General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 5: Trouble at the Castle [MF] [fantasy] [non-con] [creampie]

“I want to bring this. And the blue one. Oh, and that one over there too!” Olivia directed her handmaidens as they helped to pack her clothes. I had to remind her a few times that we were going to be moving on the battlefield and setting up camp in the plains, not going on a holiday to the Erkin Mountains, least she decides to bring the entire castle with her.

I haven’t had the heart to tell her that we would not be bringing any of the handmaids along with us when we leave the castle. We would have to leave them behind. It’s enough hassle travelling on the battlefield with several dozen prisoners of war AND a princess. Having a handful of handmaidens tag along just seemed to be taking things a little too far. Telling her would have to wait.

Olivia’s mood over the past few days had been as erratic as the weather over the Dramadian Sea, as she struggled with her conflicted mind, juggling her love for Clayton and whatever it is she’s feeling about me. She woke up yesterday morning in high spirits and we enjoyed each other’s company in bed the entire morning. By dinner time, she was crying and asking to see Clayton, refusing to let me near her. She seemed to be in high spirits today.

After she was done packing, she tagged along with me as I headed to the place-of-arms to inspect the troops. I sent a man to look for Lieutenant Morgan who was late for the inspection, determined to give him a stern talking to for his tardiness. He must be busy with one of the handmaidens again, I figured. I inspected the troops together with Lieutenant Dylan, making sure the soldiers had all their equipment ahead of us moving out the next day.

Olivia and I took a stroll in the gardens after I were done. We chatted as we walked, her telling me about how miserable life was as a princess. All the things she was not allowed to do, the places she was prohibited from going. I rather enjoyed listening to her complains. I hesitated when she asked me about my past, but relented when she pressed, recounting to her my troubled past.

“General!” a soldier called out as a couple of them ran towards us. “Something’s happened at the prison cell.” The soldier announced, trying to catch his breath. “The…the knight…he’s gone.” The other soldier added.

I hurried back to the castle with the soldiers and headed down to the basement, Olivia following closely behind, trying her best to keep up with us.

When we arrived at the basement, Lieutenant Dylan was waiting for us together with a handful of soldiers.

“Oh gosh Amanda!” Olivia rushed towards the handmaiden sitting on the ground holding on to her broken ankle.

I looked around the basement at the open empty cell and the bodies of two of my men lying on the ground in their own pools of blood. One in the cell, another along the hallway. The body along the hallway next to the handmaiden caught my attention and I took small uncertain steps towards it.

“General…” Lieutenant Dylan spoke, his voice trembling, eyes sombre.

No. No it can’t be. Please don’t let it be. I felt my knees wobble as I stumbled towards the body lying face down on the ground. I got down on my knees and grabbed hold of the man’s shirt and lifted, flipping the body to face me.

“NOOOOOOO!” My entire world shattered the moment I saw his lifeless eyes staring back at me. “No no no no no. Nooooooo…” I brought his languid frame into my arms. “NOOOO!!!” I howled, holding on to the cold dead body of the only family I had left in this world.

“Morgan…morgan…” I sobbed. “WHO? WHO DID THIS?” I shrieked in rage as I looked around the room.

I crawled towards Olivia and the handmaiden and shoved the princess to the side. I latched onto the handmaiden in fury as I shook her. “YOU! IT’S YOU! YOU FUCKING GEORIAN WHORE! YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” I raised my arm and swung at her cheeks with the back of my hand. The force of my blow sent the handmaiden tumbling to her side.

“Stop it! Don’t hurt her! Please!” the princess begged, holding on to my arm to prevent me from striking the handmaiden again. “Lock all the Georian whores up! Make sure none of them leaves their room!” I commanded as I shoved her away once again.

Lieutenant Dylan and the soldiers escorted the princess and the handmaiden away, leaving me alone in the basement.

I stayed by the side of Mogan’s body and mourned the loss of the person whom I went through so much with, the boy whom I struggled and strove painstakingly to bring up. Whom I swore over Leah’s dead body that I would give my life to protect. My best friend. My brother. My only family.


Dinner was a solemn affair. Morgan was well-respected by the troops. We drank to his memory. He was a masterful strategist and an imposing leader on the battlefield. We drank to that too. Off the field, he was a great friend to the troops. We drank again.

“Fuck Georia!” Lieutenant Dylan yelled. I downed another cup.

“I’ll castrate that fucking knight myself!” one of the soldiers roared. I emptied yet another cup.

“I’ll have the fat King’s head!” another hollered. Someone refilled my cup again.

On and on it went, as we drank into the night.

SMASH! I slammed my yet again empty cup onto the table and it shattered to smithereens. “Tomorrow, we march! Straight to the fat bastard’s palace!” I bellowed, to cheers of affirmation from the troops.

The princess was already asleep when I returned to the room after draining the castle of every last drop of alcohol. The guard standing watch outside the door greeted me as I stumbled drunkenly into the room, waking her up from her slumber.

“Arthur… You’re back.” The princess whispered. I ignored her and proceeded to change out of my alcohol-stained clothes. She came up to me and stroked my arm gently. “Are you feeling alright?”

I shoved her away from me, incensed, and she landed onto the bed. Feeling alright? I had just lost my only family that day, and she’s asking me if I’m feeling alright? I glowered at the princess on the bed, absolutely livid. How could I be so stupid to fall for her act? That pitiful innocent charade. To think I almost fell for this bitch. Blinded by her shitty hand job and pathetic blow job while she schemed behind my back to rescue her beloved knight and murder my dear brother.

I glared at the princess sprawled on the bed. Her sleeping gown rode up to the middle of her thighs, revealing to me her smooth creamy thighs. Why have I waited so long? What was I even waiting for? How was I so foolish to be hoodwinked by this Georian whore? I should have fucked this slut in the dining hall on the very first night!

The princess sat up on the bed and our eyes met. Panic set in as she caught on to the obvious look of uncontained rage and unbridled lust in my eyes. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for something, anything, that could help her. She put her hands out and pleaded. “A-Arthur. Please… I know you are upset, but-” I grabbed hold of both of her hands and shoved her onto her back before she could finish spewing more lies.

“NOO!” she wailed as I ripped her gown into shreds.

My cock strained, begging to be freed from the restrains of my pants. I let go of her hands and sat up to pull my pants down when I felt a kick to my face. “Fucking bitch!” I sweared, tasting the blood on my lips as my palm connected with her cheek.

Dazed by the force of the slap, the princess stopped struggling for a moment and I took the opportunity to kick her knees apart and position myself between her legs. The realisation of what was about to happen truly sunk in as she snapped her head front.

“Stop it, Arthur. Now!” she demanded, boring her fiery eyes into mine. Her brave front quickly gave way to angst and hysteria as she felt my cock at the entrance of her cunt. “Please….” She sobbed, her hands gripping on to my arms gently in a last-ditch attempt to persuade me. I grabbed on to her wrists with each of my hands and planted them onto the bed above her head.

I thrusted.

“Aaarrghhh” her folds parted as I pushed into her, lodging the head of my cock inside. The princess writhed under my body, her face stricken as she adjusted to the strange feeling of a foreign object inside her.

I thrusted.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” she screamed as I pushed past the barrier, plunging the entire length of my cock into her depths. I moaned as I felt her muscles wrap around my shaft in a warm embrace. I stayed there for a few moments, buried inside her to the hilt. Her pussy lips gripped tightly onto my cock as I pulled myself out slightly.

I thrusted again. And again, and again.

Claiming the body of the daughter of the enemy’s King. Taking what’s rightfully mine, the spoils of war, as is the prerogative of those who are triumphant on the battlefield. The reward for those who dutifully risk their lives fighting in pointless wars for the egos of those whose word is law.

“Stop…Arthur…P-P-Please!” the princess begged, her eyes damp and swollen.

I thrusted, harder this time.

Feeling the cunt of the Georian princess beginning to moisten, lubricating the path for my cock. I relished in the carnal pleasure flowing throughout my body. The simple, inimitable feeling of a man’s cock inside a woman’s pussy. As God intended since the dawn of time.

I thrusted. Faster and deeper.

Punishing the scheming whore whose conniving and devious ploy caused the murder of my brother, as she screamed and begged and struggled futilely, imploring for me to stop.

I thrusted. Wildly and swiftly.

My cock twitched as I grinded myself in and out and in and out again into the princess underneath me. “Arghh arhhh… Yes yes yes…” I picked up my pace, slamming my crotch against hers with frantic fervour.

Realising what was about to happen imminently, her eyes widened in alarm as she pleaded. “No arghh no no arrrhhh A-Arthur no… Arghhh. Please…nooo.”

I thrusted. Relentlessly.

“AAARRGGGHHHHH” I slammed deep into her as I felt the dams burst. My cock throbbed and pulsed I emptied myself inside the princess. I thrusted several more times, determined to squeeze every single drop of my cum into her.

“Nooo…noooo…” the princess sobbed as I slumped on top of her body, exhausted.

I rolled off her onto my back, and was soon fast asleep.


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