Bad Day Gets Better – NSFW

I had such a bad day today. Between needy ass customers who think they are the only customer my company has, to a boss who is such a “job whore” and says yes to EVERY job, no matter how long, short, or difficult. No matter how full the schedule already is. Knowing FULL WELL that the chances of it getting completed when he says are very slim. Bitch will STILL say “Sure! We will be there at X:00 tomorrow!” FUCK. ME. RUNNING.

As I pull into my driveway, I get even more frustrated. I know I still have to make dinner, get the minions bathed, snacks, teeth brushed, stories, and bedtime. THEN I get to start on kitchen clean up, laundry, cleaning the living room, etc. A full time job after my full time job. I was so overwhelmed, I just wanted to cry.

As I prepare myself for the chaos I know awaits behind the front door, I am pleasantly surprised to find an envelope taped to the window. It is my name in His handwriting.
As I open the envelope, I start to tear up. It is a card from Him. As I read his words, I can not stop the tears from falling. The card informs me that I have exactly an hour to shower, shave, get dressed, and meet him at the boat.
An hour later, I am shaved, refreshed, and slightly destressed, as I step onto His boat. He walks upstairs and hands me a drink. He nuzzles my neck, and tells me I smell fantastic. He pulls me in for a strong hug. This is where I feel I belong. Inside of His arms, nothing else out there exists. He makes the rest of the world melt away. I could stay here for an hour, but he breaks the hug, and says with a sly grin “We are going to be late!”
He starts the engine and heads out of the marina. Once out on the waterway, he heads south. I have no idea where we are going, nor do I want to know. I want to be as genuinely surprised about tonight, as He wants me to be. Something told me it was going to be a HUGE night.

I finish my first drink, and look at him. He can tell what I am asking. “Go get another one, love. You deserve to relax and have fun tonight.”

As I walk by him, I lean in and give him a kiss. I want him to know how much I appreciate him right now. I allow my hand to drift down to his cock. I love how it instantly springs to life, just with a single touch from me. I hope I always have this effect on him. His physical arousal from “little ol’ me” makes me feel incredible!
After making myself another drink, I grab a blanket and head back upstairs. I curl up in the chair and ask Him where the kids went. “Oh I pawned them off on their father for the weekend. It is about time he hangs out with his kids!” Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this man??

I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that my attention was snapped back when I heard the engine shut off. We were at a dock, and I could see a car waiting at the other end of the walk way. I feel Him come up behind me, and slip a blindfold over my eyes as he whispers in my ear “Do you think you can handle this? I do not want you taking this off until I say ok? Do you understand? His command was simple, stern, yet loving all at the same time. I shake my head and say “Yes Sir.”
He guides me to the back seat of the car. He slides in next to me. He then places headphones over my ears, and a drink in my hand. I allow Frank Sinatra to Fly Me To The Moon. I get lost in the music, and possibly the alcohol. Some time later, we stop driving. The headphones are removed, and He tells me “Leave the blindfold on. Take my hand.”
I follow Him gladly. I know we go inside an elevator, but I have no idea how high. We exit the elevator, and I continue to follow him down, what I am assuming is a hallway. We turn right, and I am led inside. He positions me, so that I can sit down. He bends over me, traces his finger along my collar bone, and tells me to open my mouth.

I comply, and my mouth is filled with something. It is sweet, yet tart. He tells me to bite down, and as I am chewing, I can tell it is a chocolate covered strawberry. It was absolutely delicious. He gives me a second strawberry, and says “You are going to have such a great time tonight. I want you to relax and enjoy this. It is all for you. Well, SOME of it is for me too, but mostly it is for you!”
He then removes the blindfold, and I am sitting down in a beautiful hotel suite, in front of 3 naked, rock hard, GORGEOUS men.
The first one walked in front of me and stood me up. He took my hand and ran it down his rock hard abs. He reached behind me and unzipped my dress. As it was falling to the floor, he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back. He found my mouth, and gave me one of the biggest toe curling kisses I have ever had. His other hand was playing with my nipple rings. He could tell I was getting aroused. I allowed my body to lean into his, and feel his cock against my stomach.

He must have made eye contact with one of the other guys, because next thing I knew, my panties were being slid down, and shoes were being removed one foot at a time. I felt a second set of hands caressing me from my shoulders to my ankles, and back up again. Then I felt a 3rd set of hands caressing my torso. His hands caught my attention the longest. He was running his fingers along my stomach, down my hips, and back up again, just close enough to my pussy, but not all the way. All of this is going on while the first hottie was still kissing me passionately. The overwhelming sensations of each man touching me in their own special way, all at the same time, made my insides ache. I knew why He chose 3. I have 3 holes. I knew that tonight was going to be the culmination of all of my fantasies in 1.

The caressing stops. #2 behind me moves out of the way. #3 stands up, while #1 still kissing me, walks me backwards to the bed. As he lays me down, #2 grabs my arms, just below my elbows, and pulls me up to the head of the bed. #3 joins on my left side. I reach out and take #1 and #3 in each hand. I arch my head to take #2 in my mouth. #1 starts rubbing my clit. #3 starts finger fucking me, and #2 starts playing with my nipples.
After a few minutes, #3 moves his cock out of my hand. My hand is sticky from his precum. He is the first one to position himself between my legs. He starts running his tongue all along my pussy lips. His fingers still fucking me. He is up to 3 by this time. Between his 3 fingers inside me, his tongue licking all over me, and #1 still playing with my clit, the inevitable happens. I came with such fury that I shook. #3 started smiling, and when he sat up, I could see his lips, cheeks, chin, and nose were all shiny. He licked his lips, and said “delicious” as he leaned up to me for a kiss.

While #3 was kissing me, they all rotated positions. Now #3 was at my mouth, and #1 and #2 were at my pussy. They grabbed me and slid me down the bed. #3 moved over, and #2 bends down to kiss me. He cradles me around the shoulders as he rolls me over, so that I am now on top of him. He did this in 1 fluid motion, and when we were done rolling, I landed right on his cock. The penetration alone was enough to almost make me cum again! As he is fucking me, I feel #1 start to rub his fingers around my ass. I knew what was coming next, so I braced myself. I allowed my body to relax and enjoy the feelings that were coursing through my body. #1 was going in movement with #2. First 1 finger. Then 2. Then came the 3rd. As soon as he knew I could handle him, he pulled his fingers out.

He must have made eye contact with #2, because #2 stopped fucking me long enough for #1 to slide inside. After giving #1 time to get his rhythm, and he knew I was comfortable, he started fucking me as well. I have never been double penetrated before! As soon as I allowed myself to relax and feel what was going on, it was incredible. I felt bad for #3, because he was sitting at the head of the bed playing with himself. I made eye contact with him, and mouth for him to come to me. I started kissing him, while we both played with his cock. I slid my tongue down him until I found his cock with my mouth. I don’t know how we did it, but we found an amazing rhythm that felt so good.

I could tell I was going to cum. I did not want to let them all know, because I did not want that to cause any of them to cum. I tried to keep it to myself, but as soon as my pussy clenched around #2, he knew. He said “Oh Yeah” and started fucking me like crazy. He looked at #1 and said “She is cumming!” #1 started fucking me harder and faster as well. I could feel both of them swelling up inside me.
I could tell that #2 was getting close to cumming. He closed his eyes and started holding his breath. I wanted them to all cum at the same time. I stopped sucking on #3, and I stopped moving. #1 pulled out of my ass, and I slid off of #2. I laid down on my back, and told them to all cum on me. I rubbed my clit as each one came in turn.
After they all came, I hear Him say “Thank you guys! I think it is safe to say she will be well relaxed now!”

I allow His words from earlier to run through my head, as . “Enjoy this. You deserve this. This is all for you.” Him. Where was He? I open my eyes and scan the room. Oh there he is. Sitting in a recliner in the corner with a drink in his hands, watching me. He knows exactly what he is doing!!

He loves me so much. He gets off on watching other men thoroughly enjoy His woman. He loves allowing other men to experience the pleasure that I give to Him. He really loves knowing that no matter what we may physically do with other people, He knows where my loyalty lies. To whom my heart, mind, body, and soul truly belong.

I can feel myself starting to drift to sleep. I close my eyes, and hear him right next to me. “Sleep Love. Did you have fun tonight?” With closed eyes, I shake my head yes and murmur “Uh huh. Thank you! I love you!” The last thing I remember before drifting to sleep was His tongue licking up the pile of cum on my belly.
