything. Praise to Durex. However prior to finding Durex I had two Trojan condoms burst inside of the same partner, which were the only two times I used a non-Durex brand. Don’t buy Trojan.

14. How long do you typically have between when you pass the point of no return to when you begin to ejaculate? What’s the longest you can hold back the orgasm after passing the point of no return? Do you have enough time to prevent the condom from bursting or warn your partners?

I usually get a maximum of a 5 second window after the point of no return, accompanied by a steady stream of anticipatory precum. This would be enough time to warn someone usually, but the intense pleasure and muscle spasms that come with it prevent most warnings from coming in time.

15. What do the muscle contractions feel like during ejaculation, does it ever hurt / cramp?

They cause cramps somewhat often, usually during sex in which I’ve already been using my hip/lower body muscles a lot. Sometimes they occur during masturbation, but much more rarely.

16. How long between spurts, is it the normal ~0.8 seconds?

I’ve never measured so I would say that sounds about right? I’m not sure honestly, sorry!

17. What does it feel like to ejaculate that much, can you describe what it feels like as you orgasm?

A heavy tingling, the feeling of my cock opening up a bit, and then the almost uncomfortable feeling of so much thick fluid being forced through my cock. It genuinely feels really warm and the bigger loads can be slightly painful in a good way.

18. As you start approaching orgasm, can you feel the ejaculation building up(more pressure in your testicles / prostate etc…), fluid building up or being pumped around? Can you sense the volume building specifically in your prostate/testicles, or is it more of a general feeling in the whole lower abdomen? What sensations do you feel in your genitals and ejaculatory glands (tingling, twitching, pumping, pressure, etc…)?

My prostate tingles like crazy, both before and after an orgasm. I don’t feel any sort of pumping around business, but definitely a generalized increase in pressure in my lower abdomen in general. My balls tend to jump a few times and my cock expands rapidly, getting thicker and twitching around.

19. As you pass the point of no return, what do you feel happening inside your body as it prepares to ejaculate (muscles tensing/pumping, fluid moving, etc…, the “biological mechanics” if you will, of such a large ejaculation)?

Basically every muscle in my body tenses, as if my brain is commanding “don’t move an inch, make sure it all gets in there.” Very helpful evolutionary but not in the modern world. The pumping is extreme and it almost feels like a generalized effort down there, as well as the sensation of that much thick fluid being forced out of my cock that I mentioned earlier.

20. Can you actually feel the flow of the ejaculate inside you being pumped from your testicles or prostate?

I can 100% feel my prostate pumping, but I cannot feel the actual flow of any liquid, just a moving pressure.

21. Have you ever tried supplements to increase your volume further, if so which ones did you try?

I have not.

22. How did your orgasm/ejaculation change with the supplements (time / spurts / volume / intensity / force of ejaculation)? Any other effects in terms of the buildup throughout the day? Did you ever try increasing the dose further to see how big a load you could have, if so what happened? Are you still taking them, if not why did you stop?

I have not tried any supplements.

23. Have you seen a doctor? Did they perform a sperm count, what were your official numbers (volume, sperm/ml)?

I’m quite happy with being a kinky weirdo with a fucked up sex drive so I have not seen a doctor, but my self-administered tests put my official numbers at roughly 27-30 mL with a good full-day recharge.

24. What have your partners thought?

Some loved it and some have been disgusted by it. Just to demonstrate the completely polar reactions I’ve had: where one girl became extremely upset over how her entire upper body was all slimy and demanded a towel, another routinely demanded that she be allowed to have me cum in her mouth with only the tip of my cock in her mouth, so she could gather a full mouthful or two before swallowing. Sadly haven’t found anyone yet who really has a total fetish for it.

25. Any particularly interesting stories of a hyperspermia ejaculation / experience you would be willing to share?

Aside from the pool party spontaneous orgasm, which is limited to private conversation due to how embarrassing it was, I once unknowingly left a huge puddle in my ex’s car’s backseat/floor which a guest later stepped in, then sat in while trying to get their feet off the soggy car carpet.


1 comment

  1. I used to cum an extreme amount like you and could shoot quite far. I’m 39 now though and it’s gone down to a small trickle

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