paying off college [NC]

You reread the letter again for the 5th time before shredding it in frustration. While you had done well in school, it wasnt good enough to get your scholarship extended. You could take out loans for the semester, but honestly it was way too late for that. You needed the money now.

A few weeks go by and you’re leaving class. A strang offering was given to you in the nick of time, and you were just desperate enough to take it. It wasnt anything like the normal “maid” services or “companionship” posts, this one was upfront with what they wanted. They would pay you through college, provided you serviced every horrible sexual desire they had. There was even an end point, provided you actually finished college. And with you being on your last semester it was the best option.

Even though you agreed to it, you were still dreading the first phone call. It never came though, you were instead grabbed and pulled into a car as soon as you walked out of your last class. Your eyes were covered, a knife was run tenderly over your pants to get them opened faster, and a dildo was inserted into you. You cried out, half in pain, half in fear, as your pussy was violated before you were ready. Each bump of the road sends it jolting against you, stretching you out nicely for what was to come.

What was to come wasn’t what you expected however. You were picked up and carried into a house after nearly an hour of driving and dumped into an unsettlingly surgical feeling chair. You were strapped in, the tear in your pants made bigger. Your aching slit was shaved, leaving you bare to the world. Finally, you feel the searing pain of a tattoo gun, leaving an unknown symbol right over your bald mound.

Of course you hadn’t agreed to this. Of course you screamed and cried and begged to stop. You said you’d get the money back, you’d work some other way, if only I’d stop. But it was too late, wasnt it kitten? Too late, but it hadn’t even really started.

Without giving you any time to recover, you’re released. You try and get up and run immediately, but you fall, tripping over yourself and landing on your knees in front of me. You feel my fingers grip firmly down on your nose, forcing you to gasp for air. Of course, the moment you do my cock is down your throat. You remember the knife from earlier, knowing it was in your best interest not to bite down. And so you took it, gagging for air, tears running down your cheeks as I make you fucking throat my cock. This goes on for what feels like hours before I finally let you breath.

You cant even get a word out as I reposition you on your back, can you? Just wordlessly sobbing as you feel my head pressing into you. And just like that, your worst fear was confirmed.

You were soaked.

You were wet for me, your little cunt already broken as I bottom out in you over and over again. Your sons catch in your throat as you feel my veins throbbing inside you. You even let out such cute little moans. And when you cum? When you finally milk my cock into your unprotected slit? Your mouth opens for me, your rape all but forgotten as you cum harder than you ever had before.

But reality always comes back, doesnt it? At some point you passed out and woke up back home. You have to sprint to class, showing up almost 30 minutes late. Your assignments for the night forgotten. You didnt have any time to do your assignments, earning you the ire of your professors. When you get home and your boyfriend surprises you in your shower, he notices my seal over you. He sees how puffy your ruined little cunt is, how my cum is still leaking out of you. He leaves, wordlessly. And of course after you go back and finish your last class, it repeats.





Your classes start again. Professors have you marked as a lost cause. You get no sympathy. Over and over again.

Your midterms come. You fail. Your job just keeping you too busy.

The end of the year comes. You dont have anywhere near enough credits to graduate. And so loans become due again. But I specifically told you this was a one time thing. That your debt for one semester didn’t end until you graduate. Why would I give you even more?

What could you possibly have that i want? Are you gonna get your tattoo turned into a nametag on a collar? Maybe if you’re a good whore I’ll let you move in, letting you save that much off of the next loan you need to take out.

And the next semester? How could you possibly give me more than you already had? The last thing you could do was leave your birth control back home, forgetting about it.

Don’t worry pet, by the time you fail this next semester, you won’t have been going to class for weeks anyways. Your hands are too full. You’ve got a new full time job paying your debt, and you fucking love every minute of me violating your pregnant body. You love your daily milking sessions. And you love the markings I gave you all over your body.
