[MM][Noncon][Anthro][mpreg] The dragon grabbed the general and hissed in his ear. “You belong to the dragons now,” he snarled, “and we’ll never set you free.”

They had all been knights that had defended the tower from dragon assaults for months but now the ancient gray stones had fallen. Dragon fire had covered the land and melted the snow into treacherous ice and the dragons, in their half-man form, supped wine in the conquered tower from the golden cups that had once served grand human Kings.

The fire roared in the central tower and the remaining knights were brought into the main room and forced to their knees.

“What handsome men,” the dragon said, swirling his wine in his monstrous claws, “they’ll do nicely for our mates.”

“You monster!” spat one of the knights, “We’ll die before we submit to you!”

“The King’s army will come,” another said, “and you’ll be done for!”

“Ah but by the time they make it here,” the dragon said, “we’ll be long gone. And you, our fair and lovely maidens by that point, won’t wish to be parted from any of us.”

The knight’s face took on a fearful cast, “what- what are you talking about?”

“Gods, they’re going to force us to lay their eggs,” the young general said, “you fiends! Just kill us instead and spare us the humiliation!”

“Break them all,” the dragon said, “I want their general, young and pretty as he is, to beg me to defile him by the end.”

Such terror moved through the once brave men but soon it gave way to the sounds of debauchery. Dragons swiftly chose their favorites, the small brunette, the large and beautiful blond, the pretty red headed mercenary from foreign lands, forced to his hands and knees.

The conquerors huge dragon bodies swelled and heaved. They forced their massive cocks down the struggling men’s throats, they spewed their hot semen into them, their immense strength overwhelming the once great knights. And even their general couldn’t help but choke on dragon cock.

One by one, the unfortunate knights began to change. Horns burst from their head with a painful ecstasy, their teeth sharpened and fine scales burst over their skin.

“Yes, yes!” the dragons laughed, “our women are being made!”

“I’m not your woman!” one of the knight’s shouted.

But his cries were silenced when a massive, scaled cock was forced down his throat. And dragon skin was as hard as iron, there was no injury any man could make against them without a finely honed weapon in his hand.

One of the inexperienced knights, a young dark haired man, began mewling before all the rest. The dragon put his scaled hand around his neck and smirked.

“Time to make a real bitch out of this one,” the dragon growled.

And with a roar he had mounted the human knight. Fucked his hole until he screamed and cried out. Until the cum was spewing from his insides in great large gobs.

And all the other men were treated the same, their newly made horns grabbed rendering them limp and forced onto their backs. Mated with such viciousness that they could only cry and moan as they were mercilessly fucked by massive, scaled monsters.

And the leader of the dragons swirled his wine in his glass and beheld the general of the once great knights. His pretty white horns curving out of his head, his panting pink tongue extending from his mouth and the trail of semen dripping from his beautiful, shapely backside.

“Say it,” the dragon said.

The general winced in pain and soul deep suffering. But he couldn’t resist, none of them could. As the sound of slapping flesh and loud whining moans attested.

“I-” the general hesitated, he flushed with shame, “please.”

“Please what,” the dragon said, eyes glinting eagerly.

“Please mate me,” the once great general of the knights said, “I can’t stand these feelings!”

“Sit on my lap,” the dragon said, “and I’ll put eggs in your stomach. Enough to have to lay them out for weeks.”

Trembling with need and shameful desire, the general climbed up on the scaled and large lap of a dragon. He aimed the huge scaled cock against his twitching, ravished hole and sank with agonizing slowness down on its tip.

The dragon grunted, grinning maniacally as he viciously thrust upwards seating himself deep enough to make the mighty general moan like a defeated whore.

These knights were well skilled, excellent at their dragon killing arts. And still, once they were caught off guard, they made such moaning, trembling bitches on huge dragon cock.

The dragon grabbed the general and hissed in his ear.

“You belong to the dragons now,” he snarled, “and we’ll never set you free.”

The general’s eyes rolled up into his head, the ecstasy was too much. All he could feel and think had been obliterated by the cock pounding into him. The eggs being fertilized in his freshly made womb and the thought of being fucked again and again by dragon cock.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tt7i64/mmnonconanthrompreg_the_dragon_grabbed_the

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  1. Hey everyone, I hope you liked this short story. I post flash fiction on my own subreddit with dark themes involving mpreg, fantasy, monsters, vampires and more. I also have links to a master list of my free stories on my profile over there. Feel free to drop by! Thanks for reading! r/molagval

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