[gay] Frat house slut

Sorry if the storytelling isn’t the best this is my first time posting here but feel free to dm me if you want to hear more.

So this all began at the beginning of my sophomore year while we were looking for another member too join the house because we had a extra room. that’s when we met (Alex) now Alex isn’t your regular looking guy, he was a lot more smaller and had some girly features to him so we quickly turned him down. Fast forward about a week we were still looking for a roommate but we weren’t really in a rush to find someone. So was pretty late In the evening when we get a knock on the door and find Alex on the other side asking if we’ve found someone for the room. We told him not yet and immediately he starts pleading and begging us to let him live here and try’s to make a deal saying he would make sure the whole house is kept clean. And if you’ve ever been in a frat house you know how dirty it can be. We still didn’t really want him there but another guy says tells him we have to haze him trying to scare him away. He gets excited and quickly agrees. So we let him in and he rushes too the empty room to check it out. Now my roommate and I are tying to figure out how to get him out of here. Sony roommate says what if we tell him he has to suck all of our dick as his hazing there was no way he would do that we though. We all agreed and went into the room he’s in and to tell him if he wants to live here he would have to suck our dicks. I could tell he didn’t want too but agreed to it. We were not excepting I’m to say yes and didn’t know how to respond and stood there for a bit before one of my roommates went up to him and started to take his dick out. I couldn’t see much but saw didn’t know what to do with it. Now up too this point I always though I was straight but watching this was getting me hard and before I knew it Me and my other roommates were standing around him letting him take turns on us. He got hesitant at some point and tried to stop but my roommate held him down and we took turns fucking his mouth and after that he was loving it. He sucked us all of until we all came on his face. After that we let him move in and I used him pretty much everyday. That was my first gay experience and I loved every minute of it.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tnfmd0/gay_frat_house_slut

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