MF – Employee retention program 1/x

Applied Dynamics was hurting. 1/3rd of their engineers gave notice when they were asked to return to office, and it turns out /all/ of them had better offers a week later. Offers paying rather more than Applied Dynamics could reasonably pay.

Jane, the VP of HR, has been charged with solving this problem. Now, Applied Dynamics didn’t have budget to go more than 10% over current salaries, which is less than some competitors are paying, so Jane was told to look for “creative solutions” to the problem, and offered a large bonus, if she were able to retain 80% of the remaining engineers through year-end, with smaller boosts if the retained a few key employees.

Jane set to work right away; She commissioned several ‘anonymous’ surveys; only Roy responded; he wanted free snacks (he really likes cheese) in the break room; (a problem cheaply solved, though Roy wasn’t the best performer. Still, he’d count at year end)

Jane read over several of the exit interviews. As usual, they revealed nothing; nobody wants to make waves, right? and this probably just means that other companies are paying more. She picked one file, Tom. Tom was a top-performing engineer; one she would get a nice bonus for if he would have stayed through the end of the year, but he quit just this morning.

Jane had nothing.

Well, I guess she had Tom’s phone number. “Hey Tom, this is Jane from HR. Yeah. I just had some more questions. no, Yeah I understand you already did the exit interview. Well, if you are busy, what if we meet at the bar tonight?” It was unorthodox. She was VP of HR. But, she heard, a lot of tech companies operated that way. “Oh, come on. I’ll buy” – the promise of free drinks? sigh. corporate wouldn’t reimburse booze. It was worth it, though, if she could talk him into returning, or even just get some ideas for retaining the rest of staff.

Jane dressed carefully; she wanted to look professional, but relaxed. Attractive, but not too sexy. (or… the thought flitted through her mind; but she pushed it aside. that was crazy. She could feel herself getting a little turned on, but pushed the idea from her head.)

She arrived at the bar on time, in a skirt that wasn’t too short, but wasn’t too long, and in a nice, but casual shirt, with Two buttons undone.

Tom was 10 minutes late. She sat at the bar, “gin martini, wet” – (Last time she asked for a martini, she got a glass full of cold vodka. what is the world coming to?) In spite of herself, she was a little nervous, and by the time Tom arrived, she was half way through her second.

“I’ll have a Miller” “Uh, hey,” he says, nervously trying not to stare at her chest, in that awkward way he had, “thanks for the beer” “How are you doing?” asked jane, her best conversational smile, “what have you been up to?” the two questions didn’t really make sense together; was she getting flustered? Tim, the awkward nerd. Jane laughed to herself, but all that came out was a professional smile; unlike Tim, she was a professional people person.

“Oh, pretty great. I’ve got a month to play video games before I start at Feta. And they gave me a huge rase! almost 50% more than I’m getting now! I mean, I’m grateful for what Applied Dynamics gave me; it was a good wage, but half again as much? that’s hard to turn down.”

It was just innocent banter; Tom was genuinely joyful, and had no grudges. He also wasn’t really aware of social mores surrounding talking about money.

Jane tried to talk with him about video games; she meets up with her nephew monthly for what she calls “consulting sessions” about games. It actually really helps when trying to relate to workers!

after her second martini, she gets a manhatten. “Here, try this” she gives the drink to Tim with a wink. He blushes deeply and tries it; being unused to mixed drinks, he takes a much larger drink than expected. “Hey, this is pretty good” he says, Cocktails were something she really was passionate about. He gets another, and at this point, while they aren’t /drunk/ well, the professional thing to do would be to switch to water for a while.

“you know,” says Jane, “Cocktails are one of my favorite things.” she smiles, and Tim thinks he hears an emphasis on the ‘cock’ – probably just imagining it. Jane orders another round, but each time she makes sure that Tim drinks his own and half of hers.

At this point, Jane is feeling a bit flushed. But Tim is pretty drunk.

“So,” asks Jane, less smoothly than she intended, “Is there anything I can do to get you to come back to Applied Dynamics?” In spite of herself, she raises her eyebrow suggestively, and feels something of a tinge in the bottom of her stomach.

Tim doesn’t pick up on it at all. “No, probably not. I mean, your company is fine, but, like that’s a lot more money. They have better perks, too; three meals a day, and the food is good, and beer on Fridays.” his eyes are no longer awkwardly avoiding her chest. He’s practically staring a hole in her top. It’s not that he’s not into her, Jane thinks, he’s just not picking up that she’s flirting. “But, I mean, it’s mostly the money.

Jane excuses herself to the bathroom. She unbuttons the third button on her blouse. “Am I really going to do this?” her stomach does that thing. She finds herself turned on. “If I’m going to do this,” she says to herself, “I’m going to have to get through to Tim that I’m doing this” – clearly, Tim didn’t expect someone like Jane to actually want more than his technical skill.

It’s going to take more than the third button. Jane takes a deep breath, and takes off her panties, and puts them in her purse. They are a bit damp; This is not how Jane expected the evening to go.

Back outside, she sits down next to Tim and orders another drink. “Lets get a booth” she says. They walk over to the semi-private booths, carrying drinks, and Tim is surprised that Jane sits next to him rather than across from him.

“Are you /sure/” she stares him in the eyes, her glistening lips slightly parted, ” there is /nothing/ I can do to get you back?” she leans forward, allowing the much taller Tim to see entirely down her blouse. “Anything at all?” Tim turns scarlet; He tries to say something, but no words come out. Jane puts his hand on her thigh, slowly moving it up towards her wet, exposed pussy.

Tim’s eyes were like saucers; he was gently stroking Jane’s pussy, and it was driving her wild.

This is not at all what Jane had planned…. or was it? She had shaved. “Meet me in the unisex in two minutes” she wispered in his ear.

one minute and twenty seconds later, he was in the individual bathroom, locking the door behind them. “If you come back, I’ll let you fuck me” Jane said. She lifted her skirt and dropped it, wiggling her hips a bit.

Tim’s pants were around his ankles in zero seconds flat. “No, no,” Jane pulled some paperwork out of her purse, “Sign first. Tim started to try to read the paperwork, “This is just a 5% raise” he says… you said…” but Jane got on her knees, and took his cock deeply into her mouth, swallowing around his rigid shaft. Coming up for air, she looked up at Tim, his uncut cock resting on her upturned face, and she said “Just sign it and fuck me”

He did.

Jane tried to stuff the paperwork back into her purse as Tim bent her over the sink and started railing her. He clearly hadn’t done this in a long time, but he was enthusiastic and strong and lifted her up and down on his cock. Her feet left the ground; she was supported by Tim’s strong hands lifting her hips, and her hands on the sink. after what couldn’t have been more than 60 seconds, Tim came with a groan, absolutely filling Jane with cum. “he must not have cum for weeks” she thought, as he gushed and pulsed.

Tim set her down. “That was wonderful” he said, “I’ll see you monday” – he zipped up, smiled and left.

Jane was a mess. Her makup was wrecked, there was cum running down her leg that was getting on her skirt and she was smiling. She cleaned up as best she could and put her underwear back on, to try to control some of the seepage, and exited the bathroom.

“one down” she smiled to herself.
