Man whore turns girl into a nympho Part 2

Sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes

When I noticed her, I instantly straightened up and kept my eyes on her. Although she didn’t have the biggest tits or ass that I’ve seen but to me that’s not always an immediate deal-breaker. She still had a nice sized ass, which had enough flesh to grip onto and a good set of boobs I could grab onto while pounding slowly into her and me looking intensely at her while she’s  giving me seductive yet begging eyes. 

I broke that fantasy by closing my eyes and shook my head and told myself now wasn’t the time to begin thinking about this sort of stuff in front of a line of more than half a dozen customers. But as usual once those thoughts come in they seem to never get out for me and of course when I quickly glanced down, I saw my crotch area bulging and throbbing. I made a small groan noise out of frustration. I looked up trying to keep a neutral face and began asking the man for his order. As he was talking, I made quick glances behind him to see she was the last in line waiting patiently.

By the time the line was left with only the girl and the other woman, I figured out a plan to try and have her end up in my bed by tonight. I was aware the job wasn’t the most glamorous or dignified but I could still manage to pick plenty of girls using my charms and dashing smile, which seemed to always work like magic. 

As the woman stepped out of the way with her order, the girl took steady steps towards the counter with her thick and wavy brunette hair bouncing alongside her. Ah, I can finally see her up close. Her eyebrows were thick and dark but not obnoxiously so. Her blue eyes stood out because of her darker shade of eye makeup and eyeliner, which also made her  look seductive  yet somehow angelic. Her lips were full and plump, which was perfect to be able to suck on while making out or to bite while caught in the moment of sex. I could feel swelling begin again downstairs. 

We both gave each other a bright friendly smile at the same time. I did delay my tactic by a few seconds because of my staring and I hoped that wouldn’t affect how the plan would end. I put on a more casual and laid back approach that I didn’t do to the extent with other customers and leaned my crossed arms on the surface, so I could be more at a eye level with her, while still maintaining my flirtatious and cheerful smile. 

“Hey babe, How are you doing today?” She was clearly a little taken back by how friendly I was being and her cheeks became rose coloured. After the minor shock, a few seconds later she responded with, “I’m doing well, Thank you” and gave me a cheerful smile that matched my own. 

I leaned in a few inches and half whispered like I was telling her a dirty secret “I’m going to say this just in case no has today but you’re goddamn beautiful and you have an absolutely stunning b-”

“Hey Rhys, you better order this girl’s food and stop pestering her or I’ll do it myself!” Lewis’ booming voice made the girl jump back a little while Rhys just straightened himself back up again, used to Lewis telling him off. “Sure thing big guy!” He spoke back. Lewis just closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled through his nose and looked towards the girl and gave a small smile and said “Sorry about him”

He turned back to her and did what he was told. “What would you like?”. She quickly glanced at the menu on the board above that was clearly too old and worn out. She said her order which was clearly just the first item she saw. I gave her a smile and said “Coming right up”

I leaned down in the same position as before, and asked her age. “19, finishing up at school in the next few months.” She responded. I celebrated in my head for a few seconds when I heard her age was legal. “Well I guess me being 27 just shows how far past I am from my glory day” I said looking around the place where I worked. “Surely doesn’t feel like that most of the time with all the school work we’re made to do. It can be stressful sometimes” She said half jokily-half complaining. 

Perfect opportunity. “Well you know I wouldn’t call my a professional stress reliever or anything but I can consider it to be a hobby of mine.” My tone wasn’t giving away anything just yet. “Oh really?” Her eyes were filled with curiosity of what I was getting at. “I mean yeah, I’d definitely say it’s more different and…personal than your regular one, which I think can be the thing that can completely unwind any stress you had about school and anything else…” My voice is now filled with suggestion and lust by what I was actually meaning.


She definitely caught on by judging by the mischievous and small lust in her eyes with a slight tilted grin. I mirrored her face too except I had a big wolf grin instead to show how happy I was that she understood what I meant . I reached over to get a small crumpled up piece of paper and wrote down my address and 7:00 which was when I usually make it home. 

By then, her container of food was placed next to me which I placed between us on the counter. At the same time, I gave her the note and she gave the money. When she looked at the note her expression began to alter slightly like she was ashamed of what she was holding and reading. I pretended to be obvious of her and said “I’ll maybe see you later then?” She looked at me and then down at the note, reading it again. She gave a small nod looking down but nothing confirmative. She thanked me for the food and walked towards the door at a faster pace than when she initially came in. 

Just as she was leaving, I watched as she quickly pocketed the note inside her handbag…

Note: Sorry if you expected the sex scene in this chapter but it will 100% be in the next and the others

(Spoiler)If you read the shorter version, you know she has a boyfriend but I’m not sure if I should have her break up with him soon after the hookup or keep them together for longer after. What would you suggest?
