MF Employee Retention Program 2/x

Jane woke with a bit of a headache. That… wasn’t at all what she had planned. I mean, maybe a kiss or something. But fucking him in the bathroom? that… This is probably going to have consequences. Oh well.

How many more? to meet her quota, fewer than 10 engineers would have to quit this year. She’s already got one, so that’s progress, if he stays. Nothing in that contract really means he has to. damn at-will employment law. She got up, and a giant glob of cum ran down her leg. While showering, the considered how to do this. She would go through the list of ‘bonus’ engineers who had already quit and try to bring them back. That’s the ticket. She smiled.

Toweling off, she decided to head into work, even though it was Saturday, and get the phone numbers of the ‘high value’ engineers.

Flipping through the files, she decided to work on Joe this evening. Joe was a tall, pleasant looking guy; he was almost smooth enough that he could have made it in Marketing, but he chose Engineering instead. “Hey Joe, this is Jane, you remember me, from Applied dynamics. Yeah, no, this isn’t about work, I was wondering if you wanted to get drinks tonight? Six, at club avalon? sure, sounds good.”

Jane brought home a copy of the files, bought a sandwich and headed home.

This time, she dressed a little more forward; a nice, tight short dress that left little to the imagination. Panties were clearly visible through the thin fabric, so she left them at home.

Jane arrived early at the club to fortify herself. The drinks here were not the best, but she wasn’t doing this sober. Two vodca cranberries in, Joe arrived. “My, you look nice.” he shouted. The club was really quite loud, not really a place to talk. He had a double whiskey, and they headed out to the dance floor.

For an Engineer, Joe was an excellent dancer. Between his moves and the drinks, Jane felt this might not be so difficult after all. As they couldn’t talk, not really, on the dance floor, Jane took his hand, got two more drinks, and took him out back. She kissed him, he kissed back. “No, wait, stop” she says, as his hands started slipping under her dress. “I need to talk. This actually is about work; too many people have quit, and we can’t afford to beat Feta on salary. If you agree to come back, I’ll let you fuck me. Otherwise? no.

Joe chuckled. “Sure, ” he said, and Jane had him sign the paperwork right there. again, she found herself stuffing the papwerwork in to her purse as her date bent her over between two dumpsters, lifted her skirt, and began railing her from behind. “Oh yea,” says joe, “Totally worth it.” he reached down, lifting her dress up and off her, leaving her completely naked. “Hey!” she says, but he holds her down with his other hand, “Ill give it back when I’m done” he says. She finds herself getting wetter at the idea of being completely naked and at the mercy of this man who really should have gone into marketing. He runs his hands over her body, accidentally dropping the dress in the dirt. “Fuck” he says, ejaculating deep inside of Jane. “Get on your knees and clean me off” he says in a commanding tone, and Jane finds herself obeying. So intent is she on licking their mingled juices off of his still-hard member that she doesn’t notice the phone until she sees the flash; the photo captures her wide, surprised eyes, with Joe’s large cock resting on her upturned face.

“The fuck?” she says, scrambling for the phone. Joe laughs. “Ill see you monday” he leaves Jane, naked, between the dumpsters, and walks off. Jane finds her dress, brushes it off as best she can, puts it on and catches an uber home, leaking cum on the seat the whole way home.

“fuck” she thinks about the photo. “This is going to have consequences.”
