Peter Parker x Pepper Potts. My first sex story, please let me know what u think! -Emily

Peter Parker x Pepper Potts, set around the end of Spiderman Homecoming.

Peter had just gone through what was probably the most eventful week of his life, what with defeating the vulture and losing his girlfriend, but quite possibly the most shocking part was Mr Stark offering him a job at Stark Industries!! He’d had to decline, to focus on being a good neighborhood spiderman, but at least he had something to fall back on if that didn’t work out.

Miss Potts, however, had some more extreme methods of convincing in mind. While some might say she was “out of her prime”, Tony thought she was the perfect one to entice Peter into the company. They’d figured out the perfect way to slowly lure him in, and eventually have him on their metaphorical business leash.

Peter hated school now. He had to put up with regular old biology class while criminals were running rampant all around New York, but today there was something somewhat interesting happening. A pep talk from some business women about some business thing. Better than solving math problems. Peter took his seat in the lecture hall, on the front row right between Ned and MJ. But the Lecturer that walked onto the stage took him by surprise:
“Miss Potts?” He thought to himself. She was dressed very differently to usual. A short cut black dress that barely went below her thighs, black gloves going up to her elbows, with black boots curving just up to her knees.
Peter hadn’t noticed before, but Miss Potts was actually quite attractive.
“No pete! Stop thinking about that stuff! Its pervy and gross! Focus on the lecture”

Pepper tapped on the mic a couple of times to test it, and began speaking.
“Hey everyone. Sorry to make your day even more boring, but I’m here to talk to you about the science of…relationships! Now I know, I know, that might sound a little weird, but hear me out here. You’re all teenagers, right? Which means you’re extremely hormonal, which in essence means you want: relationships! And while its teeeeechnically against the law to perform sexual relationships for you guys, lets be real here, none of us are gonna be able to stop you.”
The crowd of students began muttering among themselves, while Peter wondered what on earth was going on. Ned nudged his arm;
“Hey, isn’t this-”
“Yea, shh.”
“Anyway” Pepper continued, “Im sure youre all wondering why I of all people am telling you this. Well, its because I want to present to you”
She slipped out a small packet from between the crevices of her breasts, leading to murmurs from the crowd.
“The Popper! The world’s first nanotech condom! Tired of not being able to fit those tight little things on? Well now you can avoid all the trouble with the push of a button! So get buying, because we can only produce so many at a time! Thank you!”
She skipped off the stage while the crowd erupted into conversation.

Peter knew it was wrong, but that entire presentation had aroused him beyond belief. He escaped among the crowd, and ran down towards the mens restroom. He blasted the door open, only to see…

“Miss Potts?!”
“Oh, hey Parker.”
Pepper was leant against the window, puffing on a cigarette.
“Uh, Ma’am, this is the mens room…”
“I know, I know.”
“Then why are you…”
“Tony isn’t pleasing me.”
Peters face instantly rushes red, and his erection spikes.
“Sexually, I mean.”
She put out the cigarette, dropping it to the ground.
“So I came here looking for some more attractive young men who could do a better job.”
“Uh, M-Miss Potts, I’m not sure if you realise, but everyone in this school is kinda a l-little un-”
“I know. But by the looks on their faces when I walked on stage, they don’t care. And by the look on your crotch, you don’t either.”
Peters jaw dropped even further, and he began babbling some nonsense, before Pepper stepped forward and placed her hand on his crotch.
“Peter. Considering your…” she ran a finger along his shirt
“…special…strength and resilience, I’d say you’re the perfect candidate.”
“Stop talking and get these clothes off.”
Pepper threw herself at Peter.

To be continued…
